• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ∇𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔰 ▸▸▸ {OOC}


blue UP

Roleplay Type(s)

You step into a building, and a cold chill runs up and down your spine like fingers made of ice. The energy of this place churns your stomach, and the back of your eyes tingle. You know something bad happened here. Everyone has this sort of sixth sense, knowing when things are off, and yours is sounding the alarm. You swallow it down, tell yourself to stop being silly, and then move on. Yet, as a human, you don’t see what is truly happening in that room. A monstrosity formed of corpses in various stages of death watches you walk by. You feel its nails through your hair and its awful breath on the back of your neck. So, you walk faster. Unfortunately, this monster consumes the entire hallway, and every step you take is only a slight shift in movement for it. You reach the door on the other side of the room and exhale as you hear voices you recognize on the other side. You grip the handle when a fast and visceral pain lances through your stomach, and you look down to be greeted by your entrails floating there. But your vision goes blurry, and for a second, you look up at your own body—headless.

Your friends open the door, swearing they heard something. All they see is the empty hallway. They had been waiting for someone—maybe. Actually, everyone was here. They don’t know why they thought you were coming because they don’t even know who you are. In an instant, you are not only food but a withering figment in people's memories.

What you don’t—well didn’t—know is that there’s another world, two actually, layered on top of your own. The umbra, where the demon that devoured you came from, and the lumen, filled with starving angels. They congregate in places of extreme negativity and positivity, respectively, and feed on the humans who are foolish enough to walk into their domain. Thousands of people go missing a year, but they are soon forgotten. There’s nothing that humans can do to protect themselves from this invisible threat. Fortunately, humans share this planet with the divine, humans with the ability to see and interact with demons and angels—and, more importantly, hunt them. They are called exorcists, and they sacrifice everything to cull this constant threat.

The year is 2025, and our story starts at an academy, in the massive metropolis of Gran Vesta, that trains the future generations of exorcists. Twenty years ago, a class from this academy saved the world. Today, they train new and upcoming students. This is how things are: an unbroken cycle of destroying one’s youth to create a weapon that can fend off demons and angels. And you are a new student at this academy, and your final exam is staying alive.


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Follow the RPN rules.​
This RP will involve some mature subject matter, and while I can't confirm everyone's ages, I ask that you be 18+ to join this game. That being said, the game will not be breaking any of RPN's rules. There will be nothing of a sexual nature in the game, but there will be gore and discussion of trauma and mental health. Nothing of the former will be classified as extreme, but if you don't like reading about blood and viscera, this might not be the RP for you. As this is a horror shonen, first and foremost. If you can handle everything in JJK, Chainsaw Man, and Hell's Paradise, you're good here.​
This RP will use a Discord server for plotting, chatting, notices, and mechanics. The same rules as above apply there. Please join and participate. I will put forth things to keep people engaged, but I ask that you check in regularly. This is especially required when spending and using FATE, as it will be applied here.​
Please put your character sheets in the OOC for approval. While you don't have to submit them simultaneously, I will not judge them until you post your student and alumni sheet. If approved, I'll ask you to put them in the Character Thread.​
In regards to AI art: I'm fine with you using it with the heavy caveat that you couldn't find anything that would work for your idea. I understand that a lot of traditional art, especially in the style and theme of this RP, doesn't include POCs, different body types, different gender expressions, or physical handicaps. So, I'm open to using AI if it allows you to make a character that you feel comfortable RPing. I've used a mixture of it and traditional art for this RP. But I have no intention of monetizing it or using it to diminish an artist's exposure. This RP is just for fun.​
I ask that if you use div coding, that you make an effort to make it readable. No tiny tiny fonts or hard-to-read colors on top of pictures. I already fried my eyes by playing too many video games; I don't need to fry them anymore.​
This is a collaborative RP, first and foremost. There is no MC in this shonen world, and so I ask that you come into the RP with that mindset. Everyone will be given a chance to shine, but you are not the best there ever was. This is why I hashed together the FATE system. That being said, let me know if you need help with collaborating and being a part of the group, I'll more than happy help in this regard. And it should go without saying, no lone wolf characters, istfg.​
Every scene will be open for 2 weeks. After that, the next scene will happen. If you don't post in that time, your character automatically loses whatever situation they were in and is removed from the episode. If I don't hear from you and you don't post for an entire episode, your characters will be killed off, and you'll be put on probation. After that, if I don't hear from you in another month, you will be removed. Now, if you aren't able to post and let me know, you and your character will just be put on hiatus. We all need to go on vacations or have some mental health downtime. The max this hiatus can go is an entire Arc. After that, you'll be removed from the RP, but you can ask to join back in without any hard feelings.​
Don't be a dick and have fun.​



Creatures created from the Lumen. They bind themselves to a corpse or a power vis-infused object and form a body around it. Their body is usually more appealing than their demon counterparts as they thrive from feeding on the lumen. Yet, they aren't benevolent, as they still cause things to become toxically positive to further their agenda.

There are a few angels that have achieved sentience and aren't just hungry, mindless beasts. They feed on the positive energies given by enacting an Angelic Pact. They can commune with a divine's untapped aspect and read it like a book. They then pull out a myriad of words for the aspect the user chooses from and take a part of them as payment. No one knows what these angels do with the parts they collect, but it doesn't seem overtly malevolent.

Every divine has an aspect, as it is the sole thought/feeling that someone has when enough vis has entered their body to be able to see this new world. Yet, not everyone has an awakened aspect. People with dormant aspects can fully interact in this world, but they cannot produce their vis outside of traditions. Awakened aspects are fully submerged into this world, for better or worse. Many believed awakened aspects take the divine further away from the humanity they were born into.

Creatures created from the Umbra. They bind themselves to a corpse or a powerful vis-infused object and form a body around it. These bodies reflect the negative vis of the world, and as such, they usually come across as abominations. They must feed on this negativity, usually by feeding on humans, or they will perish. They are the most common creatures, and their insatiable hunger means that there are rarely a few sentient demons in the world.

"Divine" comes from what humans called people that manifested vis back in the old ages, and it stuck. All divine can see demons, angels, traditions, and awakened aspects, even if they may not have much to affect the world. Their bodies have vis inside of them, no matter how small. While most divine are fine with being categorized as "humans," many consider themselves an entirely different species.

Those with awakened aspects that control their vis for the sole purpose of slaying demons and angels. Other branches of the pantheon tend to outside threats or other divine, but the exorcist division is purely to keep the death toll from lumen and umbra creatures to a minimum. Becoming an exorcist means one has chosen never to retire, as they will die before they ever have a chance to.

The lumen is a polite way of referring to the plane from which all positive vis comes. And when one says "positive," they do not inherently mean "good," as too much energy, no matter the type, is bad for someone. No one knows what the lumen looks like, but in the instances where the tear is large enough to see inside of it, they've described it as almost looking like heaven. That's shortly before they die as their body tries to regenerate itself to a level that creates a fatal cancer in someone that squashes their insides.

Miasma is the name of the veil that hides the activities of the pantheon from the outside world. Despite humans being unable to see vis, they can easily see its consequences. More so, the consequences might lead to them absorbing vis and seeing the angels and demons. And them not being within the confines of the pantheon or divine, they may start spreading this knowledge around. It would act like a virus, leading to people feeding the lumen and umbra in massive amounts. The miasma is created from the Ten Towers and hangs over everything like a blanket, with theurgists tending to holes that pop up from it.

Special divine capable of using divination magic to be able to foresee the currents, twists and turns of the vis surrounding them. With the help of secret traditions and their aspects, they can decipher this to understand what might come in the future. While they may be unable to prevent a tragedy, they can find ways to lessen the damage it would cause. Nothing is 1:1 in the land of the oracles, as they see things in vague premonitions. But they use their powers to decipher it as much as possible.

The pantheon is a vague way to describe every divine in the world without narrowing it down to their profession. It also can be a catch-all term for the world that is touched by vis. It's a government system not relegated to one country but to one type of people. Here is a flow chart to see how the hierarchy works in the pantheon and what sort of branches exist within it: Pantheon Flow Chart

Theurgists are powerful vis users that haven't awakened their aspects, or if they have their aspects, are not suited for battle. In the current day, they are used to describe the more bureaucratic sect of the Theurgy, which has the exorcists directly under them but is on the same level as the Oracles, Science Division, and Military Division. And while the other three represent a specific aspect of the pantheon, the theurgists represent everything else. They are the bureaucracy to the mystical side of all of this and can be easily identified because they all wear suits.

The 10 Towers were created to keep the planes of the lumen and umbra at bay. They not only strengthened the barriers between them and the human world, but they also deployed the miasma to keep those barriers from losing their power. There are 10 towers worldwide, and each is in positions where the barrier between the human world and the two planes is weakest, with 3 of them being in Gran Vesta. Please see this map for all the locations: Tower Map

The umbra is a polite way of referring to the plane from which all negative vis comes. No one knows what the umbra looks like, but in the instances where the tear is large enough to see inside of it, they've described it as almost looking like a black abyss with red lightning flashing through it. That's shortly before they die as their body collapses in on themselves, rotting from the inside out.

VIS - latin: strength; force; power It is synonymous with "energy" and "power" in this world. It's like electricity being called watts or force being called newtons. It's just a way to describe a certain type of power. Though, vis doesn't have an exact measure to it. The closest being the measure of aspects. It's a catch-all word that is specific to this world's style of mysticism.
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RP Open! For the sake of everyone's sanity, you have a week to submit them. SO THEY ARE DUE 8/12/14 I may extend this deadline if there's an overwhelming need for it. There is only a deadline to allow everyone to think on their character. If there turns out to be more CSes than slots open, then I'll have to choose. But I won't look at anything, meaning you can place WIPS here as well, until the aforementioned date. If you ask, I'll give a once over to your CS and note anything I find issue with. I'll only do this once, for my sanity, and I'll only point out things that are glaringly wrong based on world and power bits. If you have any questions or want to see what people are planning, hit up the discord!

RP is closed for new applicants. Character Sheets for those that have shown interest are due by Friday (8/16/24)

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Tag You're It! If you commented any interest in the Interest Check, I quoted you here. Yes, I am being lazy, because I already did so much.


I've got an old character of mine that I think might work well in this world. Definitely interested!

I'm interested! This sounds so well-planned, my only worry is that I haven't done any RP in about seven years, and never this genre, but if you have me I'll join :)

Horror, JJK, and CSM in the same sentence, it’s peak..View attachment 1176628

Consider me interested

With all this effort put in, it'd be a crime not to join lol. Consider me interested!

This is niiiice. I'm in.

I'm travelling until Sunday so I won't be super prompt on the starting up process,but I'd just like to register my interest as well.

Perfectly fine with being on the shortlist until a second wave of recruitment starts,if this is already full up for now.


i'd be interested if this is still open :]

  • Brimstone


    NAME: August Gagnon Jeun
    FAMILY: Gagnon
    AGE & DOB: 16 | August 1, 2009
    GENDER: Male
    ETHNICITY: Korean/White American
    LANGUAGES: English, Korean, (limited) French
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: New York City, USA

    ASPECT: Inferno
    ANGELIC PACT: 🗹 COST: 10% of Soul
    TRIGGER: Burning a specific amount of "fuel"
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
    FIRESTORM Flames of his own creation can be freely manipulated, with the intensity, size, and duration of the flames equivalent to the quantity of fuel sacrificed.​
    FUNERAL PYRE Soul Sealing: By immolating a tenth of his soul, he can rip a tear in space around himself, sealing a creature surrounded by his flames in the sun itself.​
    WEAPON: ▮▯▯▯▯
    Gehenna:Twin Flaming Sickles By striking the twin blades together, sparks sufficient to set them aflame are created. The sickles can then be used as a close range, melee application of his aspect.​

    Charming ● Snarky ● Reckless ● Spiteful ● Nihilistic

    ENTRANCE EXAM: Though he was the son of a Saint of Tower Nine, August refused to use his father’s name when applying for the academy. Through his combat skills and warm personality, he made a solid enough impression on his examiners to be admitted. He impressed them especially with his sheer sense of passion and dedication in the tasks he completed.

    BIRTH 2009: August was born prematurely in NYC to Cal Gagnon and Luna Jeun, both of whom were exorcists. Cal, however, was far more famous, through his connection to one of the great families and his status as a Saint of Tower 9.​
    CHILDHOOD 2009-2020: Growing up, August had a relatively comfortable life, with his father’s salary as a lawyer paying for the bulk of their household’s expenses. As time went on, however, August’s father showed up less and less often, becoming preoccupied by his work. This strained the relationship between August’s parents, until they were finally divorced when he was only 11 years old.​
    EARLY TEEN 2020-2021: August’s mother, Luna, didn’t take the divorce very well. No longer being able to rely entirely on Cal’s money, she took up a second job. August, meanwhile, felt incredibly isolated and abandoned. He started slacking off at school- his grades dropped and he lost many of his friends.​
    TEEN 2021-2025: Luna married a doctor for his money, who turned out to be rather emotionally and physically abusive to August, treating him harshly for his poor grades and seeming lack of interest in much of anything. Luna tired of this situation quickly, and her mental status began to deteriorate. She started to blame August for the issues in both of her relationships. Meanwhile, August felt the pressure build up all around him, both from his parents, teachers, and bullies. This continued until he finally snapped and blew up a bully’s car. It was through this rush of power and euphoria that he encountered an angel, who offered him power in exchange for a fragment of his soul. August agreed, gaining the aspect of “Inferno.” He used his new powers to intimidate his step-father into compliance. He then promised his mother that he would use his powers to become “great” and change the world for the both of them.​
    UP TO PRESENT 2025: After acquiring his aspect, August did his best to correct the wayward course of his life. He began obsessively studying and improving his academic performance, alongside training his aspect in preparation of applying to Bellum Academy. Nowadays, August is fueled by a deep sense of spite against the world: a need to prove it wrong and a desire to burn away everything he hates. He specifically wants to prove it to his father Cal that he was wrong for abandoning him and Luna. Moreover, Cal’s enmity towards the world and society at large have grown to such an extent that he has developed sympathies for the Order of Cain...​


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  • Mirror Match


    NAME: Manuel Noa Rosario Alcantara
    FAMILY: Alcantara (A minor family under the Ghanem)
    AGE & DOB: 17 October 31, 2008
    GENDER: Male
    ETHNICITY: Afro-Latino Caribbean
    LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Jamaican Creole, Haitian Creole
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

    ASPECT: Reflection
    TRIGGER: Showing the target a reflection of themselves
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯
    MIRROR Manuel has to perform the target’s aspect’s trigger in order to copy its powers. Only one of the aspect’s powers can be copied at a time and the power is weakened/boosted to MIRROR’s level, meaning if MIRROR’s level is one, the copied power is also one.​
    BINDING GLASS Sealing Token: A pocket mirror attached to a chain. When broken, any shards of glass that a target steps on will cause their movement speed to be slowed for a few seconds.ˣ Additionally, their reaction speed and muscle movement will be slowed while the glass shards remain attached to them.ˣ​
    WEAPON: ▮▮▮▯▯
    MIRADA PENETRANTE: Dual Tonfa Blades A pair of bladed tonfas utilizing a highly reflective metal for their edges, with their shape making them equally proficient for slashing and piercing attacks.ˣ As part of the requirement for triggering his aspect, the blades of the tonfas are mirror-like, allowing Manuel to trigger his aspect through his weapon.ˣ The piercing edge of the weapon closest to the hilt is extremely sturdy, allowing it to puncture solid objects and be used for climbing and breaking falls.ˣ​

    Confident ● Calculating ● Sarcastic ● Stubborn ● Honest​

    ENTRANCE EXAM: Proving - Despite growing up in a family that could have used their influence to guarantee Manuel’s acceptance into Bellum Academy, it was the tradition of the Alcantara family to earn their place. They were granted permission to host the trial under the supervision of the Academy, which placed Manuel against the odds with a number of demons that he needed to defeat. Despite extensive injuries and several close calls, he was recognized by the Academy and given the blessing of his family to attend.

    BIRTH 2008-2011: Born to Julio and Yvette Alcantara in Santo Domingo, Manuel would be set early on the path to becoming a divine, being exposed to vis and having a hefty amount of time spent learning.​
    CHILDHOOD 2011-2018: While Manuel was granted the carefree living that a child needed in their formative years, there was always the looming spectre of expectations and burdens brought upon him to become a powerful divine for the Alcantara family. With strict adherence to the norms of divine society, Manuel was not forcefully awakened, and instead received more harsh training to bring out the umbral vis that he had unwillingly promised his family.​
    EARLY TEEN 2018-2021: With the weight of expectations and disappointment from both his immediate and extended family, Manuel had hit his breaking point and unlocked his Aspect. Yet it was not the kind of power that was deemed beneficial to the Alcantara family.​
    TEEN 2021-2023: In order to boost his progress, he was effectively kicked out of his family home in Santo Domingo and forced to move to Gran Vesta, where he would be brought up by his aunt that served their patron family, the Ghanem. With their tutelage, his abilities would grow far beyond what the elders in his own family believed he was capable of.​
    UP TO PRESENT 2024-2025: With the sudden support from his family, and the desire to grow further and escape their chains, Manuel requests to attend Bellum Academy. Despite his family’s requirement to oversee the trial, he was able to succeed and was accepted into Bellum Academy.​


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This looks kind of daunting,but I can work with this. Probably.

blue UP blue UP a couple of questions to start things off.

1) In terms of independent exorcists, do you think it's possible that someone could work like that for a long time without it being known to their friends and family? Consequently, is it possible for someone to attune to a weapon shortly before awakening their Umbra aspect/forming a Lumen contract? Or does weapon follow powers exclusively?

2) When an angel offers a contract, is it possible for them to take a personable approach or is it mainly a frightening/surreal experience?

3) How far can the extent of "one" aspect power go? Would "shooting sparks of either fire or electricity" off the same trigger count as one or two?

  • The Razzle Dazzle

    NAME: Damara Levette
    FAMILY: Independent
    AGE & DOB: 18; June 3rd 2007
    GENDER: Cis Female
    ETHNICITY: American
    LANGUAGES: English + Spanish
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Barcelona, Spain

    ASPECT: Impulse
    TRIGGER: Bruising; To activate voluntarily, usually bites arm until bruises
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯
    INSTINCT When activated, for the next five minutes her body reacts faster than the speed of comprehending thoughts. This gives her an insane reaction time, executing ideas and plans faster than humanly possible. The disadvantage is that every action is the first thing that would come to her mind, and as such they can be ill-advised or outright mistakes. At level 1, none of these actions can have complex reasoning behind them, meaning they're basic reactions like 'dodge left', or 'throw rock' with no further plan.
    TAKE A BREATHER! Sealing Blood: If she gets some of her blood onto her enemy, some of their power will get sapped, making them more vulnerable to attacks. The more of her blood gets onto the enemy, the more effective this is.
    OOPS, YOU MISSED! Illusion tokens: Plastic colorful tokens off a necklace. When torn from the necklace and dropped, they create a three second illusion of the user with a three foot radius in which the user is concealed while the illusion is active, allowing the user to run off while the enemy is distracted by the illusion. At level 1, these illusions are stationary and motionless, and therefore able to be spotted by an attentive opponent. * At level 2, the illusion is able to mimic an action the user has done in the past three minutes *
    WEAPON: ▮▮▯▯▯
    RETUSUM GEMINOS: A golden 10ft manriki, with spiked balls at each end. Longer than any regular manriki, and shinier too. The tips of the spikes are imbued with vis, and glow with a color according to the wielder's state. Damara can use it as a double sided whip. She can wrap an end around an object, enemy, etc. and use her strength to pull it towards her. Depending on the force resisting her, she can either pull it fully towards her or restrain/halt existing movement *​

    Party Girl ● Confident ● Reckless ● Indulgent ● Catty​

    ENTRANCE EXAM: One day, at a particularly trashy club, a demon manifested. One too many bar fights with a bit too much drunken rage, and Damara was facing off a minor demon in the middle of a larger brawl. In the chaos someone punched her a bit too hard, and she was once again thoughtless as she dodged the demon's attacks and threw glasses at it with ease. Of course, there was not much she could really do to a demon with her bare hands except leave it pretty beat up and confused, but an exorcist who just so happened to be at the scene finished it off and recommended her for the academy.

    BIRTH 2007-2010: Born in California to a single mother and unknown father. When Damara was 3, her mom realized she has nothing to hold her down in America, and moved to Spain.
    CHILDHOOD 2010-2020: Grew up in Spain in relative comfort, however began fighting with her mom more and more. Some girls at school found it weird that she didn't know her dad, and Damara started getting mad at her mom for uprooting a life she could've had in America, as she still had no idea what actually happened with her parents. One day, at 13, driving home from school, she got into a particularly bad fight with her mom, and, in the heat of the moment, jumped out of the car. As she tumbled off the side of the road, with no major injuries but a few bruises, she watched as her mother, who has turned back in a panic to see if her daughter was okay, drove straight into a car crash. This was when her aspect was first activated, and she ran in, dodging cars she shouldn't have seen were coming, only to discover her mother passed away on impact.
    TEEN 2020-2023: She was scooped up by social services. The first year after her mother's death was hell, but she began realizing that if she hits herself hard enough her body will move on its own and she will have a few moments of blissful thoughtlessness. She soon began seeking that thoughtless feeling more and more, which lead her to the world of fake ids and parties and clubs.
    UP TO PRESENT 2024-2025: The club incident happens, and an exorcist that witnessed it recommends her for the academy, to which she jumps at the opportunity, for there was little to her life here, anyway.​

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NAME: Persicaria "Percy" Ringelblume
NICKNAME: None in particular
FAMILY: Independent
AGE & DOB: 16 (DOB: May 13 2009)
GENDER: Female
ETHNICITY: Caucasian, apparently
LANGUAGES: English, German, some Italian and Russian
HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Born in Dallas, Michigan, in the United States. Hasn't been back there for years.

ASPECT: Survival
ANGELIC PACT: 🗹 COST: The flesh of her lips
TRIGGER: Percy activates her aspect by chewing up most or all of an animal organism, then spitting it out. It doesn't matter whether the sacrifice is dead or alive when used, but the body must be mostly intact in either case.
LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯▯
Apparition When Percy spits out the remains of her sacrifice, a single apparition of any type of insect on earth arises where it falls, maintaining its usual physical attributes and abilities. At the time of apparition, Percy can scale the insect up or down, up to the size of a large dog at present. These insects are not under her direct control, but are well disposed to her and are able to understand her verbal commands. Each apparition persists for up to ten minutes and must disappear or be dismissed by Percy before she can summon another.​
Morbid Lunchbox Transmutation Token: The lunchbox Percy's father gave her to use the few times she managed to go to school in person. It can transmute pieces of organic matter (like fingernails, feathers, or leaves) into dried bugs that fit the condition of her trigger. It takes an hour or so to work, however, so she supplements it by collecting actual bugs that have a tendency to drop dead around her.​
Sacrificial Sustenance Barrier Animals: By terminating the life of a living organism (dead animals cannot be used for this purpose), Percy can generate a spherical barrier that deflects physical attacks from outside. Targets selected during the sacrifice can choose to become wispy masses while within the barrier, moving freely and becoming much harder to harm even if their enemies enter the barrier. For scale, the minimum of a small rodent is needed to create a barrier the diameter of Percy's armspan.​
WEAPON: ▮▮▯▯▯​
Unbekannt: A katana-like sword on the short side that is well-maintained despite the extensive use. Percy is not very proficient in its use, and relies on using her insects to harry and wound whatever she is fighting before using Unbekannt to land a fatal blow.​

Pretends to be timid ● Oblivious to the negative opinions of others ● Feels uncomfortable when shown kindness ● Morbid sense of humor ● Generally polite to the point of being somewhat formal​

ENTRANCE EXAM: By reccommendation of the Montauk family, Percy was prioritized for examination, and was accepted upon demonstrating her experienced use of her Aspect and the specific but potent uses of her known Traditions.​
BIRTH 2009-2010: Was born in a peaceful, happy home to Heinrich and Erica Ringelblume. Persicaria does not remember Erica at all, save that she was there, for a while. However, there was not a time when Persicaria did not deeply admire and appreciate her handsome, kind, intelligent father. She was named by Heinrich with a certain sense of humor to complement their family name.​
CHILDHOOD 2010-2018: After Erica...left, Heinrich began to spend more and more time out at work, leaving Percy with various caretakers when he wasn't at home. Eventually, he could not even meet this obligation, and the young Percy often had to fend for herself in an empty home. And every time, Heinrich would return tired, sometimes injured, with little to talk about other than the demands of his partner, Morpho. After several years of this state of affairs, Heinrich pulled Percy out of school, the better to keep an eye on her as he traveled all over the country for "work". Despite the supposed importance of his work, he was paid little, and both he and Percy kept smiles glued on their faces as they coped with this state of affairs. Percy never doubted her father for one moment: how could someone like him be failing to do what was best for her?​
EARLY TEEN 2018-2020: The travels continued, Percy being left with few friends, only able to keep up with her studies by correspondence, and rarely feeling comfortable in the places they took shelter. One fateful night, however, the truth came out. Heinrich was followed back home by a cunning demon, one who had feigned death when he battled it. It beat him home by a minute, slipping into his house, taking his beloved daughter hostage. As it turned out, Heinrich was an independent exorcist, hunting and slaying demons for little pay, using the Aspect granted to him by Morpho, an angel. He did not back down, and in the ensuing battle, he was able to free Percy and destroy the demon, but not before sustaining a fatal wound himself. With his last breath, he spoke his love for his daughter and her mother, handing her his sword and imploring her to run.​
TEEN 2020-2024: Percy wandered alone, often narrowly escaping capture and death at the hands of demons. It didn't take long for Morpho to appear to her as well, buzzing words of kindness and salvation, bidding her to take up her father's mantle and follow his path. After all, it's what he would have wanted for her, right? Awakening to the aspect of "survival" for her own sake, Percy fought and fought, learning to use her unsettling power at great cost. Her fate seemed to turn when she battled a particularly ferocious demon, only for her to be saved by members of the Montauk family, a minor family of Divines that were serving the interests of the Three Families along the East Coast. Confirming that she was a Divine and attuned to a weapon, they decided to take her in and allow her to live and train with them for some time.​
UP TO PRESENT 2024-2025: The Montauks never planned to keep Percy with them forever. Eventually, they directed her to the city of Gran Vesta and the Bellum Academy, where the best training and preparation for her duty could be offered to her.​

  • Threshold


    NAME: Nokosi
    FAMILY: Independant
    AGE & DOB: 17; November 04, 2007
    GENDER: Male
    ETHNICITY: Native American
    LANGUAGES: English
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Fort Lauderdale, US

    ASPECT: Sanction
    TRIGGER: Has to touch his heart
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯
    Resonance: By channeling his vis through the gauntlet and into a physical conduit (like a weapon or a piece of armor), he can create a resonance effect. This resonance can either amplify the effectiveness of the conduit by +1 level or suppress it by -1 level for 1 minute. This power requires a high degree of concentration and precise control over his vis.​
    NAME Style Power: Definition​
    NAME Style Power: Definition​
    NAME Style Power: Definition​
    WEAPON: ▮▮▮▮▮
    Ayona-dawei: A striking piece of armor crafted to resemble a dragon's claw. It is predominantly red with dark, black-lined segmentations that give it an armored, scale-like appearance. The gauntlet extends from the forearm to the fingers, ending in sharp, claw-like tips. Metal rivets are strategically placed at the joints, allowing for flexibility and movement. The gauntlet could be used to deliver powerful slashing attacks, with its sharp claw-like tips capable of inflicting deep wounds on an opponent. Additionally, the armored segments provide protection to the wearer's forearm and hand, allowing them to block and parry incoming blows effectively.​

    Pragmatic ● Analytical ● Reserved ● Dependable ● Understanding​

    ENTRANCE EXAM: Nosoki proved himself during his entrance exam by demonstrating his innate control over his aspect, Sanction, in a dire situation. He was not from one of the prominent families but was discovered by a traveling exorcist who recognized his potential. During a mission gone wrong, where a group of new recruits was overrun by demons, Nosoki stepped up and used his aspect to amplify a senior exorcist's powers, turning the tide of the battle. This act of bravery and quick thinking impressed the examiners, earning him a place at Bellum Academy. His entrance was neither through nepotism nor sponsorship but purely on his merit and the potential of his aspect.

    BIRTH 2007: Nosoki was born in 2007 in a small Native American community, where spirituality and a connection to the land were central to his upbringing. His birth was considered significant within his community, as he was born during a rare celestial event, which was seen as an omen of his future abilities.​
    CHILDHOOD 2007-2015: Nosoki’s childhood was marked by a deep connection to his heritage. He was taught the traditional stories and rituals of his people, which later influenced his understanding of vis and his aspect. Even as a child, he displayed an unusual sensitivity to the spiritual world, often feeling presences others could not.​
    EARLY TEEN 2015-2021: During his early teens, Nosoki began to experience strange occurrences that hinted at his divine nature. He could sense energies that others could not and found himself unconsciously amplifying or suppressing the emotions and abilities of those around him. This led to an incident where he accidentally amplified a friend's anger, leading to a fight that got out of hand. It was during this period that he was discovered by a passing exorcist, who realized that Nosoki was manifesting an aspect.​
    TEEN 2021-2024: During his teenage years, Nosoki's growing powers attracted the attention of a rogue group of exorcists who exploited his abilities for dark purposes. They subjected him to brutal training and forced him to amplify others' suffering in twisted rituals, leaving him deeply scarred both emotionally and physically. Despite their attempts to break him, Nosoki eventually escaped, only to be found by an exorcist from Bellum Academy who recognized his potential and trauma.​
    UP TO PRESENT 2024-Present: Nosoki is currently a student at Bellum Academy, continuing to refine his abilities. He is known for his calm demeanor and his deep sense of responsibility, traits instilled in him by his upbringing. He is often sought out by other students for advice or help during missions, as his aspect makes him a valuable ally in almost any situation. Despite his abilities, he remains humble, always striving to better understand his powers and their implications.​

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  • Angel


    NAME: Mischa Fröhlich
    FAMILY: Fyodorov (minor family estranged from Bellum)
    AGE & DOB: 16 [March 4th, 2009]
    GENDER: Cis-Female
    ETHNICITY: Austrian, Russian
    LANGUAGES: German, Russian, English
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Vienna, Austria

    ASPECT: Restoration
    ANGELIC PACT: 🗹 COST: A lung.
    TRIGGER: She must embrace someone.
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯
    Stitching Any wound that has not broken bone or reaches the bone, Mischa can negate the wound temporarily by hovering her hand over and releasing a beam of restoring energy. The downside is that the minute her energy makes contact with the wound, it is transferred to her.​
    Fixing Any small item that is broken (no bigger than her hands clasped together), Mischa can restore it to its original state, but she can only do this one time. If it breaks again, she cannot restore it.​
    Halt Blood Sealing: By drawing blood (she normally pricks her finger with a needle), she is able to seal away lower-level entities. Certainly she is not up to par to seal anything large and powerful, especially with how much blood she normally gives.​
    WEAPON: ▮▮▮▯▯
    Corvus: A Scythe How can such a girl of her stature and demeanor wield a scary scythe? Well, it isn't easy, and she trips up sometimes. Her arms tremble as she holds it, but when Mischa is in the zone, she does unexpectedly well. The scythe is a generational family weapon, charged with negative energy until it ended up in her hands. There is a disconnect with the scythe at times, but she can deliver powerful slices and slashes to an opponent.​

    Sweet ● Easygoing ● Openly Affectionate ● Gullible ● Empathetic​

    ENTRANCE EXAM: It was a little bit of nepotism and a little bit of proving herself. Her grandfather and great uncle (the Fyodorov Brothers) were once formidable independent exorcists in the 50s-60s before they disappeared off the map, somewhere in Russia. Yet they made good friends with one man who would go on to become a professor at Bellum Academy. Vienna was a large city with many demons, of which Mischa's sealing exploits caught the France Tower's attention. When the Theurgy approached the family, Mischa was not immediately recognized as the granddaughter of Fyodorov. Once said professor caught wind of it, she was vouched for and soon admitted into the Academy.

    BIRTH 2009-2011: Her very Russian mother, who at that point did not know a life of exorcism or divination (it had been sealed away by her father), settled down with a very Austrian man in Vienna. They were not well-off, but they were happy. Her father was a restaurant pianist, and her mother was a waitress at said restaurant. Mischa was a happy baby and named after a pianist they both admired: Mischa Levitzki.​
    CHILDHOOD 2011-2019: Her household was contented growing up. The family attended a Russian Orthodox church, and her grandfather and his twin brother would visit a few times a year during their "travels" (of which they were taciturn about). They realized Mischa began to see demons and angels all around Vienna. Rather than sealing her divinity away, they instead trained her. They kept their activities elusive. Back then, when they had completely disappeared, it was rumored they started following the Order of Cain. A few from the Pantheon tried to investigate, but nothing came of it. Unbeknownst to her parents, with no grasp of the divine, Mischa was taken into a world she was unprepared for.​
    EARLY TEEN 2019-2022: Both her great uncle and grandfather funneled their vision into Mischa to awaken her aspect -- in tandem, an angelic contract was made. With the amount of expertise they had, it did not take long for her. At that point, nothing traumatic happened either. They were good teachers and always had a handle on even the largest of demons. At that point, she had just been able to carry Corvus, the scythe they passed down to her. Any guilt she had of hiding it from her parents had been quickly hushed by her Russian side of the family: You want to protect them from demons, don't you? This, you must do.
    TEEN 2022-2024: Her exploits of sealing demons in Vienna had been noticed by the Theurgy. Once her mentors' names, the Fyodorov Brothers, were noticed as well, it was a guaranteed admission into Bellum. In fact, insisted upon, as Bellum wished to disprove (or otherwise) the Fyodorov Brothers were followers of the Order of Cain. A previous cold case had just opened up. A certain professor who used to be friends with the Brothers, too, vouched for Mischa's admission. But what would they tell her parents? Well, that she was simply studying abroad in America. It pained her parents, but they were slowly and surely convinced by the brothers.​
    UP TO PRESENT 2024-2025: With a tearful goodbye to her parents and friends at home, she made her way to America. Her grandfather and great-uncle instilled confidence into her, and she is somewhat brainwashed into believing life as an exorcist is the best. She is not anticipating the sacrifice or traumatic things she may see. Or the basket of bad eggs she might encounter. She has trouble breathing sometimes due to overexertion (and only having one lung), but she carries around an inhaler.​


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    NAME: ██████ █████
    NICKNAME: "Lefty" of the Leonis Foundation
    FAMILY: Leonis
    AGE & DOB: 18 (Presumed), ██ / ██ / ██
    GENDER: Female
    ETHNICITY: White German (Presumed)
    LANGUAGES: English (Most of it)
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: ███ █████████, ██████ ██████

    ASPECT: Devour
    TRIGGER: The Act of Consumption
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
    TEAR "Lefty" is directly connected to the Umbra of the Demon who ate her. "Lefty" is able to withdraw this Umbra directly from the ' source ', which currently is the empty space where her face once resided. It is unknown how much Umbra can possibly be drawn forth at once. To stop this Umbra from freely flowing out, "Lefty" is mandated to wear a sealing mask over her face at all times. The Silberstein Foundation is allowed to withdraw and store regulated amounts of Umbra from "Lefty" for testing purposes.​
    VIS-METABOLISM ???? Transmutation: "Lefty" is capable of transmuting any Umbra withdrawn from her into pure, unaligned Vis. It is unknown how much "Lefty" can transmute at once. At the moment, "Lefty" isn't able to stabilize nor control the Vis she converts. This results in her only Tradition being an explosion of raw energy. "Lefty", at the very least, is capable of controlling the explosion via limiting how much she converts at once.​
    WEAPON: ▮▮▯▯▯
    These are the Leonis Foundation's first real field-ready set of Vis-compatible prosthetics. In particular, "Lefty's" left arm contains a small engine designed be fueled by capsules of her own Umbra. Draining the capsule activates her trigger; the engine helps smoothen the process of her Vis-Metabolism; and releasing her explosions from her palm helps her better brace against the recoil. Her legs are just prosthetics, but are planned to be weaponized once the Leonis Foundation has gained permission from the Pantheon.​

    Single-minded ● Aloof ● Prideful ● Curious ● 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘​

    ENTRANCE EXAM: Sponsorship(...?) - "Lefty" was permitted into the Academy through the patronage of the Leonis Foundation. Of course, the Leonis Foundation is in service of the Ghanem Family...so its highly likely that there are those who are simply eager to start seeing their latest experiment "research development" on the field. Regardless of her current aptitude.

    ◤ "BIRTH" Early Autumn 2024: A tear in the Underground's Miasma is detected by theurgists. Because of rumored threats of Demon activity near the tear, 1 patrol unit is dispatched by the Bellum Academy to preform secure the tear. During their mission, the team encountered a rare scenario—the few split seconds where a Demon is in the middle of consuming someone else...of erasing them, without yet killing them. Due to quick action by the patrol unit's Alumni, the girl saved from death. This came at the cost of the Demon eluding the patrol unit, escaping deeper into the Underground.​
    "SECOND DEATH" Late Autumn 2024: After it was noticed that Umbra levels around the girl were rapidly rising, the Academy patrol was prohibited from preforming first aid on her until a seal could be put in place. Though this order was initially protested by the patrol unit, the Alumni was requested to make it clear that the Umbra surrounding her was quickly becoming fatal. After 24 minutes, an exorcist arrived on the scene and sealed her. After an additional 19 minutes, the girl was in the safety of a Gran Vesta emergency room. However...by then, only one of her limbs had been salvagable. Everything else was reported as missing. Her other 3 limbs. Her memories. Her name. Her face. The mission is reported as a failure.​
    ◤ "STARVATION" Early Winter 2024: The Leonis Foundation was alerted to the existence of the girl. With nobody to pay her ongoing treatment, and her missing limbs seemingly offering her few opportunities to work it back...the Leonis Foundation was the first to declare interest in becoming her patron. Behind closed doors, the Leonis Foundation quickly pitched their "DAEMON MACHINA" bargain to the Ghanem Family. In exchange for paying the hospital bill, and outright building her a custom set of new limbs...they would explore the girl's unprecedented connection to the Demon's Umbra. The research opportunity of a lifetime in exchange for the ability to live.​
    GROWING MONTHS Mid Winter - Late Winter 2024: After much bureaucratic back-and-forth on the conditions of the bargain, the Leonis Foundation was given a hefty research grant (and a heftier amount of regulations) to pursue "DAEMON MACHINA". It was by this point that the Leonis Foundation learnt of the nickname given to the girl by hospital staff: "Lefty". "Lefty" almost immediately agrees to their bargain herself, notably eager to get out hospital care. It is unknown whether this eagerness was a desire for vengeance, a desire to improve her life quality, or simple relief from stagnation.​
    UP TO PRESENT 2025: As of now, "Lefty" is under the ownership of the Leonis Foundation; and, in reality, by the Ghanem. They have undertaken the task of not only preparing "Lefty's" prosthetics, but also conducting constant tests on her while preforming regular maintanance on her face-seal. "Lefty" has complained few times about the regulations of her lifestyle, and has taken well to supplementary lessons in preparation to join the academy in 2025.​


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  • Troublemaker


    NAME: Hiraku Himura
    FAMILY: Independent
    AGE & DOB: 17 y/o | July 7, 2008
    GENDER: Male
    ETHNICITY: Japanese
    LANGUAGES: Japanese, English, Mandarin, a smattering of Russian
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Asahikawa, Japan

    ASPECT: Gold
    ANGELIC PACT: 🗹 COST: His left ring finger.
    TRIGGER: Bleeding upon pure gold.
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
    Kintsugi Vis transforms into a gold-like substance, which rushes in to fill in cracks and reinforce the structural integrity of objects that Hiraku has physical contract with. While most commonly used upon inanimate or stationary objects, this can be used upon living beings as well, either as first-aid to seal cuts and set broken bones, or as an offensive attack that further ruptures pre-existing wounds.​
    Safety Sigil Token Divination: Twinned tokens that take the form of brass spheres, one painted blue and the other red. The red sphere can be given to someone else, and will trigger when a Demon is in their presence. Once the red sphere is triggered, the blue sphere will also activate, giving the person who currently holds it an idea as to the direction and distance of its sibling token.​
    Master Key Ofuda Activation: Simple talismans that Hiraku keeps in his back pocket. Crafted out of plastic rather than paper, it can be used to activate anything that requires a key, whether it be opening a locked door or starting up a car's engine. Simple, but effective.​
    WEAPON: ▮▮▮▮▯
    Circuitus Scutum: A ship's wheel. The Circuitus Scutum is a 10-spoke ship's wheel with a diameter of 42 inches, making it a weapon that can only really be wielded effectively via the boons of attunement. Often held in Hiraku's left arm, the weapon possesses two central abilities that he has mastered the usage of: [*]rotation and [*]return. The wheel consumes vis in order to spin at deadly speeds, automatically deflecting incoming attacks through rotational force or churning through enemies like a circular saw. And when throw out to clobber someone from afar, it will fly back to its wielder after impact.​
    Over the year or so Hiraku has used the Circuitus Scutum, it has become heavily affected by his Aspect. [*]When Kintsugi is applied to his Weapon, golden branches extend outwards from the handles of the ship's wheel, further increasing the size and greatly increasing its offensive potential.​

    Nosy ● Excitable ● Outgoing ● Competitive ● Bored​

    ENTRANCE EXAM: Sponsorship - Waste not, want not. Vaguely impressed by Hiraku's personality, and seeing that the angel they were sent to hunt down turned out to possess enough sentience to form contracts, the exorcist that encountered this aspect-awoken divine decided that it was better off for society if the youth channeled his energies to the work of demon-slaying, rather than continue to freewheel his way through this world of demons and angels. A couple calls and a bootcamp designed by the Theurgy after, and Hiraku was sent off to Bellum Academy to get his first taste of what the other side of the world truly was.

    BIRTH 2008-2010: The Himuras were a typical household living in Asahikawa, with both of Hiraku's parents running a corner store. There was nothing particular about life back then, other than moments where as a baby, Hiraku would occasionally burst into tears when he was neither hungry nor had pooped in his diapers. His parents still tease him about being a crybaby now.​
    CHILDHOOD 2010-2018: Hiraku stopped crying once he started watching TV. His parents were still entertained by his beliefs that ghosts and monsters were real, occasionally coddling him and occasionally simply growing annoyed by him, but after a certain point, he knew to keep quiet about what he saw. Anyways, back then, life was fun enough, just being known as the daredevil star of the elementary school soccer team. Hiraku had plenty of friends that followed along with his antics and tests of courage...though his late night adventures often ended up with unpaid hours helping out his parents at the shop.​
    EARLY TEEN 2018-2022: He was still popular, of course, but his grades weren't improving and his antics were becoming inappropriate for someone of his age. That, and Hiraku was still talking about ghosts and ghouls around the city! Other kids were becoming more and more serious, more mature, more adult-like. Hiraku saw that as boring, and seemed to relish in doing anything that seemed counter to the future of working in an office as a little corporate drone. He picked up work as a labourer, getting paid below minimum wage (easy to do so when the boss only paid him in cash). He picked fights with school bullies, eager to see even a bit of action (he didn't actually care for the victims). He downloaded language-learning apps and pored over them studiously, without seeing any improvement in his academic scores (because, of course, he ended up sleeping through most of those).​
    His teachers considered him someone who had great potential, but who was squandering it. His friends were beginning to distance themselves from him due to his delinquent behavior. His parents were beginning to worry about his future.​
    Teen 2022-2024: His dad was impressed. His mom was pissed. But Hiraku pushed for it, all the way until graduation from junior high. He wanted to travel, to see the world, and he wanted to do so alone. He had squirreled enough money from his part-time work and his New Years gifts to do so, and he didn't want to go attend high school either. He'd keep up with materials on his own time, take exams to prove he knew his stuff, but he wasn't going to spend 10 hours a day there anymore. He had to get some fresh air. And, once that summer was over? Hiraku was off to the continent. To China! So much bigger, so much wider, with people so much ruder! And what phantoms he saw too, scrambling down alleyways or crawling up skyscrapers! It was only a few months, but the youth was feeling like he was getting hooked on just how large the world was. He went back to Japan. Worked hard at the family business and at the construction site. Studied up on English now, and on finances. Next autumn, and he was on board to Europe, dozing off on international trains and biking up vast vistas. Rinse and repeat.​
    At times, it sucked. At times, he genuinely feared for his life. But above all else? It was addicting, holding his life in his own hands.​
    UP TO PRESENT 2024-2025: And that same excitement was coursing through him when, while off visiting waterfalls in the Icelandic countryside, Hiraku came across a monster who spoke to him. Who offered to look into his soul. Who wished for a piece of his flesh in exchange for giving him the reassurance that the world he saw wasn't caused by delusion and teenage recklessness. That it was a truly exciting, truly interesting world, truly dangerous world.​
    So of course he gave up his finger. It was a small thing to lose, if he truly did lose it. And if all this was still just some mental illness, then at least he knew now that he should definitely get diagnosed for it.​
    Hiraku didn't need a diagnosis, and one year later, he was sponsored by the exorcist who found him to enter a school just for peace-hating buffoons like himself to chase down the monsters that hid in the recesses of human trauma and sin. Hiraku couldn't be happier, of course. And his parents too, were happy. As far as they knew, he was attending an international school tuition-free!​

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  • The Archivist


    NAME: Akira Muto
    FAMILY: Muto
    AGE & DOB: 17 [October 18th, 2008]
    GENDER: Nonbinary (AFAB, goes by they/them)
    ETHNICITY: Japanese-American
    LANGUAGES: English, Japanese
    HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Gran Vesta, US

    ASPECT: Inscribe
    Secreting bodily fluids onto the material they're writing on (typically blood or spit). There is an immediate 3-second delay after the trigger is activated.
    LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯
    書道 (SHOUDOU) Writing certain words/characters will suddenly bring them to life, thus affecting whatever it's written on (e.g. writing 'fire' onto a piece of paper will cause it to burst into flames). The strength of Akira's writing will depend on how precisely they've written, as well as how much fluid they use- however, due to the level they're at, they can only really handle using their ability on weaker materials such as paper or cardboard.​
    一族郎党 (ICHIZOKUROUTO) By sketching out small pictures/symbols, Akira can create various types of creatures. Most of them are usually made out of carboard, though, since those are the only materials Akira can use without being completely drained of vis.​
    MUTARE Blood Transmutation: Similar to their father, Akira is able to transform one object into another by drawing blood. They often just to generate paper and various writing utensils, depending on what they have around them to transmute. Occasionally used for bullets.​
    WEAPON: ▮▮▮▯▯
    マアシイ (MAASHI): A traditional double-action revolver. The words "smooth" and "steady" are neatly engraved into each side of the gun's grip, and the barrel is well-worn with various scratches and scrapes. Akira doesn't often use their gun. When they do, however, it's often with one of three types of bullets: those that burn, those that explode, or those made out of plain rubber. Two of those are of their own ingenious creations, and they're absolute hell to make.​

    Energetic ● Scatterbrained ● Observant ● Optimistic ● Passionate​

    ENTRANCE EXAM: As a Muto, it was entirely expected for Akira to enter Bellum Academy eventually. It was their only option, in fact; they didn't particularly excel in academics, and their grades in gym was certainly one of the biggest things tanking their GPA, so they really had no other choice in the matter but to impress their examiners.
    Thankfully, it all paid off in the end. Their sweet smile, persistent attitude, and surprising skills with a gun managed to be enough to get them accepted within a matter of days. Although, the examiners recognizing their name might've had something to do with it as well...

    BIRTH 2008-2010: For Akira, their birth was one of strife - and yet, also one of great joy. Their mother, Kaori, died in childbirth, leaving their father, Hanzo, to become the primary caregiver in their life. This never bothered them much, not truly - after all, who needs a mom when your dad is so amazing?​
    CHILDHOOD 2012-2020: Akira's childhood was one of contradictions. From Hanzo's warm, encouraging voice to the grueling physical training required by their family, Akira was made to feel all sorts of ways growing up. The only feeling they choose to keep from those tumultuous years, however, is their unyielding love and admiration for their father. No matter what, he was always there: from the time they fell on head-over-heels trying to walk to the first moment their aspect awakened, there was always his guiding hand just around the corner, his comforting hugs to keep the ache at bay.​
    And yet, there was only so much he could do when his child finally became aware of how cruel the world could be.​
    EARLY TEEN 2020-2022: Following Akira discovering the truth of how exactly Hanzo had awoken his aspect, the young child knew exactly what they must do to keep him safe: they must awaken their own.​
    This is what lead to them sitting on the floor of their room, scribbling in their diary, doing their best to brainstorm an idea of what to do next. It is also what evidentially caused them to give themselves a panic attack over their father dying, and thus what caused their aspect to manifest - although that only happened once they couldn't keep themselves from sobbing.​
    Inevitably, when Hanzo came home, he was met with a rather ecstatic Akira, a wide smile spread across their face despite the crusty mess made of their face, and their notebook proudly held out to show a small flower blooming from the middle. In fact, there were small flowers littered everywhere, each one in a peculiar state of partial transmutation.​
    This was the beginning of a very, very long period of experimentation.​
    TEEN 2022-2024: Confident that their dad would (probably) not be murdered before their very eyes, Akira made the effort to apply for Bellum Academy once Hanzo was confident they were prepared; in fact, the kid barely slept some nights, purely because they refused to sit down and take a break. It all paid off in the end, thankfully, but Hanzo was sure to give them some gentle reprimanding once they let it slip that they'd only gotten four hours of sleep the night before.​
    UP TO PRESENT 2024-2025: While they might've never stopped pushing themself to the limit, Akira did at least start giving their body a bit more of break - although most of the credit should go to Hanzo for getting them to finally fix their sleep schedule. The training was reduced to only a few times a week, while the rest of the time was either spent focusing on school or simply taking the time to hang out with their father, and they began trying to find ways to wind down at night before going to bed, as well as waking up at a consistent rate.​
    For once, things seem to be going alright.​
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Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-


NAME: Nokosi
FAMILY: Independant
AGE & DOB: 17; November 04, 2007
ETHNICITY: Native American
HOME TOWN & COUNTRY: Fort Lauderdale, US

ASPECT: Sanction
TRIGGER: Has to touch his heart
LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯
Resonance: By channeling his vis through the gauntlet and into a physical conduit (like a weapon or a piece of armor), he can create a resonance effect. This resonance can either amplify the effectiveness of the conduit by +1 level or suppress it by -1 level for 1 minute. This power requires a high degree of concentration and precise control over his vis.​
NAME Style Power: Definition​
NAME Style Power: Definition​
NAME Style Power: Definition​
WEAPON: ▮▮▮▮▮
Ayona-dawei: A striking piece of armor crafted to resemble a dragon's claw. It is predominantly red with dark, black-lined segmentations that give it an armored, scale-like appearance. The gauntlet extends from the forearm to the fingers, ending in sharp, claw-like tips. Metal rivets are strategically placed at the joints, allowing for flexibility and movement. The gauntlet could be used to deliver powerful slashing attacks, with its sharp claw-like tips capable of inflicting deep wounds on an opponent. Additionally, the armored segments provide protection to the wearer's forearm and hand, allowing them to block and parry incoming blows effectively.​

Pragmatic ● Analytical ● Reserved ● Dependable ● Understanding​

ENTRANCE EXAM: Nosoki proved himself during his entrance exam by demonstrating his innate control over his aspect, Sanction, in a dire situation. He was not from one of the prominent families but was discovered by a traveling exorcist who recognized his potential. During a mission gone wrong, where a group of new recruits was overrun by demons, Nosoki stepped up and used his aspect to amplify a senior exorcist's powers, turning the tide of the battle. This act of bravery and quick thinking impressed the examiners, earning him a place at Bellum Academy. His entrance was neither through nepotism nor sponsorship but purely on his merit and the potential of his aspect.

BIRTH 2007: Nosoki was born in 2007 in a small Native American community, where spirituality and a connection to the land were central to his upbringing. His birth was considered significant within his community, as he was born during a rare celestial event, which was seen as an omen of his future abilities.​
CHILDHOOD 2007-2015: Nosoki’s childhood was marked by a deep connection to his heritage. He was taught the traditional stories and rituals of his people, which later influenced his understanding of vis and his aspect. Even as a child, he displayed an unusual sensitivity to the spiritual world, often feeling presences others could not.​
EARLY TEEN 2015-2021: During his early teens, Nosoki began to experience strange occurrences that hinted at his divine nature. He could sense energies that others could not and found himself unconsciously amplifying or suppressing the emotions and abilities of those around him. This led to an incident where he accidentally amplified a friend's anger, leading to a fight that got out of hand. It was during this period that he was discovered by a passing exorcist, who realized that Nosoki was manifesting an aspect.​
TEEN 2021-2024: During his teenage years, Nosoki's growing powers attracted the attention of a rogue group of exorcists who exploited his abilities for dark purposes. They subjected him to brutal training and forced him to amplify others' suffering in twisted rituals, leaving him deeply scarred both emotionally and physically. Despite their attempts to break him, Nosoki eventually escaped, only to be found by an exorcist from Bellum Academy who recognized his potential and trauma.​
UP TO PRESENT 2024-Present: Nosoki is currently a student at Bellum Academy, continuing to refine his abilities. He is known for his calm demeanor and his deep sense of responsibility, traits instilled in him by his upbringing. He is often sought out by other students for advice or help during missions, as his aspect makes him a valuable ally in almost any situation. Despite his abilities, he remains humble, always striving to better understand his powers and their implications.​


NAME: Vultus
FAMILY: Independant
AGE & DOB: 37, 1988
LANGUAGES: English, Latin, Hebrew
JOB: Philanthropist

ASPECT: Salvation
TRIGGER: Scarring their face
LEVEL: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
PENANCE He temporarily takes on the injury himself, allowing his ally to continue fighting without the burden. The injury will manifest on his body, but he can delay the full effects for a short period, enough to give his ally a fighting chance. The pain and damage accumulate, gnawing away at his resilience.​
ICHOR AEGIS Flesh Barrier: By using his own flesh as a conduit, Vultus creates a barrier around his allies, absorbing incoming damage. The barrier is directly tied to his vitality, and the more it is used, the more it drains his strength. This barrier has a malevolent aura, a remnant of his time with the Order of Cain.​
TRAITOR'S OFFERING Blood Transfer: By drawing a ritualistic symbol with his own blood, Vultus creates a bond between himself and another person, allowing him to transfer their pain or injury to himself. This bond is a twisted mockery of the sacred, a skill he learned while with the Order of Cain. The bond lasts until either the injury is healed or Vultus cancels it by breaking the symbol, often at great personal cost.​
WEAPON: ▮▮▮▮▮
IVORY FLEECE: an ancient, off-white cape made from the hide of a mystical beast, which serves as both a shield and a weapon in battle. Despite its tattered appearance, the Fleece is incredibly resilient, absorbing physical and mystical attacks when wrapped around Vultus or an ally. It can convert absorbed energy into healing or endurance boosts, and Vultus can also use the Fleece to strike or ensnare enemies from a distance. In critical moments, he channels his vis through the cape, allowing it to create barriers or deflect attacks, though this drains his energy.​

Repentant ● Zealous ● Nervous ● Reflective ● Unforgiving​

GRADUATION EVALUATION: When Vultus graduated from Bellum Academy twenty years ago, his evaluation was marked by a mixture of cautious praise and lingering distrust. The instructors acknowledged his unparalleled skill in combat and his deep understanding of both heretical and orthodox practices, which made him an invaluable asset. His ability to wield his aspect, Salvation, with precision and sacrifice, often turning the tide of battles, proved his worth as an exorcist. However, his past as a former member of the Order of Cain shadowed his achievements, leading to concerns about his loyalty and the dark methods he occasionally employed. Despite these reservations, the academy recognized that Vultus had more than earned his place among the exorcists, not only through his participation in the defense of Tower 9 but also by consistently taking on the most perilous assignments without hesitation. His prospects were viewed with both hope and wariness, as his potential for greatness was tempered by the fear that the darkness he once served might still linger within him.

BIRTH 1987: Vultus was born into a family with ties to the dark arts, growing up in a secretive and isolated environment. From an early age, he was groomed to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, embracing the teachings of the Order of Cain.​
CHILDHOOD 1987-2000: Vultus’s childhood was filled with rigorous training and indoctrination. He learned the heretical ways of the Order, mastering dark rituals and honing his skills as a future exorcist. The harsh and unforgiving environment shaped him into a cold and calculating individual, ready to do whatever was necessary to achieve his goals.​
EARLY TEEN 2000-2003: During his early teens, Vultus participated in several missions for the Order, proving his worth as a dedicated follower. He became known for his ruthless efficiency and his willingness to sacrifice anything to complete his objectives. It was during this time that he began to struggle with the morality of his actions, though he buried these doubts deep within.​
TEEN 2003-2005: In his later teens, Vultus was involved in a mission that went horribly wrong. The mission, intended to strike a blow against the Pantheon, ended in a massacre that claimed the lives of innocents. This event shattered Vultus’s faith in the Order of Cain and triggered the awakening of his aspect, Salvation. Wracked with guilt, he defected from the Order, seeking redemption for his past sins.​
NEW ADULT 2005-2015: After defecting from the Order of Cain, Vultus found himself a pariah within the Pantheon. His knowledge of the Order's inner workings made him a valuable asset, but his former allegiance cast a long shadow over his new life. During these years, Vultus struggled to gain the trust of his fellow exorcists, constantly under scrutiny and suspicion. Despite this, he threw himself into his work, driven by a deep sense of guilt and a desire for redemption. Vultus undertook the most dangerous missions, often volunteering for tasks that others would avoid, using his aspect of Salvation to save lives at great personal cost. His reputation grew as a skilled but haunted exorcist, one who was willing to sacrifice himself to protect others, yet always carrying the weight of his dark past.​
ADULT 2015-2024: As Vultus entered his adult years, the physical and emotional toll of his powers became more apparent. The repeated use of his aspect had left him weakened and scarred, both physically and mentally. He continued to serve the Pantheon with unwavering dedication, though the toll of his sacrifices began to show. The once cold and calculating Vultus had become a more introspective and somber figure, haunted by the lives he could not save and the cost of those he did. Despite his declining health, he remained active, driven by a need to atone for his past actions with the Order of Cain. Vultus took on the role of a mentor, guiding younger exorcists and sharing his hard-earned knowledge, though he remained distant, never fully allowing himself to connect with others. Now, as an alumni of Bellum Academy, Vultus continues to serve, his body worn but his resolve unbroken, determined to see others succeed where he once failed.​
UP TO PRESENT 2024-Present: Vultus, now an alumni of Bellum Academy, dedicates himself to high-risk exorcism missions worldwide, often taking on tasks too dangerous for others. His deep knowledge of the Order of Cain makes him invaluable for confronting rogue exorcists and heretical groups, while also serving as a shadow operative for the Pantheon on covert missions. Despite the physical and emotional toll of his work, Vultus remains driven by a desire for redemption, often retreating to remote locations to research dark aspects of vis and refine his abilities. His reputation as a solitary and enigmatic figure grows as he continues to protect others from the darkness he once served, preparing the next generation of exorcists for the battles ahead.​

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