Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...


Weird Bunny Lurker
@Mitchs98 @Idea @Lilah Tenth @Ambela @Mistory @Trust (no longer online) @Kira Times @Obsidian @Spanner

@Kuronokami39 @Sizniche @SilverDama @mewbot5408 @Nobody @Xion136 @Kingmalikai @billthesomething @SolistheSun @Petroshka @Legend:D @MangoSargent @SmashyWarhammer @YungJazz @Marumatsu

   Order of the Twisted First Meeting. 5/2/20xx. 36.1367° N, 115.1630° W. Circus Circus Hotel and Casino. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA. Earth. Milky Way Galaxy. Universe.


Nobody questioned the blonde woman in an eyepatch as she walked out of her hotel room, headed towards what was known as the Adventuresome,he usual which was literally a large pink-and-white striped circus tent with several well-known attractions inside. Roller coasters, carousels, the smell of carnival food galore occurred all year round....unless it was October, then it became the Fright Dome. It wasn't October, however, it was May, as I clearly stated earlier.

  The usual jumble of tourists wasn't as frequent, seeing as it was still in the middle of the school year, but there were a good amount of unmarried couples, loners, locals, and birthday parties--enough to make a good paycheck to the employees. The woman quickened her steps, searching until she found the designated portal to the meeting spot. Doris, as that was her name, may have only been a regular human/intern for the ITA, but she had been taught a lot about portals. So, theoretically speaking, the portal was one of the mirrors in the carousel. She got in line, noticing that half of the other people who she had told the portal about were already there. "Well. You know the plan, unless you have amnesia or something."

  Meanwhile, Stewart, aka the Demon Prince....haaaad completely forgotten about the whole thing. And he was currently having a blast on the carousel. His blue eyes were sparkly as he slowly circled around a mirror pillar on a mythical beast known to the humans as a "dragon". Aaaahhh, human things were such fun~! 

  "Stewart, what are you doing?" Doris called, having just noticed the Demon of Nails Scratching on Chalkboards not doing what he was supposed to be doing.

  "It's a human activity!" Stewie shouted back, resulting in a groan from Doris.




  That resulted in a lot of weird stares from all of the grown-ups waiting for their kids and the operator. Literally a bunch of "what the fuck is she talking about" looks. Then Doris was amazed to see that a couple more people assigned to Order of the Twisted were on the carousel too. Doris facepalmed.

  What?! The boss told me I was working with professionals!
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Noir looked at the stupid carousel in disdain and huffed, looking at her demon servant riding on one of the ponies. She didn't know why she let him go there! This was a serious meeting! The girl's eye twitched as she looked at the spinning kid's ride. 

This was all she needed really, to screw up on one of her first meetings. All because of a demon, who was as childish as possible. Crossing her arms from where she watched Stewart (which was a nice bench next to the ride for parents waiting on children), the girl suddenly tense when she felt someone come close to her, thankfully not spotting her. 

"Stewart, what are you doing?"

Shit. It was one of her bosses. 

"It's a human activity!"

[SIZE= 14px]No! Shut up Stewart! She tried telling him to cut it by putting a frantic stop sign with her hand. But stopping after realizing he was oblivious. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"For CHILDREN!"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Well, actually, Stewart is a child for his... kind. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Sure, if that's what you call it. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]The girl snorted, that's riduculously young for a demon. They can live much more that that. Much much more. Makes you think about her luck, of course she'd get the brat for a demon servant, go figure. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Standing up, Noir decided that the woman, Dorrie? Dorcas? Eh, she'll figure it out soon enough, was right to an extent and called out for the Demon Prince himself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"OI-" She sounded the bell,- "-TIME TO GO!" The demon summoner shouted to the now stopping amusement ride. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball[/SIZE]
Niyah may not have much that she likes about traveling, but if there was one thing she loved it was going to local amusement parks. She couldn't stop the smile from spreading on her face as she entered the Adventure Dome with its bright lights and eye catching attractions. Forgetting this was supposed to be a mission she quickly ran to get her ticket, wanting to go on as many rides as possible in the time she had. As she ran by the carousal however, she stopped when she herd the commotion. Hearing the interns voice reminded her she was here for business, not for pleasure. Sighing in defeat the pink haired girl grimly walked back towards the carousal and watched the scene in front of her.
 Kuro sighed as he began looking around, beginning to get uncomfortable holding his parasol decorated with cherry blossoms over his head to block off light, at least from the top. having found a darker corner with a bench near the carousel, which his snake-like partner was sitting on currently. Spotting Doris, having burned her image into his memory as his boss so he could make sure not to say anything too stupid around her, watching her walk to the carousel. Not really feeling like moving from his dark spot, as well as his partner in crime was currently enjoying some cotton candy. Listening to in to her conversation. 

"Stewart, what are you doing?"

"It's a human activity!"

Kuro noted that 'Stewart' was probably another member of OOTT, and from his appearance, he seemed like a child. Possibly a demon, because, well, no functioning human being would say 'it's a human activity' to another human being, though he noted it as a theory.




Kuro had decided his theory of 'Stewart' being a demon correct, because humans don't live that long, and even if they did, they wouldn't look like a child. Kuro sighed poking the top of Shiba, his partners, head. "Let's go snake. I see our 'boss', for the evening." he told the snake. "but...but i haven't finished my-" "i don't give a shit about your cotton candy, i only give a shit about McDonalds." Kuro stopped his partner before he could finish. Grabbing Shiba's arm and dragging him forward with him as they began to walk towards them, making Shiba drop the rest of his cotton candy. Realizing the carousel had stopped, he stopped as well, not listening to his partner's complaints of being dragged and suddenly stopped. Searching the area once more he saw where Doris was and began dragging Shiba once more towards her. 
Noticing the conversation between the two as well as the dropped cotton candy (her stomach growled to remind her she needed some food) Niyah picked up the dropped sweet and walked towards the two boys. She tapped on the shoulder of the who had dropped the cotton candy (wasnt his name Snake? Like the MGS character?) And held it out to him. 

"You dropped this." She said putting on her 'buisness smile' that her parents made her perfect over the years.

"Its probably not any good anymore but hey, its the thought that counts right?" She winked and continued to hold the treat out


Dark Ice

[SIZE= 14px]Walking down the bright Las Vegas city streets a man in a darker coat stood out among the crowd.  This was in part to his coat that was clearly not suited for this environment's weather.  It would also have to do with how he towered over most everyone around him.  Bastien hugged the coat tight to himself sweat pouring down his face, wishing that he has packed some clothes for more warmer weathers, A little late for that now, Bastien thought, It's not as if I'll be able to find clothes my size in any of these shops here.  A nearby child pointed up at him and his mother laughed beside the child.  Bastien's eyes flicked to the camera the child carried beside him, That's just a little over €1,420.  If I weren't on my way to a meeting you could bet that I'd skewer you and your filthy mother in a second little pig.  Bastien pushed past the kid and heard a clattering behind him as the kid's camera fell and broke, That will do just the same though,  Giving a light smile at hearing the kid's crying behind him, Bastien continued down the street with a little more hustle.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]After what seemed like another hour of walking in the dreadful heat Bastien finally found himself looking towards the large circus building.  It was near there that the meeting place had been set.  Bastien was sure he had the word carousel being used to describe where exactly they would be gathering, yet a quick look around revealed no carousel in sight.  Bastien gave a sigh and walked over to a small group of travelers that were looking at a map and trying to decide where to go.  He lightly tapped the man holding the map on the shoulder, [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Excuse me sir, but do you know where I might find a carousel?"[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]  The man turned around and looked as if he nearly stumbled back from the sight of Bastien.  A suppressed glare nearly formed in Bastien's face as he hoped this man wouldn't-[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Well you're certainly a tall guy!"  Bastien's cold fury grew slightly, but he let his expression shift to neutral so as he might actually get answers, "Well yeah, I believe that it was just to the left of that big circus building there.  Surprised you can't see it yourself with how tall you are!"  The man laughed slightly and Bastien was already walking away, I hope that I will not have to encounter anymore of these god awful 'tourists'.  I suppose I am also a tourist in a way... just not quite the same as them.  Bastien gave long strides as he made his way over to where the man had pointed that the carousel was.  His mind and eyes wandered as he walked.  The sights of Vegas were certainly quite intriguing, but Bastien still held a lot of love for his home city of Paris, I'll try to keep my mind open about this place, but I'm doubtful there's anything to enjoy here.  As he walked he rubbed his hands together to create a small piece of ice in his palms to help cool him down.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Finally after he had gotten done walking a fair distance yet again Bastien finally had eyesight on the carousel.  As Bastien was about to sit down on one of the nearby benches a few kids nearby the carousel pointed over and gawked at him.  Giving a sigh Bastien allowed himself to relax on the bench.  He figured that it would be a bit before any of the other members would arrive so he might just get some well-deserved rest for the jet-lag.  At the sound of screaming from a woman he figured that he was not going to enjoy this city at all.  Standing back up Bastien walked over to the woman he now recognized as being the coordinator for the mission.  Walking over to her and into the line he got a few confusing stares from the people around him.  Especially the operator who seemed to be massively curious as to how Bastien expected himself to actually sit down on the carousel.   Bastien ignored these looks, and as the line moved slightly(and some people moved a little fearfully out of his way without Bastien seeming to notice) he got within proper talking distance with the woman.  While trying to remember what name he should call her by and if there was a code that he was supposed to say he reached down and tapped her lightly on the shoulder, [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Excuse me Mademoiselle?  Your name would not 'appen to be Madam Secretary, would it not?"[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]  Bastien hoped he hadn't just made himself look like a fool here.[/SIZE]

Aquarius was laying down in the of a pool nearby bottom dazing her brain away, she could hear the conversation outside the water but she was too busy getting hydrated, the air around here was so dry! Some of the tourists had seen her seeing how she was straight up purple. Deciding it was time to get up she stretched all of her limbs and swam to the top resting on the edge, "nice to see they're getting along with each other" She watched everyone have banter and talked to each other enjoying the sight. 

@Ambela @Legend:D (if ya'll wanna interact)



@Lilah Tunth



@ anyone else

Motheal walked quietly and rather calmly. He was making his way out to a particular amusement place of all things. The scent of carnival food and merely humans filled his nostrils as he looked around taking in his surroundings with those strange lavender eyes of his. perched upon his shoulders was a rabbit eared spirit of sorts that twitched it's ears before hovering off and floating behind him as he walked. That nonchalant gaze soon enough became a irritated one when he saw some of the others. They were a bit loud. his eyes then widened and he licked his lips in a sort of hunger but quickly shook his head in dismissal trying to ignore his blood lust. He felt like he was starving but he didn't exactly want to deal with anything right now it was too bothersome,annoying even. he slowly approached the carousel and exhaled deeply with his hands in his pockets. "So it's supposed to be here?"
"Is that blood on your coat, Mister?" The voice of a small girl called from behind Dr. Schmidty, making the male practically leap  a few feet in the air, nearly throwing the armful of varying sweets he had ... definitely not stolen from a vendor just a few mere minutes ago. A bit took by surprise, his face a tad bit flustered because of it, the scientist cleared his throat before turning around and looking at the small braided child standing below him. A joyous smile replaced the man's face and he looked between the sweets and to the bottom of his coat with a slightly nervous laugh. He didn't wash his coat often, despite being told continuously to either wash it, or to at least stop wearing it in public, which he had always seemed to forget about. He just chuckled for a second, internally fumbling over how he'd answer the girl. It was blood, of course, but she was a child and though he was considered a villain, that doesn't mean he'd just go off and tell. "Blood? You must be sugar-deprived, dear. Of course, it isn't blood. Here, take this lollipop, okay?" Looking around to make sure nobody was going to... yell at him or something - a grown man giving candy to a little girl wasn't something everyone appreciated - the scientist patted the girl's head before shuffling off. 

He hummed a tune to himself as he strolled through the hotel grounds, taking a large bite of cotton candy every now and then. He dropped the cotton candy when he saw Doris from a few feet away, an obvious look of disappointment on her face. He turned into the closest alleyway so he could rid himself of the sweets. If he was going to get an earful from her, he'd rather get rid of something that would make her even angrier.  "Miss Prize! What are you doing here?" He walked over when he saw her, wondering what she was doing in the alley when she was expected at the portal like everyone else. He sighed when he saw the blood on her clothing, shaking his head.  "Miss Prize, get yourself cleaned up, why don't you? Did you bring a change of clothing?" He shook his head again, looking at the woman. He didn't even think about asking why blood was on her clothing. It was actually quite ordinary.


@Idea I hope this is good enough for you.
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(Mei "The Drunken Assassin" Yamato)(Location: Circus Hotel & Casino)(With: Nearly everyone else) 

(Forgive me for this is very long)

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Smooth centered foot-prints perfectly aligned with the freezing sidewalk as a feminine figure trailed her feet in a lackadaisical fashion which appeared to be complimenting the exhausted ‘thousand-yard’ stare and the tiresome furrowed brow that was temporarily carved in her facial expression, it was apparent that she was dreading the upcoming altercation she was going to have with these so-called ‘deviants’, not to mention that there was disgusting grime beginning to pile itself on the the outskirts of the concrete pedway from God knows what. Mei sluggishly shook her head in disbelief while delicately coming the ends of her fingers through the onyx bangs that gently hugged her forehead, regrettable thoughts of childhood memories began surfacing inside the young lady’s head as she skimmed her sights alongside the puddles of water accumulating together as the season breeze picks up its pace. A few undesirable set of eyes made contact with Mei as she continued about her own journey, figuring that she was some sort of odd cosplayer or superhero made her a bit more approachable to some of the bystanders, additionally attracting a lot of unwanted attention from them as they wanted a photograph from Mei. One of them was an awkward elderly gentleman with an excessively perverse tone resonating from his shaky throat, leaving her with a very anxious temperament as she ignored him. A hefty exhale slithered its way out from her interconnected lips as she observed a preadolescent boy embracing the side of her thigh with an excited smile stretching from ear to ear as if he was really overjoyed to see this costumed woman. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Y-you’re a real life s-superhero!” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]His voice rattled with jubilation before breaking himself away from her leg only to be greeted by Mei as she carefully kneeled down to one knee before him, making strict eye-contact with the child and releasing a small huff of amusement. You’d think that the serrated blades attached to the back of her waist would be a clear indication of how much of a ‘superhero’ she is but in a way she was rather surprised to see such optimism in this child’s tone, a being that hasn’t been exposed to the true atrocities of which this world has committed, someone considered to be ‘truly innocent.’ [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“I’m no hero.” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She muttered nearly losing her composure after being tugged a bit on the outside of her leg’s fabric while she was getting herself up off of the ground. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Of course you are miss! Look at you, you’ve got a costume and everything! One day, I hope to be just like you.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Her lower-lip drooped with a hint of sadness as she watched the child plea for her attention and admiration, in a way it was rather inspiring but it made her question the choices that she had made in life, those that were frowned upon by society’s standards. Surprisingly, Mei brought her hand outward and placed it onto the kid’s shoulder before displaying a heart-warming smile in hopes to encourage the soon to become future generation of this society. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Well, you’ve got me.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Each word of hers smothered with desolation as she tried to stray too far away from the child’s eyes so that she could avoid breaking down in front of him. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“One day you’ll be able to fight crime just like me and i’m sure that you’ll be the best damn hero to ever live, I just know it. Remember to always believe in yourself no matter what, even if someone discourages you into thinking otherwise! You’ll make this city proud of you.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Wrapping her arms around the waist of his tiny frame, she pulled him in for one final hug before getting up back onto the soles of her feet, adding onto the distance between Mei and the child who was waving his ‘goodbyes’ at her in a frantic manner. Teardrops made their way down the sides of her cheeks as she tried to suck in all of the feelings that she had but it was to no avail as she was beginning to recognize who she truly was, she wasn’t a superhero, in fact she was something far from it. She was a murderer. Luminescent hanging lights immediately caught her attention as she made her way underneath a beautiful overhang that was thoroughly detailed with decorative bulbs, Mei’s attitude suddenly transitioned into ongoing anticipation as she twisted her head to the side and noticed that she had arrived at destination in which the brochure had spoken about, except this wasn’t the only thing that she was enthusiastic about as there was a polished barstool sitting next to a cantina with her name written all over it. Not being able to contain her excitement, Mei sprung into a full-on sprint to the entryway additionally managing to push over most of the crowd that got in her way before making it inside and having her eardrums graced the sounds of music which erupted from the fashionable jukebox beside the bar. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Oh if this isn’t heaven, I don’t know what is.” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Euphoria was the only thing that she was experiencing, nothing could possibly could ruin this mood that was instilled inside of her mind now. Mei seated her rear-end onto the cushioned barstool and spun it around while snatching a mug full of bubbling brew out from the grimy hands of your average rough and tough stereotype bar dude causing him to tap her on the shoulder while Mei guzzled down every single drop of the beverage. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]“Hey bud, what’s happening?” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She adjusted her posture backwards, nearly falling off the stool after trying to make sure that there was nothing left in the glass before she placed it back down onto the counter all in less than a matter of seconds which was impressive to say the least. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Listen here whore, you’re going to buy me another drink or were both gonna have a problem here.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] The burly dude’s voice thickened as did the vascular veins on his head while confronting Mei, threatening her with his intimidating robust build, standing at 6’4 and absolutely riddled with muscles from head to toe. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Heey, we’re all having fun here right? I’ll give you your drink, but you’ve gotta stop being such a Debbie downer alright?”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She slurred as she leaned over to the side, placing herself against another person’s shoulder of a random stranger while exhibiting an innocent smile and slithering her fingers across the table near his hand, only to seize her clutches firmly onto the sides of the tumbler containing a brimming quantity of booze.[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] “Thanks buddy.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She whispered in a hush voice before swinging her arm backwards, shattering the tumbler over the muscular man’s cranium and making glass fragments scatter across the bar as his hefty unconscious body flung a few feet backwards and onto the unforgiving ground. Not saying a word, she casted her gaze at the bar-tender and gave him a helpful grin before raising her index finger up, gesturing for another mug of alcohol.[/SIZE]

(Casino Bar song.)


(To sum it up Mei had a touching moment with an NPC and then showed up to the Casino/Circus and cracked a bottle of booze over some dude's head and is now currently getting wasted.)

(Also sorry if this looks like a jumbled mess, introductions are always the worst for me :S  P.S I'm not sure if i'll wait for my team to arrive or my companion.)
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The Plaguemaster

Bernard decided to wait a bit before looking around for all the other idiots people he would be working with, and decided to sit down at a Craps table to gamble a bit. After all, he was in a Vegas casino, and what fun is a Vegas casino without gambling? It was undeniably one of the two must-do activities in Vegas, the other being going to brothels. As he sat down, croupier looked at him.

He was indeed an unusual figure in the casino; a very tall, very underweight man, covered head to toe in a patchy and rough shirt, a pair of pants with an obvious extension towards the bottom, and a long coat with strange loose and layered collars. He also adorned a pair of leather gloves and a striped scarf. One of the most distinguishing features of the man, however, was his plague doctor hat and matching mask, the latter of which nearly being three feet in length. To top off the out-of-place look, a long, narrow staff hung from his back.

The croupier looked clearly uncomfortable. "Can I... uhhh... can I see some ID?" The croupier managed to ask. It was less a reaction of fear and more one of confusion; what would a man like this be doing here? Nevertheless, he was here, and he had to follow protocol of the casino, like any other customer. He obliged, and handed the croupier his drivers license, which the croupier looked at in even more confusion. The picture on the license, for some ungodly reason, had the mask and hat in it as well.

"Sorry, sir, I can't accept this ID," the croupier said,"You're going to have to leave the table. However, the casino has other services you can use without one, if you'd like."

Then came the final shocker from the unusual man; the very clearly aged voice, completely out of place with such an unhealthily thin man. "This is an outrage!" He said, his voice somewhat muffled by his mask,"I'm a paying, adult customer, just like any other person here, why can't I play the games?"

The croupier sighed. "Sir, if you want to play the games, you'll have to remove the mask so that I can confirm that you actually are old enough to play."

"What, are you expecting two kids in a trench coat with a voice modifier or something?"

"You'd be surprised how much we actually get that."

"Listen, you really, really don't want me to lower my mask. I doubt you'll like what you'll see."

"Have you seen some of the brothels in this town?" The croupier half-joked, "Try me."

"Well, if you insist..."

Bernard lowered his mask just barely enough to show his eyes. The rest of the table reacted in horror; the croupier had begun to regurgitate, a man and a woman both let out girlish screams, and another man had even fainted, to top off the cliche hat-trick. He simply put his mask back over his eyes.

The croupier had pulled himself back up from his sickness. "Sorry for the hold-up, sir... You may play."

"Good," Bernard responded, "I bet a hundred on the pass line."

(open to interaction)
(Joe's POV)

Trembling, huh? Such a a familiar feeling already. It was only natural that my fingers were barely holding the gun, struggling to not immediately press the trigger against my duty. Some , of course, would question if my duty was really not to shoot in such a situation , though: after all, the person we had in front of us was a villan. It was a rather tall girl with an odd smile and odder yellow eyes, with what appeared to be light crosses in the pupils. She wore a rather revealing (my partner couldn't get his eyes off her melons) outfit, some futuristic tech suit. The odder parts were the collar that looked like the kin that was given to some criminals on parole, the laser-like wings on her back, and the matching claws held by her fists. She took a step towards us, her long hair braided almost like a beehive flowing just a little back as if to pull her away. We finally had her though. My pal, being back there, a rookie hero was pretty sure catching her could mean getting official recognition. Even if she was considered one of the most useless among villains. 

"Y-yes..." I continued "we we found her. J-just our j-job, you know? Could you j-just let us check? What did did your m-mother look like?"

The woman looked up , placing a finger over her lip like a child that's been asked what they want to be when they grow up and starts sorta thinking about it. She stopped and looked at me smiling again.

"She was blue and grey. Blueish grey. And she wore these purple clothes. And a witch outfit... pointy ears..."

The description went on, quite detailed. Thankfully our rookie hero friend was formerly a sketch artist for us in the police department, so the next step would be easy. He walked out, looking exactly as the woman the villan described...ew. I couldn't see the reassemblance at all, were they really related?

"Moma?" The blond asked. I quickly turned and nodded, and saw the blond girl skip towards the disguised rookie hero with that usual creepy smile. And then...

"Momma, I missed you, I missed you!" they hugged! The plan was a successs! Now to bring her to...

"But you know..." My eyes widened in horror as I saw three yellow claws coming out from the back of my friend's shapeshifted body. The blond girl giggled. "You aren't her. After all..."

I saw my friend's body turn to goo and get splattered on the floor in front of the villan, who giggled again.

"...I killed mommy!"

(Prize's POV- mode 2)

"This is too boring! All that did was shoot! Why doesn't anyone understand nobody cares about normal guns these days?" I complained, looking at the clawed corpses around me. And on top of being such bad sport, and making fun of me , those meanies even made a mess all over the ground, bleeding everywhere! Even on me... I tried walking away, and some drops of blood jumped at me. I stopped, curious and stomped the poodle again. Again, tiny drops colored spots on me. This was fun! I began splashing on the poodle of blood with my feet, giggling as I did. So fun! 

But the fun didn't last either. Even that game gets boring after a little. Still, I had a smile on my face again, and I wondered... what was I doing in this place? I was called for something, right? But what?

I began walking out  in the general direction I was going before that small interruption and heard a voice. I turned and smiled, skipping towards the man in a coat. 

"But it's such a bother! Why can't I just go like this? I didn't know someone was gonna play a prank on me!" Oh, that reminded me! "Oh, and I killed a hero today! And two cops... Ok, the hero was just a rookie hero, but still... wanna see? Wanna? Wanna?"

I excitedly leaned on the man, forgetting to make my claws go away before I did. 

"I bet 250!"

The pink haired girl slid into a chair next to him. When the croupier raised an eyebrow she smirked. 

"Don't worry I'm of age." She said flashing her mother's ID quickly. If she was gonna waste her father's money she would use her mother's face to do it. She settled into her set better and glanced at the man next to her.

"I'm Niyah." She introduced herself with her 'buisness heir smile'. "And may I just say that is one interesting choice of clothing you got there mister. You here for some sort of convention?" she asked with somewhat of a knowing look. 

@MangoSargent @Lilah Tunth @Ambela @Kingmalikai @mewbot5408

  Stewart pouted when the ride ended and Noir, his mistress, called him over. If he was an independent demon he could easily say "no", but he had been bound to her as a part of his banishment. So he had to follow her orders. He got off of the carousel, obediently walking over to her. "Heh....sorry about that!" he said cheerfully, quite childishly hugging her arm. As upset as he was about the fun human circle ride, he had a job to do. 

  Doris, meanwhile, looked over at the sound of a French accent and someone asking if she was Madam Secretary. "Depends on who you are," she said simply, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She looked at the demon, then at the carousel. How were they going to get in there without looking suspicious? She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose once again, squinting through the eye that wasn't covered by an eyepatch. For a brief moment she looked at the demon and the summoner. This was...odd. Along with that, one of the people had left to make a bet, and honestly this was chaos. What to do....
The Plaguemaster

"Of sorts," he said to the young girl, rolling the dice. He rolls an eleven, and the croupier doubles both the money both him and the girl had bet. He took his winnings, and placed a fifty dollar bet on "Don't Pass".

"So, I assume you're the shooter now? Don't forget to place a 'pass' or 'don't pass' bet," he said, "What brings you to Vegas?"

Naomi smiled. She looked around at everyone walking about and having a fun time, she payed close attention to the way people were dressed and couldn't help but snicker at how ordinary everybody looked. "This is vegas. Aren't people supposed to look great here?" Naomi thought to herself as she pushed herself off of the wall and began to take a stroll around, looking at all of the attractions. Naomi got bored of looking at these bland, boring old regular people nobody matched up to her. Naomi's looks and fashion sense were simply off the charts! At least, that's what she told herself on a daily basis and said to many people she criticized.

As Naomi walked around she came across a pool and saw something in it. Naomi looked at this a little closer and noticed that this it, was indeed a she. Naomi walked around the pool to where she was leaning and bent kneeled down. " Well you're not normal. That makes me very excited! My names Naomi nice to meetcha! Could I just point out that you look absolutely fabulous!" Naomi smiled and stuck out her hand to Aquarius with a big grin plastered across her face.


Dark Ice

Bastien's eyes flicked over to where the kid who had been yelled at got off of the ride and walked over to another woman entirely.  A flicker of nervousness arrived in Bastien's mind at the possibility of this not being a serious organization, Could it really be some kind of trap?  I doubt it but... it's not impossible.  Clearing his throat Bastien looked down at the woman with more certainty that she was in fact the one he was to meet.  Extending his hand down to the woman for a handshake he introduced himself, "Bastien Blanchet.  Zoh zee record likely 'as me down as a 'Dark Ice.'  I apologize for if my English is not zee best, but I do believe I was called 'ere for a mission of sort?"  Again Bastien's eyes flicked around the area and his other hand not extended for a handshake grew colder with ice twirling around it's fingers.  The likeliness that that this is a trap is low, but still Bastien wanted to make sure he was ready for anything.  In his coat ice began to spread along his torso and up to his neck, covered by the jacket and scarf he was wearing.  If worst came to worst and guns were fired he would have some form of protection, Not for my head though, so let's hope that any potential snipers are a bad shot.  Bastien also hoped that his height wasn't off-putting for whatever the mission is going to be as he really needed this mission at the moment.

[SIZE= 14px]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball[/SIZE]



The scent of blood curled up and hit the inhuman's nostrils. It hit him hard. He tilted his head backwards with a sudden stare at the scientist with a creepy hunger. His lavender eyes that the pupils matched the iris completely had laminated. He was pretty salivating now with wide eyes. he was quick to move his coat hood falling off to reveal his face as he moved torwards the man grabbing his wrist suddenly. Nexus floated behind him quickly. "...I need your....blood..." He puased seeing a all too familiar face but it to him was more like serious dejavu. "Do I know you?" He asked slowly still looking like he was starving. 
She told the dice before answering, getting a seven and placing a don't pass bet for 30 since she only had so much she could use before her father noticed.

"Oh mostly business." She said nonchalantly. "I'm here for a meeting for an relatively new organization. Said they needed my, ah, 'special skills' for an assignment. Of course, you would know all about that wouldn't you Mister Plaguemaster." She glanced at him with a small smirk on her face. If her information was correct, and it usually was, this man was also apart of the OOTT. From what she had found he was in a similar situation to her, working behind the scenes rather than on the front lines

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Onyx is sitting on a bench with her arms crossed, her mask fitted over her face, and was wearing a human jacket (you know, to cover the fact she's made of crystals) (If you look closely a lollipop stick pokes out for under the mask. As she watches the other people around the carousel, she quickly spots the spectacle some other people were making
Well, not exactly people. Onyx stood up and walked over, closer to the carousel. She once again stood with her arms crossed, staring and trying get the attention (silently) of the two, erm, beings that had been yelling earlier



(Mei "The Drunken Assassin" Yamato)(Location: Circus Circus Thingy at Carousel)(With: Madam Secretary & Everyone else) 

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Strange faces from far and wide were entering Mei’s peripheral vision, one by one each of them made their way across from the entrance and all the way to the carousel for some sort of gathering, perhaps they too were initiated into the Order of the Twisted? She contemplated with a smug expression as she took mediocre sips out from the sudsy margin of the glass while arching an eyebrow out of curiosity. By the looks of it, there were a lot of rough ‘cat’s being offered an occupation from just some of their appearances alone, although there were a few who gave the impression of being rather docile but being an assassin it’s a very sharp-witted technique to give off a false presentiment to ones you aren’t exactly acquainted with as you’ll usually remain one step ahead of your opponent if you manage to play your own cards right. Mei, being smashed out of her mind decided that it would be an opportune time to introduce herself to the boys and girls. Without any hesitation she brought back her drink and hastily concluded her beverage before placing the bottom of the bottle onto a wooden coaster and seating it perfectly. At first it didn’t bother her that so many of those villains were gathered around a carousel, it almost seemed like they were just a bunch of delinquents instead of top of the line professionals but she couldn’t exactly complain because of how intoxicated she was. With of all her might she edged the palm of her hands to the edges of her seat and erratically hoisted herself up before leaping onto her the unconscious man’s belly, using him as a trampoline and sending her weight back off of him and a few feet in-front of his strewn about body.

“Taaa-daaa”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] Mei announces out noisily until placing three of her fingers up to her smooth lips in a nauseating way after going through a moment of motion-sickness, letting out a few hiccups she stumbled her way over to one of the stopped carousel horses and slouched her body over it and nearly puking while doing so. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Ohugh holy damn, that was a close-call. Sorry about this you guys, usually Alva puts me on a bit of a watch-list so I don’t drink this much but you know what they say! I doctor a day drinks the drunk, alcohol away.” [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]Mei incoherently mumbles a bunch of ‘mumbo-jumbo’ while flipping over to her backside and catching a glimpse that amazed her drunken attitude, an eye-patched woman outfitted in a crimson red garment. Being the obnoxiously inebriated idiot that she is, she decided to place her two cents into the conversation as well. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Aavaast yee’ mateys! For I am Mei, the roughest and toughest assassin pirate known in the seven seas but fear not for I will join yer’ crew of swashbuckling pirates as looong as I get to drink all of the rum that I want.”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] Obviously mocking Doris in a sarcastic fashion, being completely unaware of who or what she is and continuing to pursue her own ridiculous behavior after letting out a small gasp. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Oh my, you are sooo pretty for a Pirate. You think that they’d have hook-hands and beards but you have none of that, you’re like a.. A.. special pirate.”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] She gave off a stupid grin while being fascinated with Madam secretary’s appearance while singing a random sea shanty about pirates and what not except in a blabbering non-sober tone.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14.6667px]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball[/SIZE] (Your character is gonna beat the living hell out of Mei
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Aquarius slowly turned her head to look at the unusual girl and smiled "Why thank you, you look rather fabulous yourself!" She got out of the pool and next to the small girl. revealing her lower half of tentacles. "And my name is  Aquarius, say, are you a villain too or one of the tourists here?" She definitely didn't look like a tourist but she'd seen other girls like her too, is this girl even legal?  Aquarius seemed to be daydreaming in thought waiting for the girl to respond. Her tentacles were briefly shuffling below her as tourists were all staring at her. She loved attention! @Legend:D
Kuro had finished dragging Shiba, whom of which was loudly complaining about being dragged, when they stopped in front Doris. "Konnichiwa, are you Madame Secretary...? or some bullshit name like that?" Kuro was starting to get really uncomfortable, having to hold his umbrella in his top hand after all, the stem of the umbrella was starting to dig painfully into his eye and the others were starting to get irritated by being in excessive light. Kami-Sama, did he just want to go home to their dimly lit place (which was dimly lit because he broke all the light bulbs and they were too lazy to go steal some) and hide under the covers waiting for Shiba to decide he had his rest and bug him to death about having a tea party or some shit. noticing the drunkard singing the song he decided that maybe he should leave for now... "maybe now's not the best time..." he noted out loud. 

Shiba was practically fuming beside him, one, for dragging him for about what felt like a mile, two, for making him drop his cotton candy (which would have most likely choked him anyways, since his body doesn't handle sugar well and it's hard to chew things with only fangs) and three, cursing at their supposed boss, AND not having the guts continue to speak.  He cared about his mentor and all, don't get him wrong! but he was extremely tempted to just take away his umbrella and get the hell outta dodge. Though Kuro would probably hate him for ruining the opportunity, it was worth it to save face, right? or maybe they'd just have to face his stupid loud-mouthed-ness anyways and it would be pointless. Shiba soon became lost in thought about what to do not even noticing the drunk pirates singing.

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Obsidian
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Lala the Dullahan


"Damned fools making a scene..." Lala hissed to herself, seemingly floating due to her feet being hidden by the robe, towards the childish demon, odd blonde woman wearing an eyepatch that seemed very out of place and cool to Lala, eyepatches were in this season, after all. Another pale-skinned black-haired woman that appeared to be carrying a book, a vibrant pink-haired lady which made her sneer underneath the hood, colourful things didn't look cool, apart from red, red looks pretty awesome. There was also a french lad clad in dark clothing, like herself that had a distinct "dark" vibe about him. Lala herself was attracting attention herself, what with the glowing eyes, hood that rendered her face stuck in a dark abyss and a huge weapon. Obviously, Lala had teleported in. No way they would have let her in otherwise and Lala was not going to lose it, it completed her look after all!


The cloaked woman strode towards the one with the eyepatch from, past all the bright and flashing lights that had filled the area. "Such a strange place for a meeting..." the Dullahan thought to herself, her gaze drifting down to the demon prince briefly before making her introduction to the small gathering of people, determined to be as bad-ass as possible. 

"The envoy of death... reaper of souls and the definition of darkness herself.. Has arrived." Lala swept in fashionably, hoping she was what was known as "fashionably late". The yellow-eyed Dullahan was a little embarrassed about using her name, Lala sounded a little silly and it's not like she could change it. She wished she had done that before she died...

Dr. Schmidty smiled softly at the girl's enthusiasm and put his assortment of sweets in his right arm so he could wave slightly with his left. He laughed softly, looking at the blood that covered her clothing. "Miss Prize, you know I would let you stay just how you are if we were somewhere else, but we are in public and some of these people want to take people covered in blood to a bad place. Do you have something else to wear now? I can lend you my - oof!" A few more sweets fell to the ground as Prize leaned into him, a slightly pained expression on his face because of her claws digging into his chest. He couldn't help but laugh through it all, though. "I would love to see, Miss Prize. And even a rookie hero is still a hero. Lead the way ... but first, why don't you retract those claws, mm?" When she did retract them, he brought another lollipop down from his assortment, handing one over to her - he and her did happen to share a sweet tooth. He grabbed one for himself and popped it in his mouth, dumping the rest of the sweets onto the ground beside him, not wanting to anger Doris with them when they eventually went over there. 

He was just about to follow Prize to the killed officers and hero, humming the same jolly tune he had been humming earlier when something had grabbed his wrist. 

I took some things away and added it to my next post so it makes more sense and is easier to reply. @Idea & @mewbot5408.
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