Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

Atraxa was busy inspecting the strange structure in front of them. A cave, to what seemed to be a giant oblong cylinder. She assumed it was the origin of the name 'honeyhive' for the galaxy they resided in. Humans were predictable with their uninspired naming conventions. One of the party had gone on their own with the vines, but the cave up ahead seemed to be of far more interest to the angel, and she floated along that way, silently trailing behind the obese avian, the child who most likely had multiple tumors in their cranium, and what she was sure was a larval phyrexian.

Silently, she placed her cold hand on the avian's broad shoulder.

"Yes, we seek your queen. Bring us to her." A thin smile spread across her lips, before she promptly dropped her polite facade. "Now." She demanded, raising her voice.

FoolsErin FoolsErin Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Birb Birb


Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: in good egg galaxy
The inhabitant of this house has apparently left some time ago. He would consider braking the door down with his own power, but given that Ben and that felines creature they may object to that action. What he did do what's take notice of two particular figures. The first was that Chronodran person who bumped into him. The second was a human (or what was assumed to be human) comparing about the talking feline so called lack of communication. Before doing anything else, he takes a quick look at the "bottom" of this so called planet.

He is not going to wait for the rest of their team members either, to prevent the same inconvenience from happening again.
"Whatever." At this point, Manelion may as well be adventuring on his own again.

Vilgax proceeds to make his way towards him, preferably with the intent of getting him to do something outher than whining.

"Instead of bickering, why not you help me investigate that castle?" He asked in his usual harsh tone.

Regardless of the response, vilgax will make his way through the castle, taking the path that the armored assassin has failed to use.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch RedLight RedLight Crow Crow SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @GoodEggGalaxy


When presented with the options of galaxies to travel through, Pink Guy chose the Loopdeeloop Galaxy. Why, you may ask? Who fucking knows why, all Pink Guy knew was that being straight had never got him anywhere, so he couldn't have gone wrong choosing the Galaxy that had no edges. Even still, the Loopdeeloop Galaxy was about to hold the edgiest creature known to the Universe.

Had any of his allies even chosen the Loopdeeloop Galaxy? That was probably something Pink Guy should have considered before he leapt on the launchpad. As he flew through the air, screaming the whole trip, Pink Guy wondered whether he'd find anything worth investigating or something to interact with that would make my posts look high effort.

[open for interaction @loopdeeloopgalaxy]

"Stingray surfing?"

Tanya repeated confused she knew what surfing and stingrays were separately but the concept of the two combining really confused Tanya. It also sounded kinda dangerous too as stingrays have the potential to stab you not to mention drowning. The penguin spoke of a prize for being the first to complete the simple looking obstacle course.

"Could you tell me what the prize is?"

After all if the prize was some crusty old chocolate bar or a $10 coupon then there isn't really any point in going through the effort as energy and resources are often limited with the added bonus of it being so dangerous. However it could possibly be one of those stars that the woman in the blue dress mentioned earlier. With gathering all those stars comes her sought after revenge...

"What do you think Ruby should we ri-"

Tanya was cut short by the unintelligible screamings of the man in pink.

"Anyways as i was saying what do you thi-"


The screaming pursued. Gritting her teeth Tanya readied her rifle and pointed it at the man in the pink spandex who was about to have his brains presented to everyone on the floor.

"Stop screaming or I'll shut you up myself" Tanya screeched back at the grown man in the pink suit.

marc122 marc122 Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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One moment Pink Guy was hurtling through the air, and the next he was staring down the barrel of a rifle. The rifle in question was currently in the hands of someone who looked somewhat familiar to Pink Guy. Despite this person's- well, girl's European appearance, Pink Guy could sense a subtle hint of Japanese. His previous career as an Anime Hunter had led to the development of something of a sixth sense, one that allowed him to sniff out the Japanese heritage of (usually bemused) subjects. What Pink Guy planned to do with this information or whether it was even remotely important for me to mention in the first place remains unclear, but nonetheless Pink Guy had always considered pieces of information to come in handy once more puzzle pieces began to fall into place. Or maybe that was Sherlock Holmes who held that point of view, honestly who knows at this point.

Getting shot didn't seem beneficial at this point in time, so Pink Guy decided to can it so as not to get fed lead from the short girl in front of him. Instead, he decided to engage his persuasion skill.


"Ey b0ss fuk u man"
...and rolled a perfect 0. Oh well. If Tanya decided to shoot him, Pink Guy would at least manage to volunteer to race in the lap that the Penguin had mentioned.

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Midgardsormr ignores the screaming man and instead addresses the Penguin. "These Stingray Races that thou mentioned. Would one such as I be able to participate, either on a large enough stingray, or racing as myself?" the Father of Dragons takes position next to Ruby, seeing as she seems to be the leader of the group right now, his red eyes boring into her silver ones. "Thou hast a simple pure soul. Thou would take well to be wary."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak FactionParadox FactionParadox 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"I see. You choose death. Oh well, I hope you know how to swim" Tanya said in a sickeningly sweet tone as she let her go a bright golden yellow boosting forwards at a blinding speed and attempting to shove the pink guy into the water whilst possibly cracking a few ribs while she was at it. That'll teach him for being such an annoying asshole. No one disrespects her authoritah. Some Dragon thing appeared to ignore the screaming pink one and perhaps Tanya should've done the same however the pink man has made his bed and now he must sleep in it...well more like drown but that's besides the point.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict observed the big green aliens actions, “Josh......we may have recruit on our hands.” He said as he proceeded to follow the alien as he made his way towards the castle, he pulled out his megaphone, “HALT CREATURE! I HAVE.........A PROPOSITION FOR YOU!”

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake


Ben Tennyson
Location: Good Egg Galaxy
Interactions: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"So, what's the plan, guys? Pick a route or go against what the note said?"

Ben was still preparing to transform, smelling something fishy, with what Bowser was doing and all. He then undials the Omnitrix.

"On second thought, maybe we should check the house again later for whatever we're planning. I should check the Castle out. Where are you going, Julia?"


Location: Honeyhive Galaxy
Interactions: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Birb Birb FoolsErin FoolsErin T The Man With No Name archur archur PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Yes, Inazuma. Laffey has located a transporting pipe. C'mere c'mere.


Laffey hops in without much thought, right after Batman.​
Marcus Wright");[/URL] color:silver; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;]

Marcus looked over at Ruby for a bit, eyeing her until his eyes landed on a talking dragon. How much weirder could things GET? He didn't know yet but he turned when the child in some sort of german costume lifted out her gun at another guy in a pink...costume and blasted the guy in the water. "Well, then, Spectre. I've seen more talking non-human creatures that aren't terminators made by Skynet in a day."

FactionParadox FactionParadox 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore



Maya wasn't too concerned with the other green coated child named Tanya except when she heard a loud gunshot hitting a guy in a pink costume into the water.

This Tanya person, was she a solider like her? If so, she'd watch her eventually.

But something she'd never seen before was a huge, breathing, talking dragon. She was way in the future and even she, a trained elite Helghast spy would be afraid of a freaking talking dragon.

Something unnerved her about being around it for a bit.

"Have you ever run across a strange beast such as this... dragon, Romana?"

Echo eyed the strange "8" course and turned to the penguin "Prize?"

She turned and looked, volunteering her and Romana for the task"We'll go."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luma, Rabbits, Jason Todd) PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa) GearBlade654 GearBlade654 ) 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya) FactionParadox FactionParadox

As ready as one can possibly be, also showing off a little
Birb Birb , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , archur archur , Chungchangching Chungchangching

There had been no reply back, not even one done in defiance. Thae sighed, tail waving in annoyance, it seemed like the kids could not as much as hear him from that distance. Oh well, hopefully, they didn't actually run into any enemies until the others arrived. Proceeding with no plan or even a formation agreement would be risky. Especially in new lands that none of them were familiar with. It may all seem cheery and out of a children's book now, but a good soldier should always be on the ready for the eventuality it wasn't all that happy as it seemed. Normally, it wasn't.

As the star animal was waiting by the arrival point, alert and sitting, almost without moving a muscle, CN-tan's jump-pad trip had come to an end. Her landing had been... a unique technique, to say the least, skidding through the grassy road while using her face as the collision dampener. At first, Thae'il had been taken aback by the action, staring wide-eyed at the form of the clumsy girl still laying down on the ground, but once she had given a thumbs up to signal that she was fine, --and that perhaps the maneuver had been done on purpose--, he couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, bringing a paw to his muzzle:

"You're such an odd one, Toon~!", he had teased in a friendly, amused tone as the other approached, winning him a soft head pat, "Yeah, Batsy should be arriving shortly. We agreed in having the whole group in the place the serious flying lady had picked. Strength of numbers and whatnot, also we already know each other which makes it easier to plan our next moves.", his tone is unusually serious and focused, unwavering and a tad too rigid, it was clear that this wasn't Thae's first encounter with such a situation, "Though I don't think we're all aware of what everyone's talents are, so making a plan of action with this short of a notice it's going to be a little challenging."

"Unfortunately, Dib and Karako seem to have just decided to go ahead on their own though... And one of them can't even fight.", he sighed again, "Honestly, I wonder what's going on their heads to make them do something so risky."

Thae had barely stopped talking when a new member of their team had arrived... and completely ignored their presence. The fox couldn't believe his eyes as the mechanical alien lady had passed by them like nothing, going straight for the hill Dib and Karako were already at. That's less one person for planning, okay then. Well, he guessed that one could at least take are of herself if things went down, but still! That's not how one is supposed to act inside of foreign territory!
Argh, the amount of lack of preparation, disorganization and recklessness they were displaying right now was extremely grinding to the star animal of a militar background. Acting as such during training would have warranted each of them a death sentence. Heck, less problematic behaviors already would! This was just condemning a whole mission to failure.

His tail swished behind him in frustration, both at being dismissed as if invisible and the lack of communication as to how to proceed. It was ridiculous, just outright ridiculous! And then, the costumed vigilante, the one member that Thae'il had been counting on to stay behind and pre-plan things, ...he too had just crossed by him and Toon, nonchalantly, and moved towards the hill. There was no hope.

"I... I yield.", the fox had let out in defeat, lowering his head towards the ground, "Improv. it is..."

Ah, if his superiors and teachers, old and new, could see this chaos. They'd probably pull all their fur out in anger. Also definitely disagree with the whole race mixture thing they had going on and start screaming about it, but that part was beyond the point. Efficiency? Safety? Teamwork?! Who needed any of these things, right? None of them wanted to keep their life intact over here, it seemed. Well then, chuck any sense of self-preservation straight into the sun, who cares. But they better stay out of his way as well!!

"Guess it's just you and me playing rogue now."

Not looking forward to acting as a babysitter, but probably without much choice at this point, Thae finally had stood back up, taking a few steps forward and away from CN-tan. He lets out yet another disappointed sigh with his tail hanging down, before regaining some of that fiery determination from earlier. Disorganized and scattered or not, they still had a task to do. In the blink of an eye, it is no longer a fox standing at the spot, but a tall black-haired young man in punk-rock clothing.

"Well then..."

Sparkles, like stardust accumulate in front of him for a moment and from the middle out to the corners, his weapon of choice seems to materialize from them, a golden war-scythe that the girl would probably just call a 'lance', slowly unravels itself from seemingly nowhere, 'snaked' all around with an alien language that can only be described as the weirdest and messiest mix of Korean, Hebrew, Hieroglyphs and runes that one could ever conceive. At the start of the blade, separating it from the rest of the weapon, is a dishevelled piece of black cloth tied around and continuing down in two ends. Strangely enough, it doesn't appear to react to gravity in the way one would expect it to.

As soon as the weapon had come to be, Thae'il rotated it around his right hand in an impressive display of ability with the long stabbing tool, eventually holding it with both hands, blade down, and posing as if he had just pierced something with it. The star animal grinned to himself with confidence, delighted with the fact that he could be fully back in action after so long:

"'s nigh time that we joined the others, don't you think?"
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Karako Pierot

“Oh you haven’t seen any huh? Riiiight. Well every bee colony has a Queen right? Why don’t you take us to yours? I’m sure someone of such high power will know where to find some.”
Dib causally put his hand in his pocket while he gave a giant fake smile. Little did this bee know that if Dib’s plan failed then he would be getting a face full of bug spray.

"Yes, we seek your queen. Bring us to her." A thin smile spread across her lips, before she promptly dropped her polite facade. "Now." She demanded, raising her voice.

Karako looked back at the others of his group, becoming a bit uncomfortable. Why did they have to be so hostile?? He put his hands on his hips and looked back at them, as if to say 'That's not very nice...'


"H o o o n k..."

Karako then looked up at the bee, hoping it wouldn't too upset. But perhaps the group could meet the bee's leader!!


Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun T The Man With No Name archur archur PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @HoneyHivePlanet @CaveGangYeet

Screenshot (34).png
Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: Dealing with a mini fancy man. (plus penguin)
Condition: normal

One moment he was proceeding up to that tiny looking castle (assumingly along side that man from earlier), the next moment he gets an offer for a proposition via megaphone from that miniature fancy man thing. The ridiculousness of someone asking for his assistance amuses him, a powerful planet concerning Chimera Sui Generis. One that has gained the immense trust of the people of Vilgaxia. But at the same time, has been avoided by most due to his unpaired might. And now...

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict observed the big green aliens actions, “Josh......we may have recruit on our hands.” He said as he proceeded to follow the alien as he made his way towards the castle, he pulled out his megaphone, “HALT CREATURE! I HAVE.........A PROPOSITION FOR YOU!”

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

For now, it might be more interesting to take the bait.
"if you knew of my reputation, you wouldn't be asking me." he said "but go on. what is this proposition of yours?"

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch RedLight RedLight Crow Crow SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @GoodEggGalaxy
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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict stared into the aliens eyes, “And if you knew of would say yes.” He said while holding out a hand, “Ah........I think we both up, be If not, I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with what follows.” He said while reaching slowly in his jacket and pulling out.........a ticket, “You’ll be sad........I am sad.”

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

King Dedede

"Yea, if you can't tell us none, then take us to someone who can!" Dedede agreed, crossing his arms and giving the bee-person an evil eye. He was distracted by this show of stubbornness, however, by an odd smell. Turning around, he saw the goat man from earlier offering a cup of something to the large-cranium child. The king flared up with jealousy for not being on the receiving end of this generosity and acted accordingly to how rude old Dedede usually acted. "Gimme that!" The king demanded, rudely ripping the cup out of the goat man's hands. He gulped down the beverage quickly, then spat it out, spraying the goat man's face with hot liquid. Dedede opened his mouth, attempting to brush the taste off his tongue with the hand unoccupied with the teacup. "Blegh! The heck is this stuff!?" He yelled, tossing the now-empty teacup at the child with the large head. "You tryin' to poison him or somethin'?"

T The Man With No Name Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara ManyFaces ManyFaces Birb Birb thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @cavegangcavegangcavegang​
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


"'s nigh time that we joined the others, don't you think?"

CN-tan paused for a bit before slowly standing back up, grabbing him by the chin to see eye to eye with him, tilting her head to the right as she tries to comprehend Thae'il's new form. She was flabbergasted at the sight of him turning into a humanoid, he even looked like a pretty boy from those "anime's" or whatever you call them that Toonami-tan used to show in her airtime. She let go of his chin after a few seconds of contemplating and put her hands on her pockets, examining him from head to toe, looking at right back at his face after she's done.

"You can turn into a human?! You're the best pet ever!!" CN-tan smiled once again. "But yeah, let's go see what those knuckleheads are up to."
Yes! Victory for Zim! He had succeeded in swaying the horned beast to his side.
Surely the creature would be useful to him against Dib's smaller horned beast.
Zim would be victorious. The Irken rubbed his hands together evilly as Asgore walked into the jump pad and launched "Wait for Zim goat beast!" The irken shouted and ran after Asgore being shot through space and slapped onto the hive galaxy face first.
Zim got up and spat dirt out and began violently trying to get the dirt flavor out of his mouth.
Afterwards he could see he was in just as much danger as he would have been in the water world seeing the bee hives. Bees, one of the many savage creatures he'd encountered on Earth. Their sole purpose was to destroy, even his spaceship couldn't withstand the might of a bee. He was drawn to Dib's enormous head like a beacon "The foolish Dib stink actually thinks he can reason with bees HAHA- LAUGH WITH ME GOAT MAN, LAUGH AT DIB'S STUPIDITY!" He called to Asgore and saw he was actually enthralled with the honey and making tea... He was about to berate the goat man for offering an unpoisoned drink to the enemy on a mission even though he didn't like the mission he wouldn't slack off. But a penguin... Eagle... Bird creature went over and did it for him instead after taking the drink and spitting it in Asgore's face.
Zim strutted over to Asgore and Dedede and stared at the large bird creature and goat man "Hey! Don't let him talk to you like that! Crush him with your giant fork!" Zim commanded Asgore, seemingly oblivious of how leaceful the man was.

T The Man With No Name Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin Birb Birb thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Dib Membrane

Dib waited for the bee’s answer as Asgore came over to him. Asgore began to pour a cup of tea and offered it to Dib. Dib was a little confused, but he would t pass down a nice cup of tea. Dib eagerly reaches for the tea before the penguin king took it before he could get his little fingers on the cup. Dib watched in disgust as the bird spit the tea out and threw the cup at him. As the cup lied on the floor Dib dropped to his knees in utter disappointment.
Dib stood back up as Asgore began to pour another cup however. Dib took the cup and took a sip of the tea.
“Wait I don’t even like tea...”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore T The Man With No Name Birb Birb FoolsErin FoolsErin
Agent 3|Path Finder

"So, what's the plan, guys? Pick a route or go against what the note said?"

Ben was still preparing to transform, smelling something fishy, with what Bowser was doing and all. He then undials the Omnitrix.

"On second thought, maybe we should check the house again later for whatever we're planning. I should check the Castle out."
Agent 3 would have re-grouped with them with Excalibur if there was nothing else on the other side of the planet left. "Hmm... Well, what other options do we have? That castle is most likely heavily guarded. I don't know if you noticed, but it's always the cool places that get heavily guarded." She said simply, sounding sceptical. "I wouldn't really recommend breaking into a house anyhow; there's probably nothing in there we could use to begin with. I simply say we get what we came for and be on our way." She added, reinforcing a slightly more serious tone.
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Invigorated
Status (mentally/emotionally): Serious
Location: Good Egg Galaxy
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs
Active buffs/power-ups: None
Course of action: Decide with the team - where to go?
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 (Excalibur)
Mentions: None

In group: Crow Crow (Ben), ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool (Sans), LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julie), Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (himself/Josh), Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vilgax).
Actually nearby: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 (Excalibur), LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julie), Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vilgax), Crow Crow (Ben)

  • 79oDRFc.png I've reached the top at last. Grabbing the ledge as I stopped running up the wall,I pulled my self up onto the tower. At that moment I found myself looking at......a pathway up here? Really now,what kind of gravitational field does this little floating land possess? It is really starting to drive me up the wall just thinking about it. It would seem that Squidface (Vilgax) was walking up that path (Which,from my visual standpoint,seems to be what the grey path from "underneath" would've lead to) ,only stopping halfway as a man (His voice suggests it was the man with the top hat from I really not looking at a non-Warframe Limbo?) called him in for a recruitment offer.

    Deciding that it'd be wise of me to stay out of the talk (I could already sense some hostility from Squidface from his speech tone alone),I looked up,probably expecting a Launch Star or just about anything that could take us elsewhere off this land.....assuming what we've seen is truly just all the floating landmass has to offer.
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Ben Tennyson
Location: Good Egg Galaxy
Interactions: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Heavily guarded? I know exactly what to do..."

Ben redials his Omnitrix, before rushing off towards the distance and finding the castle, surrounded by numerous chestnut-men with fangs. He finds a place to hide.

He was now far from his current group, and they would take a bit to catch up.

"I'm gonna need to crack these nuts four times as fast..."

He smacks his watch down, initiating transformation. His arms would become bulkier in proportion to the rest of his body, and his skin would turn green, greyish-green, as a matter of fact. Finally, he would begin to shrink... and shrink...


"Grey Matter? Awww man... well, at least now I know Fourarms would be a bad idea."

He tries to find a good opening where someone small like him can sneak through with ease, all while listening. At the same time, he would see if there were any rocks on the floor he could use to distract the Goombas.

If one of his group managed to find him, it would be around now, a mere few seconds after assuming the transformation known as Grey Matter, in which he would immediately turn to them as he placed a finger over his mouth.

"Ssshhhh... get down, you'll alert the walking pistachios..."

During this, his eyelids would close and open from the sides while blinking.


Location: Honeyhive Galaxy
Interactions: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Laffey lends a hand to the fallen Inazuma.

"Is Inazuma... alright? If there are some things you cannot do, we can do together..."
Manelion had heard Julia's voice ( LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ). Through telepathy again, of course.
"Cat?" He called out to her. Then, Manelion, as he looked at his right, he saw Julia.
Meters away, he saw her stood at a house's doorway, as if she had wanted to check on something. However, "Whose house is that?" Manelion pondered.

As Manelion walked towards Julia, who seemed ruffled, and the house. He was surprised from the scene in front of him.
A deeply green creature, that stood like a humanoid ( Laix_Lake Laix_Lake ). It was a creature people, from his world, would call, "Abyssbourn..." However, seemingly advanced equipment is definitely not something Abyssbourns possess.
There was also the human boy with the strange watch ( Crow Crow ), liken to the former adventurer's armour. He had a quite unkempt, dark brown hair. And wore a white shirt, with a vertical black stripe at the middle, and dirty, green baggy pants.
And of course, Julia.
Manelion's mind had blanked. "What is goiing ooon evenn... W-whuh? ... Eh?"

Out of nowhere, a tyrannical voice greeted Manelion's presence. It was the Abyssbourn who already had walked in front of him. It asked-- no, it commanded Manelion to assist the Abyssbourn towards investigating a castle.

Most, if not all, stories of men, telling about an encounter with an Abyssbourn, have three common similarities. One, the Abyssbourn had attacked the storyteller on sight. Two, the storyteller had miraculously survived. Three, the storyteller disappears in a matter of days, after telling the story, or gets discovered that they had taken their own life.
"I guess he's not one of 'em." Manelion had thought.

Manelion, and his new ally of unknown species, had arrived at their mission.
"Yo... So, Uhh... Quick question, are you Abyssbo --"
Just as he tried to spark a conversation, an extremely loud noise emitted behind them. A gentleman, whom displayed itself with such attention-capturing fashion ( Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch ). Manelion had definitely seen it before, as he had recognized the entity. It held something with its fingerless hand, which had probably been the tool that had emitted the comprehensible noise.

The gentleman has a proposition, as it claims through the use of its tool. Manelion's ally, whom the gentleman addressed as "creature", questions the so-called proposition, with the same confident, tyrannical voice.
"Woah, woah, woah... Hold on, you're going to do this without consulting me, your new teammate, first?" He interrupts the creature. "And what'dya mean 'if you knew of my reputation'? What even is yer name, pal?"
This was not how Manelion had planned their introductions. Thanks to the noisy newcomer.


“Ah, I see. I’ll join in the endeavor”

Getting up, Ravio bowed once more to Rosalina before finally leaving. After that Ravio quickly swooped up Sheerow and began exploring the sanctuary they stood on. He even got so wrapped up in the beauty of the place that he completely forgot the other important matters at hand. For one he never did get to check up on how the plump Dino-guy was but he could most likely guess that he was probably fine considering he hadn't caught wind of him dying or anything like that. After the for-mentioned exploring Ravio thought to finally give a full checkup on all of his arsenal. There was the perfect sitting spot quite nearby so he simply sat there at opened up his sack. To someone other than Ravio the inside would look like complete absolute mayhem with how unorganized it seemed. To that observation even Ravio would have to agree. Being thrown about tens of times in a single night would do that to any old bag out there. For now, all he could do was empty it all out and reorganize which basically took up all of the rest of the chill time he had. Arrows had to be put back in quivers, boomerangs were polished, and elemental rods cleaned. Each piece of fine weaponry was remarkably taken care of by the rabbit hooded man. You could even see every pore in your face in each weapons polished surface. The first step to attracting customers in to have a fine appearance after all! However this intense care for his items took quite the while to complete. It was a miracle Ravio was even able to get his work all done moments before it was time to pack up and go. Quickly he shoved all of his weapons and hundreds of sparkling rupees back in their places before scurrying back to the others and Rosalina with Sheerow closely following behind.

Finally Ravio caught up with the rest right as the cyan garbed ruler of the Luma began to give the group the options as to where they could begin their first mission. Firstly there was the Good Egg galaxy, then the Beehive Galaxy, and last but certainly not least, the Loopdeloop Galaxy. All were certainly pretty interesting choices to pick from despite all of the end results being forced to be shot out of something again. If the purple hooded fellow were by himself it'd definitely take a whole while longer for him to choose. Thankfully he'd been able to at least get to know some people so Ravio would simply go wherever they went. He noticed Ben after a bit of consideration decided to head over to the Good Egg Galaxy. As soon as Ben went on in Ravio quickly followed after and with that he now found himself onto a new planet as he quietly followed along with all of the others who joined in the adventure.

The galaxy itself was about as beautiful as everything had been so far. The stars twinkled and the grass was a healthy green under his worn boots. In fact the place reminded him a bit of the small sphere he found himself on which started this whole thing in the first place. Well it was really the festival but that was besides the point. Anyways the place was just plain pretty in general, maybe even prettier than both Lorule and Hyrule but that might just be a bit of a stretch. Ravio himself got a bit caught up in the aesthics of the place that he didn't contribute anything all that meaningful to the team in quite a while. In actuality he didn't even notice anything that was going on up until that point. When not observing the land he and Sheerow casually conversed as well as a bird and a human even could. Besides that Ravio was simply following behind the others in complete ignorance until finally something got his attention. At some point the group had been slightly split up and Ravio had ended up following behind the big scary alien looking man and another less terrifying looking man accompanied by a penguin who was threatening to fine the alien if he didn't join. Finally it was Ravio's time to shine! interjecting between the duo, Ravio made his presence known as another joins in on talking to the gentleman.

"How would fining this mister do anything for us? It's not like he or any of us have the means of paying you back in your world's money anyways since we all come from different universes. Not to mention it'd be a pain trying to figure out the exchange rates and stuff. Sorry for butting on in by the way"
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore RedLight RedLight
location: Good Egg Galaxy
Other members: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03
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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict looked at the other creature, accompanying the main creature, “Ah........instability in the relationship, victory is close...........I shall get a new teammate.” He pointed at the creature (Manelion) with his cane, “Ah.........maybe you would like to join as well........” Benedict said before going into a dramatic, yet emotionless pose, “I would've consulted you first dear Sir, unlike this......quite savage alien” Benedict then turned his head towards another.........thing (Ravio) Benedict was not used to this many recruits, but oh was he ready, ah, yes, those robes..........another witch. Butting in on the conversation, but unlike previous agents, he was actually.........useful, “Ah........well, you see, in my world..........the best world, “We” can fine people for quite frankly.............anything. A chair.............your left shoe............or................your life.” Benedict said calmly, “Ah, yes, would you like to little troupe.” Benedict said while staring this new witch right in the eyes of his mask.

SheepKing SheepKing
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
RedLight RedLight
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