
Immediately as you landed in Honeyhive Galaxy, you would find it to be a relaxing sort of atmosphere. Tall, lush trees littered the environment, and the pleasant scent of honey almost immediately invaded your nostrils. The sounds of bees buzzing and the gentle water fall splashing against the ground made for an all around relaxing experience. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all?

There really only appeared to be one pathway as of right now: forward. However, as you walked up the hill, you soon found more options at your disposal. More places to visit, as it were. Well, in reality, there was only one real place to visit. There was a cave in the upper left corner, though to your right appeared to lie a vine you could swing from, if you so chose to do so.

Birb Birb FoolsErin FoolsErin T The Man With No Name Crow Crow archur archur PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @HoneyHive​


The Loopdeeloop Galaxy was about as straight forward as one could get. Ruby found herself landing upon a stone platform that was off to the side, and besides that, all she would see is a giant... obstacle course? It wasn't very clear, in all honesty. Perhaps the real question was the physics behind such a feat, most notably the fact that water had somehow achieved its own gravitational pull and been made into its own makeshift obstacle course. Truly mysterious circumstances indeed. As Ruby looked around for what to do, her thoughts would be interrupted by a peculiar feathered friend...


"Hello!" The giant penguin greeted with a wave. "What brings you here?"

marc122 marc122
Dib Membrane

Dib sighed heavily as the space princess yelled at them all for fighting. Dib knew that the only way to get back home was for everyone to work together even if he didn’t want to work with Zim. When it came to the galaxies he saw that Karako had a strong interest in the ‘Honey hive galaxy’ so Dib decided to go with him.
“I’ll go to the hive galaxy with Karako... This will be my way to get revenge on those vampire bees! Ever since I got those stings I’ve been craving honey!”
The launch star experience was once again not enjoyable in the slightest. He once again fell face first into the dirt once they landed. Dib slowly got up and looked around as he noticed the cave.
“I’m headed to the cave! There could be some interesting undiscovered things in there!”

Birb Birb thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @honey_hive_group


Ben Tennyson
Location: Rosalina's Castle -> Good Egg Galaxy
Interactions: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Ben decides to head for the Good Egg Galaxy.

"What's with those paths?" Ben asks, looking at the grey and orange paths leading to the planet's underside. "Maybe we should look at those later. Let's play it straight for the start."

Ben starts by knocking on the door before them.


Location: Rosalina's Castle
Interactions: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Birb Birb FoolsErin FoolsErin T The Man With No Name archur archur PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Noticing the vine, Laffey decides to take a small detour from the expected path to investigate the outside before going to the inside.​

The room was blue and the floor was made with glass which looked expensive. Tanya wasn't surprised. After all this woman did claim to be a princess. The grandiose appearance of the room reminded her of a church and that...being X. Thankfully there was no being X here to meddle with her. The room had a blue star in the ceiling and upon looking up to the blue star in the centre of the room she was drawn up towards it.

Bewildered Tanya looked down at her options. The egg one was out of the question. Which left the bee one or the looped one. The bee one tempted her at first with her being able to fly ,however, the loop one was more appealing. Besides Tanya missed the seaside. The looped one reminded her of some sort of racecourse. Breathing underwater would be challenging along with the fact that she couldn't fly underwater. Using magic to accelerate herself and perhaps use a shield or something to trap herself an air bubble or something along those lines. Now for some sort of Tea-

"Anyone who wants to tag along with me as team leader to Loopdeeloop Galaxy and some more for the foreseeable future, follow me!"

An opportunity had just reared its head. Tanya approached Ruby happily smiling.

"Hi again Ruby! I would love to join your team!" The short german blonde reached to shake her hand and could barely hold her excitement for more than one reason.
marc122 marc122
Agent 3|The Good Egg

Those of you who headed to Good Egg Galaxy would immediately find yourselves landing upon a circular, grassy platform. The platform was disk-like in shape, and upon landing, you would find there were three places of interest. First, there was a small house in front of you that had an orange pipe resting on its top. Next, to your left was a bright orange path that appeared to curl over and lead to the underside of the planet. Finally, to your right was a much less pleasant looking grey path, which appeared to curl under the planet as well.
Agent 3 would decide to explore the orange path, unable to contain herself. She seemed invigorated, taking in the surroundings and no less the void of what is known as space. She would look back to who else is with her at the moment and noticed two others already going to explore other areas. Good, good. They can cover more ground this way. Agent 3, as such, would cover the last one they both had not. The orange path. "Now then, let's turn this place upside-down and see what we find..." She said to herself. "I predict... the exact same thing." She joked as she began to take said path, hoping to not actually jinx herself.
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Invigorated
Status (mentally/emotionally): In awe (of space)
Location: Good Egg Galaxy
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs
Active buffs/power-ups: None
Course of action: Orange path
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None
Nearby: Crow Crow (Ben), ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool (Sans), LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julie), SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 (Inazuma, Excalibur)
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"Very well, I'll assist in the defeat of this Bowser." Spectre nodded to the Princess, looking at his available options. 1. The warp to Good Egg Galaxy. 2. The warp to Loopdeloop Galaxy. 3. The warp to Honeyhive Galaxy. Whichever one he went to, he intented to go with Marcus since he had grown close to the half-Terminator during his time in Marcus's native time zone. They were both toyed with an unjust fate, distrusted and hated by those around them. He had sworn to serve Marcus like he initially served Ryoken before he was drafted into this alliance and arrived to fight the Terminators of whch he had been successful in doing so. Then there was this business with the Mushroom Kingdom and those ships stealing the castle, next thing he knew he was here.

"Marcus... Ideally, I'd like to go to this Loopdeloop Galaxy... Will you come with me?" Spectre asked, looking over at the half-Terminator as he drew 6 cards from his Deck and saved them, he lacked the mental energy to perform a materialization if the warp was going to be anything like that phenomenon they experienced with that odd wizard creature. Standing on the appropriate warp next to Ruby, Odessa and Tanya. Spectre extended a hand towards Marcus, hoping the man would come with him. Gasping as he was warped, Spectre distinctly didn't like the feeling fo being catapulted across spacetime so violently and arrived on the Loopdeloop Galaxy, lots of water... Thankfully he was a good swimmer.


"Right, I've patched in your claoking device to the TARDIS. Attempting to dematerialize now." The Time Lord told her companion, having let Odessa go outside since she needed to know what was going on. Securing the connection and testing it with a flick of a control on the console, as expected the exterior of the time machine completely disappeared from sight. "Good, it works at least. Time to leave." Romana stated, altering the controls again and pulling the lever, the time rotor in the centre moving up and down as the time machine's noises became significantly less strained, take-off was sucessful when suddenly the entire room lurched, the TARDIS was caught in the Loopdeloop warp beam and was being dragged along with it, thankfully remaining cloaked for the moment. Back at the observatory if the warp was being monitored a stress factor might be detected as the TARDIS entered the warp beam.


"Hold on!" She instructed to Maya as the TARDIS was thrown out of warp into the Loopdeloop Galaxy, the sudden transition making the cloaking field and Vortex Shields fail as the huge grandfather clock appeared in the sky for a few seconds.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B darkred darkred Adding Spectre, Marcus, Romana and Maya to Team Loopdeloop)
Image result for cara delevingne laureline

She was disorientated from the warp and blinked in a confused state at the talking penguin that greeted them. She looked around at her surroundings and noticed that she wasn't alone. There was the red anime chick and some ..... girl with blonde hair with guns.

She was about to reply to the penguin when an old grandfather clock appeared in the sky for a couple of seconds and she knew her previous group was here as well. As well as two men. Strangers.

Hell. They were ALL strangers.

She looked to the penguin, still trying to comprehend that she is talking to a penguin.

"Uh hi, Mr. Penguin, um, " her voice goes silent when she realizes she had no idea what to say.

FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Team Loopdeloop)
Karako Pierot

Karako walked over to the launch star, and immediately jumped up to it. Once again as he flew, anyone nearby would probably hear:

"H O O O O O O O O N N N K K K K K K K K K"



Immediately as you landed in Honeyhive Galaxy, you would find it to be a relaxing sort of atmosphere. Tall, lush trees littered the environment, and the pleasant scent of honey almost immediately invaded your nostrils. The sounds of bees buzzing and the gentle water fall splashing against the ground made for an all around relaxing experience. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all?

There really only appeared to be one pathway as of right now: forward. However, as you walked up the hill, you soon found more options at your disposal. More places to visit, as it were. Well, in reality, there was only one real place to visit. There was a cave in the upper left corner, though to your right appeared to lie a vine you could swing from, if you so chose to do so.

Birb Birb FoolsErin FoolsErin T The Man With No Name Crow Crow archur archur PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @HoneyHive

Karako looked around, in awe at the sights. It wasn't what he expected but it was still rather pretty!! He decided he would investigate the cave, but he'd go ahead of everyone else. He practically lived in a brooding cavern, so a cave was nothing new to him.


The launch star experience was once again not enjoyable in the slightest. He once again fell face first into the dirt once they landed. Dib slowly got up and looked around as he noticed the cave.
“I’m headed to the cave! There could be some interesting undiscovered things in there!”

Karako nodded at Dib, and quickly handed him yet another faygo before running off. This one was pineapple orange flavored.


"Honk honk!!"

The troll ran in, and his eyes already began to adjust to the darkness. It was something he was used to, since trolls are a nocturnal race.

"H O O O O N K!"

His honk echoed in the cave, and distorted, sounding almost ghostly and chilling.


Karako slowed down, now at a walking pace, feeling in front of him for anything he might not be able to see.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @HoneyHiveGangYeet @CaveGangYeet


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Waiting for the others in Honeyhive Galaxy so that they may plan their approach,
also giving a warning to the kids that couldn't do the same
Birb Birb , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , archur archur , [B][COLOR=#6F7AB3]@Chungchangching[/COLOR][/B]

"I kinda wanna see where this goes, Bat Dude can wait."

CN-tan's response had prompted him to grin at her. Niiice, he had found someone that was just as curious and much of a relentless bystander than he was. The idea of having a person to share observer commentaries with, and popcorn, was quite amusing to imagine... He liked her already, but it was possible that the girl could be even more in sync with the star animal than he had first thought of.

"Indeed I can, for an incredibly long time", suddenly hearing Batman's voice right next to him had been surprising:​

"Woa, I didn't even hear you approach Bats. How did you do that?", Thae had asked more in curiosity than anything, just slightly taken aback by the man's covert approach, "Where did that bread even come from?", he gestured with his head at the baguette, "And would you maybe... have more of those laying around?"

Assault team had decided to attack the weak alien creature with an income of food... or at least, food wannabes. For which purpose, the fox did not know, simply sitting around in the backstage as he watched in confusion, wondering what the results of it were going to be... Or maybe not due to Rosalina stepping in and vanishing the bologna projectile. That, was probably for the best, seemed like this guys were about to outrightly murder the little green dude over Dib's old laundry. Thae didn't care for the consequences of anything like that, but some of the others might. One's first kill is... a hard thing to shake away. If it is even possible. The princess had just saved some of them from their own consciousness.

"Party is over", the star animal let out in an indifferent tone, "Guess we should get moving then.", he said taking a turn in front of Toon and beginning to make his way towards the so-called terrace.

To Thae'il, any of the galaxies were fair game as he had been trained with a big range of situations in mind, plus high adaptability and quick-thinking whenever the environment wasn't like anything he had already experienced, so he was pretty chill with that. The only thing he'd have looked forward to was the possibility of the next locations either being currently at night time, or just not having a daily cycle at all, so take he could draw energy from the star at his own leisure, the rest would be a bonus.
The mechanical being from their earlier group seemed to have a preference for the Honeyhive Galaxy and Batman agreed that they should stick together. Well, he, the flying-lady, Marcus and his boyfriend looked competent enough, but then on the other hand... Especially the human with a big-head, did not. Having the team separated half-half like this did not sound like a good strategy to Thae, but alas, it was too late to start excluding members of the squad just because they lacked either discipline, ability or any kind of defence methods whatsoever. This sucked and was not ideal, yet it would have to do.

"Then Honeyhive it is~", the fox had sing-a-sung already looking forward to using the launch star jump-pad again, "Allow me to go ahead"

Inside the terrace had been quite roomy and nice, the blue starry wallpaper and the ornate glass flooring making a beautiful pair deserving of the whole space mission HQ aesthetic, putting the whole adventure into a new perspective. To come and see this previous to every new launch would be a delight for sure.
The blue star up above seemed to have its own gravitational pull, making the cosmic fox float before having even thought of hovering up there himself and in the ceiling, the map rested, obviously the way to indicate to the jump-pad mechanism one's desired destination. Thae placed a front paw softly on top of the panel, selecting the group's chosen galaxy and opening up a huge grin in anticipation of the launch. Ohhhh yes~ He was going to forward to each new instance of these~!

Annnnnnnd it was daylight. Welp.

Thae wasn't too thrilled about having to limit any ability usage. At least changing forms didn't spend any sort of power, but literally, anything else from light-speed stepping to any form of shadow manipulation would. Not being able to go haywire on things was a biiiig disappointment when it came to the adventure. All he could do now was wish it didn't come to a lot and manage his energy cleverly.

Having decided to wait for Toon to arrive before he changed forms, --otherwise, she might think he had died again--, the fox sat down and appreciated the view near the entrance point, well sorta, the fact that everything was once more peaceful, cheerful and emanating good vibes was still just as annoying as first time. Why did it had to look like something out of a children's book? Jeeeez!

Judging by the voices coming from above the hills, Dib and Karako had already gone forward, failing to wait for the heavy-hitters, and their subsequent protectors, before going exploring. Ahh, kids. Thae'il was no babysitter, so he hoped they could fend for themselves in the meanwhile:

"Hey! Try not to get yourselves into trouble so soon!", he yelled up in their direction, "We don't want anyone to end up dead on recklessness."
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Marcus nodded, looking over at the smallish planet besides him. He was about to reply to those others but they disappeared., leaving Spectre and Marcus behind. The more the terminator wanted to defend himself, he grunted. "Sure, let's get out of this place. I'm sure the others are way ahead of us. "Well, I didn't think being thrown through spacetime would be so horribly wrong. I've only seen time travel in my world. So what else could be fucked up?

The half terminator appeared near Spectre, eyeing the water. "Huh? A full water side?" "At least I can swim."

The terminator eyed the little purple "penguin" and frowned "... Another talking animal?"

He eyed the bigger man with a hammer, who looked like royalty and the woman in red with a scythe. (King DeeDeeDee and Ruby) and Odessa.

He eyed them, almost studying them for a second.

FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Team Loopdeloop)




Maya turned to Odessa as one of their allies left. She wasn't sure what to say to the other woman considering their brief meeting was a short lived one at the time. Maya The Helghast spy turned to Romana and entered the TARDIs as Maya held on tight as Romana was able to connect the TARDIs to Maya's cloaking device as she held on as she kept her sniper rifle near her. The TARDIS appeared near a waterslide area, the cloaking failing for a short time.

The spy turned toward the others, quickly observing the area around her. The waterslide area, the talking penguin and then possible allies or enemies. A royal king, a woman with a scythe and two others. What appeared to be a "man" and another man who appeared near him. Helghast spies were trained like this often and in situations such as this, a slipup could get her killed. No Lucas to cover her ass this time.

The royal was big but she had her own rich and famous line at home, so she had a bit in common with the big guy but was weary of the woman with the Scythe. If she wasn't careful, that weapon could be dangerous.

Maya spoke a bit of Helghast but translated it to English.


((Helghast language))

English translation

"Be cautious and on your guard, Romana, Don't know who we are up against."

FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Team Loopdeloop)
Ruby Rose
(Loopdeeloop Galaxy)

"Good to have you here!"

When the imperialistic German kid offered to join Ruby, she shook her hand in earnest as she began making her way to the galaxy.

"Now, let's get going!"

- - - - -​


Ruby did a spin midair, once again pulling out Crescent Rose with Gravity ammunition loaded. It was still amazing that she could, for once, fly without the help of either Crescent Rose, or her Semblance. The Launch Star was such an amazing piece of "machinery" that she just wondered how they even managed to make a much more advanced, and admittedly neat-looking, springboard than what Beacon Academy had. With it, she essentially got to do her landing strategy over and over again.

Even more interesting was the obstacle course. Sure, it looped, as the galaxy implied, but even more crazy was how they managed to do it without the whole thing falling apart. She could've sworn, the new place she had come to as a whole had technology way unlike Remnant's. Not even Atlesian technology was this daring, and Penny was a robot whom she personally knows has Aura and, possibly, a soul! And way it looped, she almost thought it was a race track unlike any other.

No problem...except she wished Weiss, Blake, and Yang were all here with her. Nonetheless...

"Alright, going over landing strategy like before, and..!"

Ruby held onto Crescent Rose like a witch's broomstick, then pulled the trigger as she watched herself get closer to the one platform. Eventually, she landed, two feet on the ground with her HCSS's blade dragging across the floor until she came to a halt. Proceeding to take Crescent Rose off the ground, she saw what appeared to be a penguin who proceeded to greet her, before asking what brought her here. What stood out to her was the round, almost cartoonish features.

That alone got her.

Gasping, she immediately exclaimed, pointing at him in front of Tanya, Odessa, and all the others,


However, realizing the penguin was trying to ask her, she gasped, putting her finger down, and stepped away, as she said,

"Oh, sorry, my bad, uh... Right. I guess it's the name that brought me here?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Penguin), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa), 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya), FactionParadox FactionParadox (Spectre, Romana), darkred darkred (Marcus, Echo)
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(Pretend these are night vision goggles)
Dib Membrane

Dib took the Faygo that Karako gave him and put it in his coat pocket for later. Karako ran straight to the caves, so Dib thought that caves must just be a thing he’s used to. Dib stood at the entrance of seeing how dark it was. He reached into his coat and put on what seemed to be goggles. He pressed a button on the side as the lenses began to glow green.
“Darkness is no problem for my Night vision goggles! It also had X-Ray vision capabilities so that’s pretty neat.”
Dib ignored whatever it was Thae said mostly because he was too far away to hear him. He walked through the cave while looking around it for anything interesting. He couldn’t find much though except for honey. Dib looked around to make sure no one was looking as he licked a bit off his hand.
“Curse you vampire bees...”

Birb Birb Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

After they landed on the good egg planet, and Josh remembering to not be a cushion this time, Benedict looked around, “Ah.........yes, we’ve been rewarded Josh. Benedict said as he pointed to the house, “A place to stay.........see Josh, it pays to be a good egg, now, we must..... “convince” the residents to let us stay.” He said as he and Josh approached the house, and went inside.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Zim laid wheezing on the ground, uprepared for round two of being assaulted by various edibles. He only managed make disgruntled gargling noises in response to the offer of Laffey giving him food. Well it wasn't like he had a choice as she threw the fried shrimp? Into his mouth but he didn't eat it, in fact the impact made in somewhat more aware of his ongoing situation and he began coughing in a rather dramatic matter, spitting the shrimp(?) Out like the filth that it was. He staggered to his feet eyes and stance wide though he seemed to be struggling to balance "KEEP YOUR FFFFILTHY FOOD PRODUCTS AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed at the girl pointing and waving a finger.
Then and only then did time seem to slow for him as he heard Dib screaming 'BALOGNA ATTACK'. He saw the filthy swine meat flying through the air closing in on his face... Had Dib been carrying meat in his pockets just for this moment? Was something he might have thought had he not been under the influence. Instead he simply screamed "AAAH! AAAAAAHHH! AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Each scream increased in volume and length as the meat got closer. But it seemed the gray horned creature was defending him much like the larger horned creature who was currently confronting the skeleton.
It seemed the floaty woman in blue had saved him from a burning humiliation of meaty torment as she took Dib's meat saucer away. He actually let out a small sigh of relief. He noted that the others were following her orders to leave him alone and go to worlds as she directed. So she was some form of leader, though she looked human she could float do wand stuff like some form of she witch. So if he wanted to make it back to Earth he'd have to do some of these menial tasks. It would be no problem for an Elite Invader like himself. Though.... He wasn't going anywhere near the water galaxy.
The goat man and horned child seemed to be going to the hive galaxy, though Dib was going as well... No matter he'd turn the horn beasts upon him like a dog would turn upon a fresh ham.
"You, goat man! We should travel together, I will require your great might should the Dib stink make more attempts at my human life!" Zim shouted at Asgore looking up at him... Well he was trying to look at him every once in a while he'd go wall eyed. Curse the strange girl and her strange drink.

T The Man With No Name Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Birb Birb thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Crow Crow @beesknees_gang

(Art credit: breepi | DeviantArt)


Placeholder WIP

Choice: Good Egg Galaxy




(OOC Note: I'll be editing this later, or at least trying to. At this rate, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep that promise or if I'll be staying in the RP at all.)
Midgardsormr Takes to the sky's going strait to the Launch star while Ben Goes to check on Beeg Yoshi. The Dragon listen to the choices and decides follow the young girl in red to visit the LoopdeeLoop Galaxy.
While Hurtling through Space, Energy fills his form and he shifts to a larger, more mature body, hopefully such a thing will help with any trials that the group may encounter.

He release a mighty flap before reaching the ground, halting his descent. a gust of wind picks up and pushes against the others who landed in front of him. He keeps hovering two feet in the air. "I have chosen to assist thou in thine task. Lead us well."
He then turns his attention to the Penguin.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred marc122 marc122 (Team LoopdeeLoop)


Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: headed to Loop one
So it seems as if the group was finally heading out, and it seems as if there is a choice of three..."planets" that they can head to. He took a moment to listen in on the outhers before boiling his choices between the good egg galaxy and that water world. Knowing that the only person heading there is some fancy man and his bird. He might actually need a second opinion, but time was most likely not in abundance.

"In that case, I will head to that egg planet alongside that... fancy pants person."
And off he went. To deal with a fancy man of some sort.

A moment later


Those of you who headed to Good Egg Galaxy would immediately find yourselves landing upon a circular, grassy platform. The platform was disk-like in shape, and upon landing, you would find there were three places of interest. First, there was a small house in front of you that had an orange pipe resting on its top. Next, to your left was a bright orange path that appeared to curl over and lead to the underside of the planet. Finally, to your right was a much less pleasant looking grey path, which appeared to curl under the planet as well.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @GoodEggGalaxy​

"This place is about as tiny as the last planet." He said. Out of the three options provided, it makes the most sense to go with the house first. And that's what he did as he knocked on the door with as much restraint as possible. I mean look at that house, it's tiny!

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch BoltBeam BoltBeam ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @GoodEggGalaxy
Upon investigating the house in front of you, Ben would find that there was no answer as he knocked on its door. Further inspection would reveal a small note attached to the front. Did Ben and Vilgax dare read it?


Those who took the right path would be met with an eerie looking pathway, covered in dead trees, yellow-eyed bats, and dead grass that was a sharp contrast to the lush greens provided on the flip-side of the planet. The path appeared to curve upwards, oddly enough, and it looked as though you could outright walk up the giant tower that shot out in front of you. Those of you with keen eyes, however, would notice an orange pipe off to your right, just sitting there all on its lonesome.

Meanwhile, the left path was much more... simple, yet at the same time it wasn't. While there didn't appear to be any obstacles or strange pipes or spooky dead trees in the way... what you did find was a set of not-so-friendly faces meet you almost immediately.


"Hey... aren't those guys them uh..." The first creature, which was shaped like a mushroom but for whatever reason had no arms and tiny, stubby legs, asked as its eyes focused on you.

"The what?" The second one asked.

"Those guys... with the uh... the thing. You know?"

"The ones who deliver the space pizzas?"

"No! Not them, you idiot! The other thing!"

"Ohhh... you mean the guys who do the thing that King Bowser doesn't want them to do!"

"Yeah, those guys who do the thing."

"The thing they're not supposed to."


With that out of the way, the pair shot you guys angry looks before running at you at full speeds!

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 BoltBeam BoltBeam Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
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The technology that Tanya had seen were light-years ahead of anything that crazy old man could cook up in his disheveled mind the best of what he came up with is probably the type 95 she was using right now and even then it still had its...downsides.It's incredible that the water has enough mass to create its own gravitational field. Although that must mean that the speed the water is going is pretty fast and so the force of pull you would feel if you were thrown in would probably be massive due to the possibly high density of the water. The landing platform was below her and she used her magic to slow down as to not break her knees upon impact. Looking at the obstacle course made Tanya nostalgic of that old western TV program she used to watch 'Total Wipeout'. Only that instead of having to start over again chances are you could possibly drown and break all your bones. Those currents looked pretty strong and Tanya wasn't really the best of swimmers even more so due to her miniscule size.

Tanya landed next to ruby before ruby squealed.


"Leave the Penguin alone before it has a heart attack or something" Tanya spoke up with a concerned tone.

A few others had joined Ruby's 'squad' including a very scary dragon thing that left Tanya speechless.
marc122 marc122
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
The cave wasn't so easily accessed, as one would think. Rather, as you approached, it became more and more apparent that it was too high off the ground to even reach! As you were no doubt searching for a way, a certain buzzing sound was heard approaching you. As if you didn't already know what it was,


A bee had entered your party! Or, more accurately, just approached you to see what you're doing here.

"Hello! Might I ask what exactly you're doing here?"


Meanwhile, as Laffey began swinging on the vine, she would gradually gain more altitude, swinging higher and higher, until a previously inaccessible cliff was now accessible! If she timed her jump right, she would be able to reach it with relative ease!

Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Birb Birb T The Man With No Name archur archur PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss ManyFaces ManyFaces
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"Name?" The penguin asked, tapping its flipper against its beak as it cocked its head to the side. "Name... name... name..... naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.......... OH!" It exclaimed, before bringing its flipper down and swinging it across his torso as he realized what Ruby meant. "Name! The name of the Galaxy!" He shouted with a chuckle, before nodding. "Well, it is a pretty fun galaxy indeed!" He said, before turning to the group as a whole, waving at those who introduced themselves. Once introductions were out of the way, he asked, "Say, do any of you know what stingray surfing is?"

marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B darkred darkred FactionParadox FactionParadox DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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Karako Pierot

A bee had entered your party! Or, more accurately, just approached you to see what you're doing here.

"Hello! Might I ask what exactly you're doing here?"


Karako's eyes widened, not in fear, but in astonishment. He looked up at the large bee, and waved raised his hand excitedly.



He had never seen such a large bee, and it was impressive to the troll.

Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin @Necessity4Fun Birb Birb T The Man With No Name Exiled Exiled Ace PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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