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Fantasy End Town

(She got a house, but she moved in like...yesterday. >.< That's what I mean by new. :3)
"Alright follow me." Leon made a gesture and started walking into the city. He saw Ashley and walked up to her. "You know where this address is?" Leon showed her the paper.
Around 30 minutes later Mercy emerged from the back room, holding Isaac's player in hand, removing the sign from it's place on her desk as she did.

"Good as new. Better actually, I only had hard drives in a larger size so looks like you lucked out when those jerks smashed the thing didn't you?" Handing Isaac back his device as she spoke "I also cleaned it out. It should run more smoothly now" Continuing on her rant even after she'd handed him the player, giving Isaac the full rundown on everything she'd done to the thing.

"That'll be $30 by the way" Mercy finished, making sure to let the kid know this wasn't a free service before he tried running off.
Isaac nodded and took his player back from her and plugged his headphones in before taking out his wallet and handing her $35 dollars in bills obviously.

"Keep it. Thanks for getting it done and fixing it up.. Bye." he said as he made his way out and walked down the street and out of sight.
Leon and Ashley lead Cilia to her house. They get there and stand in front of the place.

"This should be the place!" Leon opened the door and they walked in.
Mercy smirked a little as she took Isaac's payment. The dumb kid had overpaid, of course five extra bucks wasn't a whole lot but... Cash is cash right? Returning to her spot at the counter she threw the money into the register, quickly starting up on another schematic after she'd done so. The mp3 player had given her an idea. The other smucks who lived in this place seemed to have something against using force against these marauder guys, so she hadn't been able to rig up half of her ideas to deal with these guys without pissing somebody off.
Cilia glanced at Leon. "Oh, thank you," she said, walking into the kitchen. "Are you planning to leave soon?" She had some drinks if he was planning to stay, and if not, then she'd have to get on with her business. "If you want a drink or a snack, I have some in the kitchen."
"I can stay. I have nothing else to do either. I'm also new here if I forgot to mention." Leon smiled.
Cilia cast a smile in Leon's direction. "I hope we can get along." She pulled out a bottle of iced tea for herself. "Would you like anything? I have plenty of drinks and food." Saying that Cilia absolutely loved food and sweets, she was a bit overstocked.
(Sorry been busy all day)

"I guess I can have some of that tea." Leon looked around the apartment. "I have to really get an apartment of my own. Your apartment is pretty nice so I might get one of these."
(Sorry; I was everywhere today. >.<)

Cilia nodded, grabbing two cups, and pouring a decent amount of iced tea in both. After putting the tea away, she handed a cup over to Leon.

"I didn't even finish unpacking..." He took a sip of her drink. "Though, I agree; this place isn't too bad."
"I met Damien," Cilia said, sitting on a couch. She patted the seat, gesturing to Leon. "I haven't met anyone else, though." She finished her drink, but still held onto the cup.
Leon sat down on the couch next to Cilia. "Well, Mercy owns a shop in town. Damien is like one of her best friends or something. And Ashley was the girl who led us here." Leon drank some more of the tea. "So when are you setting up?"

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