[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Kacie said:
Cyl, I'm really tired of you constantly pigeon-holing my character and saying she shouldn't do whatever the latest thing is I would like to do. Please stop doing this.
I'm really sorry if you feel this way... it's simply that we have something that requires the attention of a skilled warrior, and... Mirror is the most skilled warrior.
It makes sense strategically that the Circle counts on her to handle this sort of heavy lifting.

If not handled, that is something that is going to bite us in the ass sooner or later... less heroes, less people to defend cities and people, easier preys, and the enemies of Creation reaping the benefits of our inaction.

Mirror's the best shot we have, it is that simple.

No other character has 15+Melee charms and a partner that can shift into a friggin' warstrider.

If there was, I'd be saying they should do it, and if Malek was that skilled, I'd be saying I'm going to do it because I have what it takes and this sort of things is typically for my guy.

Put yourself in my shoes. I can't fight, but I can talk to people and do intrigues. Then a threat comes up and the best fighter says "I want to talk to people and I don't want to fight"... basically where's the point for me to keep playing if I have to do everything other people don't want to do when I'm not good at it and I can't do what I am good at and supposed to be doing ?
And yet not being ideal for any given situation doesn't mean a person can't do anything useful. *shrug* Argis is probably not ideal for any situation other than perhaps hanging out in Cross managing things and training people, and yet he goes places and does things and nearly gets killed and all that wonderful stuff. :)
@Kacie: please read cyl's suggestion as "it would be awesome if Mirror could help here".

@cyl: you made your suggestion and it's ok, but you can be sure that Kacie considered all implications. She said she has different plans for her character, so please do not insist.
That's fine, Xarvh. I'd like to hear from Crazy Ivan what his priorities are, and I'd like to hear from JayTee if this sort of swap will work for him, then figure things out from there.

I'm not sure what to put into the Yasel Crystal for memories, either, so I'll wait on that.

Do you want attuning to the orichalcum blade to be done on-screen? Likewise, finding Berek's bow and attuning to it? Or are they montage fodder?

You don't have to provide any memory if you don't feel inspired.

Berek's bow is where Zee said.

Attunement can be done off-screen, but again if you have any good idea, feel free to do it IC.

Remember that the Daiklave has a very strong Holy component; if Mirror still counted as a CoD just wielding it would hurt her through the armor.
Remember that the Daiklave has a very strong Holy component; if Mirror still counted as a CoD just wielding it would hurt her through the armor.
Wow. Ha! That's hilarious. I take it that if Mirror wants to swing that thing around (while attuned) then she'll have to ask Fangs nicely to use that charm that makes Mirror not a CoD? Or take X levels of damage per Y time unit?

How does it work if Mirror is attuned but storing the weapon in Elsewhere?

Mirror has the handy charm where she pays full cost for the most expensive weapon to attune to, and then +1m for every weapon beyond that - merely a bookkeeping announcement, but I will need stats for both weapons, when you have time to post them. Thanks!
Heavenly Beam

Artifact 4, orichalcum reaper daiklave

Attunement 8

All its attacks are Holy.

Reflexively spending 5 motes before an attack makes the attack deal the same damage as a Grand Daiklave in a beam of golden light.

Both effects are available only to Dawn Caste Solars... What happens with a Dusk we don't know.

Charon's Summoner

Soulsteel short powerbow
@xarvh : I've given up trying to make people do what they don't want to. I was just pointing out the suboptimal strategic choice.

@Kacie : that is exactly what it was "please, lend a hand", but put with my usual less diplomatic & friendly phrasé. I perfectly understand you not being interested, but it's still part of the world we have to deal with and Mirror was the best hammer to plant that particular nail. It wasn't pigeon-holing, it was purely strategic.

@Feantari : Argis can go wherever he wants and be completely inconspicuous. Even with his anima fully displayed, he's "just another Dragon Blooded".

You stand out in a crowd, but not necessarily in the "big picture". The more powerful enemies will generally underestimate him for being "lesser".

That is a rare and precious gift.
Holy Fuck on a giant St@^^$.

(The last word is "stick" but I censored it because this forum is PG)

For some reason my home connection has been blocking i.roleplay.zone. WTF!?

If I use the tethering from the mobile it actually works.



Must post.
Kacie said:
That's fine, Xarvh. I'd like to hear from Crazy Ivan what his priorities are, and I'd like to hear from JayTee if this sort of swap will work for him, then figure things out from there.
Fangs' priorities are mostly toward redeeming Mirror at this point. She's about as far into her personal power as she can be without doing something bold and/or stupid. I'm happy to have her fill out her charm trees, etc. but she's hit the point where its obvious a permanent fix to this problem is not currently within her grasp.

So there's some crafting she wants to do with Siham, the Wyld and Gaia, etc. but short term I'm flexible.

Kacie said:
Wow. Ha! That's hilarious. I take it that if Mirror wants to swing that thing around (while attuned) then she'll have to ask Fangs nicely to use that charm that makes Mirror not a CoD? Or take X levels of damage per Y time unit?
She merely needs to be nearby. Or, if you let her know this is a problem (like, say, leaving her presence for a bit and being like 'My sword hurts...') she can manifest the token. For that matter, she probably would anyway if she and Mirror are going to part ways.
Add me to the list of people having some issues getting to this site from work. I'm able to get around it without much effort right now.
Finally done with Malek's sheet.

Took a bit of everything to make him a pretty good spy now, and increased his ability to delegate his powers, so if the ST allows, I'll buy Constable Wilrem as an ally in Nathir, replacing Melia who'll be busy ruminating about her new position in Two Worlds.
Finally the connection has been fixed.

It seems like some DNS don't like i.roleplay.zone

Anyway, I have to ask to Feantari and Siham for more patience, I am still thinking things through (and didn't have much time to do so of late).
whiskey and chocolate or whisky and chocolate, either way, crazy me is ready for dis

not sure how much I should imply about the lion's reaction to Argis's speech from the response, can you toss me a bit of info based on Argis's perception or charisma and investigation or socialize?

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