[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Why ? What nasty thing are you cooking up for my poor, traumatized, broken, tortured pc ?

Hasn't he had enough already ? O:)
@JayTee: you may want to post in Project Discussion about exactly what you want to build.

The Gate is human-sized, so there is a limit to what you can bring out from the Wyld.
Nothing too fancy, actually. Just the Exalted version of a modern day Battleship. Something similar to the USS Iowa. Definitely within the 4-5 dot range of artifacts.

Also, I'm bringing Wyld energies out of the Gate and in to Creation as I Shape them, so I'm not impeded by the size of the Gate itself. I probably could have been clearer on that. My bad.
You have to be inside the Wyld and surrounded by it. Just a source of Wyld won't make it.

As usual, I'm not saying "no", but I want you to address some practical problems.

Note down exactly what you want in Project Discussion, so that we can create a Project.
Posts in a couple days, have to deal with Thanksgiving and moving. The stats for the airship are archived on a different machine, so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Xarvh, can I have you thoughts on these two charms:

Silver Bride Mercy

Cost: –

Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2

Type: Permanent

Keyword: Holy

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Sacred Guardian Renewal

No matter how far the Abyssal Exalted have fallen, they will always know the love of their still-faithful Lunar mates. Not even they are beyond redemption, not even they are undeserving of love in Luna’s eyes. In order to learn this Charm, the Lunar must have one of the Abyssal Exalted as a mate. The Lunar may choose to take the wrath of the Neverborn for her love upon herself. By reflexively spending a point of Willpower in the presence of her Abyssal mate, she may roll (Solar Bond), with each success removing a point of Resonance from her mate. However, the Lunar suffers stigmata as a consequence of her actions, as if she had undergone a Resonance eruption herself. As long as she rolled any successes, her Solar Bond dice pool is fully restored, and grants the Lunar a point of Willpower for each success rolled, although this cannot increase her temporary Willpower above her Permanent Willpower.If the Lunar's Abyssal mate is redeemed, his shard cleansed and restored to a Solar Exaltation, the Lunar loses this Charm and regains the experience points required to learn it.

Love Endures

Cost: –

Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 3

Type: Permanent

Keyword: Holy

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Silver Bride Mercy

The love a Lunar knows for her Solar mate is greater than any wickedness he could bring. It is greater than the evil of the Neverborn. It is great enough to encompass the infinitudes of the Primordials. It is triumphant. The Lunar Exalted love beyond death, and because Exaltation is the one eternal thing, they alone can love forever. Even if Oblivion wins. And that is glorious. As long as the Lunar is in the presence of her Abyssal Mate, he may respire essence in Creation as if he were not a creature of death. In addition, whenever her mate activates a Charm with the Spectral keyword in Creation while in her presence, the Lunar may choose to spend a single die from her Solar Bond pool to waive the Willpower surcharge. Finally, for as long as the Lunar is in the presence of her Abyssal mate, he is not considered a creature of darkness–even the Unconquered Sun can be reminded of the hope of redemption.If the Lunar's Abyssal mate is redeemed, his shard cleansed and restored to a Solar Exaltation, the Lunar loses this Charm and regains the experience points required to learn it.

Silver Bride Mercy: Love the fluff and the concept, but it seems a too convenient way of turning HLs (which a Lunar regenerates easily) into free WPs and free Bond dice.

Hell, to get back Bond dice and WPs for spells you'd need just to have Mirror swear after the Primordials.

Love Endures is ok, but I'd like you to split it in two charms, the prereq enabling the first two effects and the dependent one removing the CoD flag.
@all: rest assured I don't want out of the game :)

It just feels right right now to have Malek want to take some distances with Cross and the Circle instead of going all sith berserker "I HATE YOU FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUUUUUCK !!!" a la Anakin in ROTS.

The context (decay of the Scavenger Lands) is also of great use to channel a much needed transformation.

Even if we all know what's going on, I try to put some clues for the characters, but I think Fangs & Mirror are suspicious enough to guess that something is wrong anyway.

The part about leaving Cross will be true anyway though... I'll have Malek travel a lot in the next chapter I think, seeking out allies and developing the informants & allies network among other things.

Since he's now relieved from the burden of his artifacts :cry: I'll invest in a second ally, and possibly a third, powered by PAP or enlightenment charms to handle what Malek has been doing for Cross in order to fully focus on diplomacy, information gathering, investigations, strategy etc etc.
Seconded on the no Anakin Skywalker.

Fangs & Mirror want to erode the worst of the negative intimacies - after that, a walkabout to figure himself out is something Mirror approves of doing.
Yeah Anakin's a complete douche.

I don't want my baby to die so... I kill children.

I don't want my wife to die but... I choke force the crap out of her at the first sign of trouble.


I've been playing some SWTOR recently and I must say I kinda like what they did with the Sith Warrior path, offering you a chance to avoid being a complete psychopath.

Malek always was the angry guy, but he wasn't that kind of stupid.

I still have no idea how I am supposed to handle the loss of the Compassion dot though.

But I think I'm going to find a sifu on a mountain, train endlessly with him and learn the ways of the Celestial Monkey if it "heals" too fast.
Kacie said:
Fangs & Mirror want to erode the worst of the negative intimacies - after that, a walkabout to figure himself out is something Mirror approves of doing.
Indeed. Fangs is mostly putting the pieces back together in a slightly more desirable, non-murderous shape. Because she enjoys the idea of her musings on the nature of Creation complicating a Deathlord's plans.
@Kacie: Sorry, my bad, I have been too absent minded and distracted by the philosophical discussion.

I'll post with more answers from the Nephwrack.

Also, I wasn't planning to have you guys meet Chiron, unless you guys think it would be interesting.
I don't see a need to have a scene with Chiron unless there's something important to discuss.

I gots to find me a more useful spy/commander to yoink next time.
cyl, fangs declared a social attack so please declare your defence.
Been trying for an hour to write a politically correct post about how and why Fangs could not attack again so soon after what she's started IMHO, over-thought it and never got to find the right words but I think this next line will sum up what I wanted to express deep down.

I think the process that has been started her deserves at least a second scene in a friendlier environment.

To me there's no need for social attacks here... we all know where this is going and I think we all want to go there. :)
@Kacie @cyl @CrazyIvan Thanks to Chiron, you are pretty much out of the Labyrinth.

CI, let me know if you are interested in actually meeting the Elder.

Either way, you will be left in an unspecified shadowland somewhere in Creation.

Where do you want to go next?

I'd be keen on having you three back to Cross, mostly to have the party back together, especially to have Mirror accepted in the party.

Also, any of you feel free to open a Scene where you can continue your philosophical argument.

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