[Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

Still, that 10 PP could add enough penetration to an attack to just punch through cars when it might normally bounce off...
10 pp can do alot. 10 pp gos ALONG way

for a blast attack that turns into 10 more damage
Belial said:
10 pp can do alot. 10 pp gos ALONG way
for a blast attack that turns into 10 more damage
It's not like the shotgun form of the Harvester isn't incredibly poweful already, since it does more damage than a rocket launcher.
It was more so to make a point, if i could spend 10 points on harvester i wouldn't bump damage.. mostly.. id give it shit to ignore armor and give it penetration ability, and where supernaturals and super powers are involved you can never do enough damage.. Im sorry that is just a fact, considering 9 times out of 10 bullets and rocket launchers and explosives are nothing more then cool back ground effects, i want to be sure im getting the guy.
Do what I plan to do... turn the opponent's attacks against them... or their allies... or just send them out to where no one gets hurt.
Well, shepsquared is practically done, he just needs to write down his Complications.

How fare chargen vinom? Need more help? If possible, I'd like to start this weekend.
You're good to go now, though I'll have to ask you a few questions on your Enemy complication.

Anyway, we 're just missing vinom's character, and then we can start
Working on it... As written currently, I require some flaw on my alt-form for the following properties.

1) Has an it's own emotional track separate from the main character's?

2) The form can't just be turned off, it needs to be defused slowly until the energy is gone?

3) Everything he does is a clear and noticable violation of at-least one of the laws of physics, from elector-magnatism to inertia.
I mean that there is a personality/emotional depth to the form... Like the hulk or ghostrider has. Not an over-riding one, but one that does influence his mind.
That's just a Complication then, or perhaps it could be just a Feature/Quirk, depending on how you see it, a positive or a negative.
Yes... sorry, I'm having severe computer difficulties. I would understand if you decided to start without me. Either way, I will attempt to get my build finished once I can open PDFs and/or Excel without my laptop crashing.
I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with your machine. Well, I'll give it a couple of days, and if you haven't submitted anything by then, we'll just start and introduce your character once you're ready.
So got bored the other day and watched the man of steel movie, and sort of fell back into the trap of trying to rationalize superman's powers (yes i realize its pointless but the hole its a fictional character get over it fool doesn't always cut it for me). Any ways I got to thinking, super strength and speed and toughness because im from a high grave planet, dont really cut it for those of us pseudo nerdier folk, especially given that his body would have eventually either A adapted to earths gravity and he'd be about as strong as any one else, or B if the gravity was infact as intense on his planet as he suggests, his body simply would have imploded like the body of a marine animal from the depths of the ocean that crawled its ass up to high (trust me its not a pretty sight) it also doesn't explain how he can fly or shoot lasers from his eyes or xray vision... or the fact he can be filled with led and shot up with lasers but his suit never gets damaged (ok in most cases it wont a few times it does but eh)

Then it dawned on me... He has the power of matter control. Albeit with some flaws, but over all that's what it is. He can fly and speed up or slow down because he controls the matter around him to do so. (being from a high gravity world would allow you to fly, at best it lets you jump real high) he is able to reflect bullets not because hes super tough but because he creates a force field around himself skin tight, witch would explain why his suit never gets torn (his cape does but not the suit) and also why he can take a bullet to they eye and be like har har notin happened. It also explains why he can catch something like a plain on the tip and not destroy it (in reality that would be like trying to stop a full grown man from falling by putting a butter knife under his chest.. it doesnt end well) he just stop the particles from moving all at once.

This would explain his laser eyes and x ray vision, in reality you need to project particles for things like that, basically his xray vision is a low end version of his laser eyes, he can either see threw something by projecting particles, or cut threw it by increasingly agitating the particles.

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