[Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

shepsquared said:
I've decided on a density shifter who triggers in the Silver Storm.Does making the intangible part an alternate power of the hyper dense part work as well as I think it should, or is there a better way?
Sorry for having taken so long, was a bit busy.

Anyway, I can't tell what works unless you paint me a better picture of exactly what you want your powers to be.
out of curiosity, later on in game of coarse, if i wanted to dual wield weapons, like say my character gets a hold of a second revolver or something and I wanted to use them both in a combat action, how would that work?
Right now I have two powers; superdense and intangible. They each have three or four component powers and I'm trying to sort out how to have it so that only one can be active at once; All of them have the activated flaw and they're all sustained duration.

Second relevant question; is rusting metal a valid feature of an intangibility power? Or should it be something separate?
shepsquared said:
Right now I have two powers; superdense and intangible. They each have three or four component powers and I'm trying to sort out how to have it so that only one can be active at once; All of them have the activated flaw and they're all sustained duration.
Second relevant question; is rusting metal a valid feature of an intangibility power? Or should it be something separate?
I'm looking over your sheet right now, but if you could describe me how you imagine your powers to look and work, I could give you better feedback.

Belial said:
out of curiosity, later on in game of coarse, if i wanted to dual wield weapons, like say my character gets a hold of a second revolver or something and I wanted to use them both in a combat action, how would that work?
I'm not sure. Perhaps adding the Split and Multiattack extras? Doesn't matter much right now. You only have one Harvester though, and I don't see you getting a comparable weapon any time soon.
shepsquared said:
Right now I have two powers; superdense and intangible. They each have three or four component powers and I'm trying to sort out how to have it so that only one can be active at once; All of them have the activated flaw and they're all sustained duration.
Second relevant question; is rusting metal a valid feature of an intangibility power? Or should it be something separate?
He has two modes, each activated by a move action. His super dense mode makes him stronger and harder to hurt. His intangible mode allows him to pass through solid objects and 'walk' on air (low level flight). His intangibility also rusts metal when he passes through it and he can intensify this effect into a touch attack.
shepsquared said:
He has two modes, each activated by a move action. His super dense mode makes him stronger and harder to hurt. His intangible mode allows him to pass through solid objects and 'walk' on air (low level flight). His intangibility also rusts metal when he passes through it and he can intensify this effect into a touch attack.
Give me some time to think about it, and I'll get back to you on that.

Also, that little blurb is insufficient as a backstory, you need to put in more information than just three lines.
Three out of five PC's are approved and ready, and shepsquared's will probably be soon, so vinom, how's your progress? Need help?
Got a little problem yes... I can't seem to find the way to exude a ranged buff to all Magic descriptor powers.
vinom said:
Got a little problem yes... I can't seem to find the way to exude a ranged buff to all Magic descriptor powers.
Maybe something like:

Variable, Limited to Enhancing Magic descriptors, Area (either Cloud, Cone or Burst could work), Affect Others only (+0), by default it's Sustained, but depending on what you do with it, Permanent (can't be turned off or power Stunted) or Uncontrollable (it's up to GM fiat) would do.
There should be an effect that gives others a buff to skills and abilitys to some degree, add on the blast template to that for a +1 modifier per rank. the effect shouldnt have range so it should be a blast centered on you. The problem is it will probably effect every one, so you might want to find a selective style adder
Then again its 3rd ed and Im still trying to get use to how the everything works....

Quickly finding out I prefer 2nd ed more.
As far as I know in 3ed there's no effect that buffs others, so a specific Variable is the way to go. The Blast Area is probaby the ideal one: each +1 per rank of Blast increases the area's distance rank by 1, so Burst Area with +2 effect cost per rank has a 60 foot radius (distance rank 1).
Aura of Magic Energy:

Variable [burst Area 3 (120 feet radius), Affects Only Others ; Limited to Enhancing effects with the Magic descriptor, Permanent]

(9 points per rank)

Could this work? Or should it be a bigger radius?
In effect? Even just 2 would be enough. It would give anyone in the area that fits the criteria 10 power points for free to invest in "Magic" powers.
Does he choose, do you choose, or do we choose?

Cause if it enhances my harvester while in combat that would be cool

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