[Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room

vinom said:
Hmm, I'm now imagining this guy as a boy genius with a of having studied under the best, Silas Stone, William Magus, and the like.
So an expert in robotics and cybernetics? What does he do? Does he have power armor? Enhancements? Gadgets? Tell me, tell me.

Also, a bit info that might interest you: while Emerald city lacks a S.T.A.R. Labs detachment, the ECU Parker Science Building houses some of the top professors and students in the physical and meta-sciences, having a world-class reputation.

ECU’s renowned excellence in the physical sciences helps attract and keep companies like LexCorp, WayneTech, Redshift Energies and StarkTech, Inc. in Emerald City.
Think more Hiro Okamura then Iron Man or Batman. I'm thinking a 17 year old with a trio of master's degrees and a successful business in rapid fabrication and delivery of machine components and other item(Superheroing gear).
That could work, though I would ask you to avoid having be more directly involved with the world's superheroes than being a private provider of high tech equipment. Meaning that, depending on how you want to play his backround, he could have even met a few superheroes, but is certainly not someone who does so on a regular basis.

As an aside, how successful do you want him to be? And note that nothing says you couldn't very much play this universe alternate version of Hiro. Emerald City has a rather large and wel integrate Asian population, though the Chinese are a bit more numerous than the Japanese.
Exactly. I've met Cyborg in passing once and have an online Go rivalry going with Hiro but most of my deals with supers is such things are rush orders for smoke bombs or collapsible hang-gliders with the right paint schemes delivered to particular roof tops in pure cash exchanges.

I want to have an income stream that supports his life style of a tinker and professional student but not so wealthy that he's expected to be high society or solve world hunger with his clout.
That's cool. Although I don't think Victor Stone has already become Cyborg.

As for your income, Benefit (Wealthy) rank 2 sounds like just what you want.
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Ill go with it being some Unexplained force. He doesn't know what it is, He assumes its death, and he has a hard time disobeying it. Ill right it down as simply the patron. I figure it will be a cool thing for him to try and figure out in game.

Actually can I use Simply the Pale Rider (The harbinger of death, sign of the apocalypse,) as a separate entity.

That or hes an agent for all the gods of death for higher to the highest bidder and doesnt realise it. Sort of like THE FREEMAN from half life.
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So I decided to go with a college kid that, due to the storm, gains a draconic body (Cause last name, that's why), with some nifty abilities, nice strength and toughness boost, and virtual immortality. :D Though there are some things I'm not quite sure about, like a feature or something that allows him to hide his wings.
Stealthfox16 said:
So I decided to go with a college kid that, due to the storm, gains a draconic body (Cause last name, that's why), with some nifty abilities, nice strength and toughness boost, and virtual immortality. :D Though there are some things I'm not quite sure about, like a feature or something that allows him to hide his wings.
Use flying with wings and activated. I was considering something like this, where the character formed wings, claws, fangs and his hide from magical energy.

I'm not entirely certain what I'll go with yet though.
Alright, does activated change the cost?

Also, in case you're wondering, by cold iron I mean a pure iron piece, not steel or an alloy. Iron doesn't hurt him anymore than anything else, but it does prevent his immortality from kicking in. Funny that.
Stealthfox, are you sure that with that kind of concept you want to be empowered by the Storm? Honestly, it sounds more like an hero with a mystical origin.

How to make it works depends on various thing: can you change back between your powered and human form, or are you stuck in your draconic state?
Slowly... got a metric blarg-ton of homework hit me this week... but as of right now I have a mechanical boy genius with a 'ghost-rider' mode that he'll eventually just siphon energy off of to power some magitech.
I've decided on a density shifter who triggers in the Silver Storm.Does making the intangible part an alternate power of the hyper dense part work as well as I think it should, or is there a better way?
So I cant figure out what my maximum damage can be for the setting. Im currently assuming its the Effect rank, witch would put us at a maximum of 20. But im not entirely sure.
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Well, I had it in mind that the storm just kinda woke something latent up in his blood, and yes he's stuck as a dragon. The only thing that'd be able to shift is the wings for convenience sake.
Belial said:
So I cant figure out what my maximum damage can be for the setting. Im currently assuming its the Effect rank, witch would put us at a maximum of 20. But im not entirely sure.
At PL10 the sum of your Attack Bonus and Effect Rank can't exceed 20.

Stealthfox16 said:
Well, I had it in mind that the storm just kinda woke something latent up in his blood, and yes he's stuck as a dragon. The only thing that'd be able to shift is the wings for convenience sake.
Are you a humanoid dragon, or a classic one? And what is your size?
vinom said:
Slowly... got a metric blarg-ton of homework hit me this week... but as of right now I have a mechanical boy genius with a 'ghost-rider' mode that he'll eventually just siphon energy off of to power some magitech.
Are you sure about the 'ghost-rider' thing? Because have practically a "real" ghost rider being played by Belial.

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