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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty(REBOOT)


Kaitlyn saw a bike she recognized, and decided to disregard Griffon's order. She hoped Shaun would remember her, even though their alliance had been brief.

Noise rattled in her head as she tried to digest the situation. Did he ever have a quiet, peaceful moment? When did this guy sleep?
tigereyes said:
Kaitlyn saw a bike she recognized, and decided to disregard Griffon's order. She hoped Shaun would remember her, even though their alliance had been brief.

Noise rattled in her head as she tried to digest the situation. Did he ever have a quiet, peaceful moment? When did this guy sleep?
(I ask myself the same questions xD )

Shaun was flying on his bike at a medium speed when he took a quick look around a noticed a augmented woman, his HUD displayed that the woman was a girl he had met, he was slightly confused since the picture on his HUD was different, but he figured he had been in a surgery, he noticed she was looking at him so he quickly stopped, landing on a rooftop.
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August 'Varien' Kinnear

August nodded a bit as she jumped into her seat situated behind him before the cockpit guard automatically closed, shutting them off from the outside world before the scorpion class ship lifted into the sky with it's cloaking active. As they were flying peacefully but speedily through the city August looked over his shoulder at Annabel as she sat in her seat behind him.

"What do you think will happen when Rina finds out about this ?" He asked, grinning the slightest at the thought.

Without waiting for an answer, August tapped a few keys on his console and set them down into an open hangar that was situated at the very end of the long line of docking hangars within Eluvia's docking ports. He leaned back in his chair slightly as he watched the glass cockpit guard slide open smoothly, standing and jumping from his seat as he offered Annabel a hand.

(Little point out, Blade Wolf can't really do anything until someone opens the container so... @Daniel reaving your probably going to have to make a long post on how Rina got back to her home, hideout, torture chamber etc. and opened the container so I can actually interact... Also, seeing as how @trix has died again, I will reset Ronin's position and declare him open for roleplay for ANYONE)
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Kaitlyn didn't have time to be polite, so she extracted her claws, and plunged them into the side of the building, climbing up quickly.

An agitated man ran out and screamed at her, which she ignored. She reached the roof to see Shaun standing there impatiently.

"Shaun, it's been a while. I saw your friend, but this is the work of someone else. I think Eluvian is too much for me."
(Holy shit, Im so sry, my computer was messed up, so I haven't been posting, its fixed now though)


Jumping at the sound of sirens, K'Pequij broke into a full sprint, towards the dense cityscape beyond the beach. "Sorry Mina, gotta run" he said, trying to sound the least suspicious possible. "If they see me, I' completely fucked" he thought, as his name, and face were plastered everywhere. He saw two people climbing up a building, appearing to be fleeing the scene. He adjusted his course towards the building, grabbed his daggers out of their sheaths, and began to climb up, using them as hooks.
tigereyes said:
Kaitlyn didn't have time to be polite, so she extracted her claws, and plunged them into the side of the building, climbing up quickly.
An agitated man ran out and screamed at her, which she ignored. She reached the roof to see Shaun standing there impatiently.

"Shaun, it's been a while. I saw your friend, but this is the work of someone else. I think Eluvian is too much for me."
Shaun looked over at the girl and then asked "Which friend? Don't have many." he then got off his bike and took a glance at the woman, his HUD scanning her, he then spoke "Looks like you ain't got entire free will." he then chuckled and said "So, can I help with anything?"
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"Now that you mention it, yeah, you could. These bastards are in my head and in my body. I need someone who can turn them off, or extricate whatever it is they put in me. I can hear their voices all the time, and they can stun me and probably kill me if they wish. I'm begging you."

This conversation was enough to merit punishment she knew, and seconds later her entire body convulsed and hit the ground. Her human eye twitched and looked at Shaun, hoping he was capable of some mercy. If not that, at least opportunism. A cyborg could be useful in Eluvian.
tigereyes said:
"Now that you mention it, yeah, you could. These bastards are in my head and in my body. I need someone who can turn them off, or extricate whatever it is they put in me. I can hear their voices all the time, and they can stun me and probably kill me if they wish. I'm begging you."
This conversation was enough to merit punishment she knew, and seconds later her entire body convulsed and hit the ground. Her human eye twitched and looked at Shaun, hoping he was capable of some mercy. If not that, at least opportunism. A cyborg could be useful in Eluvian.
Shaun looked as the girl collapsed and then said "Looks like Griffon" he then chuckled and said "He ain't too bad if you don't betray him." he then walked up to her and stood her up as he said "The way they augment people, it ain't easy to reverse. They basically augment life support systems, meaning without the augments you might be as dead as if they just chose to kill you." he then said "Going to think about it, might be able to help."
@Daniel reaving[/URL] your probably going to have to make a long post on how Rina got back to her home, hideout, torture chamber etc. and opened the container so I can actually interact... Also, seeing as how @trix has died again, I will reset Ronin's position and declare him open for roleplay for ANYONE)
"She will probably hunt us down of the deal was important enough." She said as she hopped down with his help then blushed a little as she was still in her bikini. "H-hey do you have a spare change of clothes?" She asked evacuee she left all hers back at the bikini shop
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"It's about damn time." Tina said when they landed in her hanger and the crate was quickly unloaded. She walked up to it a confident look on her face before she started to tap I the key board till it unlocke it's air tight seals and started to open

@The Jackal
"I've already accepted that the augments can't be removed. They're my life support now. I just need to remove Griffon's access so I can have my life back."

She paused, then still laying on the ground, told Shaun the magic words: "I'll pay".
tigereyes said:
"I've already accepted that the augments can't be removed. They're my life support now. I just need to remove Griffon's access so I can have my life back."
She paused, then still laying on the ground, told Shaun the magic words: "I'll pay".
Shaun thaught for a moment before he said "You ain't got enough money..." he then got on his bike and passed her an earpiece "Contact me later." Shaun quickly took off towards a high building in the city.
He pulled away and voices infiltrated her head again. She could hear Griffon chuckling, and the butcher behind him shouting. She was going to face intense pain after this, if they even decided to let her live. When they wanted her to suffer, they turned off her augments, and let the remaining pieces of human flesh scream in pain, exposed to cold steel.

She lay their twitching, their threats coming through her head. She had money, but Shaun hadn't let her finish. All she could do was wait here for Griffon's men to retrieve her, and do their will after.
tigereyes said:
He pulled away and voices infiltrated her head again. She could hear Griffon chuckling, and the butcher behind him shouting. She was going to face intense pain after this, if they even decided to let her live. When they wanted her to suffer, they turned off her augments, and let the remaining pieces of human flesh scream in pain, exposed to cold steel.
She lay their twitching, their threats coming through her head. She had money, but Shaun hadn't let her finish. All she could do was wait here for Griffon's men to retrieve her, and do their will after.
A helicopter arrived and then a few trolls hopped out of it and chuckled as they began to head towards the girl on the ground, they said "Shouldn't have been a bad girl.", then a gunshot was heard and one of the trolls dropped on the ground, three more shots later all of the trolls were dead, quite a bit of robots unloacked and headed towards the girl, they put handcuffs on her and then a device to activate her, one of the robots spoke softly "Target alpha is secured, returning to HQ with target Alpha." a sizeable ship flew up on the roof and the woman was loaded inside, a robot that was assigned to guard her told her "You are in the hands of The Department now." the ship then took off and began to fly out of the city.

She let out a tinny scream as they loaded her into the helicopter, but it was muffled by the ship's engines. She was paralyzed by the restraints in the craft, and spent her time cursing her captors, and cursing Griffon, who she blamed as the source of her troubles. The robots said nothing, but that didn't stop her stream of bile. She heard them refer to a Target Alpha, which she rightly assumed was her.

"They've already done their worst to me. You can't compromise me anymore, you freaks. I don't belong to you or anyone else...I'm a human being, not a weapon to be traded around."

She tried to kick out at one of the robots who foolishly walked within her range, but she found her cybernetic limbs frozen. She'd take her chance as soon as they freed her up.
tigereyes said:
She let out a tinny scream as they loaded her into the helicopter, but it was muffled by the ship's engines. She was paralyzed by the restraints in the craft, and spent her time cursing her captors, and cursing Griffon, who she blamed as the source of her troubles. The robots said nothing, but that didn't stop her stream of bile. She heard them refer to a Target Alpha, which she rightly assumed was her.
"They've already done their worst to me. You can't compromise me anymore, you freaks. I don't belong to you or anyone else...I'm a human being, not a weapon to be traded around."

She tried to kick out at one of the robots who foolishly walked within her range, but she found her cybernetic limbs frozen. She'd take her chance as soon as they freed her up.
One of the robots then spoke "We do not wish to harm you, this is merely a rescue operation. We think that augments should not be remote controlled by anyone." the robot then looked over at few displays and began to press a few buttons, he then said "We should be arriving shortly", the ship then began to descend, till it landed in a hole in the ground, the hatch closing, a robot stood up the girl and then walked with her outside of the ship and took her to the medical wing, he said "Her augments need to be reset." the doctor nodded and sat the girl down, plugging a cable into her and beginning to type, after a quick while, she could feel like that Griffon had no more control over her. The doctor then said "How did ya wind up in this anyway?"
"I augmented my arm shortly after I moved to Eluvian. I needed to equip myself to work as a bounty hunter. I thought that was enough. When I ran into that group of trolls, I think it sparked the idea. I was vulnerable, and they overpowered me and took me to this vile chop shop. That's how I ended up like this. I've spent so long operating here without any freedom. They could access my mind, they could control my body, and I was a slave to their demands. I've done terrible things just to enrich Griffon and keep myself alive.

This is never what I imagined when I came here. All I want is freedom now, and a chance at revenge if it presents itself.

I thank you for your help.....but who are you? And why are you assisting me?"

Blade Wolf

Blade Wolf slowly stood again as he heard another low thunk from the area below him, knowing that he and whoever held him in their possession had landed somewhere. There was a low hiss that came from somewhere within the smothering darkness before a crack of light shone through the area ahead of him. He simply stared as his tail took hold of his chainsaw and drew it back, running at the door before bursting through it and swinging his chainsaw in a wide arc in front of him in a hope it would kill or wound the one who opened the area for him.

August 'Varien' Kinnear

August nodded slightly as he slid down from the ship before landing on the concrete below with a soft thud. He hoped the deal wasn't important, knowing Rina from stories and rumors she wasn't someone you wanted to mess with. He looked over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at Annabel, raising an eyebrow at the crimson on her cheeks before grinning a bit and shaking his head.

"Unfortunately, no... Sorry."

@Daniel reaving

@Daniel reaving[/URL]

Rina immediately ducked quicker than the blink of an eye as tendrils of darkness shot at the being from different places staving into one of its legs to pin it to the ground before she brushed we self off and walked over a cold and dark look on her face as she stared it down while men surrounded it with guns. "And what is this?" She asked the being in a cold ruthless and dark tone

Blade Wolf

The android let out a yelp of pain as it was flung to the side, pain searing through it's hind leg as he looked down to see a transparent tendril puncturing it and holding him down. He looked up as the attacker approached along with multiple armed thugs all wielding assault rifles. Pathetic. Instinctively, Blade Wolf allow it's tail to drop limp as a ploy as he lowered his head and stared at the woman as she returned the cold hard stare.

"Release me !" He demanded, despite his voice being monotone and cold there was a sense of anger.

August 'Varien' Kinnear

August's eyes widened as he spun to stare at her, looking at her face as he took note of the furious look on her face. He slowly stood upright, calming as he breathed through his nose and reminded himself to stay calm. She thought he was a pedophile... Slightly offended by this he opened his mouth to speak.

"What could I gain for lying to you about clothing ?" He asked.

@Daniel reaving
@Daniel reaving[/URL]
Ring just continued to death glare the robot before she bent down as another black tendril Pericles up through the beings tale her knowing he would try to use it for some thing. "Where is it?" She asked coldly as she grabbed the robots chin and made it look at her

Annabel just stood there. "B-because I got the feeling you where just wanting me to stay in this... So I just had to confront you." She said feeling ashamed of how she had just treated him

Blade Wolf

Blade Wolf yet out another loud yelp of pain as it's tail fizzled and laid limp again, growling as he stared at the girl. He stayed silent as he was forced to look at her as though it was supposed to scare him in some way. He shook his head free from her grasp before recoiling slightly.

"Release. Me." He persisted.

August 'Varien' Kinnear

August turned to look at the robot completely, sighing as he shook his head a bit. Understandable for a female to think that but yelling wasn't neccesary. He sighed as he stepped closer to her, now looking down at her due to his height before grinning a bit.

"It's fine..."

@Daniel reaving (Last post for today.)
@Daniel reaving[/URL] (Last post for today.)
Rina glared at the beast in rage before she quickly got up and kicked it in the head before speaking. "Where's the key?!?" She yelled in rage at it before storming to the container. "Put an electro net over that and keep it restrained for now!!" She yelled to the men who did as. They asked and layed a net that was electrified on the robot while the ends where magnetized to the ground to keep it there as she went to search the container

Annabel glanced up at him before she blushed and looked away. "I-ok." She said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Rina glared at the beast in rage before she quickly got up and kicked it in the head before speaking. "Where's the key?!?" She yelled in rage at it before storming to the container. "Put an electro net over that and keep it restrained for now!!" She yelled to the men who did as. They asked and layed a net that was electrified on the robot while the ends where magnetized to the ground to keep it there as she went to search the container

A loud dropship could be heard before robots began climbing over the gate and running into the hangar with their guns out, fully armed and what looked like EMP resistant, they stopped near the container, one robot walked up to Blade Wolf, releasing it and removing the electronic net, the robots then aimed at the people there and few sniper laser dots could be seen, one of the robots spoke "What is your business here?"
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