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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty(REBOOT)

ClassyBunny said:
A loud dropship could be heard before it could be seen through the warehouse windows, it waited for a second or two and then robots began dropping in through the windows, fully armed and what looked like EMP resistant, they dropped down near the container, one robot walked up to Blade Wolf, releasing it and removing the electronic net, the robots then aimed at the people there and few sniper laser dots could be seen, one of the robots spoke "What is your business here?"
(She's at her hangar at her house)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](She's at her hangar at her house)

(Ignore that post then, or we could say hangar windows or something.)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Idk the could have just over ridden the gates)

(Yeah lets do dat :D )
"Leave my house!!" She immediately yelled at them before she grabed one of the intruders guns and ripped it from his hands then twisted the mans arm breaking it and then tripping hi before staring at the rest
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Leave my house!!" She immediately yelled at them before she grabed one of the intruders guns and ripped it from his hands then twisted the mans arm breaking it and then tripping hi before staring at the rest

(They are robots but okay xD )
The question went unanswered as the Robots accessed her software, and she snapped into a deep, dreamless sleep. Her last thoughts were spent trying to distinguish the furious chatter from the robots filing into the room, and hoping they had better intentions than Griffon and his Butcher. Nearly a month ago she had made her gambit, and pleaded with Shaun for an entry into the world of hunting. Now he seemed to be her last hope, and as her thoughts dimmed, she hoped he was someone he could trust, and not just another mercenary looking to use her as a weapon.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Well each robot had to have a breaking point on its arm

(Of course, you said man so i thought u thought they people. I will be replying later, busy right now.)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Leave my house!!" She immediately yelled at them before she grabed one of the intruders guns and ripped it from his hands then twisted the mans arm breaking it and then tripping hi before staring at the rest

One of the robots said "Combat mode active." all of the robots then activated their armour which extend out and covered anything more exposed, their guns set to AP and then they looked at the woman "Do not damage the property of The Department" he then lowered his weapon and looked at the woman and then the container.
ClassyBunny said:
One of the robots said "Combat mode active." all of the robots then activated their armour which extend out and covered anything more exposed, their guns set to AP and then they looked at the woman "Do not damage the property of The Department" he then lowered his weapon and looked at the woman and then the container.
"This is my propert code 45678047. Over ride code alpha zeta black row stand down now." She demanded after she had called out the code that she got from getting this package
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"This is my propert code 45678047. Over ride code alpha zeta black row stand down now." She demanded after she had called out the code that she got from getting this package

(Reminds me of fallout 4)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"This is my propert code 45678047. Over ride code alpha zeta black row stand down now." She demanded after she had called out the code that she got from getting this package

One of the robots spoke "Database does not include the hound." He then waited for an answer.
ClassyBunny said:
One of the robots spoke "Database does not include the hound." He then waited for an answer.
"Then the hound has obviously broke into my crate and stole what was mine concidering nothing else is in there." She said defiantly to the robots as she put a hand on her hip and stared them down
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Then the hound has obviously broke into my crate and stole what was mine concidering nothing else is in there." She said defiantly to the robots as she put a hand on her hip and stared them down

One of the robots creepily smiled and then said "What are your intentions with it?" he then paused for a moment and said "You should be careful with it." he then looked at Rina and waited.
ClassyBunny said:
One of the robots creepily smiled and then said "What are your intentions with it?" he then paused for a moment and said "You should be careful with it." he then looked at Rina and waited.
"My intentions where to put the relic ancient key in my living room as a decoration." She said confidently and sternly to him
ClassyBunny said:
The robot said "What about the hound?" he then waited "Hang him on the wall too?"
"No I planned to get any info out of it that I can before reporting it to the company that sent it and the police." She said in an irritated tone
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"No I planned to get any info out of it that I can before reporting it to the company that sent it and the police." She said in an irritated tone

One of the robots spoke "What company is that for the record?" he then waited for an answer.
ClassyBunny said:
One of the robots spoke "What company is that for the record?" he then waited for an answer.
"We'll seeing as how with they way your asking I guess I got my shipment from a fake company so I'm just gonna say the name that was on all the paper work. It was high rocket auction." She said to them

Blade Wolf

Blade Wolf simply stared at the two having their little conversation, standing slowly as his stumped, cut off tail swept side to side before reconnecting with the other part of his tail. There was a small flicker as his tail reconnected before the android wolf lifted the entire tail, with the chainsaw, into the air before perching the chainsaw back onto his back.

"I was property of Atlas..." He answered, reaching for one of it's many throwing knives in it's still damaged hind quarters.

He then looked at the other androids who stood resolute and waiting. They were here to help him, that much was clear, but what price would they put on his second freedom ?

@Daniel reaving @ClassyBunny
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"We'll seeing as how with they way your asking I guess I got my shipment from a fake company so I'm just gonna say the name that was on all the paper work. It was high rocket auction." She said to them

The robot waited for a moment before saying "That company does not exist...it's real name is Trenchcoat auctions." he then said after a bit "They seem to have delibaretly done this." the robot seemed to be somewhat higher rank however that works.
@Daniel reaving[/URL] @ClassyBunny
ClassyBunny said:
The robot waited for a moment before saying "That company does not exist...it's real name is Trenchcoat auctions." he then said after a bit "They seem to have delibaretly done this." the robot seemed to be somewhat higher rank however that works.
"Then I guess we should figure this out.... Without a fight... So would you tell the android dog to lower its weapons?" She asked as her men lowered there weapons
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Then I guess we should figure this out.... Without a fight... So would you tell the android dog to lower its weapons?" She asked as her men lowered there weapons

The robot nodded and then holstered his weapon on his back along with the other robots, he then looked at the woman and said "Sounds like a good idea. You can call me R4." he then looked around before saying "This is a nice place." he then paused "As for the hound, don't worry. We won't harm you."

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