Kiki stared at the apple in awe.She took a little bite and her pupils expanded to her entire eyes and the glisened with magical tears of happyness.then relizing she was drooling,she slurped and got ahold of herself."Oh,um,the dog.well,his name is Thantos.Hes one of the many offspring of cerberus...ya.That cerberus.he only has one head now because hes just a baby."She explained."A BABY?"The fire girl exlaimed. "Yep.anyway hes mad i wont share my blue apples,and i dont because he so big and would need alot of them.And those things are hard to grow!And lately,hes been more interested in eating me than my something has come over him...Hes not a big meat eater.He doesnt even talk to me anymore...just wants to eat me.We used to be cool even tho he was jelous of my apples.Wonder whats up with his bloodthirst." Kiki held up the end of her tail.Kinda bloody at the end where he almost caught her.Anyway,whats you name?She said to the girl."Annable.." she said through a mouth full of tasty toasted apple."This is majestic" Kiki laughed,then looked to trojanac, and she was grinning that she was talking to people.Even under these circumstances."So whats your story T?Im gessing your element is wind?" She asked takeing another bite of her slice.