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Fantasy Elemental Academy

"You seem nice enough," Walter said with a shrug, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "It'll probably be fine." He suddenly brightened, his expression curious now. "Hey, what's your element?" He looked her up and down, trying to guess. "I bet you're... water?"


When she was finished unpacking, Candice realized that her roommate hadn't even gotten here yet. Shrugging it off, she grabbed her required textbooks and ran off to find the math class. With a school as large as this, she wondered just how many student there were. She hadn't seen many, so how many empty classrooms were there going to be?

When the blonde made it to math class, she realized that she was indeed early. There were a couple of other students in the room, but she decided to ignore them for now. Instead, she went over to the middle of the room and picked out a desk. Hopefully there won't be assigned seats. Dropping her bag to the floor, she placed everything required on the desktop.​
Finn decided to stop pacing and went into the math classroom. He sat in the back corner, away from the people who were already in there. He thought about sitting near his roommate, but changed his mind. It's not like he was planning on talking to anyone, so why sit by them?
"Dude, no way! Me too," Walter said happily, raising his palm for a high-five. "I wonder how common each element will be..."
Melody ran into thd math classroom after going into her dorm and putting her stuff on a bed. No one was there so she just put away her stuff and dashed to the math class. She sat in the back right seat if the room. It was far away from everyone else.
Kaylen looked at the girl and realized just how nervous she really was. Shit! I did it again. Kaylen mentally cursed herself,just now realizing how intimidating she can really be. "Hi. Um, sorry if I came on a little too strong. You see I have four little brothers and I kinda have to be like this around them to get anything done." Kaylen looked at the girl sheepishly, hoping she would understand. "But that so cool. We're roommates. I guess this schools sent so bad if I got someone like you as a roommate." She went to the girls side and noded for her to start walking with Kaylen. "Come on, let's go check out our room." @Flutterby
Cat gave her head a small shake at Kaylen's apology and started walking with her. “Don't worry about it. I'm glad we met out here instead of awkwardly ending up in the same room." She said, with a small laugh. The girl blushed a little at the sudden compliment, not used to that kind of thing. She was a wallflower, people didn't notice her, or say nice things to her. “Wow, four younger brothers? That's crazy. I have one, and that's enough." She said, with a little bit of humor. In truth, even though her little brother was a handful, especially when her older brother was around, she loved them both. @WolfsbaneRain
Kaylen smiled at the girl and laughed at little bit whe she heard about her little brother. "You don't even know the half of it." She added with a playful smile. Before Kaylen knew it they were already standing outside there dorm room. "Ready for the great reveal?" She looked at Cat with excitment and opened the door. Hen she looked inside it was just about what she expected. Turning on the lights she saw that it was grey and had two beds in opposite ends of th room, two decks and two dressers. Nothing extraordinary about it. "I guess wee supply the personality to it." She said, looking back at Cat.
Cat waited with a mock excited expression as they stood in front of the room. She didnt think it would be much. And when Kaylen opened the door, her expectations were met. Plain, gray, and utilitarian, with two of each of the essential things. The girl gave a small laugh at Kaylen's personality comment, and then stepped into the room. "Its.. charming." She said, with a smile on her face. Her grayish eyes moved around the room. It could definitely use some work, maybe even some white Christmas lights. She set her stuff on the bed nearest the door, and looked at Kaylen. "Is it okay if I take this side?" Cat asked, as she put her school supplies in a pale green backpack. She checked her watched, and realized the would have to go to class without taking time to unpack.

Kaylen walked inside the room and took one more quick look around. I was clean and had everything they needed....but it was still grey. When she heard what Cat had said she quickly turned around and looked at her. "That's fine." She responded to the question. "I'm not really picky anyway." She smiled and looked back at her side of the room. She walked over to the bed and dumped her suitcase on the floor, then put her books and bag on the desk. She turned and sat on the bed, and for the first time, she pulled out her schedule. Scanning it she realized that their math class would start very soon. "Shit." She cursed under her breath. "Looks like math starts soon." She said to Cat, standing up again and gathering her bag.
Cat pulled pencils, notebooks, pens, and a novel out of her packed suitcase and put them in her backpack. She also pulled out the framed photos she had brought, unwrapping the bubble wrap that had protected them. Luckily, the two frames had made it without a scratch. She set two on the desk. One was a photo of herself, smiling as she rested her cheek against the head of a beautiful black horse. The other was a picture of four people, sitting at a small table on a porch. Two were older- a woman with dark hair and eyes, and a man with lighter hair and gray eyes like hers. The other two were boys, one a year or so older than she was now, and one a bit younger. Both had dark hair and eyes like the woman. She smiled at the photo of her family and set it down.

Grabbing her backpack, she put it over one shoulder and waited by the door. “Ready when you are." She said brightly, feeling a little more confident now. Math was something she could do. Meeting people, controlling her element, maybe not. But math? Definitely.

When Kaylen joined her, they walked down to the classroom. Cat entered quietly, finding a spot next to a brown-haired boy that looked like he didnt want to be noticed. She sat down and set her backpack beside her, pulling out her novel as she waited.


@WolfsbaneRain @Shadow
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Candice watched as more and more people began to file in the room. Despite the perfect opportunity she was given to socialize and make some new friends, she stayed put and began a small doodle in one of her notebooks. It was a bit unusual for the blonde to keep to herself, but everyone already seemed to have found someone they were comfortable with. Of course, that's from what she could see- she hadn't even bother to turn around yet.

As she finished an outstanding drawing of a willow tree and pond, she turned the page of got an awfully large paper cut. Taking a glance around the room, she saw a cup full of band aids on the front desk. Candice quietly rose from her seat and grabbed her notebook, all while trying to not draw too much attention to herself. That plan failed miserably when she tripped over her own feet and did a face-plant, sending her artwork flying somewhere across the room. So much for not gathering any attention to yourself, she thought.​
Finn crossed his arms on the desk and rested his chin on his hands. He watched the other students filing in with disinterest. He sighed and closed his eyes, going to a happy place in his mind.
Kaylen smoothly put her backpack on her shoulder and started walking to math class with Cat. They arrived quickly, Kaylen was actually surprised how close the classroom was. When they entered the class aka Len quickly followed behind her new found friend and took a seat next to her. Two seats away Kaylen noticed a boy with brown hair, cute, but obviously didn't want to chat. So instead she just took a look around, taking in all her new classmates, trying to decide who might be a friend and who might not be.

While she was doing this she saws blonde girl walk up to the front of the class, and suddenly trip. Her belongings when everywhere, like an explosion of paper. Kaylen quickly got up and when over to the girl, her mothering skills kicking in from years of mothering her younger brothers. She quickly gathered her artwork, noticing how talented this girl really was, and helped her up. "Are you ok? Here's your stuff....your really good at that, you know." She said, trying to cheer up the fallen girl. @Ambivert7501
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Candice smiled at the girl who had helped her while she also collected her belongings. The top area of her hair was an aqua color, and it faded into a jet-black. She seemed very calm and polite. She must be able to control water, the blonde thought.

"Yes, thank you so much for helping me and for the compliment." Candice then put her items into one arm and extended the other one out. "The name's Candice- what's yours?"


(So sorry for replying late, and for the short post)​
Cat looked up as the girl fell, and as Kaylen got up to help her. It looked like her roommate had it under control. And the girl appeared to be alright. So Cat stayed in her chosen seat, giving the kid next to her a glance. He had put his head down and closed his eyes. Okayy then.. She thought to herself, and looked back to Kaylen and the other girl. “Everything okay over there?" She called softly, her musical voice carrying across the room without sounding forced or harsh.
Kaylen looked at Candice with a friendly smile. "I'm Kaylen. Wished I could have met you under circumstances." She added with a little laugh. Hearing her roomates singsong voice she looked back up. She gave Cat a little thugs up, telling her everything was ok before turning back to the girl in front of her, and the beautiful drawings in her hands. "No but seriously," Kaylen pressed on. "Those are really good. How did you start with that?" Kaylen was genuinely curious, she would never be that good at art.

"I'm Kaylen. Wished I could have met you under different circumstances." The girl, who could now be identified as Kaylen, said with a small laugh. She then turned to give a girl with curly brown hair a thumbs up, and Candice instantly got a good vibe from her. Must be able to control the Earth like me, she thought.

Snapping herself out of her thoughts to face Kaylen again, she realized that she must have asked her a question. She was glancing at the artwork that had been created just seconds prior, so the blonde thought that she must have asked about it. "Oh, I uh- I actually don't really know. Art kind of just came to me in a way, and I always find myself drawing something without even knowing I started it." With that, she let out a small chuckle as she also recalled some memories of said habit.

Candice couldn't help her adoration for art and the beauty in it. It was, in many ways, like an escape from reality. You can use your imagination to create what ever your heart desires, and your skills only continue to grow. Drawing is especially calming, and very mellow- that is, if you want it to be. You can draw all sorts of emotions, such as anger, sadness, confusion, and even desperation.​
Samuel Truth

Samuel is late to the academy, he is close to the main gate but chooses to light a cigarette he started making funny faces out of smoke to release some of the stress he's been having, he puts on the headphones and

.Although he tried to seem cold, he couldn't hide the fact that he was nervous. It's not a daily habit for him to use his powers and speak about them openly, let alone socialize with other "freaks"
Kaylen Celt looking at the pictures with admiration while she listened to the girl talk about her natural talent. Looking back up she smiled at the girl and gave her a little shrug of the shoulders. "Yeah, there's no way I would be able to do something like that, not creative enough I guess." She took another look at the pictures, when she finally noticed a little cut on Candice's from finger. "Oh, did you hurt yourself? Without even letting the girl awnser she had a bandage for her, taking if off the desk infront of them.

Nico ran to get his things sorted. He liked being early, so being late was not in his agenda. He took a quick look at his schedule. Math. He had math first period. He quickened his paces and hurried to the class, but before reaching it, he straightened his clothes and fixed his hair. He had to look presentable. Walking again, he stepped in, his eyes on the seats immediately. Now where would he sit? He picked a random seat and settled there.

"Thank you," Candice said with a giggle as she took the band-aid. "That's actually why I got up in the first place." She never really was one to be clumsy, but it kind of just happens sometimes. She was glad that it did, though, for she finally talked and met someone new.

"In regards to you 'not being creative enough', it only takes practice. Time and a whole lot of commitment even. Some people cam pick up a pencil and they instantly become a masterful artist, while it's not that easy for others. If you really do have a passion for art, I recommend that people just go for it. I mean, if you enjoy it and it makes you happy, your skill level shouldn't even matter." Candice didn't mean to go on a to a full inspirational speech, it's just that this is a topic she is highly impassioned with.

Finn lifted his head and watched two of the girls talking. He drummed his fingers on his desk quietly. He wondered when the class would start and to keep himself occupied, he closed his eyes and began another daydream. In his mind, the girls talking grew wings and were angels. They were discussing whether or not Finn was allowed to become and angel too. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but suddenly he grew wings too. He flapped them experimentally and was suddenly hovering over the other students. He landed gracefully back in his chair, a grin on his face. He opened his eyes with a sigh and traced invisible patterns on the desk.

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