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Fantasy Elemental Academy

Movement next her drew Cats attention away from her book. She looked up to find the guy next to her sitting up and appearing more alert. She recognized him a little; they had pulled up around the same time, but he had walked past her without a single glance. Cat looked around the room, noting the new presence. Brown hair, blue eyes, but she hadnt seen him before. The girl cleared her throat softly and looked back to the boy next to her, leaning a little towards him. “Um, Im really sorry to bother you, but, um, do you know what time this class starts? I left my schedule in my room." Her voice was soft, but she looked at him with earnest gray eyes while her novel rested half-open in one hand. The title page could be seen, and it seemed to show a few piles of large books, and the words The Thirteenth Tale.

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Finn silently pulled his schedule out of one of his books and handed it to the girl. He ran his hand through his hair and looked away. He was suddenly very sad and tense and he knew it always showed in his eyes, so he hid his face. The silver-eyed girl seemed nice, but he wasn't ready to talk to her just yet. He took several deep breaths trying to relax. He didn't know what had suddenly started making him so tense, but he hoped it would stop before the lesson started.
Cat took the piece of paper with a timid smile, being careful to avoid touching his hand. He seemed upset, not in the 'something just happened to make me sad' way that most people had, but in a deeper sense, as if being upset was part of his personality. "Thanks. I dont usually forget things, but I was so nervous when I got here, I just.." The earth girl trailed off as she looked at the schedule, trying to memorize it until the next time she could go to her room. Offering it back to him, she gave another meek smile. "Sorry to bug you. Thanks again." It didnt bother her that he didnt speak, or even look at her; the fact that he acknowledged her words was enough. Most males, or at least the ones she had grown up with, didnt do even that for her. Maybe he was just having a hard time with the whole 'boarding school with freaks' deal, and didnt want to make friends yet. Or maybe he just hated people, that was okay too.
Finn blushed and took the paper, shoving it back into his book. "No problem." He mumbled, staring down at his desk. He played with the corner of his book, occasionally scanning the room. She seemed like a really polite girl, especially considering he hadn't been that polite. At least she didn't get mad at him for not talking like people usually did. He bent over and rubbed the left side of his jaw gently, getting lost in thought again.
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A bright smiled filled Cat's face as he responded verbally. It was barely audible, but still, he had responded. With the smile still on her face, she withdrew her hand and returned to her novel, knowing that she had intruded on him enough. He seemed to have very important things to think about. And she was about to reach her favorite part of her favorite book, and it would be nice to get through it before class started so she wouldnt be interrupted.
Samuel Truth

Looking through the academy's schedule Samuel sees that the first class is math. He is unaware whether the teacher arrived before him or not. He opens the door silently and finds a free desk in the middle of the class. He tries to get as less attention as possible forgetting that the music in his headphones was very loud. Fortunately a few glances were thrown at him and nothing more.
Anno Kûki

Anno was skateboarding into school, she had just used up the last of her money to get here, but when she was about halfway to the school she noticed that she wouldn't have enough to pay the taxidriver. So she stopped him and payed him, thereafter she made her way to the school by skateboard. Of course she boosted herself a bit with her power. This made it easier to arrive on time. So now she was boarding through the hobble of people in the yard trying to find her way to the girls dorm. She looked down at her papers and saw that math was up next. YES, she thought to herself, math is the absolute most boring subject, meaning it would be easy for her to fall asleep. As she reached the dorm she hopped off of her skateboard and made a motion with her fingers making the air lift it up so she could grab it. She ran to her room and put down her stuff before running out again and running to class. She jumped into class, happy to see that at least she wasn't late. She found an empty seat in the back and instantly put her head on the table closing her eyes, ready to sleep.

Damian O'Neil

Damian walked into school, a cigarette in his mouth and headphones to keep everybody away from him. But of course his tattoos and piercing were already doing the job. He threw his cigarette on the ground and got a new one, lighting it with his powers. He drew a big whiff of it and exhaled it, before moving again. Even though he didn't care if other people would like him or not, he was still nervous, and the cigarettes calmed his mind and body. So he went to his room, looking at the schedule he could see that his first lesson was math. He sighed as he exited the room again and went to the school building. He walked in to see a bunch of a**clowns sitting at their desks all peachy and primed. Well some of them at least, but in Damians mind everybody was peachy and prim so... Except for one person, a girl was sleeping over her desk, snoring quite loudly. This actually made him smile. He could hear some of the girl giggling at him, and he located them and sat down next to them. Easy prey huh? he thought to himself as he started flirting with them. Yep now he was back in his element.

Kaylen Blake

Water Elemental

Kaylen looked at the girl with a smile on her face, which only seemed to grow as Candice went on and on about art and how great it was. It was nice, seeing a girl so passionate about something she loves. The only thing that would have made it better would be if Kaylen had any real interest in art. Oh well, she already had enough to worry about. "Maybe I'll give it a try sometime." she said to the girl. She was being hinest, she didn't completely dismiss the idea, but realisticly she wouldn't be drawing anytime soon. Kaylen started walking back to her seat next to Cat when she looked back at the girl one more time, noticing she wasn't moving. "Well are you coming?" she asked playfully with a little smirk on her face.


Mr. Stone

Almost the exact moment Kaylen seemed to sit down next to Cat the teacher finally walked in. He was tall, about 6"1', and looked young, probably around 25, not the usual for a teacher. "Attention everybody, class has official started." He said walking to his desk, his breafcase in hand. "Now, he said, turning to the class for the first time and taking a look at everybody. "I am know as Mr. Stone, the teacheer you will all come to know and love and since this is the first day, we're not really going to do any math. I want you to all stand up..." He paused, the sleeping girl catching his attention. She slowly walked over to her desk and tapped her awake. "Have a nice nap?" he asked sarcasricly, already getting an idea of who might be the trouble makers in the class.

@Ambivert7501 @Purple Kitti @Bloop @spidermanda @tellerortiz
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Finn watched the teacher when he walked in and began speaking. He sat up a little straighter and his eyes lightened as he prepared to get interested in something for once. When the teacher said they wouldn't actually be doing math today, he frowned and suddenly looked detached. He stood up slowly and stared at his desk as he waited for the teacher to explain what they were going to do.


Mr. Stone

After the sleeping girl finally woke up out of her little nap Mr. Stone turned and walked back up to the front of the class. "As I was saying," He continued. " Instead of any math I want everyone to seperate themselves based on their element. I mean, the is Elemental Academy after all." He paused and smile, hoping for at least one little chuckle from a student in his class. "Ok, so if you are fire, please go the this corner," he said pionting to the corner closest to him, in the front of the class on the same side as the door. "Water, over there," This time he pointed to just the other side of the room, still in the front of the class. "Earth and air in the back two corners." He pointed so Earth would be across from fire and air across from water. After he was done directing everybody he watched as everybody moved. He started talking again before everyone made it to their respective corners. "So, today I just want all of you to get to know each other because these are the people you will be fighting with in your elemental practice classes." He stopped there, letting the students figure out what exactly that ment. Would they be fighting each other or together in a team?
Anno Kûki

Anno was awoken by someone talking to her, she raised her head and yawned, thinking of yesterday or rather today when she had trained. But as she heard that they needed to go to respective corners she was ecxited to see what was going to happen so she jumped of he desk and directly into her corner. This is awesome, she thought to herself as she stood there. But when she heard the part about fighting she grew nervous, there were quite a few people in here who she didn't want to fight. She shivered when she saw the boy with the tattoos and piercings, and she really hoped she would never have to fight him. She smiled at the others in her group and spoke:

"Hey dudes, I am Anno, let's show these sons of mothers what air can do!" she said and hoped others would share in her enthusiasm.
Finn went to the water corner and leaned against the wall. He watched the other people going to their corners, taking note of who was in what element. Not that it would matter, but it gave him something to do while he waited.
Cat looked up attentively as the teacher walked in, but her heart fell a little when he announced they would not be doing math. What would they do otherwise? Probably something she wasnt nearly as good at. She frowned and glanced nervously at the boy next to her as the teacher spoke. Separate into elements, get to know each other, because thats who they would be fighting... wait, fighting? Her silver eyes widened in a panic. Her father, although also an Elemental, had insisted her education be formal. Other than a little bit of fun dabble, she didnt know how to use her element well, let alone fight with it. Cat's eyes darted to her corner, and she hesitantly made her way over to it, standing with her hands shoved into the pockets of her jeans and staring at the floor.
Kaylen got up excitedly and leaped over to her little corner, but she wasn't the first to arrive. She noticed that the shy boy with brown hair was with her, but like before, he wasn't very chatty. She walked up to him, trying to break hm out of his little shell. "Hey, I'm Kaylen. So you're a water too." She said to him with a smile. She just wanted to come off as approachable right now. She made sure not to be her usual brash self.

Finn nodded and looked down. Why was she being so darn nice? He wrapped his arms around himself and bit his lip. He wanted to talk more than he ever had before. This had never happened since all his foster parents were usually rude and demeaning and very unapproachable. He made couple water drops on his fingers and watched them roll off, just to distract himself. He suddenly realized Kaylen might think he was showing off, so he made them disappear and closed his hands into fists to keep from doing anything else.
Kaylen looked as the boy stared at the ground and made little water drops, but suddenly stopped. Kaylen decided to try to make him more comfortable, and the for sure way to do that was to open up herself. "Listen, I get it if you're nervous or something, but you really don't have to be. I mean, we're all kinda the same here. We might have different backgrounds, but we've all been through shit....because we were different out there. But in here we're all freaks... so nobody is." Kaylen could have worded that better. Maybe by not using the word freak, or comparing herself to this boy without even knowing him. But somehow, she thought it might help him.

Finn glanced up at her then looked back down. "I'm not nervous." He mumbled, only partially lying. He wanted to feel better, but how was he supposed to relate to complete strangers? Even if they were all freaks together, as Kaylen had so eloquently put it, they still didn't know each other. He looked up slightly so he could see the other students. They were all so different from each other and him. Some of them were acting shy, others were trying to make friends with everyone, others just didn't seem to care. He sighed softly then rocked back and forth gently.
Kaylen couldn't help but look at the boy with a little disappointment. "Fine whatever.... can I at least know your name?" She wasn't gentel with her tone this time. In fact she was a little frustrated. She tried to help this guy, she really did, but the only thing she can do now is listen...and he's not talking.

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Luckily, the desk that Candice was in earlier was just barely in the region she was assigned to. Sitting back down, she noticed a few other students. So far, she was correct about the other student's and their elements. If you really think about it, the personality is usually what gives it away- but that's not always the case.

Putting her art away for the time being, Candy focused on her intertwined hands that were placed on the desktop. It wasn't like her to be this distant, but these people weren't normal humans. With plain old mortals, it was easy because they weren't too hard to handle. With other people who could control the elements, someone might just want to pick a fight if you get on their bad side.​
Samuel Truth

Going to the air corner, Samuel tries to look as menacing as possible but he fails once he sees who's already there. Panic starts to erupt through him and he starts shaking. After bumping in almost every desk possible he's getting close to the corner. In his final act of embarrassment, he trips and in an attempt not to fall he conjures the air around him, making it look like he floats.

"H-H-Hello... I'm Samuel Truth b-but you can call me Sam or whatever you like...I don't really mind."
Kaylen stared at the boy next to her, not bothering to try to hide it. She was kinda annoyed. She wanted to talk, she was a talker. "So...how old are you?" She tried talking to him again, and was careful not to use a yes or no question because he could have just nodded or shake his head instead.


(Just trying to keep this RP alive. Everyone please reply!)
(Not really sure who to interact with)

Cat stood in the corner, talking quietly with those that had struck up a conversation. One was a girl with a bleach-blonde pixie cut and a few piercings, who seemed nice, but was a little intimidating. The other was a black haired guy with brown eyes, who made it obvious his interest in her wasnt all that academic. She kept her eyes low when speaking directly to him, and he seemed to take her shyness as a green light. But the blonde girl came to her rescue, shifting the conversation to the fighting the teacher mentioned. The guy seemed arrogantly confident, and the girl hopeful. Cat tried to hide her nervousness, pretending to be okay with the upcoming elemental lessons. She also pretended to be okay with the fact that Mr. Dark Eyes kept shifting closer to her.
Finn didn't look up, but he could hear that she was slightly frustrated. "My name is Finn and I'm seventeen." He said, rattling it off almost like this was an interview. He felt kinda bad hat he was frustrating her, but he didn't know what to do. Part of him thought he should start a conversation, but he had no clue where to start. He looked up to one of the corners and saw one of the guys trying to get friendly with a girl. He sighed quietly, wondering what made the guy so bold and confidant in himself.
She looked at Finn with a little smirk, releaved that he finally talked to her. "Thank you... Now was that so hard?" Her voice was light and friendly again, even a little flirtatious. After a second look at him she realized just how cute he was. "I'm 17 too. That's two things we have. In common then, if you count the water part.... Which I do, so." She looked around her little corner and noticed that they were the only ones in the corner for water elementalists. "Is itjustus two then" she asked Finn, hoping he would be open for a little conversation.


(Yah I just hope that more people reply so we can actually get this thing started. @Flutterby)
Finn wrinkled his forehead. "It was harder than most would think." He mumbled, more to himself. He stayed quiet while she talked, completely missing the flirtatious edge to her voice. He glanced around their corner and saw that she was right, it was just them, even though there were up to four students in the other corners. He shuffled his feet a little and hoped the lesson would get on soon. He didn't mind listening to Kaylen, but as soon as she wanted him to talk, he wanted to have something else to do.

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