Elder World

(sorry about that EmberBare and Metronome, it's hard to keep track of all the charas when someone isn't online :\ )

Elizabeth bit her lip but nodded to Raven, she really hoped she could do this... She then turned and smiled to the others, they were all so open about their pasts, not caring about the pains of remembering the sad parts and here she was fearing the memories she has. She took a deep breath the agreed with the others, "Same here, you can ask anything about me if you want to." She figured that they probably didn't but on the off-chance that one of them did she might as well let them know that they can.
Jess smiled a little, "Well, you need to just keep your mind open and you can't be guarded in any way. This'll be a little harder than how I usually do it because my power automatically finds the memories that are laced with the most pain or sadness and for people that remember their past but for you I'm trying to find your childhood and not even you know it. Other than that I'm just going to put myself into your mind. I'll be able to see all of your memories of everything that's happened to you for as far as you can remember. The parts of your history you can't remember are going to be buried in you subconscious, i think. I can't really guarantee my ability to find anything..." She ended sadly.

(should she be able to see his past? or is it too lost?)
(It's pretty darn lost, but she should at least be able to see a small vision of his past, such as the fire that gave him his scars. Other than that, she may encounter various memories he actually does know, such as his master teaching him how to fight.)

"If you don't, that's alright," Raven said before closing his eyes and relaxing, clearing his mind. "Go ahead."
Jessica takes a deep breath and closes her mind to help her focus. She then pulls her mind toward Raven's and soon finds herself in a large dark expanse which was his mind. She passed by many different memories from the years but none were what she was seeking. She looked farther in and came to his lost memories but she couldn't see them like she could the others, these were much darker and more blurry so she couldn't see them. One stuck out from all the others, the one which held the most emotion for him. She delved deeper into it, it was something after all. She was then sucked into the memory, her power overpowering and causing it to be like she was there also but it was not as defined as real life. She was able to make out a large fire and a figure, she couldn't make out any characteristics except it was a young boy. He was stuck in the fire and she couldn't see anyone around to help him. Jessica tried to run over and help him, the memory affecting her to do feel the need to help him but she couldn't move and was instead pulled out of the memory and all of the lost memories once again disappeared. When she tried to get them back his mind started to close and reject her presence.

Her whole body jerked back as she was pushed from Raven's mind. She groaned and put her head in her hands, a deep pain resonating throughout it. "I'm... I'm sorry Ray... I couldn't see much except, except a large fire and-and a boy who was stuck in it. He couldn't get out and no one was there for him..." She was very depressed that she couldn't see much and thus couldn't help him much. "I'm so sorry."
A vision of a burning building flashed before Raven's eyes. His eyes flashed open with a panicked yell, and seconds later, he was breathing heavily trying to calm himself. Once he was relatively calm, he turned to face Jessica. "I... It's okay, Jess," he said. "I should be the one apologizing. I must've shoved you out of my mind before you were ready."
She was lustening to the conversation as she swayed from side to side. She had a fear but only incountered it once, But she wanted to incounter it agsin so she coukd finish what she couldnt when she was little.
"It... It wasn't you who pushed me out necessarily. Something happened which caused you to lose those memories, something big, that was what pushed me out, not you." She shivered. When she was yanked from his mind that brought back memories for her too. Memories from the last person she tried to see into, he had never liked it when she went into his head and he always seemed to know when she was doing it too...
"The trauma... from that fire, maybe?" Raven wondered. "No, there's gotta be more to it than that... Well, it's a start." He then noticed Jess shiver. "Are you okay?" he asked in a concerned tone.
She shakes her head dismissively, "It's nothing, I was just reminded of the last time I tried to see someone's memories, he had never really liked it when I did that..." She chuckled humorlessly, that was an understatement.
Raven nodded. "In a way, I can understand that," he admitted. "There are a lot of private people out there. I just happen to not be one of them." He moved a little closer to her. "Anything I can do?"
ghe blindfold was getting on her nerves so she scratched it a bit the decided to take it off. she put it in her lap but kept her eyes closed." much better"

( sorry for spelling im on my tablet and it lags)
She eyed him when he moved closer to her and started to move away from him to keep the distance but quickly stopped herself. "Sorry, sorry, natural reaction...." She hated the fact that she was so wary of everybody. She looked back to him. "I don't think there's anything that could help me from the past..." She sighed and put on a fake smile to seem all right. "Anyway, now that I know your past, you can ask me bout mine, if you even want to that is..." She felt she should get that out there, he deserved to know about her past since she now knew everything about his past that he did.
She tilted her head to hear her stories while she leans back running her fingers through the grass.
She thought to herself, since the blindfold is off and theres only trees infront of her since she's sitting sideways she could open them. It took her a minute but she opend her eyes blinking a few times.
Jessica smiled at this, "Not all men, just him, it's just affected me to react the way I did around him around everyone else too and it is so annoying." She groaned.
"That's awful," Raven said, folding his arms. "Why would someone treat you like that? He doesn't deserve you, Jess. Remember that."
She looks down, not meeting his eyes. "It-it wasn't all his fault. I provoked him most of the time I guess. And he wasn't always bad." When she first met him he was very nice but she had begun to act annoying. At least that's what she convinced herself of, she didn't want him to get all the blame.
(Is there a reason no one wants to interact with my character? Is he a bad character? Are you guys just too wrapped up in what you're doing? Do you just not want me here? Tell me something :/ )
(([MENTION=962]Metronome[/MENTION]: It is not because of any lack in your characters, rest assured of that. Currently, the rest of the good-aligned characters are in what I presume to be a forest, and yes indeed quite wrapped up with one another. My suggestion would be to just have your characters approach them, perhaps to look for help of some kind?

Also, to the rest of you, I apologize for having been absent yesterday and the day before yesterday.))

FutureDictator said:
Lyra rolled her eyes, he had been telling these stories all day. The first few were fine and she actually kind of enjoyed them, but after the 5th story she started to just feel annoyed and this feeling has been growing in her more and more with each one. She put a cheeky smile on her face and raised her hand, "Actually yes, I do have a question." Her hand dropped to her side once again. "Are there yet?!" She didn't care if she sounded mean or annoying considering this was the 100th time she's asked throughout their journey. All she cared about was hoping Helbrecht didn't tell another story. She just couldn't take it anymore.
Without stopping for even a step on the rocky, grassless ground that led them steadily upwards, the vials all still in his hands, Helbrecht answered the obnoxious vampiress's question with an unwaveringly impassive tone "We are indeed, these-" he gestured around himself, their current way taking them through a cliff, though as said steadily further up, meaning that soon, after less than five minutes, they would finally be able to behold their actual surroundings, as opposed to the sheer high walls of stone and basalt surrounding them, careful however he was not to let any of the enchanted vials fall "Are the mountains, for the moment, just keep moving. Oh, and if you see a giant, just beware of their humor."

Finally, after just a bit more, the ill-fitting duo emerged from the cliff.

"Well, I did tell you, did I not?"

To be immediately greeted by the 28-feet tall frame of fleshless bones, belonging to a rather human-like fellow resting his skeletal back on the mockery of a cheap stone-throne, rotten skull drawn in an eternal, deathly grin, on exactly said former braincage resting a proportionally-sized, horned helmet.

Beyond that, a bright blue sky, they were directly situated on a smaller mountain, which itself was again surrounded by its more gargantuan 'brothers', the sun visible, though partially covered from sight by exactly said oversized hills, the two would both be able to wander further up, but also further down, if they so pleased.

The air had quite a chill now.

"Quite the joking sort, are they not? They like to do this with those of their kind who become a little too close to us inferiorily-sized dwarves. This one would have been quite averagely-sized in his life, I suppose... you see his helmet, yes? Giants really like their helmets, if you take time to wander around here, I am certain you would see quite some ridiculous models. They think that their helmets can protect their rather soft skull-matter in case they stumble and fall." Helbrecht explained calmly.

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