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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

He face palmed at Ayla, for displaying the "Oppai" "I'm well aware...I won't say anything until you're ready... Just...Don't push them in my face, please?" He turned around, looking over at everyone and smiled to Leorio. "Glad you are ready, and same with you Kashi, at first dawn we shall set out. Ensure you all have the right items and equipment for the journey." Alistair looked down at Ayla and sighed, shaking his head. "So clumsy you are..Lets hope you aren't our version of Leeroy Jenkins.." He chuckled though, adjusting his glasses once more.

"Shineko, you are right, maybe the expansion was not its doing...We have much to learn, in due time." He scratched his chin, and nodded at Rahl's answer. Then turned to greet Jhenai. "Good evening, my lady. I believe you are the last of this group meeting?" He tapped his staff softly. Alistair sat cross-legged, thinking. Just what they may face in the Cave..The possibilities they may face spans a long list.. He must be careful with his crew, his friends, allies. Alistair will not tolerate casualties upon his group. He will figure it all out.. For their safety.




@Galain Fletchawk


@That Guy Over There
Shineko walks over to Alistair, "This could get dangerous. We should come up with a plan of action. If you will spare a few moments of time, I can at least give you an idea of what I was thinking about." Shineko walks with Alistair a little more to the side so he can try to keep an eye on everyone as he prepares to lay out a general and potential way to approach this quest tomorrow. "I would recommend that while we are in areas where things are low enough for the lower level group to fight, that we let them do so. This will serve three major purposes. One, they get to feel useful instead of like they are being dragged along. This would be good for morale. Second, this will allow them to become more familiar with each other and hopefully improve their teamwork. Third, but not least, it gives us a chance to evaluate their how well each is able to fulfill their part in a group, use their abilities, and overall what they are capable of in combat. This also will give us an idea of what we will need to do to help each of them improve going forward." Stopping for a moment to watch Alistair's reaction to the first part of the plan, Shineko pulls out a drink and takes a sip. After taking a few more swallows, Shineko continues explaining what he had in mind. "Once we reach the section where it will be too hard for them to handle the fighting, I recommend having them stay close to each other and splitting up the higher levels into multiple groups. One group to act as reserves and support that could guard the lower folks and one to handle the main fighting. I believe that having Leorio, Tora, and myself in the main fighting force would be a good idea. Leorio and Tora already have a history of working together so I believe that their understanding of each other's needs and teamwork will be more fluid in this situation than the others. This would also put a tank, healer, and DPS together in the party to handle what is to come. And besides, with my new gear, I am sure we can handle most of what should come our way. Having Ayla in the protection group means that if something comes up unexpectedly, she will be able to keep it focused on her giving opportunity for us to readjust to the situation quickly while not overly endangering those of lower level. As an enchanter, you are able to assist and support from a range while helping ensure the safety of the group as well. With the goal being to keep them safe, it might would be good to have Reynald with you as well. This would only add another person that you are familiar with to the protection detail and who seems very capable of making the necessary decisions in the heat of battle. We could then have a third group of ZweiHander and Rahl to act as a swing group. They could move between the two groups based on need but I expect that they would be with the main attack group most of the time. ZweiHander and Leorio can work on managing aggro so they can switch out who is tanking giving Tora more time to handle healing if things get tough. That would also leave Rahl and myself to be able to scout out ahead if needed. While I know the level that you believe things may be isn't that high, if we run into a raid boss down there, things could get rough. Or we may find that the level of monsters increase steadily while we progress and that things will be closer to level 90 before we find what we are after. I leave the details and final decision to you, I wanted to at least share this idea with you. Also, if you know any additional information on what we may be facing when we go down there, please share that with us. That information could potentially make the difference between success and failure."

*NOTE: For anyone who read immediately after I posted, I made an edit to correct a mistake I made in the original post. I didn't realize that Mairi had actually left and was no longer participating in this quest so I made corrections accordingly for what Shineko would have said.
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Startled by Rahl, she instinctively drew her daggers, spinning around to face what was suddenly behind her. Realizing it was a comrade, she slid the daggers back into their sheathes. Turning a little red in the face, she timidly mumbled an apology and greeting to the swift werecat. "Calm down, you're with friends here.." she thought to herself.

Glancing behind her, she saw the girl, Tora, approach. Jhenai regained her composure and turned around to face her. Seeing she was nervous, she smiled and tried to give a warm friendly greeting. "Hello Tora! It's very nice to meet you."

Alistair then spoke, and she chuckled at the Leeroy Jenkins comment. "Good evening, sir! Yes, I believe I am the last. I am ready to depart whenever." She gave him a nod, then went back to join her friends, Warui and Youko.
Warui quickly moved to his feet as if to ready himself as Jhenai spun around drawing her daggers from Rahl's sudden appearance behind her. Youko stood leaning on his staff and calmly looked over in that direction, "Rahl, I believe it was. While I would like to think everyone here to be comrades, it would be unwise to make sudden movements like that which could startle someone. If we happen to be somewhere less safe, it could be mistaken as an act of aggression. I would hate to see things get out of hand or a comrade hurt by a simple misunderstanding." The tone in Youko's voice left little to be misunderstood as it carried the hint of warning and threat both to Rahl and others in the area. We may be lower level, but our teamwork and skills are enough to leave a lasting impression if we are pushed. Watching as Jhenai calmly returned her daggers and returning Tora's greeting, Warui and Youko returned to a more relaxed state.
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Alistair nodded slowly as Shineko went along with his plan, his eyes slowly wandering towards Rahl and the others, their commotion did not impede on his conversation with Shineko. He scratched his hair then nodded slowly once more as Shineko finished ."I like it, I think we should implement it then,when we get to the deeper levels we higher ranks will be needed, surely...I must converse with Reynald then, if he would be fine with staying by my side when we get to the deeper levels. Until then, get some rest Shineko. You deserve it I'm sure."

Alistair looked towards the group, tapping the butt of his staff softly on the ground, thinking. He then addressed Shineko without looking. "From what I know, a Boss will be in the lowest level. It is lvl. 90. But with our combined efforts its possible to finish it off and let the under-leveled group gain the benefits. That is, unless you'd like to distribute an equal share once more....It seems we won't need another adventurer for mining...It seems like there is a group of the people of the land miners, if we agree to keep them safe, they could mine the materials for us, and they could mine the materials they were looking for....Shineko, bring up your menu log, there seems to be a new addition to the menu though somewhat hidden in the tabs, its sort of like the quest log in the menu, I can see all the "potential" quests we can take. Though there are not many and they're seemingly minuscule, they detail what is there, whom or what we may find on the quest as well..Make sure everyone marks themselves on the quest marker If you desire to look at the quest and its details, there you shall find it...I just opened it up and found it when I was looking out over the fields....I shall go to Reynald for now."

The Quest Log didn't seem as elaborate as the Elder Tale Quest Log used to be, as of right now it held only five quests, 3 of those quests were about player interaction/reaction/actions and other controls for Adventurers to look at, basically a handbook in which has the Adventurer practice fighting, moving, etc in their new bodies. the other 2 quests were the Ice Giant, which was completed earlier, and the new Quest. "Save the Barrier!" All completed quests showcased a Green on the top left side of the Quest Marker.

Alistair seemed quite interested by this new add-on for the menu logs...It makes a much easier way of figuring out what to do in Elder Tale, though as he did say it was minuscule quests, it was still worth looking at and figuring out its coordination to work. Though other Adventurers may soon figure out this new add-on and that could be a problem, so for now..This group might benefit by keeping it a secret until it is the right time to speak. As Alistair sat next to Reynald he smiled, adjusting his glasses. "So my friend, are you ready for another fun adventure? And I expect Ayla is ready for another as well!" He laughed, looking on over to Ayla and then back to Reynald. "What do you say? Ready to be the most amazingly awesome duo ever seen in Elder Tale history?!" He held his hands up high, with excitement..



@Galain Fletchawk
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Kashi, Leorio, and Tora opened up their quest logs. Kashi sighed after seeing the tutorial quest. It was already checked off, but if he had checked the log first he wouldn't have to learn things the hard way. Thinking back about the fight Warui, Youko, and himself had with the mobs of Elder Tale, he remembered how much of a pain it was. At least one good thing came out of looking at the log. Now he knew that quests were still a thing.

"N...nice to meat you too," Tora said to Jhenai before accepting the Save the Barrier quest. She looked up at Leorio, who seemed more than ready to get this quest going. "I'm ready to be awesome!" Leorio said to Alistair in a booming voice even though the question hadn't been directed at him. "What's the plan?"
Shineko watched as Leorio eagerly accepted the challenge and Tora followed closely behind. I am sure that those two have done plenty together and their teamwork should be more than adequate in case things get rough. Looking around at the lower leveled players that are assembled, he watched as they slowly began accepting the quest as well and awaiting direction.

Warui and Youko each opened up their quest panels and accepted the quest. Then each looked over at Jhenai as if to encourage her to go ahead and join them.

Shineko watches the interaction with this lower level group and it seems quite apparent that they are no stranger to teamwork. Their previous knowledge of working together before this update may serve them very well in the times to come. Shineko opens up his quest panel as well and accepts the quest. "Okay Alistair, I am ready. The stage is yours, what is next?"
Seeing that her fellow teammates have decided to join this group with their quest, Jhenai opened the quest panel and accepted the quest as well. She looks forward to being able to spend time with her online friends again.
Alistair nodded, and the dawn of a new day broke in..He looked up, as the sun began to gleam from its hiding place, awakening those that slumber deep in the dark, illuminating the world slowly. He turned to face everyone, whisking the fire out now. He walked past the boulder, and stopped towards the fields. Then turned around. "We will be split up into two groups, A few lvl. 90 members will go in the cave, lower leveled members shall stay outside of the cave and ensure that nothing gets in. I will assign Ayla as the watcher over the lower leveled group. I not only want Ayla to take note of your skills and team work en combat, I want her to ensure the lower leveled members are ready to face the challenges that will be laid before us in the future."

"Not only that, any higher leveled member who does not wish to go in the cave shall be posted with Ayla outside. As for myself, I shall go in. I need to study and turn my opinions into factual information. Tora, you are of a high enough level to aid us in the cave. Would you be fine being the healer and sticking by my side? That also gives a chance for Leorio not to be split up from you. Since I suspect a father-daughter duo would be helpful, rather than splitting you two apart. Reynald, would you be fine with being my right hand and ensure safety for the back row? Shineko, Rahl, and Leorio shall be the front row. If we initiate a battle, Reynald you can move to the front lines and more than likely, Tora and I will be fine."

Alistair scratched his hair, waiting for the responses of his fellow teammates. "Two birds with one stone, I will be able to understand the B-Groups team function, and I will be able to understand the main groups function even more than before, with the Ice Giant... Not only that, but there is also the information I need to seek out, and confirm as true."

@Galain Fletchawk





@That Guy Over There
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Warui stretches and looks around, wondering why he let himself volunteer to join in on this craziness. It would be so much easier to just walk back in to town and grab a drink and see if there might be anything fun to do. But Youko had decided he was going to do this and he wasn't going to let his friend go into this alone. At least they have Jhenai to help keep them company and Kashi should help keep them alive as long as they don't run into anything too big. "Okay, wake up guys and gals" Warui says as he gives Youko and Jhenai a small shake to get them to wake up and then moved over to Kashi and gave him a nudge with his foot. "Time to wake up sunshine" Warui teasingly called to Kashi.

Youko groaned and rolled over, sleepily inquiring "Is it time to go?" Looking around and seeing people getting up and then hearing Alistair start talking about what everyone would be doing, he figured it really was time to get moving and begun getting prepared for the day. "Jhenai, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. I am sure Kashi, Warui, and myself can help you if you need anything. And if not, we may be able to get help from some of the others. I feel that we can at least trust most of them."

Shineko was only lightly dosing and instantly opened his eyes as Alistair began trying to get everyone awake and ready for the day. After listening to what Alistair had planned, he walked over to Rahl and quietly whispered, "I know you have some reservations about Alistair and his goals with the guild. I was wondering if you might be interested in doing me a favor and working with me on something. I would like to propose one of us stays with the lower leveled group and the other one goes in the cave with Alistair. I figured that either one of us should be sufficient for handling what lies in the cave and this way we can each access something important. One is the performance of the lower level group and the other is to watch Alistair to make sure of how things progress. We can meet later to discuss what we observed, should you be open and agreeable to this idea." Without really waiting for an immediate answer, figuring that Rahl could find a way to let him know his decision and not wanting him to feel pressured to answer immediately, Shineko moves over to check on Leorio and Tora. "You two be careful. If anything goes wrong, focus on staying alive and getting out safely. If for some reason I am not there, just get in touch with me and I will come to your aid." Walking over to Alistair, Shineko says "Alistair, I am ready but I have yet to decide what role I will play in this adventure. I will have to decide that after we reach the entrance to this cave. I am kind of interested in both the caves and how the lower levels perform."
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Jhenai stretched and prepared for the day, ready to go on her first quest and adventure since being stuck in the game. "Alright, Youko, thanks! I know I can depend on you three."
Kashi lazily opened one eye and looked at Warui. "Thanks mom...," he grumbled sarcastically as he got up. "Waking up is a pain," he added to himself as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. After listening to Alistair's plan it sounded like they were finally ready to go. "You guys better promise me you won't try to bite off more than you can chew. I can only heal so much damage ya know," he said to the other lower-leveled gamers. Even though he sounded like he was complaining he was actually ready to get the show on the road.

Leorio and Tora woke up before Alistair began explaining the plan. "S...sticking to your side?" Tora asked Alistair, still a little intimidated by him. She glanced up at her father before looking at Alistair. Leorio smirked and placed a hand on Tora's shoulder. "A...aye sir," she replied nervously. As a high leveled healer it only made sense that she'd be with the higher leveled group. At least her father would be nearby. "I'm ready to go when you are," Leorio said to Alistair.
Rahl gave the slightest tip of his head in confirmation. There was no hesitation in this action, practically screaming his thoughts out to anyone who possessed even an inkling of understanding of his personality. He could see the point in them splitting up the protection, and eased his mind since Shineko's familiar way of thinking inspired this idea. He glanced at Alistair, his eyes glinting as he put the hidden challenge from a certain person to the side for now.

"Ah, Alistair, this might be a bit late but... My resources for combat tricks have been severely reduced from that fight with the frost giant. Without the throwing weapons my current build focuses on for damage, I'm afraid I'll be a burden fighting on the front lines. Would you mind if I protected our lower leveled players? My ability to handle large groups is something I pride myself on, and would make me good for keeping stragglers off their backs. This way, all of our main fighters won't have to concern themselves. I hold a bit of interest in most of them, so I wouldn't like leaving them in just anyone's care either. Naturally, it's up to you, but I think I would be more effective in aiding Ayla considering the current state of my resources."
Of course, if he fell back on the numerous trump cards he possessed, his being weakened from a throwing weapon deficit was a laughable lie - but Shineko's offer appealed to his current feelings, and he was also curious as to the strengths of these lower levels. Although one of them seemed like someone particularly of interest, they all caught his eye and left no doubt in his mind that all of them possess immense potential sure to be cultivated in the future.
Alistair nodded, "I understand. Do take care of them with Ayla, at least two would be sufficient for taking care of the Lower levels." Alistair then turned around. "Lets go, I shall lead the way. We'll be walking for some time so might as well do it now when its the dawn instead of any other time." Alistair began leading the way, clearing his throat. "Leorio, make sure Tora is close by me at all times, I feel as if she'd be better off alongside another magical class." He walked with an essence of wisdom within him, not only that but the staff he used also brought that wisdom-like feel to his composure as he walked, Surely it would help Tora with her skills as a Druid being beside him, as it would for the other magical class users.

"Reynald, I'm wondering, what kind of loot might you think we find if we defeat the boss? Anything special?" He laughed, flowing on.

"Shineko, I'm sure we'll find a place for you, as for now it seems Rahl wants to help Ayla and inform me of the lower level groups team work, skills, etc. It will surely be helpful, if they join my Guild that will be exciting, though if they wish not to, that is fine with me as well."

Alistair looked ahead, thinking to himself as he moved on through the fields "A whole group of people alongside me... It feels different from pre-expansion... I actually feel like they're my friends, traveling together on quests.. I've forgotten how fun it was. Heh, its been a long time, I think, with just enough push and shove we can actually change Elder Tale!!"

@Galain Fletchawk





@That Guy Over There
After having sat down for quite a while, Reynald got up one everyone started heading out and followed them. "If you're asking me what useful loot we can expect, I can't think of much." he said in response to Alistair's question, "Most of our levels are so much higher that no equipment any boss could drop could be of use to us. The chances that we'd find something useful at this level is about the same as..." Reynald stopped for a few seconds, as if trying to recall something specific. "'to find the single correct needle among countless millions, and thread it accurately.' That seems accurate." He then continued walking with the others. "Basically, the only useful thing we're going to find in there is probably our quest item."
Alistair nodded. "True, a better answer than I thought myself, the quest item would be the only thing useful.. But sometimes you can hit a jackpot, maybe money, or some new garb, sometimes everything and yet nothing is useful. If that even makes sense...I suppose it does in some way, shape, or form." He sighed, sniffing the morning air, dew had laid anew upon the grassy fields in which they traveled across, filling the air with a wet, serene smell. Alistair turned his head to the side some, looking at Shineko, Rahl, and the other group members (Leorio, Tora, and the lower leveled group members, excluding Reynald and Ayla) and asked them "How long have you all been playing Elder Tale? I just want to know, it seemed like a good question to ask!" He smiled, and turned his head back to the path, listening to each one who would like to tell.
Tora and Leorio followed Alistair and stayed up in the front near him. As they approached the quest area they heard Alistair bring up a topic for time killing chit chat. "Tora and I have been members of Elder Tale for about three years now," Leorio replied. "After I helped Tora set up her account, we took our sweet time enjoying the game content." "P...pappa had an account a couple weeks before I did," Tora added.

Kashi followed Alistair and walked more in the middle of the group. He walked with his arms behind his head. "If you really want to know, I've only been playing this game for about a year," he replied. "I could have been level fifty by now if homework hadn't got in the way," he complained. "Tch. homework is a pain," he muttered.
Jack was in the village, in his favorite shop buying clothes for his jack rabbits when he saw a girl outside the window. "A...Alice?" He said, dropping the clothes he was holding. He quickly rushed out the door. "Alice! Alice is that you?!" He was crying, he tripped over the ground and lay right in front of Mairi.
Mairi walked through the town and towards the guild hall. Alistair should have left the town by now, so now Mairi could begin her plan. If this went the way she wanted, Alistair's quest would be entirely pointless. She wanted to see the look on Alistair's face when the "Grim Reaper" as outsmarted. As she was walking there, though, she almost literally ran into Jack. "Alice?" Mairi asked him, "What's this about an Alice?"
"Huh?..." He looked up. They looked similar but... it wasn't her. He got up, and brushed his knees. "Sorry... Mistook you for someone else... Sorry mister." He said, before heading back towards the shop.
Recognizing that Jack was merely trying to push her buttons, Mairi decided not to try to correct him and continued on her way to the guild hall. She wondered how much thought Jack put into that insult considering that he just called Mairi a man, yet also said that he confused her for Alice. Mairi hoped that she could meet this "Alice" and tell her that her friend just called her a man.
Youko was pulled out of his own thoughts by the conversation in time to hear Alistair's question. "I have only been playing for around 8 months now. Warui has been a good friend and teacher helping me."

Warui simply responded, "I did what anyone would do for a friend in need. You just happen to find my soft spot so how could I refuse you help." Getting back to the main topic, "I have been playing about 4 years now. I had a level 90 Samurai but made this character to play with Youko and give him a hand."

Shineko just listened as the others talked about how long they had been playing, not quite sure how he should answer the question. "I have been here for a long time, I don't even remember how long I have been playing. I can remember when the world didn't have many other in it and the background story was being developed. Even Akihabara was still being constructed from what I can remember and much of the land was bare, waiting to be built up. Unfortunately, I seem to be having some issues remembering details though when it comes to anything other than the world of Elder Tale."
Alistair smiled, Kashi, Leorio, Tora, Shineko. Youko and Warui's answers were all interesting, fun in a sense. They soon neared to the cave. Alistair looked it over "Ah, yes here it is indeed....Are we all ready?" Alistair turned some, to see their answers as well as hear it. There seemed to be 4 People of the Land standing at the entrance, they looked at the Adventurers, and asked for assistance. Alistair took care of the negotiation, the People of the Land would help them claim the energy crystal, in turn for protection during the caves and mining. Alistair looked at everyone and nodded. "Time to get into position then, Hehehaha!"

Alistair tapped the butt of his staff to the dirt floor, he would be behind everyone else alongside Tora. Support and minimal to medium damage at the most with his equipment perks. He was a Enchanter that could hold his own for a small amount of time if things got rough.
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Youko and Warui look around surveying the land, though probably for 2 different reasons. Warui walks off to the side where a good sized tree stood and half laid against it, watching over the area. After adjusting himself to get comfortable, but making sure he had a good view of the land in front of him, he quipped with a smirk, "This should make a good spot to rest and take a nap." Youko, knowing his friend well enough, knew this was just his quirky way but nothing would come from the direction he was surveying without plenty of advanced warning. The tree was in a good location and so he went over got into a comfortable position on the other side of the tree to watch his friend's back. "Don't worry, I will watch your back like usual Warui. Jheani, make sure to find a good spot as well. We need to take advantage of your ranged skills as best as we can."

Shineko smiled as he watched the small group start moving into place, almost as if it was natural for them to be doing this. They trusted each other and drew strength from one another to face this new situation. "Alistair, I have decided I will join you and the group going into the caves. I have a feeling everything will be fine up here and that there wasn't a need for me to be too concerned about those left here."
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Kashi stood near the other Adventurers around his level with his staff firmly planted in the ground. "Don't forget you have a healer around," he said, nonchalantly leaning against his staff. "It'll be a pain once things start getting hairy, but I'm not going to let you die on my watch."

Leorio and Tora watched as Alistair negotiated with the People of the Land. Once he had finished it was time to get the mission started. As a tank, Leorio took the lead and stepped into the cave with a fired up grin on his face. Tora nervously held a position near Alistair and walked into the cave when it was her party row's turn. She wasn't sure if she was nervous about being near Alistair or if it was the mission she was worried about. Either way seeing her father's large werecat form in front of her was comforting.

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