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Realistic or Modern Dying to Live, Living to Die REBOOT (Not cliche Zombie survival) *COMPLETED*

As you look, you note that you don’t see any zombies in the park itself – just in the streets surrounding it and at the subway station entrance. Maybe moving through the park would be easier than trying to sneak past all the zombies in the streets – but you’d have to figure a way into the park unseen first, or it sort of defeats the purpose.
I meant that it was strange that we couldn't see any zombies in the park. Also Agent Agent , you here?
(Alrighty time to get back into the swing of the normal adventure, Option 2 has been selected with 2 votes! Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller Might wanna know we got past the lock phase on the bike, so you may wanna know what's going on.)

You ride out of the parking garage and bolt across the street for Fox Park. You easily dodge your bike past the scattered zombies in the street and begin peddling as fast as your beat up frame will allow. Those in the street and the horde at the subway entrance see you and lurch after with a cacophony of wailing moans and hungry snarls. You are shocked to see that these zombies are actually able to manage a decent run, given the stiffness in their movements – but there they are, barreling clumsily toward you much faster than you’d like. Still, you are on a mountain bike and easily outpace them once you get in the clear.

They follow behind, but you lose sight of them once you hit a thicket of trees. There you take a moment to give thought to the situation. You know that the zombies will doggedly pursue you in the direction they last saw you going. Currently, that’s to the west. If you keep going west, you might run into a dead end and find the zombies catching up behind you. No, you need to go north or south, while they continue pursuing you blindly to the west.

As you consider which way to go, you abruptly remember that there is a gun shop just two blocks north of the Fox Park.

1. Head to the north end of the park towards the gun shop, police precinct, hospital, center of the city.

2. Head to the south end of the park towards the suburbs.
I'm thinking South to the Surburbs. All the guns are probably gone or they are being held by infected police.
Our original aim was to meet up with the survivors at the Precinct, we could still make a quick detour there now that we have a faster mode of transportation. (How far is it?) While it is very possible that the shop has already been looted, we should still take the chance as it is only two blocks away. This little detour has the possibility to pay off big dividends, as we could find ammo for our pistol/additional weaponry, or trade our handgun for some other supplies if there are survivors holed up there. (Video games set in apocalyptic settings usually teach you not to trust other player controlled survivors, but I think in the case of an actual apocalypse, survivors will - at least initially - band together.) Also, how are we supposed to confront the attackers at our home if we don't have any weapons? (I'll actually be devastated if we are too late and our family is slaughtered... not like this, please)
(So since we have yet another tie, another tiebreaker is needed. So, while you have supplies already, there's a lot we can definitely make use of should you find something in the city, like the possible gun or whatever, and because you guys have the bike, it will make travelling around a lot simpler, and less strenuous with less of a chance of dying. So I am going to vouch for Option 1. So with that Option 1 has been chosen by tie-breaker! Also next choice no matter what you choose will allow you guys to have multiple choices, so yay for that.)

You make your way to the north end of the park, using the cover of trees (when available), and avoiding the random zombie you find skulking here or there. At one point, you come across a multi-tiered fountain. Checking the water in one of the upper basins, it looks pretty clean, so you stop and down water from your bottles to stay good and hydrated, and then fill them up again with water from the fountain.

At length, you arrive at the edge of the park and look out from behind a stone wall across a zombie-filled street. There’s no way you are going to be able to cross here without being seen, but looking to the west, you see that the street clears up about two blocks down.

Staying crouched behind the wall, you ride toward the open section of street. Upon arrival, you note a zombie free alleyway on the other side. You are far enough here, from any pockets of zombies, that you’re fairly sure you can just get off your bike and nonchalantly walk it across the street without drawing their attention. And even if you did, you could always just hop on the bike to make it there.

1. Zombie-shamble your bike slowly across the street and into the alleyway

2. Just bike it
Well I -was- thinking of just gunning it and speeding across like a boss, it seems that it would actually be a better idea to not get ourselves killed by doing it. So we'll walk.
(Option 1 has been chosen with 2 votes!)

Amazingly, your ploy seems to work and you make it across the street without attracting the attention of the zombies up the street. Heading cautiously into the alley, you see that it goes back behind the buildings on this block, then turns left and dumps into a narrow lane running north away from the park.

Along both sides of the lane, for as far as you can see, are a number of loading docks, large dumpsters, and huge piles of old pallets. This must be one of the utility access lanes for trash service and deliveries to the tall surrounding buildings on either side. You also notice a manhole cover in the middle of the lane not too far away.

Looking carefully up the lane, you do see the movement of zombies here or there, but they are so spread out, that you think you could take them as needed without being noticed by the rest. As long as you only had to face one or two at a time and off to the side out of sight, you might just be able to make progress through the city…

You take a moment to gather your resolve and decide whether to go through the backstreets or by main sewer line.

You decide to:

1. Take the backstreets to the gun shop (only two blocks away)

2. Take the backstreets to the police precinct

3. Take the backstreets to the hospital

4. Go down the manhole and travel through the main sewer line to the police precinct

5. Go down the manhole and travel through the main sewer line to the hospital
Probably not 1. Gun shop is probably looted already.
Possibly 2, but the backstreets may not have been such a good hiding place in the past.
Definitely not 3. No one likes hospitals unless they're cleared out.
But 4. Now the sewer! No one would ever think to go into the sewer. Surely there's no zed in the sewer, right?
Pretty sure the cop told us to take the sewer, could be others there. But I really want to hit the gun shop so 1.

(Also I thought we were rushing home, we are only making a quick detour for potentialweapons)
4. Whatever we can get at the gun shop we can already get at the police station. You never really know if there is anything left in the gun shop but you sure as hell know there are survivors and possibly some equipment in the precinct. There's no time to check the gun shop when there are oh-so-many zeds breathing down your throat as we speak. And the officer seems trustworthy and level-headed enough, so if he tells us to take the sewers then we better do as the man says. We don't know what he means but if we fail to follow his instructions it will be our fault and not his.
(Welcome back Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller great to hear you are all caught up, anyway it appears Option 4 has been chosen with 2 votes!)

You set down the mountain bike and try to pry up the manhole cover. It proves to be harder than you expected; as it’s not something you have any experience with at least you’re pretty sure, given your recent memory loss. You manage to hook one of the holes in the manhole cover and try to lift it straight up, but it’s just too heavy and slips off your hook – clanking back down into its seating.

You look around nervously, hoping the noise hasn’t attracted the attention of any nearby zombies. Fortunately, you don’t see or hear any drawing near yet, so you try again – this time pulling up the edge of the heavy iron cover just enough to yank it sideways; rather than up like you tried last time. This time, the manhole cover drags open and you can see down a four foot wide shaft dropping way farther into the darkness than you would have guessed – eighty to a hundred feet down. Thick iron ladder rungs, caked with rust, climb down the side of the shaft and you can hear water trickling below.

You swing yourself down into the shaft, standing on the iron rungs, and size up the hole. It looks wide enough to get your mountain bike down, if you take the wheels off first. Thinking the mountain bike is too valuable to simply leave behind; you take a minute to quick-release the rims and then tie them and the bike together on the end of your rope. Lowering the bike down a little ways ahead of you, you then pull the manhole cover back in place over you with a clank. Stopping a moment to get your light out, you then descend the rest of the way down the ladder into a huge, fourteen foot wide, concrete tunnel with two and a half feet of filthy brown water running south through the center of it. It smells exactly as you had feared it would. Standing on the lower slope of the tunnel – just above the water line – you put the wheels on the mountain bike and begin walking it north, hoping you don’t slip anywhere along the way and literally fall into the shit.

You follow the sewer tunnel to an intersection, and see that Officer Main was right about the sewers following the street layout above. After a few hours walking your bike alone in the dark foul-smelling tunnel past one intersection after another, you finally arrive at one labeled ‘8th Avenue/Spring Street’. You realize that you only have five more blocks to go to the west before you hit the 3rd Ave and Spring Street juncture – above which would be the Third Precinct House. Turning left, you head under Spring Street to your goal and then look up.

There you see another rung ladder climbing up the four foot diameter shaft, a hundred or so feet, to the manhole cover above. You tuck your mountain bike back into a dark nook, thinking you can come back to it later if need be, and climb up to the top of the ladder to peer out through the small holes in the heavy iron lid. You don’t see anything immediately near the manhole, but do hear the loud din of what must surely be thousands of clamoring zombies in the surrounding streets nearby. They are very close – and seriously agitated about something.

Very slowly, you cautiously push up the manhole cover, just enough to look out from under it. You see that it exits on the inside a walled barrier of some kind. From here, you can see that all the cars and vehicles in the streets surrounding the front and right side of the police building have been pushed out to the perimeter and stacked into a ten to twelve foot high barricade wall; presumably by the bulldozer and large front-loader parked nearby. Bodies of the dead lie strewn across the area inside the wall, but you don’t see any moving about. The clamor of crowding zombies meanwhile, comes from the other side of the stacked vehicle barrier.

Taking a deep breath, you slide the manhole cover open to the side and climb out.

You arrive in the makeshift courtyard of the police precinct house and boldly walk toward the front steps of the imposing stone building. As you do, the front doors are opened and four armed men dressed in police riot gear cautiously move out of the police building toward you, assault rifles trained at your chest.

In the building beyond them, you see two more officers waiting on either side of the door. While not wearing riot gear, they are each armed with shotguns and watch you suspiciously. Looking up along the roof-line five stories above, you also see the end of two sniper rifles pointing back down at you as well.

The police certainly have you covered…

The four men in riot gear stop about ten feet from you and spread out in a half circle around you. You instinctively start to raise your hands, but then stop. Fuck these guys, you think to yourself. If they are going to kill you, they’re going to kill you. You might as well die with a little dignity.

One of the men addresses you, loud enough to be heard over the din of ravening zombies just on the other side of the wall of the crudely stacked cars.

“Are you bit?” he yells.

Great… You know you must look like hell, and these guys are just itching for an excuse to shoot you.

1. “No,” you reply, “I was in a train wreck”

2. “I see I made a mistake coming here,” you say, turning to leave

3. Refuse to answer and just stand there
No, idiot. I'm not bit. I was in some random train wreck with limited memory before that, so I very could well be bitten. If you want to check my skin, then go ahead. I won't bite. Unless you really piss me off by acting like a moron or just doing crap for no reason, then i'm gonna bite your neck so hard that everyone will think i'm actually bitten.
1. No need to be rude, we are in need of their assistance after all. Perhaps we could bring up Officer Main's invitation.
(Well, this is definitely a long one, but I suppose it makes up for a the slightly more sub par recent ones, hey, I was inspired. Anywho, while in the midst of writing this it seems ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R brought up his vote, actually only a bit before I was finished, so that makes it 3 votes for Option 1!)

“A train wreck?” The leader of the riot team says, “Now that’s a new one. Let him in,” he motions and lowers his weapon.

One of the men shoulders his weapon and takes your gear, while the other two still have you under their assault rifles.

You are then ‘escorted’ inside and the doors to the police precinct house are closed behind you.

Inside, you see other officers and civilians, going about various activities. The ones you see all have serious or even grave looks on their faces. You are taken down some stairs to a large lockup area with three large ‘communal’ holding pens in the center and a number of individual cells around the periphery.

Inside the central holding pens are a crowd of civilians (almost a hundred), sitting on the various benches and bunk-beds within the cells. They have all been segregated; with men in the pen on one side, women in the pen on the other side, and all the children in the central pen between them.

You note that many of the children are crying and sit near the edges of the other two pens, holding hands through the bars with various parents or loved ones.

You are then taken and shoved into an individual cell. The Leader of the riot team draws a 45 caliber pistol from a holster and points it at you, while the other three members of his team leave. Unfortunately, the leader is quickly joined by another officer armed with a shotgun who stands just outside the cell door.

With his pistol leveled at your head, the leader of the riot team orders you to strip down to your underwear.

Since you have nothing to hide, you do so, a little nervous about all your injuries. Surely they won’t mistake any of them for zombie bites.

“Turn around slowly,” you are ordered, and do so.

The officer with the shotgun moves in and kicks your clothes out the cell with his foot, as the riot team leader continues to cover you with his weapon.

The officer then looks you over quickly and says “He looks clean.”

The two men then withdraw from the cell and lock you in. With nothing else to do, you lie down on a rack and think about how this might not have been the best place to come after all.

It looks like the police have gone off the deep end of the power trip here. How dare they lock up innocent civilians! The least they could do is let you leave and go out there on your own – you did well enough for yourself. Who are they to lock you in here? The rotten bastards!

After thirty minutes, the door opens and a nurse walks in with a bundle of supplies. She is escorted by the shotgun toting officer, who stands outside the cell door.

“Hello,” she says kindly, “I’m Nurse Valentine, let me see about your wounds and get you cleaned up.”

She then proceeds to give you an antiseptic sponge-bath and tends to your wounds. She spends quite a bit of time on your head-wound and actually sutures it up after giving it a good scrubbing.

Once all your wounds are dealt with, she hands you an orange jumpsuit to wear.

“I’m sorry,” she says, “they don’t have much of a selection here at the precinct house.”

You grudgingly accept the clothing and put it on, as it’s better than running around naked.

“What’s going on here?” you ask, “Why are they holding me and these other people? I’m a law abiding citizen. I can help out; they don’t need to keep me locked up.”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure,” Nurse Valentine replies genuinely, “you’ll get a chance to explain that to the Watch Captain in an hour or so. He’ll let you know about the rules here and what you can do to help out. It’s a desperate situation out there, so things are a bit strict in here, but we’re all still in this together. Just be patient and it will all work out.”

“Yeah, thanks,” you sigh and watch her as she leaves the cell.

“Get him some water and something to eat,” you hear her tell the guard as she leaves. The guard closes and locks your cell and then walks off.

Left alone a moment, your mind races – how the hell are you going to get yourself out of here, so you can get back to your own wife and family?

Your mind refuses to offer any realistic ideas at the moment. Shit.

After another fifteen minutes, the guard comes back and slips a bottle of water and a bagel into your cell through a slot in the door.

The clean water and food really hits the spot. You eat it and then end up falling asleep on the rack.

You sleep a lot longer than you would have expected – right into the next afternoon in fact. You wonder if you were drugged, or if all the exhaustion finally caught up with you.

Looking around, you note an unarmed civilian standing outside your cell. When he sees you stir, he walks away without a word. A few minutes later and three officers come to the cell and open it up. One of the men is obviously in charge of the other two. He doesn’t carry a shotgun like the other two, but has a holstered sidearm and more rank insignia on his uniform.

The two officers with shotguns enter the cell first and then make way for the man in charge. They don’t point their weapons on you, but do keep a cautious distance. You get the feeling that either one of them could shoot you down before you got very far, if you tried to do anything rash. Luckily for you, you don’t feel very rash today.

“I’m Captain Cunningham,” the officer in charge says, “the Watch Captain of this Precinct Safe-Hold. As far as we know, we are the only lasting survivors in the entire city and surrounding area – now overrun with the walking dead. We intend to wait out the zombie epidemic here in the safe-hold; until Mother Nature takes its toll on the shambling corpses outside. Out resident scientist, Doctor Helisenko, has studied some of the zombies and believes they can’t last longer than a month or so, before natural decomposition finishes them all off. We have enough provisions here, to last twice as long if needed – and the firepower to go gather more resources as required. But that’s not to say we’re just sitting pretty. Given the danger of our situation, we take no chances. It only takes one slip up to get the lot of us killed. As such, the highest ranking official left in the city, Police Chief Main, has declared martial law. Your stay here will not be a pleasant one. You can forget about ‘your rights,’ until this is all over. For now, you comply with the Law, or face harsh consequences – up to and including summary execution. If at any time you are bit by a zombie, you will be shot without question. If you try to leave, you will be shot. If you compromise the safe-hold in any way, you will be shot. We are going to extend to you the privilege of helping out around here. Trust me, that having something to do will help stave off the cabin fever we all face daily; locked up in here, and surrounded by a sea of zombies. Going stir-crazy will get you shot, so I highly recommend you do your best to ‘keep it together.’ Any questions?”

“Ok then, what’s next?” you ask calmly.

Captain Cunningham frowns a bit. Perhaps he is annoyed that you are not cowering in terror following his ‘ominous speechifying’…

Once everything is done, you are taken to communal men’s lockup and given a ‘space’ there among the rest of the civilian men. Nobody speaks to you at first, you think it must be the prison jumpsuit, but after a couple of days, you have learned a lot about your new ‘home’ and have even gained the trust of the other civilians.

You are relieved to see that the entire day is not spent in lockup. The holding pens are only secured in the evenings for lockdown and opened again in the mornings. They are also locked anytime the safe-hold’s security is in question – like when a new survivor such as yourself shows up and is moved to quarantine, until it’s clear they are not a zombie threat. Incidentally, no one new has shown up since you arrived.

Everyone has a job to do to keep them busy and their minds off of the current situation. Your first job, of course, is latrine duty.

Nice – give the crap job to the new guy, you think to yourself.

The safe-hold has set up a rather ingenious if not utterly repugnant way of dealing with no ‘indoor plumbing.’ They have built an outhouse off the landing of the third floor stairwell that actually hangs out over the side of the building. Toilet seats have been affixed over small holes in the benches that allow one to literally crap down onto the heads of the milling zombies below.

The safe-hold has coined the term ‘Zombie Plopping’.

For small children, who might be in danger of falling through the holes in the benches, and those that just can’t bring themselves to take a dump on another person – walking dead or not – they have set up trash bag-lined buckets in a large supply closet off the landing. Your job is to take and dump the bags through the outhouse holes as they are filled up.

You only have to do that for one day however, as you are quickly promoted to night watch, after showing the officers that you can handle the ‘shit job’ without complaint.

Night watch is up on the rooftop, where you and another civilian, look out over the sides of the building to make sure the zombies aren’t getting in somehow. A single riot team sniper also sits on the roof at night, watching the walls surrounding the makeshift courtyard at the front of the building.

You report directly to him, should you see anything.

Interestingly, you are really surprised to see how dark it is in the city at night. With no power and a thick layer of black clouds hanging overhead – the surrounding buildings are cloaked in cloying silhouette that give the place a real claustrophobic feel. The nonstop din of ravening zombies in the surrounding streets below doesn’t help to make the place feel any less foreboding.

In the daytime, the rooftop is a place of retreat for the survivors of the safe-hold. The police have a workout area on the rooftop, including a running track, a basketball court, and fenced in tennis courts. There is also a large gym on the fifth floor, with free weights, workout machines, and a volleyball court. The showers in one of the locker rooms on the fifth floor has been rigged with running water, fed from a large water basin on the roof – but showers are a limited commodity. Perhaps reserved for the officers, as you don’t know of any of the civilians that have had one yet…

The strong-hold has limited power, provided when needed, by two fuel burning generators in the basement. On night watch, you are provided with large battery powered spotlights and a handheld radio to communicate with the watch leader, should you see anything amiss.

Each day, you get two meals and a ration of water. The meals are provided in a cafeteria at the bottom of some stairs near the main entrance of the building – one at 9:00 am and the other at 6:00 pm.

Other than that, movement around the building is limited and almost constantly under the watchful eyes of the officers. You do manage to find out some useful information though.

Firstly, you happen to notice that your rope has been taken and coiled up on the roof. Knowing that it is there, and that you are allowed up there at night, gives you hope that an escape from this place could at least be possible. You’d need more equipment than just your rope though, so you start keeping an eye out, and even nosing around a little bit, for the rest of your gear.

You would already have a flashlight from the night watch and a radio to listen in on them should they try to come after you – and you could grab a weight bar from the gym for a solid weapon.

As for the other stuff you came in with, you find out that they have all the civilians’ personal effects cataloged and stored in a large evidence locker on the second floor. You note that while locked at all times, it isn’t specifically guarded. You definitely want to at least get your wallet and photo of your family back if not your car and house keys too.

Also on the second floor though, is the precinct’s Crime Lab, where Doctor Helisenko studies the zombie epidemic. Rumor among the civilians casts the doctor in a rather ghoulish light, saying that he has some of the convicts originally in the precinct’s custody up there; and is using them in his dark experiments. You decide it best not to think too much on such things for now.

Of course, all this thought and planning presumes that you even want to escape. When you think about it for a while, you begin to have serious doubts. You wonder if there is even anything left out there to escape to. Could your wife and girls still be alive? With what you have seen and heard so far, your hope is very difficult to retain. At least here, you can wait out the zombies and then try to make a life again when things finally return to normal.

If you go home and find everyone dead or worse – then it will all have been for naught and you will once again be out on your own among the zombies.

Then again, this place isn’t perfect either. For one, it’s awfully oppressive. The unarmed civilians are practically treated like slaves to the armed officers, who are quick to harshly discipline any perceived slight upon their authority.

Having gained the trust of the civilians over the last few days, you also hear a disturbing rumor. It seems that the riot team leader, one Lieutenant Falco, has been taking young women from among the civilians into secluded parts of the building during the day and raping them. So far, he has chosen those without any friends or family among the other civilians, but recently he has been giving one man’s wife a lot of uncomfortable attention. The man is convinced that the Lieutenant is going to try to rape her soon if not stopped.

The men have ruled out trying to appeal to the Police themselves in the matter, being convinced that the ‘Men In Blue’ will all stick together and make things worse for the civilians in retaliation if they do. They want to somehow ‘get rid of’ the Lieutenant, while making it look like an accident. They also want you to help out in the matter, when the time comes…

You’ve got some pretty heavy choices to make; the foremost being whether to attempt an escape or to stay put with the safe-hold. Trying to escape means risking death for the slim chance of being reunited with your family if they are even still alive, while staying gives you the chance to ride out the storm with other survivors – but at the cost of admitting you couldn’t save your own family.

After giving it some serious reflection, you decide to:

1. Try to recover your gear and risk an escape. You decide you can’t give up on your family now!

2. Stay with the safe-hold until the zombie epidemic is resolved
I wouldn't abandon my family as long as there is a sliver of a chance that they are alive. Yes, the risks are high, and the chance low, but what would you have to live for otherwise? Also the guards will only grow more sadistic by the day, experiments such as the Stanford Prison experiment have well documented the effect authority has on morality. I think we should organize a revolt with the other citizens in order to orchestrate an opportunity to escape.
2. Work your way up the hierarchy, do as you are told and execute all your orders flawlessly. Start taking charge, showing the guards that you are in control of the other civilians. Gain a position of respect and begin taking a grip on some of the prison's local resources. Make yourself useful and that's the only time you'll have the power to change things. Be the voice of the people, the community's highest champion, and become the captain's right-hand man. The reason why there is so much discontent is because the people aren't seen as people, only prisoners, we must change that by making everyone see that we can do something.

Talk to the local leaders among the civilian population, the kinds of people that can make people do what they don't want and like it. Select someone who you deem qualified enough to speak for all of us, and it doesn't have to be you but it has to be someone.

Talk to the guards who have at least a decent reputation with the civilians, maybe they've seen what their fellow guards are doing and want to put an end to it. We don't know why they aren't taking any actions to stop all the abuses in power, maybe they're just isolated, they just don't know other people who think the same things they do.

And finally, talk to the captain, even if he doesn't agree with any changes here, he needs to know what's happening around him.
(Well it appears the decision is to escape to go back for our family! So Option 1 has been chosen with 2 votes!)

You decide that you’ve got to escape now, if you are to have a chance to save your family. As hopeless as the situation seems, something in you drives you to see it through to the end. You like to think that it’s because they are still alive – waiting for you to come and rescue them.

You’re determined not to give up on them no matter what – or die trying!

It takes another two days, but you figure out a way to get into the evidence locker on the second floor. One of the civilian men says that he saw one of those large CO2 fire extinguishers in the infirmary when he took a child there to be tended for a fall down the stairs. You could use the fire extinguisher to freeze and then break the lock securing the evidence locker. Of course you’d have to time it so the roving officer patrol didn’t hear the noise. Then you could grab your gear and anything else useful and get the hell out of dodge.

Of course the information about the CO2 fire extinguisher didn’t come free. In exchange for it, you had to promise to ‘take care of’ Lieutenant Falco for them on the way out. You’re really not sure how or even if you’re going to be able to keep that promise, but you had nothing to lose by agreeing to the terms.

Further elements of your plan include the actual escape from the building, getting past the zombie hordes, and traveling south out of the city.

Having stood the night watch a number of days now, you know that you’re not going to be able to get through all the zombies surrounding the building and walled courtyard. As for the courtyard, there’s no way you’d make it to the manhole cover down there before the sniper on the roof took you out. Even if you managed to take him out beforehand, there’s a good chance that other watchmen would see you, as you made your way down from the roof and across the open courtyard.

The other option is the City Courthouse, adjacent the precinct building on the west side. It’s a four story building topped with a three story copper-covered dome. The two buildings are separated only by a narrow walkway about twelve feet wide. You could jump across the gap and down about ten feet onto the roof of the courthouse and make your way inside; or break a window out of the second floor of the precinct building and use your rope to swing across the walkway to a window on the courthouse side.

It actually makes more sense to try the second story crossover, as you’ll already be on the second floor when you retrieve your gear; and you don’t really want to risk breaking your legs jumping down ten feet onto a gravel-covered rooftop – and that’s if you make it across the twelve foot gap. You don’t even want to think about what happens if you miss that part.

You’re still trying to figure out the last bits of your plan when the time comes to stand watch. It seems that Lieutenant Falco is on sniper duty this evening; and the civilian standing watch with you is none other than the man who gave you the information about the CO2 fire extinguisher.

“This is our chance,” the man says to you under his breath as the two of you begin your rounds. “So, what’s the plan?”

You think about it for a moment: multiple ideas flitting through your head.

You and the man could get close and push Lieutenant Falco over the side of the building together; then you could take your rope and head down to the evidence locker.

You and the man could jump Lieutenant Falco up here and tie him up; If you can get that sniper rifle or his sidearm in doing so, all the better. The man can then toss Lieutenant Falco over the side at his own leisure after you get away.

You could take your rope and head down to the evidence locker first, under the pretense of hitting the outhouse on the third floor – then, when you break out the window on the second floor, your accomplice will stand by to shove Lieutenant Falco over the side when he leans over to take a shot at you.

You decide to:

1. Push Lieutenant Falco over the side of the building now

2. Try to subdue him first

3. Let your accomplice murder him when you are crossing over to the other building
2. I'm not gonna be responsible for murdering a man that was just 'doing his job'. What will we tell the missus?
Dang, I had an elaborate plan all thought out in my head, too bad it wasn't write in. (I'll outline it here in case The Omen of Death The Omen of Death could still work it in, obviously only if the others agree with this: Ok, so I was thinking that we could orchestrate a little accident for the Lieutenant involving the latrines on the third floor. It would be an ideal location to strike as this is an area that everyone has access to, meaning that it will be hard for them to pin it on you. The plan would involve using a weight from the gym to weaken the structural integrity of the bench for a specific toilet enough that the weight of a healthy human adult is enough to send the person crashing through the bench. Then, using your contacts with the other civilians, you would ensure that one of your people is on toilet duty on the day of the plan. It would be that person's responsibility to ensure that the target toilet is conveniently out of service until Falco shows up, to prevent any friendly casualties. I think it would be justice well served to see Falco - pants around his ankles - fall to his death at the hands of zombies in a pile of shit.@Agent Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller What do you guys think?)
Hmm, based on the choices given, I think we should subdue him first. His gear will no doubt be useful outside the safehold, and the police uniform may prevent us from getting shot at first sight if we are unlucky enough to encounter any officers. Choice 1 will draw too much attention and there is always an off chance that he may survive, while 3 has too little reward compared to the bounty of gear we could get from Falco. So, in summary, let's bind and gag Falco, take his gear, then slit his throat. Instead of making it look like an accident, we could just take all the heat for it, by the time the authorities know anything is wrong, we will be long gone. Of course, for this to work, we should probably knock our friend out before we leave, in order to avoid eliciting suspicion.

Choice: 2.

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