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Realistic or Modern Dying to Live, Living to Die REBOOT (Not cliche Zombie survival) *COMPLETED*

(Option 2 has been chosen with 2 votes! Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention a little while back we made it past the point this thing died at, so I am proud I was able to keep consistency in the posts in detail and choices. Even though recently we've hit some moments with some lack of choices.)

Knowing that you’ll never make it back to the secured stairwell in time trying to drag this hysterical woman with you, you ignore her terrified pleas and tear yourself out of her grasp. You then hear the horde of zombies drawing very close – they are just outside the hallway.

Running back up the long office corridor, you just arrive at the security door, when the howling mob of ravening undead clamber into the area. At first, they see the bawling woman you left behind near the private restrooms. She cries out in anguish, as the zombies swarm over her and begin to tear her apart messily.

With more and more zombies pouring into the short hallway after them, you know it’s only a matter of moments before they flow into the office corridor and spot you...

With no time to spare, you open the security door and slip inside, shutting it behind – just as the zombies enter the corridor and howl ravenously in your direction. You can see them through the narrow wired-reinforced window in the door, as they stumble quickly to the security door and start pounding against it. You’re pretty sure the steel security door will hold, so you ignore the zombies and slump against the wall to catch your breath.

Trapped! you think – where the hell do I go now?!?

You are about to sink into the depths of despair, when you look up and see something you hadn’t noticed before. In the ceiling above, you see a two and a half by four foot metal access panel of some sort bolted shut.

You pop the bolts and pry open the metal access panel, revealing a two by four foot wide metal duct, heading straight up a good forty or so feet. Smaller duct work, too narrow for a person to get into, branch off the main duct here and there, while you can actually see light shining in through a large grate in the side of the duct way up at the top.

With no other way out of the subway, you decide it’s worth the risk to climb up the shaft. You uncoil your rope and tie one end to your waist and the other end to a bundle of your gear. You intend to scale up the main duct, and then pull your gear up after you get to the top.

You then step up onto the rail of the stairs and with no small effort, pull yourself up into the duct. Once you’re actually in, it’s much easier – as you can wedge your back and legs against opposite sides of the shaft and inch your way up.

After a few minutes, you arrive at the top and can see through the blades of a huge industrial fan in front of the large grate. Because there is no power to the fan, it won’t be any trouble to squeeze through. Looking out of the grate, you see that you are on the ground floor of a parking garage near the collection booths at the exit.

You can see two entry lanes and two exit lanes near the collection booths – both of which are choked with abandoned vehicles that were trying to exit the garage and got backed up by blocked traffic. You shudder as you see blood splattered and tracked everywhere, but interestingly enough, no bodies; as if people had actually been ripped from their cars and dragged off by some inhuman creatures. You can actually see into the back seat of a car nearby – its doors still open – and you are set aghast at the empty blood splattered infant seat inside.

As you soak in the lonely bloodbath of the parking garage, you suddenly hear a long shrill shriek from somewhere out in the city nearby. It sounds like a woman, but not human – more savage and animalistic – more hunting call than a cry of distress.

The scary thing is that it sounds nothing like a zombie. You hope you never have to find out what just made that noise.

After waiting quietly in the vent shaft for a good fifteen minutes and not seeing or hearing anything more, you haul up your gear and then climb through the fan to pry open the grate enough to slip out. Even though you don’t see any zombies in your immediate vicinity, you feel terribly exposed here.

You are very close to the exit and can simply walk a few feet down the ramp to leave the parking garage and enter the streets. Or you can head up a level or two first, to search for anything of use in the abandoned vehicles, and also get a look at the streets from above with the relative safety of higher ground.

You then remember that you have a working cell phone. Taking it out, you see that there is still no signal.

1. Leave now and head onto the streets

2. Go up a level or two first
It's too exposed here, let's leave while we can. Even if there was anything of value up there, it cannot be game changing as it didn't help the people trapped there. And we have already established that another survivor would be unnecessary extra baggage. So, 1.

Actually on second thought, getting an idea of the layout of the streets would be more helpful. Change my answer to 2.
(High ground trumps all folks, remember Obi-Wans advice for the memez!!!! Ok in all seriousness, that's two votes so Option 2 has been chosen with 2 votes!)

You decide to head up and get a look around before going down into the streets. Maybe you can get a good look at the area from the top of the parking garage. Maybe you can get a cell phone signal from up there too.

Looking around, you see the elevator and stairs off to your left. You know there’s no power to the elevators, but the stairs still work – or you can simply walk up the vehicle-choked car ramps.

You can also see the door to the parking garage office itself not too far from the stairs. There may be something of use in there, but what if there are zombies in there too? Do you really want to risk drawing their attention just yet, while you have the rest of the parking garage to explore first?

You decide to:

1. Take the stairs

2. Walk up the car ramps

3. Check out the parking garage office
(I was tempted to post the meme but decided against it)
This is a difficult choice, I can't decide between 1 and 3. I'll leave it to the others to decide.
(Option 3 has been chosen with 2 votes! (Since one of you are leaving it in between 1 and 3))

You cautiously move over to the office door. Unfortunately, it is locked – but there is a small security window off to one side of the door. Looking into the small office through the window, you see that it’s empty of zombies. There doesn’t really seem to be much of immediate use in there, but you do see a hallway leading out the far side of the office.

From here, you can see that the hallway ends at an alarmed emergency exit door, which probably opens into an alleyway along the north side of the parking garage. On one side of the hall is an archway leading into a room of some kind and on the other side is a small private bathroom and a closed supply closet.

You could try to pry the door open to get inside the office and beyond, but doing so risks making enough noise to attract any zombies that might be in the area…

1. Break into the office

2. Leave it and head up the stairs

3. Go up the car ramps
Hmm, I wonder what the odds are that we find another survivor holed up in the washroom or a gun in the storage closet. I'm feeling like taking risks today so lets pry open the door with our crowbar, 1.
Haven't seen any zed nearby so we're definitely gonna break into the office.
Might as well make as much noise as we can while we're at it.
(I'm gonna see one more time how 1 update a day looks, if it looks like no one else will respond, then I will try to see if I can do at least 2 updates a day, depending on when you guys respond, anywho Option 1 has been chosen with 2 votes! Also sorry for lack of choices, I decided to temporarily sacrifice choices for a bit more detail in the posts, as giving short choices I thought wouldn't be worth the pace I pump these out at as there's nothing too exciting about the rooms except for minor details. Expect this for the next couple of posts I had intended this to be a slower portion with an important plot point coming up with a certain choice, so I apologize in advance for lack of choice.)

You successfully pry open the door with the hook of your fire axe, making only a single nerve-wracking ‘pop’ when the lock itself breaks. You listen intently for a moment, but don’t hear any zombies coming your way. Cautiously, you enter the office and shut the broken door behind you.

You then move through the office to the hallway leading out the far side. From here you can see that the archway leads into a small employee break room.

You enter the break room and see that it is nothing more than a tiny kitchenette with a small refrigerator, sink, microwave, coffee maker, and time clock station. A table and some chairs crowd the room, leaving little space to move about.

You check the sink, and it hisses air for a moment, but then no water comes out. Looking in the refrigerator, you see a couple of spoiled sack lunches. The stink coming from inside is quite pungent, but you do find an unopened bottle of spring water, and take that with you.

Next, you check out the small private bathroom and the supply closet. There isn’t anything of use in the bathroom and the supply closet doesn’t offer much better. It is stocked with a bunch of stacked traffic cones, a wheelbarrow, some wheeled trash bins, push brooms, snow shovels, bags of de-icing salt, and a couple of buckets of driveway sealant.

On the other side of the supply room is an elevator-shaft access door. You move over and slowly open it enough to peek through. It opens into the bottom of the parking garage’s elevator shaft. Looking up, you can see the elevator is stopped between the third and fourth floors.

You head back out into the hallway and regard the alarmed emergency exit door. There’s no point opening it now blindly, when you can simply go up a few levels and look over the side to see where it leads. If things are kosher, you can always come back this way after you get the ‘lay of the land’.

You leave the parking garage office and:

1. Head up the stairs

2. Go up the car ramps
(Oh, you misunderstood me, I meant that since we replied so quickly yesterday, and that yesterday's choice was so short and simple, if we could get on with the story and break the norm to have another update on the same day. I'm fine with the daily updates otherwise.)

(Ah ok, I get you, should a situation like that come up a bit later on I will take note of that and will probably do 2 updates for that day. Aside from that Option 1 has been selected with 2 votes!)

You carefully enter the stairwell and listen for the telltale sound of moaning zombies. When you hear none, you slowly make your way up the stairs, stopping at each level to peer out the fire doors.

You don’t see any zombies in the parking garage, which is almost completely bare, except for few lonely cars still parked in their spaces. You guess that the owners of the cars never even made it into the parking garage for an escape attempt – or perhaps they simply saw the futility of trying to drive into a gridlocked street full of rampaging zombies and tried to flee on foot. You shudder at the thought – actually glad that you ‘missed’ the initial outbreak. It must have been utterly terrifying chaos.

When you reach the top floor – number seven – you walk out onto the rooftop parking space. Your attention is momentarily caught by the sky to the east, where in the distance – over the tall line of buildings blocking most of your view – you see dark columns of rising smoke. It appears that quite a few parts of the east side of the city are burning. You wonder if the fires will burn themselves out, or spread to engulf the entire city. Nothing you can do about it now though.

A single car with its hood up is the only thing up here in the parking space. Moving to the retaining wall surrounding the parking area, you look over the north side of the building and see an empty side alley bellow, adjacent a three and five story building next to the parking garage. Good – no zombies down there.

Going to the east side of the building, you look down and see where the alleyway goes back behind the buildings on this block and dumps into a narrow lane running north and south. You don’t see any zombies down there, but then you can’t really see into the backstreet itself due to other buildings blocking your view.

On the south side of the building is another alleyway similar to the one on the north side, except there’s a ten story building adjacent the parking garage there.

You then look down the west side of the building to the street in front of the car-choked exit ramp. It runs north and south, and is also clogged with abandoned and wrecked vehicles as far as you can see in either direction. Hundreds of zombies wander the streets between the cars, aimlessly shambling about and occasionally snarling as the pass by each other.

Directly across from the parking garage is Fox Park – a four by nine city-block urban park – with hills and trees, playgrounds, picnic areas, jogging paths, sculpture fountains, a duck pond, and of course the entrance to the Fox Park Subway Station. In fact, the subway entrance is right across the street from you, facing the parking garage. You can see down into the open tunnel entrance – and the massive mob of three or four hundred zombies milling in front of it.

It’s a good thing you didn’t just blindly walk down onto the street – that probably wouldn’t have ended well.

As you look, you note that you don’t see any zombies in the park itself – just in the streets surrounding it and at the subway station entrance. Maybe moving through the park would be easier than trying to sneak past all the zombies in the streets – but you’d have to figure a way into the park unseen first, or it sort of defeats the purpose.

You are about to decide what to do next, when you think to check your cellphone again. Maybe being higher up will improve the signal strength. Looking, you see that you have three bars – probably enough to make a call.

1. Try to call your wife on the cellphone

2. Go back down the car ramps to look through the vehicles left behind on the various levels
(Option 1 has been chosen with 2 votes!)

You begin dialing your wife’s cell number, but hesitate. What if no one answers? Can you really handle that right now? The lines are all going to be down or overburdened by the crisis anyway.

You hover over the keypad a moment, genuinely unsure. Then snap out of it abruptly. You have to at least try! You tell yourself.

You finish punching in the numbers and wait for what seems like its own little eternity. In the receiver, you hear clicks and static and then a ring on the other end. A ring! My god, it’s ringing!

It rings a second time and there is a fumbling clatter on the other end as you suddenly hear your wife’s voice whispering into the phone.

“Hello?” she asks almost hesitantly. She sounds terrified – who could blame her. You’re ecstatic to hear her voice – she’s alive!

“Honey, it’s me Greg,” you reply – “I’m alive and coming home!”

“Oh Greg!” she bursts out – completely breaking down and crying.

Just then you hear a man’s angry voice in the background getting closer – “You got a phone bitch?!? Who the fuck is that? – You think they can help you?!?”

“No!” your wife pleas to the unseen assailant, as a scuffle and crash are heard in the background and the line suddenly goes dead.

You stand there in stunned silence.

Your wife is alive somewhere, home you hope – but trapped with some looting bastard or worse. God, he better not have touched her! You seethe with anger and scream – throwing the cellphone away from you impulsively.


You watch the cellphone fling off the side of the rooftop and shatter on impact with the ground seven stories below.

With nothing else of use up here on the top of the parking garage, and knowing there are no zombies in the building, you head back down the car ramps to look through the vehicles left behind on the various levels. Calming yourself down, however you can't help but have the nagging feeling of what you just heard.

On the sixth floor, one car in particular catches your attention – a Volkswagen Golf at the edge of the parking area that’s up on a jack with the front tire off. Lying on the ground nearby is a four-way tire spider – the type of tire iron with different sized sockets on each of the four ends. Essentially being a large metal ‘plus’ sign, you figure it might make a good grappling hook, so you head over and pick it up.

The next level down, you spot a large SUV with a bicycle rack on the back. Two mountain bikes are chained to the rack – one is rather nice with full suspension. You consider whether you should try to take the bike. It would allow you to travel faster, but then you might be sacrificing a little stealth. Unlike a car however, a mountain bike is a lot quieter and can fit through the gridlock – or go off-road if you have to. This particular bike is very light too – weighing only twenty five pounds. Seeing the mountain bike triggers memories of your own background in mountain biking, you were pretty good at it, and still try to go out at least once a month with friends. You are suddenly very tempted to take the bike.

Examining the chain, you see that it is secured with a four-pin barrel lock. You can’t believe your luck! Who the hell is stupid enough to use a barrel lock?!? While there are ‘technically’ 10,000 possible combinations, you can pull the ends and feel the rings fall into place one-by-one. That means a maximum of forty numbers to go through – hardly a challenge at all.

So it's all about figuring out whether you'd want to take the time to crack it to get access to the bike and get places faster than on foot, or deciding to continue onwards, on foot. If you are able to break into the bike, you could possibly reach your house quicker or wherever else you want to go faster, or immediately keep going slower on foot.

1. Spend the time to try to crack the lock and take the bike

2. Leave the bike and continue on foot
Everytime I use a bike in a zombie apocalypse, it breaks. Nahhh it ain't gonna happen this time.
40 combinations should be easy to figure out, even though you'd have to search through the 10,000 possible combinations.
(Quick note, technically I am not going for anything really cliched here, so in theory unless you guys are unlucky that bike won't break. Just wanna give the heads up)
(Ok so considering it doesn't look like we have a consensus nor does it look like Agent Agent will be changing his vote, I will need to act as a tie breaker. And considering everything and the pros and cons personally I think having the use of a bike, a light-weight mountain bike at that would be a great addition, but again it will take some time and effort as we gotta crack a code. But there's only realistically 40 combinations so this shouldn't take too long. So Option 1 has been chosen by tiebreaker! Anyway, since this segment is going to basically now become guessing the right numbers, we will go quicker with multiple per day unless you give up, or until we crack it. I won't have a 1 day delay as that would bog this RP down to a standstill, so treat this as a speed round basically.)

You have to guess the four digit combination by turning the four rings (each numbered 0-9) on the lock’s barrel. Luckily, with a barrel lock, you can do it one ring at a time, by pulling on each end of the lock and feeling as the rings fall into place.

The first number is:

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4
6. 5
7. 6
8. 7
9. 8
10. 9
11. Give up
(I actually was going for the bike but I didn't make it obvious enough.)
Alright, let's start with 9 and scroll down from there I guess.
If this is just a guessing game, can you let us check more than one number?
Last edited:
(I actually was going for the bike but I didn't make it obvious enough.)
Alright, let's start with 9.
If this is just a guessing game, can you let us check more than one number?
(Oh my fault for not realizing you meant it in regards to not planning on breaking the bike this time also sure I can allow you guess more than 1 number fine by me)
(I decided to allow all suggestions brought up to be considered, and since ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R brought up 8, and since Agent Agent said to go down from 9 his 2nd number will be 7.)

You try the numbers, 3, 7, 8, and 9 but none of them are the 1st number to the lock.

Remaining numbers: 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Which new numbers do you want to try or do you want to give up?

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