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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt

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Hi y'all!

This is to inform you that I'll drop out of the roleplay. Things came up in life; now I have to sort stuff out and determine my priorities. May this roleplay blossom and be able to fruitfully reach a wonderful end!

That's all. Until then~!
AnimeFanForever123 said:

(CP: 8)

Ok, see you later Erika-san!" She says as Erika ends the phone call. Aria puts away her phone and sighs, "Walker-san is missing, huh... I'm too lazy to help, but then again, Walker-san IS my friend, as well as Erika-san... Oh well, I guess I'll help!" She says with determination and stands up making a slight fist bump to the air. "Now then... the only problem is, how do I find him." She furrows her brows while tapping her foot.

"In any case, I'll just search for him. I have all day anyways." She says sighing and walks off to begin her search for her friend, Walker Yumasaki.

(QUEST accepted.)
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think you could roll for investigation here


etherna said:
Hi y'all!
This is to inform you that I'll drop out of the roleplay. Things came up in life; now I have to sort stuff out and determine my priorities. May this roleplay blossom and be able to fruitfully reach a wonderful end!

That's all. Until then~!
etherna said:
Hi y'all!
This is to inform you that I'll drop out of the roleplay. Things came up in life; now I have to sort stuff out and determine my priorities. May this roleplay blossom and be able to fruitfully reach a wonderful end!

That's all. Until then~!
EH?! If that's the case, good bye and may we see each other again! TT^TT

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think you could roll for investigation here


I see. If that's the case, I'll roll the dice and then wait for Quirky's response. Thank you for pointing it out.
etherna said:
Hi y'all!
This is to inform you that I'll drop out of the roleplay. Things came up in life; now I have to sort stuff out and determine my priorities. May this roleplay blossom and be able to fruitfully reach a wonderful end!

That's all. Until then~!
Byyyeeeee!!!! I will miss you and your amazing character!!!! Continue to be a strong person through life!!!
GhastlySquash said:
Oh I should probably qualify. I'm aiming at the other kid with Kida, the unnamed dude. Not Kida himself.
Lol. I know...but Kida is there;)


etherna said:
Hi y'all!
This is to inform you that I'll drop out of the roleplay. Things came up in life; now I have to sort stuff out and determine my priorities. May this roleplay blossom and be able to fruitfully reach a wonderful end!

That's all. Until then~!
I understand. Thanks for telling us:)

We'll miss you and Haru-chan.



Whenever you wanna look for Walker just roll investigation and rp how your character would look for him.


[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]
Requesting permission to make the poor unfortunate coming through the door Anri.
lol. Iroha...

Request is pending.

Roll a dice.

Even = Anri walks through the door.

Odd = Some other shmuck walks in^^
i hope its okay? i only imply that there is going to be sexual content but i wont specify.

and i kinda move fast with his time... sorry.
well... i did this cause of two reasons:

1.Character development: i wanted to show that when Riku is drunk he is a whole different person... or persons.( like a very stereotypical every drunk dude ever.)

2. Ehm, hihi... i had to get him out of the drunk state cause i dont want him to fight yet. and i had no idea where i was going with that.
So far, this is it:

Good job on ending Episode 1 - Welcome to Ikebukuro!

Episode 2 - The Prince of Love.

1. Helena/GhastlySquash’s character spots two kids in from of the Hospital and wonders why they aren’t in school.

2. Kida makes an excuse on why he isn’t at school, takes his friend, and leaves.

3. Kyona/YumiYukiFan1’s character wakes up, sees Izaya and Shizuo fight, and went to Russian Sushi for the meeting.

4. Reimi/xkeyxx’s character is at Russian Sushi for the meeting. She’s timid.

5. Aria/AnimeFanForever123’s character calls Erika

6. Kyona/YYF’s character finds Reimi/Key’s character and chats, revealing she’s a Dollar.

7. Jackie/Opal Gemstone’s character goes to Russian Sushi

8. Reimi/Key’s character is surprised, but happy. She introduces herself. Reimi Hisakawa, Chatroom Alias: Momo.

9. Kyona/YYF’s character is pleased. She introduces herself, not revealing her last name. Kyona Or… Chatroom Alias: Papaya_Chi

10. Jackie/OG’s character walks up to the girls, quite timid. He asks for Pierre La Font.

11. Reimi/Key’s character asks if he’s a part of the Dollars.

12. Kyona/YYF’s character recognizes the Chatroom Alias Pierre La Font and asks if he’s a part of the Dollars.

13. Akira/Nico’s character is annoyed at Opal/OG’s character, he goes to the three (Jackie, Kyona, Reimi) and reveals his Chatroom Alias: Neko.

14. Reimi/Key’s Character likes Akira’s/Nico’s character’s hat. She asks if he’s a Dollar.

15. Opal/OG’s character is annoyed Akira/Nico’s Character left, but takes his food and adds it to her hot dog. Then she sits near the group to listen to their conversation.

16. Jackie/OG’s character falsely introduces himself as Jackie Trail. Chatroom Alias: Queen of Hearts.

17. Emile/LucianGrey7971’s character walked into Russian Sushi. He joins them (Akira, Kyona, Reimi, Jackie.)

18. Kyona/YYF’s character reintroduces herself. She questioned the meeting and then notices Opal/OG’s character.

19. Emile/LucianGrey’s character jokes about the meeting being a trap, but says it’ll be fun.

20. Opal/OG’s C notices Kyona/YYF’s C and waves. She then compares everyone to Disney characters.

21. Emile/LG’s C is offended by Opal’s/OG’s C’s comparisons.

22. Draven/Shizuo Draven’s C comes into Russian Sushi for the meeting.

23. Naoko/Simj22’s C is annoyed by these people’s actions such as saying ‘I am a Dollar’ out loud. She is VERY annoyed. She introduces herself. Chat Alias: Nano The Fujoshi (?) She suggests talking more quietly.

24. Aria/AnimeFanForever’s C greets Erika over the phone and questions if she’s looking for Walker.

25. Reimi/Key’s C is offended by Opal’s/OG’s C’s comparisons. She however, brushes it off. She notices Naoko/Simj’s C and yells at the crowd nervously.

26. Iroha/The One Eyed Bandit’s C is in detention for being late to school. She doesn’t have her phone. She yells out her boredom to the world out the window.

27. Draven/Shizuo Draven’s C notices Opal and scolds her for being loud and interrupting the conversation.

28. Kyona/YYF’s C agrees with Naoko’s/Simj’s C’s opinion to talk more quietly.

29. Riku/Bob Brawler’s C drinks sake and warns Simon of himself.

30. Motoko/Chennn’s C goes to Russian Sushi for the meeting. She crushes over Rocchi for a moment and orders. She notices Kyona/YYF’s C and tries to get her out of the place. She questions Kyona’s friends if it’s okay.

31. Opal/OG’s C starts freaking out because she was scolded.

32. Akira/Nico’s C invites everyone to his shop, where it’ll be quieter with less people.

33. Reimi/Key’s C tries to get Opal/OG’s C to stop crying.

34. Kyona/YYF’s C is bored until she notices Motoko/Chennn’s C. She goes along with her.

35. Draven/Shizuo Draven’s C hugs Opal in attempt to calm her down.

36. Emile/Lucian’s C notices Motoko/Chennn’s C and thinks she’s creepy. He then tries to calm Opal/OG’s C down.

37. Jackie/OG’s C thinks moving would be a good idea. Opal/OG’s C makes him uncomfortable.

38. Opal/OG’s C quickly cheers up, and then questions if everyone here is a Dollar, hearing them talking. She never reveals she is a Dollar herself.

39. Helena/GhastlySquash’s C leaves the two boys.

40. A person with a mouse mask follows Kida and his friend in a car with tinted windows.

41. Erika admits she’s looking for Walker. Walker is late to meet Erika at a maid café. She hangs up.


42. Emile/ questions why Walker and Erika aren’t at the meeting. (Dice Roll- to ask about Walker and Erika to Simon)

43. The Rat/GhastlySquash’s C points a gun at Kida’s friend. (Dice Roll- to shoot Kida’s friend)

44. Aria/AnimeFan’s C accept the quest (QUEST: FIND WALKER) and starts searching for Walker.

45. Iroha/TOEB’s C decides to… Build a chair throne? Just as someone walks in, the throne of chairs start to fall toward the teacher(?).

46. (QUEST: FIND WALKER- Aria- Dice Roll to find Walker) She walks around not finding Walker.

47. Reimi/Key’s C escapes Russian Sushi and goes to the skate park.

48. (Emile- Dice Roll to ask about Walker and Erika to Simon. SUCCESS!) Simon tells Emile/Lucian’s C that the two are frequent customers. Erika went to Russian Sushi asking for Walker. Simon says that he saw Walker talking to a blue-haired high school boy the day before. They sat at table 3.

49. Riku/Bob’s C was kicked out of Russian Sushi and went to a nightclub. He got laid.

57 posts until the end of Episode 2! Keep up the good work and good luck!!!

I tried to get every post and put it in a (few) sentence(s). Hope I didn't miss anything.

I can also try to make this summary shorter so it won't be as much.
[QUOTE="Opal Gemstone]I know, right? I have nothing else to do anyway =3=.
Might as well support the forum, no?

Well it definitely helps others catch up on what they need to know, aka me!

So yeah =)
[QUOTE="Opal Gemstone]So far, this is it:
Good job on ending Episode 1 - Welcome to Ikebukuro!

Episode 2 - The Prince of Love.

1. Helena/GhastlySquash’s character spots two kids in from of the Hospital and wonders why they aren’t in school.

2. Kida makes an excuse on why he isn’t at school, takes his friend, and leaves.

3. Kyona/YumiYukiFan1’s character wakes up, sees Izaya and Shizuo fight, and went to Russian Sushi for the meeting.

4. Reimi/xkeyxx’s character is at Russian Sushi for the meeting. She’s timid.

5. Aria/AnimeFanForever123’s character calls Erika

6. Kyona/YYF’s character finds Reimi/Key’s character and chats, revealing she’s a Dollar.

7. Jackie/Opal Gemstone’s character goes to Russian Sushi

8. Reimi/Key’s character is surprised, but happy. She introduces herself. Reimi Hisakawa, Chatroom Alias: Momo.

9. Kyona/YYF’s character is pleased. She introduces herself, not revealing her last name. Kyona Or… Chatroom Alias: Papaya_Chi

10. Jackie/OG’s character walks up to the girls, quite timid. He asks for Pierre La Font.

11. Reimi/Key’s character asks if he’s a part of the Dollars.

12. Kyona/YYF’s character recognizes the Chatroom Alias Pierre La Font and asks if he’s a part of the Dollars.

13. Akira/Nico’s character is annoyed at Opal/OG’s character, he goes to the three (Jackie, Kyona, Reimi) and reveals his Chatroom Alias: Neko.

14. Reimi/Key’s Character likes Akira’s/Nico’s character’s hat. She asks if he’s a Dollar.

15. Opal/OG’s character is annoyed Akira/Nico’s Character left, but takes his food and adds it to her hot dog. Then she sits near the group to listen to their conversation.

16. Jackie/OG’s character falsely introduces himself as Jackie Trail. Chatroom Alias: Queen of Hearts.

17. Emile/LucianGrey7971’s character walked into Russian Sushi. He joins them (Akira, Kyona, Reimi, Jackie.)

18. Kyona/YYF’s character reintroduces herself. She questioned the meeting and then notices Opal/OG’s character.

19. Emile/LucianGrey’s character jokes about the meeting being a trap, but says it’ll be fun.

20. Opal/OG’s C notices Kyona/YYF’s C and waves. She then compares everyone to Disney characters.

21. Emile/LG’s C is offended by Opal’s/OG’s C’s comparisons.

22. Draven/Shizuo Draven’s C comes into Russian Sushi for the meeting.

23. Naoko/Simj22’s C is annoyed by these people’s actions such as saying ‘I am a Dollar’ out loud. She is VERY annoyed. She introduces herself. Chat Alias: Nano The Fujoshi (?) She suggests talking more quietly.

24. Aria/AnimeFanForever’s C greets Erika over the phone and questions if she’s looking for Walker.

25. Reimi/Key’s C is offended by Opal’s/OG’s C’s comparisons. She however, brushes it off. She notices Naoko/Simj’s C and yells at the crowd nervously.

26. Iroha/The One Eyed Bandit’s C is in detention for being late to school. She doesn’t have her phone. She yells out her boredom to the world out the window.

27. Draven/Shizuo Draven’s C notices Opal and scolds her for being loud and interrupting the conversation.

28. Kyona/YYF’s C agrees with Naoko’s/Simj’s C’s opinion to talk more quietly.

29. Riku/Bob Brawler’s C drinks sake and warns Simon of himself.

30. Motoko/Chennn’s C goes to Russian Sushi for the meeting. She crushes over Rocchi for a moment and orders. She notices Kyona/YYF’s C and tries to get her out of the place. She questions Kyona’s friends if it’s okay.

31. Opal/OG’s C starts freaking out because she was scolded.

32. Akira/Nico’s C invites everyone to his shop, where it’ll be quieter with less people.

33. Reimi/Key’s C tries to get Opal/OG’s C to stop crying.

34. Kyona/YYF’s C is bored until she notices Motoko/Chennn’s C. She goes along with her.

35. Draven/Shizuo Draven’s C hugs Opal in attempt to calm her down.

36. Emile/Lucian’s C notices Motoko/Chennn’s C and thinks she’s creepy. He then tries to calm Opal/OG’s C down.

37. Jackie/OG’s C thinks moving would be a good idea. Opal/OG’s C makes him uncomfortable.

38. Opal/OG’s C quickly cheers up, and then questions if everyone here is a Dollar, hearing them talking. She never reveals she is a Dollar herself.

39. Helena/GhastlySquash’s C leaves the two boys.

40. A person with a mouse mask follows Kida and his friend in a car with tinted windows.

41. Erika admits she’s looking for Walker. Walker is late to meet Erika at a maid café. She hangs up.


42. Emile/ questions why Walker and Erika aren’t at the meeting. (Dice Roll- to ask about Walker and Erika to Simon)

43. The Rat/GhastlySquash’s C points a gun at Kida’s friend. (Dice Roll- to shoot Kida’s friend)

44. Aria/AnimeFan’s C accept the quest (QUEST: FIND WALKER) and starts searching for Walker.

45. Iroha/TOEB’s C decides to… Build a chair throne? Just as someone walks in, the throne of chairs start to fall toward the teacher(?).

46. (QUEST: FIND WALKER- Aria- Dice Roll to find Walker) She walks around not finding Walker.

47. Reimi/Key’s C escapes Russian Sushi and goes to the skate park.

48. (Emile- Dice Roll to ask about Walker and Erika to Simon. SUCCESS!) Simon tells Emile/Lucian’s C that the two are frequent customers. Erika went to Russian Sushi asking for Walker. Simon says that he saw Walker talking to a blue-haired high school boy the day before. They sat at table 3.

49. Riku/Bob’s C was kicked out of Russian Sushi and went to a nightclub. He got laid.

57 posts until the end of Episode 2! Keep up the good work and good luck!!!

I tried to get every post and put it in a (few) sentence(s). Hope I didn't miss anything.

I can also try to make this summary shorter so it won't be as much.

Heheh...we're not even half way done yet.

I will die writing the summary (:'()

But honestly. I'm impressed to had the time to go through all that :4/5:

(Price of Love. Not Prince (*^*))


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