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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt - Additional IC

[FP: 12]

LychanWolf: Aw C'mon Pink!

LychanWolf: Lighten up, I'm just messing around

LychanWolf: If its any consolation I'm sure the wolf would die via the little pink hooded girl

LychanWolf: Moral of the story, don't trust those who are seemingly defenseless

LychanWolf: I should write children's books.
[FP: 13]

LychanWolf: There, there pink

LychanWolf: We can still be friends

LychanWolf: The best of friends

LychanWolf: Pinky and the Wolf!
Fp: 13

Papaya_Chi: I'll be there in a bit, look for a Raira Student Uniform and a black pokemon cap.....

Key is online.

Key: ahh~ i haven't been here for a while. how is everyone?

Key: huh. seems like no one is around again.

Key: i guess i'll just be reading the logs ~

Key is offline.
[FP: 14]

LychanWolf: More sheep to the jaws of the wolf

LychanWolf: It's like you want to be devoured

LychanWolf: Don't tell us!

LychanWolf: I wanted to guess...

Key is online.

Key: hiiiii! i know i don't hang out much but... can anyone please fill me in on this walker guy? i read the chat logs and saw stuff about

him missing. is this true?

Key: and who is he really? is he someone dangerous and prominent? honestly, shizuo, izaya, simon and the black rider are the only

famous and dangerous people in ikebukuro that i know so far. though i don't really think the black rider really is a *person*.

Key: sigh... i know i'm not in the loop! i can't help it so i'm sorry hehe. someone please be nice and inform me as much as possible~ i

promise i'll treat you something nice if we ever meet offline (。・ω・。)ノ♡

LychanWolf: Walker is an otaku who hangs out with Erika and the Van Gang

LychanWolf: Generally wears a blue hoodie, sandy brown hair...

LychanWolf: Has the whole Ichimaru Gin look down

LychanWolf: Dangerous? I wouldn't say dangerous

LychanWolf: Erika is the more dangerous of the two

LychanWolf: Although they have been known to torture people.

LychanWolf: Yes they've tortured me, No I don't wanna talk about it.

Key: oh interesting~ i don't think i've met the erika you were talking about but she seems cute (。・ω・。)

Key: i think i've seen the so-called van gang before. but i'm not sure really. there are a lot of vans here

in ikebukuro haha.

Key: but thank you for the information! i usually stay at home when i'm not at school so it's hard to actually

meet all these interesting people you're speaking of. [ honestly, erika-san really seems adorable and interesting.

i hope i can meet her someday~ (●´∀`●) ]

Key: but ah~ i know you said you don't want to talk about it but... please share the story? pretty please? i'll treat

you to something nice if we ever meet offline!! i have a lot of savings so you can eat as much as you want!!!

[ private message to LychanWolf ]

Key: lychanwolf-san please tell me the story~~ i won't share it to anybody else i promise! in fact, i don't think it actually

matters if i share your story since, you know, we don't even know each other offline haha. but i'd really...

Key: oops i hit character limit.

Key: as i was saying, i'd really love a good story! please tell me~

[FP: 16]

LychanWolf: Not gonna happen.

LychanWolf: I will tell you that I've recently been assaulted by what I can only describe as

LychanWolf: A Pink Blur

LychanWolf: Our own Kazahana attacked me

LychanWolf: And here I thought I was the big bad wolf.

Key: gah! lychanwolf-san, don't you know how private messages work?? why did you answer me publicly? (  ̄д ̄; )

Key: sigh... nevermind. thank you anyway.

Key: w-wait. kazahana-san attacked you?? i've never met nor chatted with them before.

Key: i'll be running some errands for a while but i'll still be in the chatroom.

[ private message to LychanWolf ]

Key: hey, out of curiosity, can you please tell me how and why kazahana-san attacked you? wait!!

Key: could it be possible that you are the black rider?!? waaahhhh if you're that monster then i'm sorry

for calling you monster. please accept my humble apologies*.
[ * // she said her final sentence in formal

japanese. ]

Key: but if you aren't the black rider, how and why exactly did kazahana-san attacked you? you seem

nice. i don't see a reason why one would randomly attack you... well, unless kazahana-san is a psycho.

Key: but don't tell them i told you that. oh and please answer privately! please.

[FP: 17]

LychanWolf: Eh? I don't see the problem...

[ private message to Key]

LychanWolf: Eh? I'm not the black rider

LychanWolf: I know the black rider

LychanWolf: nice person

LychanWolf: She got flustered by something and started shaking her head vigorously

LychanWolf: She was completely unaware that her hair was hitting me

LychanWolf: So I decided to mess with her by putting it online

[ private message to LychanWolf ]

Key: you personally know the black rider?!?!? aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! that is so so cool~ i hope i know you

in real life so you can introduce me to her.

Key: wait a second... how am i so sure that you aren't bluffing? this is the internet after all.
[FP: 18]

LychanWolf: Hmm~? How indeed. Her name is Celty

LychanWolf: I would introduce you to her, but I haven't seen her in a while

LychanWolf: She must be doing something important

[ private message to LychanWolf ]

Key: celty... so she must be irish or something then, huh? celty, celtics... you know.

Key: wait how can you even introduce me to her when i don't even know who you really are

and how you look like in real life!

Key: how do you even look like in real life? are you a guy or a girl? i'm assuming you're a guy

actually since you use guy pronouns*. [ * // the guy pronous being boku and ore. motoko tends to use boku and

watashi at the chatroom while she switches between ore, boku, and watashi randomly in real life. ]

Key: honestly, i'm really wondering what you look like in real life. to me, you come off as someone who's

smooth with the ladies. are you?

Key: what fashion style do you like? what do you usually wear? what's your hair color? gahhh! i'm so

curious that i wanna pull my hair out! it sucks that i'm a dull guy.
[FP: 18]

[private message to Key]

LychanWolf: Eh~?

LychanWolf: Wouldn't you like to know?

LychanWolf: What does the Wolf look like in person?

LychanWolf: You ask that...but you say you're a guy

LychanWolf: you can't fool me Key-chan

LychanWolf: I'm a wolf, remember?

[ private message to LychanWolf ]

Key: ah nevermind the celty name thing. i don't think you're the type to read a lot anyway; no offense!

Key: what does a wolf look like in person? ah... wait, you can't possibly be some sort of werewolf are you?

nahh.. that's impossible haha.

Key: stop messing around. what do you really look like? this is really just pure curiosity!! and c'mon don't

i owe you or something? maybe if i see you on the streets...

Key: hit word limit again. sorry ~ as i was saying, if i know what you look like... hmm, maybe if i see you on the

streets, i'll have the chance to treat you out.

Key: ask what? huh? what does my gender have to do with my impression on you being a possible ladies' man?

haha you're making me laugh lychanwolf-san.

Key: ah here we go with the wolf thing again! stop pushing it, will you? just please tell me what you look like ~

[private message to Key]

LychanWolf: Not a werewolf, not that I know of

LychanWolf: Would explain my whole wolf persona...

LychanWolf: Think Wolf traits in a human

LychanWolf: Unkempt gray hair

LychanWolf: yellow eyes

LychanWolf: Long canines.

LychanWolf: The works. I generally where a hat with a cardinal on a baseball bat on it

[ private message to LychanWolf ]

Key: wolf traits in a human...

Key: hmm... so basically, you're like a big puppy. neat.

Key: gray hair? ahahahaha. now i'm picturing you as a grandpa slowly typing in the chatroom. hahahahahaha

i can't stop laughing hahaha oh the mental image of it!! haha

Key: if you want me to not call you gramps wolf then tell me how old you are. oh god i still can't stop laughing

over the grandpa joke. gramps wolf... hahahahah

Key: a hat? ahahaha oh god, now i'm imagining you as a grandpa with balding issues wearing a hat hahaha
[FP: 20[

[private message to Key]

LychanWolf: I will eat you.

LychanWolf: I am not old

LychanWolf: I am a vibrant, ruggishly handsome young man

LychanWolf: And I am not a puppy

[ private message to LychanWolf ]

Key: psshh whatever old man ~

Key: i seriously doubt your handsome or at the very least attractive because of the description you have me


Key: all i could picture is an old man with balding issues who eats humans (because of the canines and all)

Key is offline
[FP: 1]

oO/\/\ielOo is online

oO/\/\ielOo: Hello?, yo, anybody there?

oO/\/\ielOo: I was just wondering if anybody else has seen any yellow scarves around

oO/\/\ielOo: This is just my guess but I think something really big is about to happen! O( o v o )o
[FP: 2]

oO/\/\ielOo: Well that depends on what your definition of "big" would be

oO/\/\ielOo: Besides, I'm used to seeing flying vending machines and street signs daily but it's been awhile since we've had a good gang war

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