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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt - Additional IC

Fp: 7

Papaya_Chi: Oh, I think I caught a glimpse of the police, but I was too busy working with the sink.

Papaya_Chi: And the only word I heard from the police was, motor cycles....
Pierre La Font: Oui oui, those are the worst. Only a maniac would try to drive a motorcycle like that. Oh, have you heard in the news? Someone called the Mouse sent a death threat to some city official!
ナ~ノ: a death threat?

ナ~ノ: how quaint

ナ~ノ: death threats don't work as well as blackmail

ナ~ノ: oh dear, i didn't mean to say that

ナ~ノ: although, if you do look at it from a certain viewpoint...


Key: sorry i was late to gossip time everyone but aw i agree! i think mara-chan is annoying too. superrrrr annoying >< hehehe

Key: gah! wait! wrong chatroom!!!

Key: i'm so sorry! [ * mun's note: she said this sentence in formal japanese to show that she really is sorry. ]

Key: looks like i clicked the wrong chatroom. heh. this is so embarrassing! sorry sorry.

Key: anyways, hello and good day! [ * mun's note: she greeted in formal japanese. ] call me key-chan~! i think i'll be hanging out in this chatroom from now on since all of you seem nice and interesting folks~

Key: ah enough about me! how rude of me~! anyways, how is everyone? i've read something about death threats. what's with that? O.o

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[FP: 15]

Neko: Nyeh, some two people I've never heard about are getting death threats

Neko: Remind me why I should care again? o wo

Key: oh hi there neko-chan! like i said earlier, i'll be hanging out here from now on. i am key ~ !

Key: also....

Key: don't you at least have compassion for those poor people receiving death threats? 【・ヘ・?】

Key: or at are you not at least interested or intrigued?
[FP: 16]

Neko: Oh I do have compassion, I do feel sorry for them.

Neko: It's just not interesting enough. People get death threats all the time, what makes these people so special?

Key: people get death threats all the time!? that sounds scary ⊙﹏⊙

Key: what kind of people do you hang out with anyway that people happen to get death threats all the time?

Key: hmm... i don't think getting death threats necessarily equates to being special. some people are special but don't get threats while some are simpletons but do get threats. do you understand what i'm pointing at, neko-san?

Key: but ah nevermind~ i don't think i even know what i'm saying. how should i know? i'm only a kid who spends too much time on the internet hehehe.
[Fame: 0]

LychanWolf: So Walker is missing...looks like a job for a predator with a keen sense of smell, stand back everyone there's a wolf on the case
[fp | 55]

Mono: I'm afraid I don't know them.

Mono: Nevermind I asked. ^ ^

Mono is offline.
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(11 FP)

Kill It With Fire is now online

Kill It With Fire: Hey guys, I'm back.

Kill It With Fire: I can't help but ask

Kill It With Fire: any new gossip?
Fp: 8

Papaya_Chi: Well, I read the couple last messages, a strange mouse character is sending death threats

Papaya_Chi: And hopefully he/she is just bluffing
(FP: 40)

Kazahana is now online

Kazahana: Ano...

Kazahana: If anyone has seen Walker-san, please, tell me.

Kazahana: Blue-haired guys? I'm afraid not, sorry.
[fp: 3]

LychanWolf: No I haven't

LychanWolf: Simon told me he last saw him with a blue haired guy

LychanWolf: Would you like to team up?
(12 FP)

Kill It With Fire: Who's Walker?

Kill It With Fire: Do you need help finding her?

Kill It With Fire: *Or him...

Kill It With Fire: *Or whatever.
Fp: 9

Papaya_Chi: Oh, Walker? The Otaku guy?

Papaya_Chi: I've seen him around a manga shop

Papaya_Chi: And this morning he was there, with a boy in a hoodie accompanying him
Fp: 10

Papaya_Chi: Um, I'm not sure where they were headed

Papaya_Chi: But, I can tell both of you, the hoodie was dark gray? Does this help?
(13 fp)

Kill It With Fire: I'll keep an eye or two open for a dark grey hoodie or whatever...

Kill It With Fire: Who's Walker again?
[fp: 5]

LychanWolf: A grey hoodie...in Ikebukuro..

LychanWolf: That's a lot of people

LychanWolf: So I'm outside of Russia Sushi

LychanWolf: It might be better for us to look together

LychanWolf: Strength in numbers..blah blah
(FP: 32)

-10 for oc purchase.

Kazahana: Thanks for that, Papaya_Chi

Kazahana: Walker's... an otaku who's a friend of Erika and they are seen hanging out with each other together like always.

Kazahana: Yeah, I guess so.
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