Dude, Where's the Bus? [ooc]

@TheDaftStudent, not sure if you've read it anywhere but GIF images aren't really allowed on this site because lag, or something. I don't think their server is all that amazing and dealing with gifs pushes it xD
OH! I see! I did wonder, lol, seemed like a kind of strange rule.

Suppose it' because Signatures will show up in IC threads, yeah?
That's totally fine! If you look back at the previous page, you can see that. But if you want to keep it like that, I understand. Unless you want to edit the post?
"And the 2015 award for not giving a fuck goes to.... Milly Dawlish! Congratulations!"
Hey guys I'm off to work. I will not be able to post until tonight unless I get really lucky. I will follow all your antics if you decide to move on though.
Also I forgot to ask, how's that pink coloured text for reading? Is it clear enough to make out?
Hahaha! Awwww, I love Milly. I know she's my character, but this is the first I think I've played one like her :D "Das rude, stahp it!"
It'd be nice if I knew what was going on, so that I can actually have my character...Understand things.
I think everyone is simply freaking out and trying to run away to the cave. Other than that, I don't know what's REALLY going on.

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