Dude, Where's the Bus? [ooc]


But with lots of fabulous memories, at least. Anyways, I have class all day tomorrow but on Wednesday I'll be catching up in as many roleplays as I can.

In the meantime, as long as I'm here in the OOC, does anyone have anything they need to ask me?
Okay, so where is everyone? Only one person posted on Monday, and that was supposed to be the day everyone came back.
I am stiiiiiill in class. I'll be back tonight or tomorrow.
Hmm, Loki hasn't been online in a few days, so I'm gonna move on without Levi. Also, Akolite, Taokaka, and Hammad have been inactive as well, so I'm officially dropping Rosie, Charley, and Mardak.

In the meantime, what do you guys think of a timeskip? It's been quite a while, I'd be okay with dumping everyone in the lighthouse and calling it a day.
Light houuuse! I promise to post tomorrow, todays been busy and full of other responsibilities and ignoring this because I had weird ideas and wanted to note them down.

Someone best remind me, cause I might forget.
You're probably right, and I totally forgot because OOC shenanigans. Whoops!

Oh my god they dropped only two pages back I am such a loser this is what happens when I go out of town. Time to update my spreadsheet!
Poor Wel-dood, getting to caught up in OCC shenans.

Also, why don't you have a custom title?



Not noob, Not noob. I apologize oh enlightened one.

Because I forget that custom titles are a thing! And yeah, I have a spreadsheet, I usually make one once I have like, more than 8 characters in a thread, it's fun for little details like height and age, and it helps me remember things without having to read each entire character sheet.
The shit you can do with Google Docs is unreal, I've made surveys before and had my roleplayers take them. Good way for people to anonymously complain about how I'm running things, without risking things getting personal. I mean, I can usually tell who is who by the characters mentioned and the writing style anyways, but still, it's important for people to be able to complain and critique without fear of hurting anyone's feelings.
FYI @ActionPony , you don't need to quote entire posts, you can just tag people. Also, OOC remarks belong in here, not in the IC roleplaying thread. Thanks for letting me know though, I'll fix my post.
Can't tell if this is the best or worst mood I've ever chosen.
Well, my laptop broke a few weeks ago and now I'm borrowing my parents'. So, what happened while I was gone?

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