Dropouts [Inactive]

Arizona angled herself to look at her friend, holding the cup in both hands and drinking from it every now and then. She was about to comment on the runner but she let Daphne finish instead, giggling softly and shaking her head at her. "Good job! I was about to say that I taught you better since you didn't get the shirtless runner's number but you did get a number, which I'm proud of. I think we should both aim for a number a week. Maybe more if we're feelin' lucky. I'm glad you had a good start to your day though. It can always determine how a day goes, can't it?"
"Um, I'd like dozen of them, please." Terrence answered Flo. He walked up to the cashier, and took out his leather wallet, prepared to pay the price for the bouquet of gardenias.
"Okay that will be twenty dollars." Florence said. Matthew put ten dollars on the counter for his pansies then walked out of the shop saying goodbye as he went. "Bye Mattiline!" Florence said as Matthew walked out the door. Matthew could do these things because he worked there. Such lovely perks,no waiting in line. Just slapping the money on the counter then leaving. Matthew climbed into the passenger seat in Terrance's car and quietly waited for his return so they could go to the park.
Daphne laughed and smiled at her friend. "Yes it certainly can," she slightly nodded. "I am definitely aiming for another this week though. I don't really think I will hit Steve up... He was a little too old. Like a gray mustache too old!" she blinked and shook her head. "So sweetie," she said, getting back to Earth. "How was your day? I get the vibe that something at work didn't go well this morning." Ari had texted her way earlier this morning that she was going in, which is what prompted Daph to get up at the crack of dawn on her first day off from anything in what felt like forever.
"Ewww!" Arizona laughed and scrunched her nose up in disgust. Her demeanor changed when Daph asked about her morning events. "Ugh... Okay, I'm gonna warn you now that I'm gonna get ranty and rambley. So, I get a call from the barn manager at quarter to five this morning. Some assholes let all the horses loose, scared the crap out of them and the barn cats then started a fire. It was more than just pure chaos when I got there. We're just lucky no one is hurt and the barn didn't set on fire. But, who does that? How is that fun? I don't get it. My poor baby was terrified. I've never seen a Mustang so freaked out. Tahka barely came to me, it took me almost a half an hour to calm him alone, the rest of the horses were even more of a challenge. I'm sure he's still freaking out inside. It's ridiculous! I don't get how people can think that that would be any sort of entertainment..."
Daphne nodded in agreement when Arizona claimed the Steve situation to be disgusting, but only in one simple little statement. When Ari began to explain the morning events, she had Daph's full attention. She listened intently while sipping her latte, her eyes never leaving Ari's. Her eyes grew bigger as Ari explained more, and when she was finally done, Daph gasped in shock. "That is horrible!" she exclaimed. "Oh I am so sorry to hear all that. I don't get why anyone would do such a stupid, evil thing," she said, upset for the situation, the poor little animals and her friend. "It breaks my heart to hear such things..." she said quietly and sincerely. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I am very sorry you or anyone had to deal with such nonsense," she said to her friend. "It really pisses me off." The more she thought of the situation, the more it got under her skin. Unnecessary stupidity is one of her pet peeves, but being entirely outraged at this point would be silly. "Well I am glad that it turned out okay, although that crap shouldn't have happened in the first place," she tried to comfort her friend. People... "Stupidity is not a pretty thing."
Arizona shook her head and gave a little huff before drinking more of her latte, ending up drinking the rest of it. It was never a good thing when she drank caffeine that fast. "I know! I swear, if I ever find those people, they're dead. I mean it." Ari was all talk and almost no bite, well kinda, she could and would take someone down without a problem, however killing people was a different story for her. "I'm probably gonna have to go out to check on Tahka later today to make sure that he's hasn't broken the stall or hurt himself. You would think I've been in this town long enough for people to know not to mess with my baby..."
The way Arizona chugged at that latte Daphne knew it was gone, and that wasn't very good. Given the situation though, Daph chose not to scold her friend. She simply nodded in agreement that those people were dead men walking and sipped at her latte. Ari would harm them, maybe hospitalize them if she were in a blind rage, but never kill. And Daph knew that. Heck, she would be in the backseat of the police car with her friend, or giving one heck of a testimony in court on Ari's behalf. "Well, people are stupid, as you learned all too well this morning," she reminded her friend. "But I finally have a day off, so I can go check on him with you later if you would like," she informed Ari with a small smile.
Arizona pulled her friend into a giant bear hug, squeezing her perhaps a bit too tightly before releasing her. "Yay~ We can have girl barn time. Since we haven't had that in what, years now? Ooh! Ooh! What about nails afterward and then maybe a movie? Or shopping? I know I'll be needing new jeans soon. The ones with the rip up the thigh are on their last leg. One more fall off of T and they're gonners," she said with laugh.
Terrence quickly took out a 20 dollar bill and handed it to Flo, then quickly grabbed the bouquet and went running to the car. He opened the door and sat back down on the driver's seat. He placed the bouquet on the floor behind his chair and started the engine. "Which park?" He asked Matthew as he drove out the parking lot. there were many parks near his house, apparently, so he wasn't sure which one Matty wanted to go to, though Terrence knew the directions to all of them.
Daphne smiled and let Arizona pull her into what she knew would be a giant hug, and she returned the favor. With the latte practically cold, she chugged it after they released. Their talk differently brought Ari's spirit up to Daph's current level, which warmed her heart. She smiled enthusiastically and nodded. "I can't believe you still have those jeans!" she exclaimed, laughing. "But yes," she nodded again. "That all sounds great! I could definitely use some all out girly fun with you. We probably haven't done it since..." her voice trailed off. Her mom and brother died around the same time Ari ran away. "Well I know we haven't done it at all since I have been here," she said, kind of but not really changing the subject. Daph has only lived here almost a week, and this entire time both girls spent working. Their schedules always conflicted.
" Hunter's Creek." Matthew simply stated as he stared out the window. Matthew was a very impatient person. He really wanted to go to the park and the Florists lasted a bit longer then he suspected. "How long do you think it'll take 'till we get there?" Matthew asked Terrence.
"Of course I still have those jeans! If they still fit, I still have them," she said, laughing along with her friend. "No point in throwing them out when they're perfect vaulting lesson jeans since I can actually move in them." Ari could see the things that were coming up in Daph's head and she pulled her into another quick hug. "We haven't done it since the end of junior year. It's been over a year, far too long. Thought I have a remedy for that. If you get your schedule for the next month at the end of this month, I can match up our schedules. All I have to do is move lessons around."
Daphne nodded in agreement, what was the point in throwing out jeans that fit? Especially if you couldn't afford it. As Ari pulled her into another hug, she gave a small smile and returned the favor again. She thought about what her friend said, getting their schedules and matching them up. "Oh that's almost impossible for me," she told her friend as she moved out of the hug. "Red Lobster does their scheduling biweekly, and I am one of their most reliable workers. I almost always do doubles, unless I get another photo shoot. But then again, I might be working Red Lobster all day or night to make up time because of the photo shoots. They rarely book them, I just get a call or text to go in and shoot," she said, clearly agitated by her schedule.
( I'm so sorry I haven't replied in so long; I've been super busy with studying for exams! )

Amy set the empty bag onto the ground beside her and reached for another. She glanced up at him quickly when he answered, noticing that although his tone was light his body posture told her that it was something bugging him, but she decided at that moment that if he ever wanted to talk about it then she'd be there, but until then she wouldn't ask. " That takes a lot of courage to run miles away from home. " She pointed out in an attempt to try to make him feel slightly better.

Amy bit her lip as he asked about her. "
More or less the same. I just needed to get away to follow my dream. I couldn't do it there. " Her answer told the facts, but not them all. Some things not even her roommates knew yet. She emptied out the second bag and glanced down at the collection of notebooks and other various objects.

(@Polygraph )
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Arizona made a noise that to anyone but her best friend would sound like a moose call. It was just her noise of discontent. She rolled in her seat like a child for a moment before pouting up at Daphne. "Ugh! They're yucky! Don't they understand that we need girl time? I mean, way to be rude and inconsiderate!" Her long braid had managed to get on her should and so she pulled the ditzy girl hair toss, dramatically flipping it off her shoulder. "Uh!"
( Studying is more important than roleplaying, don't worry! Also, I only have the two bags '^^ )

Having finished folding the pants, I did the same with them, stowing them away into the right side of the cabinet/armoire/TV thing.

I sighed and unzipped my hoodie. It had large blue and black stripes on it, each one separated by a thin silver stripe. I bought it in preparation for running away, replacing my previous hoodie of five years. New start means new clothes, right? That's what I told myself at the time, anyway.

I figured I'd change the topic to something lighter. Well, depending on how I worded it.

"So what's your dream?"

Facing the TV, I leaned back on my bed and looked over at Amy.

"If I had to guess, I'd say you aspire to be a marine biologist," I smiled at my own jest.
Daphne couldn't help but grin at her friend's moose call. Man, did she miss this girl like crazy! "I know!" she exclaimed in agreement with Ari. She laughed at her dramatic hair toss and said, "But I can do like I did for today and request a day off. When my managers got all pissy I told them that they were going to drive me to the bottle. They bought it." Daph laughed. Her go on a drinking binge? Yeah, right!
"Well, if they're gonna be asshats about it, perhaps just once a month, we'll pick a day and both take it off." Arizona growled once in her last show of discontent before smiling over to her friend again. She shook her head a bit, laughing. "Yeah, I drink more than you do and I've never been past tipsy." Without warning, she yelped a bit and jumped, only to pull out her phone. Unlocking it, she quickly read the text then slipped it back into her hoodie pocket. "So those boys tried to come back to the barn... They were arrested."
"Oh trust me girl, some mild threats can go a long way. I am so exhausted from all this working, thank goodness for makeup!" Daphne laughed with her friend. If it weren't for makeup and any day off she could get, she would look like the walking dead. Ari was right, she is more of a drinker than Daph ever was. It was a drunk driver who caused the deaths of her mother and twin brother. Of course Arizona knew that, but she also knew that Daphne was fine with the little bit of drinking she did around her. It was heavy drinkers that Daph had a problem with.

Daph jumped in reaction to Ari's jump and looked at the phone and back to Ari in curiosity. Her eyes widened when she was told the news. "That's great!" she exclaimed, happy to hear the boys were arrested. "I am glad they are getting what they deserve. Hey what time is it?" she asked. They had been talking for what felt like hours, and just then her stomach growled as if on cue. In response to the noise, she put her hand over her stomach and laughed.
( Oops! I fixed it! xD )

Amy sat back down on the bed and began sorting the pile into smaller piles. She laughed loudly at his guess, not in a mean way, but it was quite amusing to her. " Marine biologist? What makes you think I would want to be a marine biologist? " She laughed again and shook her head. " I actually want to be a song writer for the stars. " She stopped what she was doing and sighed. " I just think it would be amazing to hear a song come on the radio and know that you wrote it. Everything you're too afraid to say can always be put into a song. " She trailed off, realizing that she was starting to ramble on and if she didn't stop herself now she may never be able to. She half smiled and glanced up at him through her bangs that had fallen back into her face. " Pretty foolish, eh? "
I sat down on my bed and helped Amy sort some of the things. I busied myself with ordering all of the books in a series.

"I don't think so."

I looked away from her, down at the stack of light novels in my hands. My aspirations came back to me.

"I used to do amateur voice acting and I was the lead in all of my high school's theatre productions."

Of all the things I missed the most, it was probably acting. Or my friends. I hadn't quite decided yet. I used to do a lot of things. I had a lot of hobbies. A lot of things I was passionate about. However, with most of it being internet-based, I hadn't been able to actually do any of it since I ran away.

With all of my various books organized - light novels and manga, mostly - I looked around the room for a suitable place to display them. Meanwhile, I tried to return to Amy's dream. I thought of less melancholic things. Tried to, anyway.

"So, you only want to write the songs."

If I had to guess, I'd say...

"Does that mean you can't sing?"

I asked in a playful tone, trying to poke maybe a little bit of fun. Amy didn't seem like the type to get upset over something like that. At least, from what I could tell during the ten minutes we've known each other.
Arizona laughed softly and nodded, while she didn't often wear makeup, she knew that in some cases it was a life saver, or at least a pride saver. She laughed once more when Daphne jumped because of her. "Yeah but mommy and daddy will bail them out in the next half hour... Oh well, I'll beat them if they come around again. It's about noon, wanna head to that nice cafe on our way to the barn?"
Amy smiled. " Would you get into acting here? I think there's local theater productions if you're interested. " She said unsure of whether it was actually something he would be interested in. She finished sorting through the pile and glanced up at Robert. She shrugged halfheartedly. " I don't know. People sometimes tell me I can, but I'd be too nervous to preform for large crowds anyways. " She smile slightly.

Enough about me. What's something else you like? " she asked.
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