Dropouts [Inactive]

Zoe sat quietly and watched the three of them talk among themselves. "I suppose I'll remain here and set everything up for our cooking vlog tonight!" She smiled and stood up, "Colby, why don't you call in sick and keep me company?" Zoe suggested, not expecting him to agree, though it was worth a shot.

(short :c)
"Or...." started Colby, leaning across the table to look into Zoe's eyes. "You could come to work with me and keep me company." He grinned childishly. "Or else I won't be able to pay rent and I won't have a place to stay." Colby taped the table with his fingers, before standing back up.
Terrence chuckled, it would be funny to see Matthew getting nagged by his boss. 'Maybe I should bring my camera too..' Terrence thought to himself. "That's fine, Matt, maybe I should buy some flowers for the dining table anyways, and i'd like to see that amazing sight you're talking about." Terrence said to Matthew. He changed his attention to Zoe. "That would be a good idea, I think by the time me and Matty come home, it'll be about an hour or two before dinner time." Terrence changed his attention, again, to Colby. "I think it would be a good thing if you couldn't pay rent because I would have to kick you out then." Terrence said jokingly to Colby.
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Arizona shook her head and didn't even bother looking up when she spoke. "No. It is not a good morning. I've been up since five, I ate earlier." Her tone made her agitation clear. However, it was also quite clear that her aggression wasn't aimed at them but caused by an outside source. She'd been with most of them for awhile now and felt no need to explain herself, sure that they wouldn't take it to heart.
Zoe chuckled, "what am I going to do while you prick people with needles?" Zoe asked Colby, returning the grin before glancing at Terrence. "Okay! I'll get my studio lights down from my room and all the other crap were going to need!" She told him, clapping her hands together once out of excitement. She hadn't made many video's with friends before and it was a rather exciting thing to do, so she thought.
Colby stuck out his tongue in distaste. "You could like make a video and called it 'The life of a broke tattoo artist', but it seems you have other plans." He sighed, leaving the room and coming back a few minutes later in black jeans and a muscle shirt. "I'm so alone in this world." he mumbled, dialing work on the phone so he could call in sick.
Zoe chuckled and shook her head leaning back in her chair as she watched Colby leave and come back in short time. "Oh don't be such a drama queen," she teased, sticking out her tongue some before standing from her sat and pushing her chair into the table. Zoe wasn't one to leave a mess when leaving somewhere, her room was always spotless, she'd always make sure to put her dishes in the washer and she cleaned up after herself, claiming it gave her piece of mind.
"Don't be such a drama queen," he imitated, placing the phone back on the receiver. "It's what I do. I am the queen of drama." He pushed his hair back for the third time that day, knocking his knuckles on the counter top. "I'll help you with the vlog today though."
Terrence chuckled at Colby. "You need to make more friends." Terrence said, patting Colby on the back. Terrence went to Zoe. "Just make Colbs carry all the heavy crap while you chomp on some snacks or somethin'." Terrence said to Zoe with a chuckle. Terrence dropped some more dishes in the sink. "You could be that one creepy boy that cleans up our mess after the vlog." Terrence joked at Colby.
Colby threw his hands up in the air. "Queens are not supposed to work! But I will make an exception. I haven't used my muscles in awhile anyways." He grinned wide, flexing his arms.
Matthew got up and said ''Well I'm gonna go get dressed and grab some weird gift for the queen so she does not cut off my head.'' Matthew walked to the stairs and grabbed his neat pile of blankets then headed to his room. When he entered his domain he went straight to his closet and picked out the perfect outfit. His deer sweater and purple pants with combat boots. Matthew was a fashionista and his fashion sense was the best! Matty then walked back downstairs.
Zoe laughed at Colby's imitation and what Terrence told her, as well as what he told Colby. The laughs and jokes were another things that made Zoe never once regret giving up school to live with those lovable fools. "I'll carry my camera," she told Colby, her camera was equivalent to a child in Zoe's eyes. Her child, to be exact.

"Have fun today, boys!" Zoe smiled at the two, "lovely outfit as well, Matty!"
Colby eyed Matty's sweater, picking at it as he walked by. "I'm gonna raid your closet some day just for fun," he said seriously, turning on his heel to face Zoe. "So... Zo... how can I assist you?"
"Well, first we can run upstairs to my room and bring down my three studio lights, they're kind of heavy so we have to be careful. Then the tripod, but I can carry that with my camera. Hey, we should be quick, maybe we can make a video!" Zoe suggested, her eyes lighting up, three videos in one day would be absolutely crazy, she was sure her viewers would like that idea as well, seeing as a lot of them comment on her social media platforms asking her to upload more and more.
"Sounds like a plan," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "How long have you been filming?" he asked the girl curiously. He had never bothered to ask anyone about themselves but he figured now was a good time to start.
"No, wait, I am still in my pajamas!" Terrence screamed as he whizzed upstairs. He grabbed a white t-shirt that had a pocket on the left side of his chest and thin, navy blue horizontal stripes across the chest as well, khaki jeans, and black converse sneakers. He grabbed his phone, wallet, and camera, shoving them in one of his jeans pockets. "I'm done!" Terrence yelled as he jumped back into the kitchen with a 'Tadaa!' pose. He went to the refrigerator to grab a Caprisun and started to sip it.
Zoe perked up at Colby's question, she enjoyed when people asked about her career. "I've been making these videos for a teensie bit over 5 years!" She looked over at Terrence posing, "nice outfit to you as well, Ter!" She complimented him before tightening her falling bun on the top of her head.
"Five years, holy jeez," he said, blue eyes widening. Colby shot Terrence a quick goodbye before continuing his excited questioning. "How exactly did you become Youtube famous?"
Arizona had settled some, the words she'd memorized calming her. Her focus was balanced between the conversation and the book, however she stopped and laughed. "Zoe... Do you remember when you tried to get me to do a video with you and it almost ended in an all out cat fight and both of us getting kicked out of this place?"
"No one is allowed in my closet." Matthew mumbled to himself. He then turned his attention to Terrance and his outfit. "Hmmm, it's a nice outfit." Matthew headed over to the couch and crouched down behind it. He stuck his hand under the couch trying to grab his hidden treasure. " Woot! It's still here!" he exclaimed.
"Frequently adding videos and never giving up on it!" Zoe smiled at Colby and turned her attention to Arizona before laughing at what Ari had reminded her of. "That was terrible! I'm really glad we can laugh about it though, I don't even understand why we were clashing with each other so much that day!" Zoe laughed some more before taking a sip of water to calm her down some. Zoe realized that whatever she does, she either makes a full video to elaborate on it or makes a vlog about it, YouTube and her audience that grows by the day has consumed her entire life, not that it bothered her, she was afraid it may bother others- but it's what she loved doing and no person was about to stop her from doing what she loved.
Terrence smiled at Zoe before turning his attention to Matthew. He raised his eyebrow at Matt. "What's still there?" He looked at Ari. "I remember that time. I was really pissed since you woke me up early because I went to sleep late because I was gone overnight. I swear I was about to kill the both of you, literally."
Arizona shook her head and gave a half smile. "I think I woke up in a day mood then there was something you said that I'm sure I took too personal, my guess is that it was something about Native Americans. I can't remember though, I just blacked out in rage." She laughed once more and leaned back into the couch before turning her attention back to her book. "Oh please, Terrence. I could have taken you and Zoe. You know it."
Colby's attention quickly shifted to Matty. "What treasure? Why would you hide something there?" He went to stand beside Matthew, trying to figure out what was in his hands. He frowned, scratching the top of his head.
Matthew hid his treasure behind his back and shout a sour look at Colby and said "Hahaha nope, you'll never find out,dude." He walked over to Terrance and told him "Now we should head out soon because I kinda already told Florence I would be there at a certain time and stuff. Now I'm going to grab my camera because I'm a nimrod and forgot to get it from my room." Matthew went back up the stairs and into his room. His camera was sitting on a pile of books, most likely the pile of his favorites because he always kept his favorites in a messy pile. Once he had his camera he went back downstairs to join the others.

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