Dropouts [Inactive]

Zoe smiled and nodded, remembering the day, "I don't know Ter, Arizona is an all around bad ass." She said, chuckling some before backing out of the conversation again and watching everyone.

"Well, have fun you two, again," Zoe grinned as Matthew returned from upstairs with his camera in hand. "I"ll see you when you get back, and we'll make that wonderful video!"
After folding all of the shirts - there were only seven - I opened the left cabinet of the... armoire? Pretty sure that's not an armoire...

I opened the left cabinet of the thing the TV was sitting on and stacked the shirts in piles of four, then shut it and started folding pants.

Still hypomanic, Amy's question didn't phase me. Much.

"I ran away." Shrugging, I joked, "I'm actually thousands of miles from home!"

My shoulders slumped slightly and I frowned for a moment before regaining my cheery composure. I placed a folded pair of jeans next to my PSP on the bed, then grabbed another from the duffel bag.

"What about you?"

I glanced at her while folding, interested in how she'd react.
Terrence grinned back at Zoe. "Have fun carrying your crap down to the kitchen!" Terrence said to Zoe. He turned his attention to Matthew. "My car, a taxi, or walking, Matty?" He asked Matthew as he held the door open, letting a ray of sunshine into the house.
''Your car sounds nice.'' Matthew replied. ''I should walk though but I'm to lazy for that.'' Matthew walked outside,pausing to get a nice look at the sky. ''It doesn't look like it's going rain,not a cloud in sight!'' Matthew smiled. A perfect view is exactly what happens on such beautiful days.
"Well, see you guys later!" Terrence shouted before slamming the door behind him. he walked next to Matthew. "I can relate to you about being lazy." Terrence said with a chuckle. He looked up at the sky with Matthew. "That's true, the forecast did say it was going to be sunny today. Well, let's go!" Terrence walked up to his shiny black car, unlocking the doors with his key, and jumped onto the driver's seat. "Directions to your work, please." He said to Matty.
''You know that vegan bakery on Maple Ave.? It's right next to that place,you can't miss it. Also the front is covered with pansies.'' Matthew said as he climbed into the passengers seat. Matthew pulled his treasure out of his pocket revealing a small,velvet pouch.
"Oh, okay. I know where that is." Terrence said as he started the engine. He stomped on the gas pedal and soon they were on the road, driving to Maple Avenue. Terrence glanced at Matthew when he took something out his pocket. "Do you mind telling me what that is?" Terrence asked hesitantly, not wanting to pry on Matty's life too much.
''It's pouch full of random stuff.'' Matthew opened it to reveal a necklace with a bear tied to it, a crumpled ball of paper, a dried daisy, and an old photo of Matthew and Florence. Matthew grabbed the picture and said ''I was probably five when my mother took this. Florence was seven and we decided to hang out at the beach.'' Florence and Matthew were holding hands in the picture Florence looked as if she was dying of laughter while young Matty was petrified. A bird was on his head.
Terrence tried not to burst into laughter when he saw the picture, making make a bunch of weird, muffled, noises. He knew that it was probably things that reminded him of good memories with his family, though Terrence couldn't really relate since he didn't really have a family. When he finally calmed down he glanced at Matthew again. "I had that happen to me once, my back was slouched and my face looked squished when they took a picture." Terrence said laughing quietly, remembering the time. They had finally made it to Maple Ave. so Terrence drove around to look for parking.
''Ah really? I thought I was the only one.'' Matthew said with a sigh. ''I thought that if I brought a picture of me looking like a total wimp because of a bird would make her a little happier then angry that I'm skipping.'' Matty shrugged. He filled the pouch back up with all the contents but the pic.
Terrence chuckled. "It would for me." After finally finding a spot and parking in it, he turned the engine off and went out of the car. "It's over there, right?" Terrence asked as he pointed at a small shop that surely was, filled with pansies.
Matthew looked over the place. ''Yep,this is it.'' He ran over to the door and opened it. The bell rung as he entered leaving Terrance in the parking lot. Matthew marched over to the counter where a young lady was standing. She had long,lilac hair pulled into a ponytail and brown eyes,she was wearing a Pokemon tee and a red apron. When she noticed Matthew she gave out a scream. ''You brat! You need to learn skipping out on your job gets you nowhere Mattiline!'' 'Mattiline' yelped when the lady walked towards him. ''Don't call me that also look what I have Florence!'' Matthew showed Florence the picture. She stared him down,being a foot taller, and started laughing. Sweet,dear Florence isn't killing him today.
Terrence chuckled as he recorded the scene before him, including the picture. He was so glad he had brought his camera, and as he thought, he enjoyed seeing Matty getting sort of nagged at. Terrence walked into the shop casually, asking the lady who seemed to be named 'Florence' if they had a bouquet of his favorite flower. "Excuse me, but do you have any white gardenias here?" Terrence asked Florence with a small smile.
Florence ceased her laughing when she heard Terrance ask if they had any white gardenias. ''Why of course,sir. Let me get them for you.'' Matthew stared off at Florence's back as she headed over to the back of the store. ''That was Florence isn't she a doll.'' Matthew said jokingly he then went behind the counter and grabbed a white pansy from a vase and put it behind his ear as he waited for Florence.
Terrence chuckled. "She sure is." Terrence smiled. "So you really like flowers, huh?" Terrence said as he wondered around, admiring the colors and different types of flowers. "Are pansies your favorite type of flower, Matthew?" Terrence asked as he was admiring a hydrangea.
Matthew stared after Terrance for a second then began arranging the flowers. ''Yeah they are. They've always been my favorite for as long as I can remember...I don't know why though.'' A question lit up Matthew's head and he looked over at Terrance. ''Which flower is your favorite,Terrance?''
"Well, gardenias. I think they're beautiful, they're always a pure white, maybe sometimes tinted pink, but they're still lovely. In the flower language, they're meant to symbolize joy, and I wouldn't want to live without joy." Terrence said with a smile. Terrence walked back up to the counter, where Matthew was. "Is Florence done yet?" He said, trying to peek through the doorway that lead to the back.
'Oh so that's why you ordered them.' Matthew thought to himself. He looked over to the backroom and said ''Probably,the place's a maze but Flo's owns the place so...'' Speak of the devil Florence Cosmo has arrived. She was pulling a cart with vases filled to the brim with so many different flowers. There were cosmos and daisies and tulips and as Terrance wanted, white gardenias. ''So you're a friend of Matt's?'' Florence asked Terrance.
Terrance stared at the cart filled with different flowers then looked up to answer Florence's question. "Ah, yes I am. Actually, i'm the one who owns the home he is living in right now, miss." Terrence replied with a smile. "My name's Terrence if you're wondering." Terrence stuck out his hand, hinting that she should shake it.
Florence shook Terrance's hand. "Florence Cosmo but you can call me Flo. That brat already does." Florence said pointing to Matthew. Matthew in reply gave out a whine and continued to arrange the flowers until they were in the perfect order of prettiness. "I can not understand how you can put up with him." Florence joked. "Anyways! Terry would like to buy the white gardenias and then we are going to the park.So hurry up,please." Matthew whined.
Daphne breathed in the wonderfully refreshing Autumn morning air before walking up to the front door. What was supposed to be a brisk jog around the neighborhood turned into a half hour jog to Starbucks, a twenty minute wait to both order and receive the two lattes she is currently holding in her hands, and a brisk fifteen minute walk back. When she is in a hurry, not matter the pace, she can get where she is going quick. Especially if she wanted the hot lattes she ordered to be delivered still hot.

Quickly, she took a sip of her latte before putting it tightly between her left upper arm and chest, freeing her right hand to open the door. Luckily for her, it was unlocked. When she swung the door open and took a step inside, her eyes quickly spotted her bestie sitting on the couch, an always lovely sight to see. "Oh good morning to you!" she said to Arizona cheerily, refreshed from her jog and happy to see her other half. With a smile and grabbing her respective latte from her left arm, she gently shut the door with her foot. "On my usual morning adventure, I decided to stop by Starbucks for the usual!" she explained as she walked over to her friend, holding out a tall hot Chai Tea Latte for her to grab. "Don't worry, I haven't finished mine yet," she said with a wink, indicating that Ari could expect a full beverage.
Arizona looked up from her book, setting it to her side. Her half smile at the sight of her best friend was an indicator that it was anything but a good morning. Gently, she took the drink from Daphne and sipped it. "Thank you." Patting the spot on the sofa next to her, she leaned back into the couch once more. "So, anything interesting happen on your jog? Other than you getting distracted by a shiny thing or in this case a caffeinated thing?" she asked with a light laugh.
When Florence mentioned the nickname 'Flo' Terrence couldn't help but think of the lady from Progressive commercials. Terrence smiled and inwardly laughed before letting go of her hand. "To tell you the truth, i'm not sure myself!" He joked backed at Florence. Terrence chuckled, partially because of his joke and partially because of Matty's childish behavior.
Daphne's upbeat smile faltered a bit at the sight of her friend's half smile, but she nonetheless continued to smile as she sat down next to Ari. "No prob, girly," she said casually. Daph took a sip as she kicked off her exercise shoes in order to sit on the couch criss-cross-applesauce style, or as Ari would have it called, Indian style. Looking up from her drink she listened to Ari's question, and laughed softly at the last one. "Hmm.." she said, thinking about her walk. "Well.. there was this shirtless runner. I thought it was pretty distracting, and interesting. He wasn't exactly Channing Tatum level, but pretty damn close," she said with a wink. "Didn't get a number, however..." she reached into her bra with her free hand and pulled out a business card. It was for Starbucks, but when she revealed the back as she handed it to Ari, it had the name Steve and all 10 digits. "Considering my pocket less yoga pants, change wasn't an option so I tipped nicely. 3.57, or something like that. The barista seemed to like it," she said with a slight smile. Yeah, I am sure the tip is what the barista was concerned about, and not an attractive young female wearing tight yoga pants and a snug sweater, unintentionally showing off her bubble butt and lovely bust.
Florence walked over to the counter and gave Matthew a little pap on the head. "Okay Matty,I'll ring your friend up then you can continue your date and stop whining so much,it's not that attractive. Now," she turned her head to Terrance. "How many white gardenias would you like,Terrance?"

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