Dropouts [Inactive]

Terrence pouted when Zoe said he was scary, and took a seat at the table himself. "He said his name was Robert, and don't call me that, Matthew!" He replied in a whiny child tone. He averted his gaze to Zoe. "Do I have to? I don't want to have chubaca as my friend! I bet some Star Wars fans will come up to you for an autograph and picture!" He said, exaggerating a bit, as he pouted again. He sliced a small piece of the pancake with the edge of his fork, too lazy to use his knife, and plopped it in his mouth. "Can you past me the syrup?" he said to whoever was the closest to the syrup. Terrence glanced at the stairs. "The others should get down here before we eat all the pancakes, though I really wouldn't mind that." He said before returning to shove more pancakes in his mouth.
Zoe took another bite before reacting to Terrence's statement, "that's mean!" She joked, gigging some before sliding the syrup across the table to him. "I think i would be a really cool thing to be friends with Chubaca!" Zoe laughed again and took another bite before taking a sip from her water bottle. "Hey, I really don't mind eating all of these either. Yum! What's for dinner, if I may ask?"

(short post is short, apologies :c)
Terrence grabbed the syrup bottle, feeling a bit icky since some of the syrup got outside of the bottle, making it a bit sticky. He poured the shiny liquid on his pancakes, his tongue on the side of his lip, showing how much he was anticipating to get the food in his mouth. After finishing, he looked up at Zoe. "I'm not sure yet, actually. Any suggestions? Also for dessert, if you want any." He asked Zoe. He plopped another piece of the pancake in his mouth, savoring the sweet taste as he took a napkin to clean the syrup that got stuck on his lips.
Zoe thought for a moment, searching for an answer to Terrence's question. "I'm feeling pasta-y today, you make a killer pasta." She told him, smiling some before taking another bite, nearly finishing her pancakes. "Maybe you can make something you haven't already for dessert and maybe I can be your sous chef?" Zoe smiled, hoping Terrence would allow her to help him out in the kitchen. "It could be really fun!"
Amy covered her mouth to try to hide the giggle that slipped through her lips. " Yeah, my rooms just down the hall; lucky number three. " She paused unsure of what to say next. 'Introducing yourself would probably be a good thing.' her mind chastised her. She rolled her eyes. " I'm Amelia, but everyone just calls me Amy. " She slipped farther into the room, sure he wouldn't freak out by it, and sat on the edge of his bed. Her arm rested against one of the bags. " Want some help unpacking? " Amy asked tilting her head to the side questioningly. It would give her a chance to get to learn a little more about the new comer, Robert he called himself, and helping is never a bad thing either.
Matty started to douse his pancakes in chocolate syrup and elephant sprinkles. " I think Terr Bear suits you perfectly my dear.~" Matthew said in a joking tone. When the syrup made a thick puddle around his pancakes Matthew commenced eating. " With the name Terr Bear it makes you sound less scary. Terrance the big teddy bear!"
Terrence's eyes brightened at Zoe's answer. "I think pasta is a good idea!" He said with a smile. "And, sure, you could be my sous chef. You could put it in one of your videos, if that's what you're planning." He answered when he saw Zoe's hopefulness. "I think i'll make some strawberry cheesecake. I've always been a fan for cheesecake." He said as he stood up from the table to look in his book of personal recipes. He handed Zoe a picture of a strawberry cheesecake. "I already have a regular cheesecake recipe, so we'll just have to decorate the cheesecake and make the strawberries like that." He said, as he took a seat again to finish his pancakes.

He averted his attention to Matthew. "Oh god.. " Terrence said face palming. "Matthew, the last thing I want is to be known as 'Terrence the Teddy Bear' for the rest of my life. If you call me that, i'll call you 'Matt the Fat Cat' then." He chuckled at the nickname he got for Matth- I mean, 'Matt the Fat Cat' right on the spot.

<-- The picture he handed Zoe.
Matthew stared at Terrance for a while until he stood up. He kinda just stared a bit more until a smug little smirk appeared on his face. " I like cats.~ It doesn't faze me at all, Terry Berry." and the fires have been shot! There is no going back now, Matty will continue with this glorious nickname forever. Matthew then gathered his plate and fork and set them in the sink. " Adorable nickname for my darling." Maybe Matty is setting off the next World War maybe he's just going to use all the nicknames he can , if anything he doesn't care.
"Sure! I can vlog it, I'm sure the viewers would really enjoy that!" Zoe smiled and held the picture of the cheesecake in her hand and nodded a few times, "that looks wicked!" She told Terrence before handing the picture back to him, "I'm sure everyone will adore it, who doesn't love cheesecake to begin with?" Zoe pondered before finishing her breakfast and the water bottle and getting up to put her dishes in the dishwasher and her bottle in the recycling bin. Zoe sat down at the table to continue talking with the two males who were currently having a sappy nickname battle. "I with I had some super cool nicknames," she grinned at the two.
Three, huh? A very spooky coincidence.


I actually live here now.

I couldn't get over that fact.

"Sure! I'm pretty sure I don't have anything too embarrassing in my bags."

My duffel bag was filled with all of my clothes, while my backpack had things like books, a PSP and its charger, decks of cards, notebooks, etc.

I figured she wouldn't want to be going through a guy's clothes.

"You wanna get the bookbag?" I asked, walking up to my bed and zipping open the duffel bag. "If you just take everything out and put it on the bed, that would work."

After settling that, I took my clothes out and started folding them, starting with the shirts.

"How long have you been living here?"

Might as well try to get to know her if she's kind enough to help me.
"Oh god oh god oh god oh god." Terrence mumbled repeatedly to himself as he put the picture away. "I'll wipe that smug smile off his face one day.." Terrence thought to himself. He put his dishes away, leaving a few flapjacks left. "No one eat the rest, I'm saving it for Robert. He's still new, so he doesn't understand our policy of 'You snooze, you lose.' yet." He averted his attention to Zoe. "The last thing these nicknames are is 'cool', but if you want one, it shall be 'Zoe the Crow'." He said with a smile as he sat back down. "And about cheesecake, anyone who doesn't like it is an enemy of mine."
" Oh my god Terry Berry, these nicknames are very cool! I though of one for Robert, Rob the Builder. Also Zoe can be Zoey 101." Ah yes, Matty was enjoying this way too much! He sat back down on his respective chair and pulled his legs up to his chest. " I think I'm going to make a big list of nicknames!"
Arizona finally got herself together, braiding her long hair before grabbing her favorite book. It was a book on nothing but Comanche mythology, sure she'd read it a few times but it was the one thing that could relieve her stress when she couldn't go out to the barn. One her way downstairs, she happened by the room of a new boy and she peeked her head it. "Look, I don't mean to interrupt or come off rude but my room is the last one on the right, if you go in there or touch any of my stuff, you're dead. Alright, hope you enjoy your stay." With that, she was off, back to ignoring the world. Ari settled herself on the couch near the table but sitting at the far end of it and nothing bothering to say hello, delving into the myths she knew by heart instead.
"Gotcha," Zoe said, showing Terrence she understood not to eat the pancakes, not that she could fit any more into that small stomach of hers. "The Crow?" Zoe asked, she bit the inside of her cheek and cocked her head some, "that makes me sound like a mean old lady witch!" She laughed and got up once more to snatch another water bottle before returning to her seat and opening it, taking a sip. "I think I prefer Zoey 101, I used to watch that show all the time when I was younger. I used to make my older brother, Steph watch it with me!"
Colby stumbled down the hallway, running his hand through his messy hair. As he walked into the kitchen, he straightened his clothing, trying not to look like a complete slob. "You guys are freaking loud," he mumbled, rummaging the cupboards for a bowl and some cereal. He had lived off of cheap food for as long as he could remember. Just because he was now living with a chef, didn't mean that he would change his eating habits.
"Oh god, Zoe, look at what you did to him! I do admit Rob the Builder is pretty funny, and I've always liked Zoey 101..." He said to Zoe. "Well, we were doing animals so, yeah.. And I know right! I watched that show all the time with my friends! Though, when I watch it now I realize what bad actors they are." He said with a chuckle. Terrence glanced at Ari. "Skipping breakfast, Ari? Well, you did miss the chocolate chip pancakes anyway." He turned to Colby. "Well, that was the point. We were trying to get people up, anyways."
"Moving in with a bunch of other people might have been the worse decision of my life," he said grouchily, but smiled anyways. Once he was done making his cereal he sat with everyone else at the table. "So what's this I hear about a sugar bet? Or wait, you guys are talking about Zoey 101 now. That's a kids show, right?"
Zoe shrugged and laughed at Matthew's enthusiasm towards nicknames, "sorry Ter! But I do have to agree with the bad acting, it's almost painful to watch!" She agreed and smiled over at Arizona and Colby, "good morning, Sunshines!" She greeted them happily, obviously she was fueled up for the day and full of energy. "Well, Matthew bet me he could only eat sugar for a week and not die, and yeah, it's a kid's how with painful acting included!" Zoe filled Colby in on what he had missed, somewhat disregarding the grouchy remark, seeing as it seemed harmless after the smile.
"I guess it is, since I watched it when I was a kid, but there is some romance in it, so it's probably a teen show too." Terrence said to Colby. "You really do need to work on you eating habits, I don't want to find your dead body in the bathtub or anything." he said with a chuckle. "Though I can't really say anything since it wasn't like I was going to make you anything anyways, since you snoozed in on our choco chip pancake breakfast."
''Come on Colby Jack! Don't be such a grumpy-puss it doesn't suit you.'' Matthew giggled at the new nickname then added '' I think I'm gonna pick up the most suger-infested foods I can find.'' Matty already needed to go shopping so this would be perfect.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with my eating habits. Besides, I'm not the one about to eat only sugar for a week." He grinned, running his hands through his hair. "I don't even really like pancakes." He shoveled cereal in his mouth and swallowed before looking at everyone at the table.
"Ah, Matthew, let me go with you, I need to buy some ingredients for tonight's dinner anyways." Terrence asked Matthew. Terrence then turned to Colby and did a fake, over-dramatic gasp, "How can you not like pancakes!? I have to agree with your remark about not being the one eating sugar for the whole week though.." He said, glancing at Matty.

((Short post, sowwy.))
Colby finished his cereal and got up to put the bowl in the sink without a word. "Everyone seems to be doing something today. Does someone wanna come to work with me?" he laughed as he said so, hoping someone would say yes.
Amy tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and nodded. " Sounds good to me. " She replied with a smile. She slipped off of the bed and grabbed the nearest backpack. Pulling notebooks and cards out of the bag she hummed softly, stopping when she heard Robert's question. " Only a few months, but it's been pretty amazing. The people here are fantastic; I think you'll like them. " She smiled softly and set his PSP down on the bed. " How did you end up here, anyhow? " She asked turning her head in his direction. A second after she asked she realized that it may be a question too personal to ask after knowing someone for only a few minutes. Amy shook her head. " You don't have to answer that. " She paused. " I mean unless you want to. " She added with a hopeful grin. A few red curls fell into her face. Amy brushed them away and tucked them back behind her ear before continuing her job of emptying the bag.
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Matthew replied to Terrance ''Sure Terry Berry! But we're going to have to stop by the Florists, Florence has been on my butt about skipping work.'' Florence was Matthew's boss and cousin. She is a very sweet girl but very temperamental especially when Matthew skips. ''Also I think I want to stop by the park, there's this one area with the prettiest view you've ever seen! I really want to get a pic of it.''

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