Dreamscape (Roleplay Thread)

((Eh, tou-che.))

Rael struggled to remain standing up. His yellow Protoman scarf whipped around in the gale-force winds, which were tugging at his body. If he didn't hold his stable body stance, he would be airborne.

Then, of course, the rocket came.

Muttering a few curse words, Rael primed his arm cannon for medium-powered shots and fired at the rocket desperately trying to retain his stable posture.
Marika's hat almost flew off by the huge wind but she manage to keep it on. "Rael got any plans? Because nothing seems to be working here!" She checked her REM Counter seeing that it had gone back to a safe state she sighed in relief. We need to finish them off quick or we're not gonna be able to handle them. Marika firmly planted her feet into the ground so that she wouldn't lose her footing. She desperately tried to come up with an idea but couldn't think of anything.
"I'm out of ideas. Perhaps we could ask them really, really nicely to stop attacking us?" called Rael over the sound of the wind ripping around them. The blast from the arm cannon had destroyed the rocket, but the nightmares weren't showing any signs of giving up.
"Ha Ha Very funny!" Marika shouted, "Do you think if I managed to freeze them we could slice them into bits?!" Marika wasn't sure how much longer she could last and if she didn't freeze them now she wouldn't have enough power to freeze them later.
The Sandman was literally being blown away by the Sandman as he struggled to keep his body together when a missile hit him and exploded sending his dust scattering.

Two of the Nightmares flew to Rael and Marika as they yelled through the Maelstrom. The blue one shot towards Marika and let loose with icy bullets towards her while the Green one went for Rael and shot an electric rocket towards him.
Clara had run off after Jerry, following her REM scanner towards the Nightmares. She moved quickly, but arrived just as the Sandman was blown to bits. She gasped, but knew that she didn't have time to see if he was fine right now. Her main focus had to be the Nightmares, who were attacking the others.

Unsheathing her sword, the girl dashed off to help her fellow teammates, the closest being Rael. With a quick slice of her blade the rocket aimed for him was cut in half, exploding in an electric rage but not causing damage to the two.
Brock woke up the next day. Fine and dandy. Brock went to the Sleep Center and Ask for any updates but all they told him was that there were three Nightmares in the dream world. Brock thought WHAT IN WORLD IS GOING ON IN THERE. Brock then ran home and crashed on the couch in his house and went to the dream world.


Brock was falling but he loved it. When he landed he ran to where he last saw the bunch. When he got to where he could see them he teleported to them seeing that they had a lot on there plate. So, Brock drew his bow and shot three arrows in quick timing toward the three big Nightmares. Brock teleported to Marika and teleported us away before the shots that the blue one shot hit.
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(Brock firstly the Sleep Clinic doesn't know squat about the Dream World only the Lucid Dreamers do. Secondly you can't make a whole day pass when everyone is still in the Dream World, the others all have lives and can't sleep through a whole day. If you woke yourself up, you may wake up in the Real World, have a drink of water, try to relax and then spend a few hours trying to sleep again and then go back to sleep and join them after a few hours have passed.

So everyone, please ignore Mage's post, a day has not passed and the Sleep Clinic does not have info on the Dream World)

Clara got caught in the wind gust the three Nightmares created as she was immediately lifted up, she did manage to slice the rocket but still being so close to it's explosion sent her flying back as electricity blasted through her body. It may have been the Dream World, but she still couldn't magically escape an explosion point blank range as her REM Counter spike from getting hit by the rocket's explosion as he body flashed, her powers lost for the next 5 seconds as her REM tried to stabilize.

The wind was too powerful for Brock's shots as they blew off into the whirlwind but he was able to save Marika with his teleporting.

The three Nightmares began flying around their own self made hurricane as they began to increase it's power as they flew at incredible speed, going faster and faster as the wind speeds picked up.

The Sandman was in bits and pieces as he tried to rebuild himself, but was unable in such wind.
Marika thanked Brock for saving her and quickly mustered up all the power she could get. It's going to be hard trying to freeze all of this. She manages to freeze two of the nightmares with her wind and water but she missed the third and couldn't stop the hurricane. Her REM counter spiked up. She was using too much power and she still hadn't fully recovered from the earlier blasts. "Guys my ice won't last much longer because of the hurricane!"
(Ok guys, the rules do say no GMing. That means no controlling the bad guys which a lot of are you are doing. That means you don't decide whether there arms get cut off, you don't decide whether they dodge or not, you don't decide if they get frozen, you don't decide you are faster then them or that you suddenly blast away all their attacks.

I'm normally the one doing GMing but I only do that for powerful bad guys to make the odds fair against so many RPers and for plot purposes. But the rest of you need to tone it down, now! They are the first group of enemies and they are weak, but that doesn't mean you can control them so much or at all.)

The wind slowed to a still as only one Nightmare was creating it instantly causing the group to drop from the now much weaker wind. The other two Nightmares fell to the ground as the ice cracked and they were smashed out from the drop, they shook it off, preparing to attack again.

The one who remained unfrozen, the blue one instantly sent a whirlwind shoot for Marika in retaliation.

The Sandman was finally able to reform his body as the wind was gone.

"Fighting them seperately isn't working. You need to concerntrate at one at a time, all they'll form that trio wind attack again! Go for the one with the blue goggles!"

The Sandman formed his arm into a sand blade as he shot for the blue one to try slash it with his blade.
Brock responds to Marika's statement, "Go away and rest then come back when your REM counter is low enough." Brock then tries again to shoot an arrow at the Nightmares but this time he put his telekinesis power behind it to try and hurt the one with the blur goggles.
(K sorry I won't anymore)

Crap she couldn't dodge the blast and so she woke up with a start. Shoot, well there's always next time.

She goes to her room (she was asleep on the couch) and lies awake thinking of plans for what to do next time there's a nightmare.
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Jerry acknowledged the Sandman with a nod, charging into melee with the Blue Nightmare. Holding his sword overhead, he prepared to come down on the Nightmare with a mighty overhead chop. Before his sword could connect, it suddenly exploded with a blast of flame with enough force to knock Jerry off his feet.
Ava nodded swiftly at Sandman, and then called for her birds. Each one split into two and became earbuds, which lay in her hand. "Put these in so you can fight while I sing to distract them." She began handing a pair to each person. Once finished, she checked her REM counter. It was almost back to normal. She figured it was at least okay for her to sing long enough for them to have a chance.
Brock put in the headphones because he knew it would be really dangerous if he didn't. while he had them in he checked his REM counter and it was starting to get kinda high do he decided to get away from the battle for a little while and rest.
The Sandman managed to slash through the blue one while Brock's arrows shot through them increased by the telekinesis sending the blue Nightmare flying back as it was knocked down.

The Sandman grabbed the earbuds.

"Now for the next one, go for the green this time."
After having been saved from the lightning rocket by Marika, Rael put in the headphones given to him by Ava and began to focus his attacks on the Blue Nightmare. He fired at it repeatedly with high-powered charge shots, which were some of the most powerful shots he had, but his arm cannon was quickly overheating and his REM counter was dangerously high. Once the Blue Nightmare fell, Rael stopped firing to let his arm cannon cool down.

"I'm gonna try to get in close. Cover me!"

He swiftly dashed up to the Green Nightmare and swiped the Z-Saber at it with great speed, slashing with all his might in every angle and direction.
Brock runs back in now that his REM counter is somewhat normal. Brock heard from Rael that he needs to be covered. So, Brock draws his bow in anticipation that one of the other Nightmare tries to attack Rael.
The Green Nightmare manages to recover as it races for Rael who is on coming and fires more electric rockets towards him.

The Red Nightmare charges it's cannons to fire a firey blast, but the Sandman forms his hand into a sand mace with a chain and swings it into the Red Nightmare to knock his firey blast off course. So that the others can concentrate on the Green one.
Brock decides that the best course of action would be to shot another telekiness arrow. if he does that he will wake up because his REM counter was going up for some unknown reason. Brock thought, Aw... I might be needed, His REM counter his raising kinda high, I have to now or I won't be able to help again until I fall back asleep. Brock decided that he should before he wakes up. So, Brock shots an arrow and puts his telekinetic power behind it.
Brock's arrow fired into the green Nightmare as the Sandman used his mace to smash it in the head finishing it.

All three Nightmares lay on the floor as they started turning to static, suddenly strange black energy started to flow out of them as it circled them.

"That is Negative Waves, that is what transforms them into Nightmares. Now that it has revealed itself, you must use your Dream Catches to catch it and transform it back!"

The Dream Catches were small pocket sized Dream Catchers each Lucid Dreamer kept, but it could transform by thought in size and gain a handle to become a wooden butterfly net with the web of the dream catcher forming as the net.

"All you have to do is swing the Dream Catcher at the Nightmare as if you were going to capture it, hurry while they are down and the Negative Waves are showing!"
"I got this." Jerry nodded to the Sandman, reaching into a pocket inside his robe to produce his Dream Catcher. In a split second it grew into a full-size net. He ran up to the black energy and tentatively swung it at the Negative Waves a couple of times, hoping for a quick catch.
Brock knew he did not have but a few minutes left before he woke up.So, Brock drew out his Dream Catcher and helped Jerry get some of the negative waves. Brock was hoping that it would be over soon because he is probably going to be late for Psychology 101.
The two swung at the Nightmare's with their Dream Catchers, while the Sandman took the two as he formed a rainbow coloured umbrella, he twirled it over the third Nightmare as it turned black in color.

Meanwhile Jerry and Brock's Dream Catchers caught the negative waves as all three Nightmares reverted back to their tiny dream cloud forms.

They slowly shook their heads as they regained their senses.

"What happened?"

The red goggled asked, still a little woozy from the whole experience.

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