Dreamscape (Roleplay Thread)

"It's nothing now,"Brock responded to the red guy,"it's all ok, now. But I'm starting to wake up. So, bye little guys." Brock's REM was getting very high now. Suddenly, Brock was taken out of the dream world into the real world.
(Ok, now is your chance to post what you are doing on your second day before you go to sleep. After this, in this battle you are going to start seeing the relevance of the real world soon)

As the Dreamers left the Sandman helped the three flying Dreams recuperate. However he was worried, never had three Dreams become Nightmares all at once, that was just unheard of. What was going on in the Dream World, this was something more then just negative waves.

He didn't want to tell the Lucid Dreamers though, they were just kids and they have their own life worries. He needed to find out for himself.


A mysterious small shadow sat in the darkness of moaning cliffs as the sound of the wind moaning through them echoed through the abyss.

"That annoying little Sandman and his Dreamers are becoming annoying..."

"They are of no consequence." Another voice replied.

"Yea, those little twerps can't stand in our way. They could barely deal with three little flying Nightmares, they are nothing!" A third shadow burst out laughing.


The next day pass uneventfully as each Dreamer had their chance to live out their day how they would before night fell again and it was time for most people to go to sleep. However in the Dream World, something was already stirring....

A black cat like dream with body made of ash pranced around leaving dust behind when suddenly it's eyes went red as it began to roar and flames burst forth from it's body as it let out a mighty and terrifying roar.
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Marika sat on her bed and sketched pictures of herself and the others in dream form. She also drew little creatures some myths, some not. She looked at the clock and decided she could go to the clinic now. She changed into dark skinny jeans and a black tank top, and ran out of the house slamming the door behind her.
At the sleep clinic, things were quiet as they were starting to close up. The nurses were closing up and the receptionist was doing the end of the day filing.

There was only one little patient left, a little boy waiting for his mom to pick him up. He had shaggy brown hair, green eyes and very pale skin. He was wearing a batman shirt and seemed no older then 7 years old, he was sitting on a chair, his feet not even touching the ground as they swung back and forth. He was staring down at the ground as glasses were almost falling off his face.
Marika skipped up the the entrance of the clinic and quickly went inside. When she saw that there was practically no one around and they were already cleaning up she pouted. "I'm too late aren't I?"
The receptionist named Madeline, smiled at Marika, one of the girls who usuals who seemed to pop in

"Yea, but it's ok. It was a quiet day, it's strange. Three of are patients who usually complain about having nightmares of falling suddenly their Nightmares stopped and they feel much better. It's strange, maybe you should just get some sleep. It might be a good night!"

She smiled as he finished printing the last data.
Marika smiled to herself, They must have turned them back. "Well I guess I'll stay for a while . . ." she looked for an excuse and then saw the boy out of the corner of her eye. "Just until this little boy's Mom comes to pick him up," she added as she sat down in a chair next to his.
The boy seemed visibly disturbed as she sat down next to, he quickly glanced her way for a second and then immediately went back the floor. He was holding something in his hands, it looked like something metal with some words written on it. Marika could make "..eo".

His mother soon came as the boy eagerly hopped of the chair, ran towards her and gripped her hand tightly as they walked off, he didn't bother to look back at Marika.
Marika looked at the boy and sighed as he left with his mom. "Well I guess it's time for me to go too." She got up out of her chair and pondered about what the word could have been as she walked home. "Hmmm, it could have been oreo? No . . Maybe Leo? Hmm, Geometry? Huh, I wonder."
The clinic had closed up for the night as everyone was going to sleep, the lights of the city were switching off as people were hitting the bed.


In the Dream World, in the Ice Cream Forest where the ground was covered with snow which in truth was actually made of cream where dreams grew from the ground, but instead of being adorned with leaves they were covered swirly ice-cream of all flavors, even adorned with a cherry making the forest multi-colored. The trees themselves were made of cone like structures and there were huts made of wafers where different sweet dreams lived. There were random giant metal ice-cream scoopers jammed into ground that stuck out all over the forest and crushed nuts adorned the tree and ground like random acorns or fruit. There was also the chocolate river which flowed through the center of the forest.

However this area was not so peaceful as dreams were running around screaming as the monsterous creature paraded around blasting out intense indigo flames that began setting alight wafer huts and started melting the ice-cream.
Rael had spent his second day attempting to beat his first game of Earthbound whilst pondering the events that had taken place the night before in the Dream World. However, he couldn't focus on the game very well, and he only got about a fourth of the way through the game when it was time to get to sleep.

He set down the controller and hopped into bed, wrapping himself up in the blankets like a cocoon before falling alseep.
Rael found himself back in his dream proto-suit as he fell straight into the chaos of the destruction of ice-cream village, his REM Counter guiding him there.

Immediately a huge beast was upon him, roaring. It was a black Nightmare that looked like a mix between a lion and tiger. It had black skin, but an indigo flaming mane around it's head, an indigo flaming tip on it's tail and around it's body it had striped/spot indigo firey veins spread across it's darkened black skin. It had massive teeth and claws and was about the size of a small elephant.

It let loose with a blast of indigo flames towards Rael as it roared out it's burning breath.
Rael tear-dropped.

"Right off the bat, huh..."

He waited until the beast was nearly upon him, then leaped to the side as he fired freeze shots from his Mega Buster. He rolled James-Bond-style as he hit the ground and stood back up quickly.

"I think it's safe to say I'm gonna need some back-up..." Rael sighed, readying the Z-Saber.
The shots hit the Nightmare square on, but didn't seem to do any damage as it roared again. It let loose with another flame, but this time a wall of sand rose up blocking the attack, the indigo flames roared past the sand wall burning it till it shone as glass.

The Sandman appeared next to Rael.

"A Nightmare this early, it must be a recurring Nightmare, but it seems to have become especially strong tonight. It must have slowly gotten worse each night as it transformed into a Nightmare while we were out dealing with other Nightmares..."
Rael groaned.

"How come there are so many Nightmares in this place all of a sudden? There were never outbreaks this often before..."

He braced himself for another round of battle.
"That is why I brought you humans here to help me investigate... There shouldn't be this many..."

The Nightmare charged through the glass wall smashing it as the Sandman formed a bow of sand and fired out sand arrows, the arrows shot towards the firey Nightmare but as they reached it they were set a light and turned to glass before they shattered, not even reaching the creatures skin.
Brock found himself falling into Slumberland where he saw the battle happening below in Ice-Cream Forest.

The Sandman jumped back as the creature moved forward again.

"My attacks are not going through... the heat around the creature is too intense. My arrows burn up before they even physically reach the creature."

He looked to Rael, the only Dreamer to appear so far.

"This is a very powerful Nightmare, you must be careful. Let us try attack together, I'll keep it distracted and you attack from behind."

The Sandman formed a mace with a chain of sand from his right arm and began swinging it towards the Nightmare, not trying to hit it, but just distract it.
As Brock fell back into the Dream world, he had a song stuck in his head. He decided to run off towards the Ice Cream Forest. He loved to eat the trees they were just so tasty.
The Sandman saw Brock coming in just as the fire Nightmare saw him and launched indigo flames towards him. The Sandman formed a large shield of sand and jumped in front of the flame to block it from reaching Brock.

"Quick, attack him while he is occupied!"
Brock quickly grabs his bow and draws an arrow. He fumbles to put the arrow on his bow. Then he shoots his arrow and puts a little telekinesis power behind it.
The arrow shot forth, but just as with Rael's shots and the Sandman's sand the arrow burst into flames just before it reached the creature, incinerated before it could do damage.

The Sandman jumped back, his sand wall turned to glass and shattered as the creature took another breath to launch more flames.

"Again! Brock, this creature... It's emitting such heat that no attack can reach it. If we don't find some way through it's fire wall defense, there is no way we can win!"

He formed another sand shield, but at this rate the creature would burn up all his sand....
Brock decided to use one of his psychic net arrows to try and capture it. Brock then teleported around the field and shot more net arrows.
Rael groaned.

"Well, I already tried using freeze shots, but they didn't work. Perhaps if I upped the power, they might have some effect, but I'd most likely wake up from that kind of power, and there's no guarantee that you'd be able to take it down afterwards without my help."
"Do it. If we don't get in it's defences then we risk getting the Dream world controlled by Nightmares. That would turn this place into Hell." Brock said to Rael, "And if you do go I'm pretty sure the rest will jump in soon, so we won't be alone long"

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