Dreamscape (Roleplay Thread)

Marika walked home exhausted from school. She hadn't slept in five days. I wonder what's going on in the dream world. When she got home she flopped onto the couch, ready to finally go to the dream world again. She was already used to the feeling of falling through the sky. When she landed softly on her feet she took in her surroundings. Ava was cornering Rael into a tree for some reason and there were a few dreams who seemed distressed. "What's going on here?"
The Dreams looked around as Rael and Ava argued, they were trying to keep quiet but the tone was enough to worry the dreams as they looked to each other.

The two looked to the red one.

"Are you ok?" The one with blue goggles asked his friend.

"No, I feel kinda sick..." He suddenly burped as he began to grow in size, his white colour began to turn grey as his body wobbled and began to mutate, as metal began sticking out of his puffy body.

"I-It... hurts...!" He began to cry out as he mutated.
Oh crap "Hey Ava! Rael! Stop arguing and pay attention to what's going on around you!" Marika shouted as she got her sword ready.
Rael was paying attention to the dreams, mainly because he stopped paying attention to Ava, even though he got the gist of what she was saying. He hated it when people got in his face, though. It was one of the things he hated more than anything else. Rael also hated it when Ava treated him like a child. He had started being a Lucid Dreamer only about a few weeks after Ava started; it wasn't like he was totally new. But the main reason why Ava knew more about the job than any other Lucid Dreamer, why she called all of the shots, was because she was closer to Sand-Meister than anyone else, and, Rael supposed, took her job a little more seriously.

He stepped away from the tree and solemnly watched the dreams mutate.
Ava whirled and narrowed her eyes, she put a hand up, "Just wait." Her eyes swept over the other two Dreams, who, so far, seemed fine. But there was no assuming here. It was all instinct. She concentrated on the red one though. She slowly got a little closer, "Hey, it's okay. It's all okay. Just stay calm."
Suddenly claws came out of nowhere slashing the sword out of Marika's hand.

"Don't attack us!"

The blue goggled dream growled as it's newly mutated arm with claws waved around.

"This is all your fault! You did this to us!"

The third and final dream smash into the back of Ava as she focused on the red one.

All three Dreams began to yell in pain.

Sand flowed in as the Sandman began to form next to the group.

"What is going on?"

He looked on as the 3 Dreams mutated. "Three at once! That shouldn't be possible!"

All three dreams growled in agony as their cloud color turned dark grey, they all formed arms of cloud with claws that grew out and machines gun instead for some. Their lower bodies formed into wispy cloud like tails resembling those of a genie. Their propellers on the back grew into giant blade like propellers that began spinning at super speed. Different weapons began to rip out of their shoulders such as machines guns, rocket launchers and cannons as they growled. Their eyes went dark and teeth formed. They kept their hats, but metal chains wrapped around their bodies and each had their certain color added to all the metal: red, blue and green.

The Red Nightmare pointed his machine guns at the group as he opened fire, sending out a barrage of red, smoking bullets.
Rael's eyes widened and he leaped evasively to the side, firing a few arm cannon blasts at the red nightmare as he did so. When he hit the ground, he James-Bond-rolled and stood up, training his arm cannon on the three nightmares.

"Would you say we've waited long enough?" he asked Ava, smirking the slightest bit.
Marika decided that her sword was a bit too far away for her to reach at the moment and started a mini tornado in the palm of her hand. Should I use it or not she pondered for a moment "Ahh ,what the heck." She threw the tornado at the three dreams. The moment it left her hand it grew in size and managed to hold the three dreams, now nightmares, back for awhile. They slashed at it but couldn't get out.
There was no way Rael would be able to take three nightmares down with such weak shots. He switched his arm cannon's mode to stronger blasts. They would definitely get the job done, but if they didn't, the cannon would eventually overheat and he would have to resort to using the Z-Saber and shield. By the looks of these nightmares, close combat wasn't a fantastic idea.

"Ava, we could use some help here!" Rael shouted angrily as he blasted away at the Nightmares.
The blast shot through the red nightmare making a whole in it's cloudy body which then slowly reformed back to normal.

"They are cloud type, damaging them won't be easy..."

The Sandman warned.

Marika's tornado spun around the trio but they simply flew up with their rotors as they went up the tornado and the top end of it. The red one then shot for Rael and tried to slice him with his propeller blades as he flew past.

The green flew towards Marika and aimed it's cannon which let loose with a powerful electrified blast at her that shot towards her with tremendous speed and power.

The blue tried to circle around, but the Sandman formed a sand wall to try block it, but it simply created a powerful gust from it's propeller to blast through and then fired icey rockets towards the Sandman.
Marika quickly summoned a wall of water which slowed down the blast that was sent towards her by the green nightmare. She moved out of the way as it made a large hole in the ground since the water shield hadn't stopped it entirely. "God this is gonna be tough." How the hell can I defeat this thing? and then she had an idea. She hit the green nightmare with water and a cold blast of wind that froze it in place. "I won't make it in time to grab my sword! Can you blast it while it's frozen Rael?!"
"I would, Mari, but I'm kinda busy here!" Rael shouted irritably. The red nightmare was attempting to slice him to ribbons, and he was desperately blocking the blades with his shield. Sparks flew as metal sliced against metal.

Rael aimed his arm cannon out from behind his shield and let loose a focused shot towards the frozen nightmare. He then ducked back behind the safety of his shield, not bothering to watch and see if the blast made its mark.
Marika sighed glad that the shot hadn't missed it's mark and turned her back on the nightmare not even checking to see if it had dispersed she quickly froze the nightmare attacking Rael. "Thanks Rael," she said with a grin.
Rael smirked, lowering his shield.

"No problem. Help Ava out with the blue one, I'll take care of this guy,"

Retracting his arm cannon, Rael equipped the Z-Saber and gave the red nightmare the ol' slice and dice routine.
((Sorry, I was out.))

Ava felt the red one's arm slam into her back and she tumbled to the ground. She rolled and got up quickly enough before using her strength to rip a tree from the ground. She slammed it into a cloud and undoubtedly, it did nothing. She replaced the tree and summoned her doves. A few words in an unknown language and a shining blood red cutlass was in her hand. She lifted it up and began to go after the blue one. Her speed helped a great deal and she swiped at one of the gun appendages, which fell to the ground. She picked it up and began firing.

Then she felt the pain of a blade against her back. She fell again and winced, Thank God for healing abilities. She was up and in the game after just a few minutes. She stood still in the middle of the fight and yelled to her comarades, "PLUG YOUR EARS!" and then began singing the siren's song. Her voice drifted around he small grove. The hypnotic noise filled the ears of the clouds and, so far, she thought it was working. So, she kept going.
Rael, after hearing Ava's command, dove away from the red Nightmare and covered his ears. He had only seen her use this ability a few times before, and he still didn't quite understand it. He did, however, understand that it was important that he covered his ears when she used it, or else whatever happened to the nightmares around her would happen to him.
"Heh - yeah, uhm...sorry." Jerry responded to Clara, half-smiling. He looked away and checked his REM counter. Upon reading it he couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock. Whatever the device had picked up to the north, it was unlike anything they had seen before. The negative energy needle ticked incessantly, almost off the scale.

"Clara, are you getting these readings? " He unsheathed his sword and propelled himself off the ground. He was relieved that the sword hadn't fired up again - the noise probably would've almost blown one of their eardrums out.

"This is bad - the others could be in danger, we better go! "
The green Nightmare was frozen and blasted back as that seemed to do real damage to it. It was knocked back for a while.

Meanwhile the Red Nightmare continue to use it's blade to try cut through Rael's shield to no resolve, but when he lowered his shield to bring out his Z-Saber it flew past slicing him in the abadomen. His REM Counter shot up as his body flashed causing him to drop the Z-Saber as the red one flew off to circle back for a second shot. If he got hit again so soon his REM Counter would get too high and he would wake up.

As battle with the the blue one she managed to slice off it's appendage but was unable to fire it after it had been separated from the Nightmare. Ava was hit with a blade as her REM counter began to get high, she was in danger of waking up no matter what her healing abilities did. Wounds didn't matter in this world.

"Ava, your healing doesn't matter in this world. How many times must I tell you, you guys think you are invincible in this world because you can't actually be hurt. But if you are damaged your REM Count goes up and you could wake up or worse! I've warned you of the consequences, you could end up in a coma!"

He stretched his sand arm out and grabbed Rael to pull him away from the incoming red Nightmare that flew in for another shot. He then covered his ears.

Ava's song began to drift through, but after taking damage her REM Counter began to lower as she sung. The Nightmares all stopped as they seemed hypnotized by the song, but they already began fighting it.

Ava's REM counter dropped dangerously low, if she didn't take a break and stop singing she would wake up any second.
Ava could feel herself start to weaken and she could tell they were stopping. Maybe it was time for her to stop to. She dropped off on a note and turned to get away. She knew that at any moment one of them would awaken from the hypnosis and begin attacking. Once one woke up it wouldn't be far off that the others awoke as well. She made a dash to get outside of the ring of fighting, hoping the movement wouldn't change the Nightmares condition.
"Now is our chance!"

The Sandman formed balls of sand in his hand and threw them at the Nightmares as they exploded into clouds of dust to obscure the Nightmare's vision once they woke up.

"Quickly, while they are still hypnotized. Incapacitate them!"
Jerry arrived at the scene of the battle to see the Sandman and the other Lucid Dreamers fighting - against three Nightmares!? No wonder the REM counter was going wild. He landed next to the Sandman and ignited his sword.

"Allow me to help! " Slashing the sword in the air, it blasted a wall of blue flame that roared towards the Nightmares.
In all the commotion Marika managed to get her sword back. She quickly ran back to the still frozen green nightmare and sliced it up into pieces hoping that is wouldn't regenerate once it unfroze. Marika attempted to help but her wind and water turned warm once it passed through the wall of flames and she had trouble seeing through it so she couldn't freeze the other nightmares.
((I switched my Z-saber out for the arm cannon, not my shield, but I suppose I'll go with it))

Rael , after getting yanked away from a certain waking-up, dashed back into the fray once the song stopped and began slicing this way and that with the Z-Saber, dashing around the battlefield at a blinding speed. He sliced each Nightmare with the Z-Saber at least twice, then stopped and readied his arm cannon, preparing his spread shots.
(I know, but you had to lower to slash with it and that is the opportunity it used. You can't attack and defend at the same time.)

Marika's attacks just went through the cloud creature as the energy shot from Rael had shattered the ice, being attacked woke the Nightmare up as he fired electrical bullets at Mari point blank range sending her back as her REM spiked. It then shot into the dust cloud.

The flames blasted into the dust cloud, followed by Rael as he sent in a few blade slices. Suddenly the dust got blasted back by a powerful wind as all three Nightmares were back to back and blowing out a powerful wind as wind began to blast around them at a powerful rate. Hair and any loose clothing began flapping in the wind like crazy as the powerful wind made it more difficult to see as it rushed past the group, blasting them as they felt their feet slowly sliding from the ground as the winds increased in strength as they were slowly being blown away.

The red Nightmare then launched out a barrage of flaming rockets that shot out towards each group member.

(Please note, in this world damage doesn't give you bloody wounds. It raised your REM Counter or lowers it, if it goes out of balance too much you wake up or to lesser extent your lucid form fades and you lose your powers temporarily, drop things or other bad circumstances. This what you do instead of bleeding or crying pain.

Keep in mind I won't always post this, but I still expect you to react and know it's happening. Maybe even post your REM counter going wild yourself.)
Sh*t (sorry if swearing isn't accepted I won't swear anymore) Marika quickly summoned up her wind and blasted it away from her so she had some distance.

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