Dreams of the Third Age

They might have one in Kimbery charms but well, if you don't want to go there, a Malfeas custom charms would do or you could just make an heretical charm by combining two charms that you already have.

  • Name:

    Caste: Endings



    Intimacies: Bureau of Endings (loyalty+), Bureau of Battles (commitment+), House Cathak (accountability+), Cathak Cainan (fraternity+), Bronze Faction (regret-),



Goddamnbatman said:
They might have one in Kimbery charms but well, if you don't want to go there, a Malfeas custom charms would do or you could just make an heretical charm by combining two charms that you already have.
Nope, not Kimberry. Don't really see a need for something that basic to be Heretical, seems like something Malfeas should be able to do. I'll see about writing one up.
So I added the Skyship stats to my sheet. I'd appreciate the feedback, as this is my first attempt at making such a thing.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]When are the mods going to approve of this page? >_>

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Okay, the ST forum should be visible for you to go ahead and make your submission.
Captain Hesperus

Page 3.

Captain Hesperus
I was a bit confused since the role-playing page is still awaiting approval and normally you guys work REALLY FAST. That and the tag still says Awaiting Players. Sorry for seeming so impatient...
Well it seems I have finally finished my sheet. I might change a few things later on, but they should be minimal.

GBat: I have a few custom things, a Mirror charm and a 5 level Abyssal gemstone that you have approved, but I do have one more armor that we discussed briefly in the chat, and awaits your approval for the final version, it's in the Panoply section.


  • Name/Titles: Valerius Iancu / "The Count of Unholy Shadows & Crimson Sorrows, The Devourer of Armies, The Sanguine King and Lord of Carnage, the Nightmare Bringer"

    Caste: Midnight

    Concept: Secret Weapon and Unholy Agent of Heaven

    Motivation: Kill or be Killed

    Intimacies: Himself (Hate), Alexandra 'Kaji's Character' (Respect),Battle (Lust), Gods (Hate), Demons (Contempt), Neverborn (Hate)

    Doom of Black Exaltation: Doom of the Grave Blade




    Overall Personality: Despite his bloodlust and thirst for murder, the Count wields a charismatic yet feral smile and carries himself with supreme elegance and educated manners.

    Besides his macabre sense of aesthetics, twisted set of morals and an apparent contempt for the living, the Count possesses charm and social graces that make a sharp contrast to his violent nature.

    In battle he is confident to the point of arrogance, belittling and taunting opponents that fail to provide him with an entertaining fight. But to those that prove themselves worthy via skill and or strength, he treats with a respectful, yet often deadly, enmity.

    Nowadays as a secret agent of Heaven, the Count is satisfied with unleashing his power and thirst upon those designated as enemies by the Viziers of Yu-Shan. With a borderline rebellious attitude, a defying personality, a contemptuous smile and sarcasm a plenty, the Count is kept content with his Sidereal allies and handlers, after all, they have to deal with the casualties of wielding an unholy horror of the Underworld and the cleaning that comes after the massacres he leaves behind.

    The man known as the Count was once a young prince called Valerius Iancu. A noble heir to the Kingdom of Oradea located within the Hundred Kingdoms, the young Val was expected to take the throne after his father's death, but things would not go easily for him. The rival empire of Ankara declared war against Valerius' homeland, a cruel war erupted and the invading army stormed the country, conquering it's people and their rulers. To ensure the loyalty of the defeated empire and it's king, Valerius was spared by the invaders and taken as a prisoner alongside his younger brother to the enemy king Moshahad, where he lived until the age of 15. The ruler of Ankara, focused his efforts to educate and train Valerius towards the rulership of Oradea, to replace his father and keep control of the land with a puppet ruler.

    But Valerius was not a forgetful man. When set on the throne of Oradea, Valerius quickly rallied the armies loyal to his king father, killed those men at court that held loyalties towards Ankara's kingdom, and forcefully expelled and or killed any remnants of the invaders out of his country. Needless to say Moshahad was furious, and a new war erupted between Ankara and Oradea. But this time, Valerius' knowledge of Ankara's tactics and stratagems served him well agains his former captors. Using guerrilla tactics, Val struck fast and without mercy, initiating a bloody campaign to demoralize and frighten his enemies. With a combination of geographical advantage and ruthless war tactics, Val took control of the battlefield, choosing a series of areas and locations where the Ankareans would attack.

    With great stealth and quick action, Val struck at the Ankarean army again and again. But the true terror came afterwards, when all enemy soldiers were impaled and put on display to the Ankarean army. The captured soldiers and corpses all suffered slowly and painfully, and the macabre display made a terrifying sight to behold, hundreds of impaled soldiers, their entrails spilling down the lances, the stench of death and decay, all together to demoralize the Ankarean troops. Every time the Ankareans moved to recover their dead and put an end to the offense, Val and his men attacked mercilessly, adding to the growing quantity of corpses with each battle. Needless to say, this was enough to begin a shadowland that bordered Oradea's kingdom, which Val used defensively to his own advantage, salting the borders of his side of the Shadowland while providing a macabre deterrent for any invaders that tried to move through it.

    The war between Oradea and Ankara lasted a few years, but Val's warfare strategy and ruthless tactics brought him the victory he craved when king Moshahad died by old age, ceasing the war between the two nations and allowing Val to solidify his rulership of Oradea as King Valerius the 3rd. Val's reign would not last long though, not with him as a mortal anyways. A few years after his victory over Ankara, Val's younger brother, Radu, was released from Ankara's rulership and allowed to return home. Val had thought his brother dead, so he was surprised to see him alive and well. He opened his borders to receive him, but to his surprise, Radu had been brainwashed deeply and had come with an army of his own, provided by Moshahad's son Rashann, the current ruler of Ankara, in an attempt to defeat and avenge his father's failed campaign.

    Valerius reacted a little too late and was defeated in battle, captured and brought for a public execution to the field where he once had displayed the hundreds of corpses of Ankarean soldiers, were his death would serve to avenge all those lives lost during the bloody years before. An audience gathered to see the bloody count of Oradea in his last moments. Both Val's brother Radu and Rashann were present. As the axe fell down Valerius' neck, the sun set in the horizon, the skies bleeding crimson with the symbolical death of the Sun, and Valerius' own death and blood staining the ground. No one is sure of what happened next, but of one thing they are sure, Count Valerius died that day and rose again, headless and bathed in blood, he reattached the severed flesh in his neck with unholy magic. A cold fury to match the wrath of the Neverborn possessed him, and the Count massacred everyone in sight.

    When the Count returned home, his people were surprised by his presence. Something had changed him deeply, and he began a new period in his reign. Forsaking his old name and family history, he baptized himself as The Count of Unholy Shadows & Crimson Sorrows, a title that grew alongside his fame, cruelty and power. A new tyrant was born, and through a crippling slow process, he not only destroyed his enemies, but his family home, his legacy and his kingdom as well. Entire villages were put to the torch, farms were salted, corpses were impaled and displayed to break the will of his subjects, and throughout the lands everyone whispered the Count's name with fear. Most of this was done with a thirst for power, sacrifices made for mastery of the darkest magics, and power he did gain, at the expense of his kingdom.

    But the Count remained, hidden in a fortress among the mountains of his homeland, he birthed a shadowland that he called home. Soon enough Heaven responded to the aberrations brought by the Count, a team of Sidereals came to put an end to his power and grasp over the ruins of his kingdom.

    The Count disappeared, rumors say he died, that he was exterminated by Heaven, other say he still lives in his fortress, hidden and ashamed of his actions, but nothing could be farther than the truth. A smart and powerful Sidereal called Alexandra bested the Count and managed to bound him to her service. Making use of his terrifying power for the good of Creation, the Count is now the unlikeliest of Heaven's tools, a fearsome weapon wielded against the Enemies of Creation and the creatures of the Underworld alike.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]No problem, it's my fault. I just should have kept my mouth shut... :(

Usually its me getting under everyone's skin as I can't wait for a game to start. Don't feel bad; it just means you are looking forward to the game.
Goddamnbatman said:



It's been ten years since the return of the Solars, but the creation had been turned upside down. Hecate revealed herself as the maiden of change. The Realm houses had suffered many infighting between the houses since the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress. With the realm not being able to fight off on all fronts, they needed to put someone else on the throne. Mnemon was the most obvious choice and the one that would reflect the most strength to their enemies.

In the West, The Silver Prince and his entourage had been defeated by an assault of Devil Tigers. In Thorn, The Mask of Winter faced his demise against a group of Solars and Lunars fighting together. A powerful twilight sorcerer removed the shadowlands from Thorn and has renamed the city New Thorn.

In the North, a group of deathknights lead by the Shadow Prince took over Whitewall, the trinity of gods managed to escape to Yu Shan with the aid of the Sidereals.

The Bull of the North has gathered many Dragon-Blooded and young solars to his cause to take over the North and uniting the icewalker tribes.

In the East, Rakshi and her army of apemen had taken most of the tribes surrounding her domain. Filial Wisdom is readying a counterattack.

In Yu Shan, the bureau of destiny is doing their best to cope with all the upcoming changes. Chejob Kejak died of old age, with nobody to challenge her Ayesha Ura advanced the agenda of the Gold Faction and managed to get their faction in position of power. The return of the Solars had proven to be a good thing for creation at the moment.

Hecate intends to bring the Third Age and only by uniting all the factions that Creation as we know it will hope to escape this fate.


This will essentially be a Land United type of game. There will combat and possibilities

for diplomacy, gathering allies or persuading others factions that it would be in their best interest to join up against the end of creation.


Character creation in Dreams of the Third Age: (can only go up to essence 6 at creation).

-Scroll of errata 2.5.

-Solars/Abyssals/Infernals 9/7/6 Attributes, 45 dots of Abilities , 30 dots of Backgrounds, 45 Charms, five dots of Virtues, and 35 bonus points. Start at Essence 4 for free. There are charms for solaroids to get essence 6, just pick them up but yeah it's only been a decade worth of experience at most. Devil tigers are allowed, Eclipse can pick up foreign charms for double the cost (BP or Charms).

-The Lunar begins with 13/11/9 Attributes plus two dots to spend in Caste or Favored Attributes, 50 dots of Abilities , 30 dots of Backgrounds, 74 Charms and/or shapeshifting

Knacks, five dots of Virtues, and 50 bonus points. Start at Essence 4 for free. You have a couple of centuries of experience.

- The Sidereal begins with 12/10/8 Attributes, 50 dots of Abilities after training if not ronin, 30 dots of Backgrounds, 74 Charms, 22 dots of college, five dots of Virtues, and 50 bonus points. Start at Essence 4 for free. You have a couple of centuries of experience.

-Dragon Blooded begins with 14/12/10 attributes, 55 dots of abilities after education/training, nine free specialties, 85 charms and five dots of virtues, 30 dots of Background, 50 bonus points. Start at Essence 5 for free. It should be noted that you are playing an old and powerful dragon blooded, 1500 years old, which is extremely unusual. Dragon-Blooded begins with Legendary Breeding (as the merit in Scroll of Heroes).

-This game will only use BP instead of XP, less headache.

-SGambit for SMA styles rework for 2.5 and sutras.

Listed here:


Quicksilver Hands of Dream Style

Charcoal March of Spiders

Obsidian Shards of Infinity Style

-Lupo is available as a Sifu for sidereal of the Gold faction, by default he knows all the approved SMA and his usual list of CMA above. He is Sifu 5.

-Sidereals pay 3/4 for CMA.

-SMA BP costs: Solars 6 (5 for favored MA), Sidereals 5 (4 for favored MA).

Requirements Roughly looking for 10 players more or less with the agenda of trying to unite all the factions to stop the emergence of the third age.

I would need a backstory of your character and possibly what they have been doing and what is their motivation. It would be possible to pursue personal goals.
This game is now live and may be found here: http://www.rpdom.com/forums/dreams-of-the-third-age.6461/

Players can go ahead and start posting their characters and if the ST could kindly edit the first post of this thread to show the recruitment status, I'd be grateful.

Captain Hesperus
I am a bit unsure of how RPdom actually works as I am new here (though I registered ages ago.)

I would like to be added to the waiting list. Thanks.
Your parden, but I have a few importent questions:

1. Are you still excepting players?

2. Is this game based here on the forums?

3. Is it possible to begin as a Dragon-blooded younger, and with less Essence, than initially stated?

I appreciate your time, most respectfully, Sightless.
Right now full on players, but will let you know if some spots open up. Yeah it would be on the forum. Younger dragon blooded with less essence, could be possible, I guess but being a high level game, might not be the best choice.
My thanks, I'll check back later. And get my self re-aquanted with the site, things have, unsuprisingly, changed in my long absence.

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