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Fantasy Dragon's Wrath

The woman smiled "Its no problem at all, any friend of my little boy is a friend of mine." She soon returned to her scurrying about and Akian occasionally stepped in to help
"Friend? Heh, that's a word I haven't heard on quite a while.." Jonithus said and left the pair to work before standing at a window nearby just beyond kitchen. He gazed outside and over the town a bit standing quite still and alert, almost as if he was standing guard.
Akian stepped past his mother's frenzied cooking and walked over to his guest. He looked out the window, trying to see what he was looking at, then he looked back at the male. Akian tilted his head asking "Are you looking for something?"
The town seemed very normal as people occasionally passed by on the roads doing their daily routine, though Jonithus snapped out of his sentry like trance and when he heard the boy's close voice, rubbing the back of his own head in embarrassment a bit. "H-heh… No just standing watch I guess." Jonithus said while glancing down at the boy. "I've done more than a few escort missions in my day were I had to keep watch for danger be it in the wilds or in town… always watching and anticipating for danger. I guess it's something of a natural habit now, sorry."
Akian nodded at the man's words "Well, I'm going to help Mr. Bock with his bakery work, care to join me?" the younger of the two asked, with his hands behind his back
Jonithus paused a bit before glancing out the window again and then back down at Akian. "Yeah..." he answered, "Yeah I think that would be good. Lead the way then."
"Oh, thank you." Jonny smiled at the young teen's chivalry, "Might I carry that basket for you..?" he asks before thinking that what he said might be taken as an act of servitude and quickly adding, "Not because you are Dragonborn mind you... but if you are indeed my friend well, it's the least I can do." Jonithus smiles genuinely at Akian now, be he Dragonborn or not.
Akian smiled "I'm not sure such a task is worthy of someone of your status." he paused then" but who am I to deny help." he said handing the basket to the man "Thank you for the help." he said gratefully
Jonithus nodded and followed the boy on ward at his side, letting Akian lead the way. "So... might I ask why is it that everyone here seems afraid of you dragonborn? You don't seem like the cruel authoritative type to me." the mercenary asks while they walk.
Akian sighed "They fear me because they too believe that the dragon on Winterfell is my father, and that of they anger me that he will suddenly attack. To be honest, I think that he doesn't care about us. He's never bothered us before
"I understand..." Jonithus said before pausing and then asking, "Do you think that the dragon is your father? And if so... would you want him to be dealt with in the manner the city has asked for him to be dealt with?"
Akian sighed "I think that there is a high chance that he is my father because he's the only dragon around here for miles, but I won't know until I face him, my mother always changes the subject when I ask. I do know that if his is my father, I won't be able to kill him, I'm weak. I always have been, I mean I've gotten stronger since my boyhood years, but I'm still sensitive about the identity of my real father." he said, his shoulders drooping a bit again as he spoke
"Well be of good cheer young man." Jonithus said with a mild nudge of the boy's lowered shoulders, "Who knows what time will bring. There might be hope just yet." The mercenary gave a smile before looking ahead as they walked onward with the basket in tow, "Is it much further to our destination?" he mused out loud.
Again smiled and nodded "No, the bakery is just around the oak inn" he said nodding at the tall building they walked bedside
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Jonithus nods and says nothing further until they reach the bakery and held the door open for Akian while carrying his basket before entering behind.
Akian looked around the small bakery "Mr. Bock?! Are you back there?" he called out, almost immediately answered with a slightly deeper voice "I'm back here lad."
Jonithus remained silent for the time but followed Akian while holding the basket towards the back of the bakery. His boots making slightly hefty sounds on the floor where he stepped hinting to the man in the back that the boy had company with him.
Akian walked behind the counter and into the open door. The door lead to the kitchen of the bakery, there was a tall male, in the process of taking a cake out of the oven and the putting one in, the male had messy brown hair and green eyes, he also had a bit of a tan and light stubble. Akian smiled "Good Afternoon Mr. Bock" he said rolling up his sleeves
And following the boy close behind was an equally tall male who smiled with respect. "Sir..." Jonithus said with a generous bow, "The boy invited me to come along, I am Jonithus Reinheart." he said before looking around a bit, "Nice bakery you have here... um... where should I put the basket?"
[QUOTE="Kild Kannuk]Akian had started making a cake while the two men talked

"WHY DO I HAVE SUCH HORRIBLE LUCK?!" Judeau yelled out randomly

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