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Fandom Dragons:The Riders of Berk (Still Accepting)

Should this Role Play have a plot to it?

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Hel said:
(Yeah, there are plenty of dragon fights I imagine, so Saga ignores them.)
"A spear, hmm? Well, I did make one of those the other day, carved the handle myself and everything." She said proudly. She set the sword down near the forge until she could finish it later, then she moved to grab the spear she talked about from the back room. Once there, she grabbed it and headed back into the other room to see Jabber nuzzling Skor. "He likes you," She said with a smile, holding the spear out towards him parallel to the ground, palms open.

@LucianGrey7971 @Yonsisac
(Yeah but these are ancient dragons that are giant and one of them have been sharing the island with berk)
(Pleas OOC in OOC Jinx dosent like OOC in here ya know?...and arnt dragons sopos to get along in berk?)

Jabber would raise his head as he heard a Lowd roar he would Whine slightly and would lay there...Oh boy Big dragon mean Big trouble,he would whine again hearing the loud Roars,he dint whant to move and rather just lay here...ya know safe inside the Building but he was curius he would slider slightly towards the door way and peek his head out...Oh my Lawd....Big dragons indeed but he was safe here with Saga and skor...the dragons would fly away surely...yea...just have to wait...
Before the first raid on the village, Maisy and I were exploring the forest. I was walking through on the ground and she was jumping on obstacles, such as large rocks and climbing trees. We've explored the forest dozens of times, but we both love coming here. It seems like there is always something new. I also like to see Maisy be playful, obviously so happy to be in her favorite environment and bounding through the dappled forest.

That feeling changed, though, when we heard the first true signs of a dragon battle. We are used to these events now, but both of us froze and turned back anyway, intrigued and surprised. Maisy, hanging from a tree with half of her body disappearing into it, emitted a deep growl from her throat, her eyes showing her protective feeling and her curling lip showed her anger. I looked back at her when she did that and sternly told her to stop, that it wasn't needed. She grudgingly stopped. She climbed down from the tree after that, then posed for me to climb on her back. I did, then we flew high up in the air in a matter of seconds, headed towards a peak of a nearby mountain spire. Maisy landed on the rounded, surprisingly large top, and we both examined the commotion below from the better perspective. Both of us were angered by the sight of it, and I had to tell Maisy to calm down again. But the fight soon ended, the other villagers controlled the fires, and everything went back to normal. Some villagers will just have to, ya know, rebuild their houses for the upteenth time.

Now, we are back in the forest. I can tell absently that it is starting to get nippy, and I silently thank the fact that I wear a long sleeved shirt.

"Looks like the weather is changing rapidly on us, Mais," I call to my dragon, who now appears to be chasing a squirrel up a tree. She pauses, quiffles in my direction as an absent form of acknowledgement, then continues to chase after the squirrel she is too damn large to catch. I laugh at her, and sit down on a small rock to watch her act like a juvenile dragon.

Soon, though, I see a white speck fall on my hand. I instantly recognise it as a snowflake, and I give it a mean glare. Stupid snow. I thought winter was done here? Dammit, dumb weather.

"Mais," I call to the dragon who is now trying to dig a rabbit out of its set for some reason. "We should probably start to head back. It's starting to snow now."

Maisy stops digging then and looks around from under the tree, then glares around at the falling flakes. She hates flying in the snow, for if it is just the right temperature the snow might melt on her wings. It doesn't do it enough to keep her from flying, but it certainly annoys the Hel out of her. She looks down to me, an emotion of sadness at have to stop exploring passing over her face, then she trudge over to me with her dirt-covered front feet. I chuckle at her expression, and jump onto her saddle. She stretches her wings-

An ear-splitting roar vibrates through the air. It sounds to be coming form the village area, and it still reaches us clearly even though we are half way across the island. Maisy freezes, looking around with an attentive sparkle in her eye as I look towards the source. We can't see anything yet, but we know this means trouble. I can feel Maisy tense under me, as if she knows the meaning of that roar more than I. She probably does, since she is a dragon and I am not.

Seconds later, a roar answers the first equally as loud. Maisy let's of a small growl, but she also back up a few steps and crouches down, seeming apprehensive. It sounds as if a battle between two dragons will occur on Berk, right over the village, and it doesn't sound like it will be pretty. I wish we could stay here for it, and I know Maisy does as well, but we can't. The snow is steadily falling harder and harder, already making the ground almost completely white. Of we don't get to cover fast, we will also freeze out here.

"Maisy, we need to get out of here," I say to her in a distracted voice, still looking towards the source of the battle calls. Maisy glances back at me like I'm crazy, moving her head and making small purls in a way that I know is her calling me crazy. I roll my eyes. "Yes, I know we can't just stroll into the village in the middle of a fight. But we also can't sit on our arses out here in the snow, because that will not sit well for either of us! And to top it all off, it's getting dark. So just follow where I tell you to go, unless you have a better idea?"

Maisy gives me a sidelong glare for a moment, then looks forward again and grumbles in a pouting way. But she does lift off, spreading her wings and rapidly gaining altitude with her speed. Once she is above the trees, she skims over their tops, silent and fast. Without telling her, I turn her to the left. She rumbles loudly to me, almost questioning why I am directing us away from the village.

"Go to the edge of the island and ride along the edge, level with the ground," I quickly instruct. Knowing that she will complain about the proximity of the water while there, I say, "And yes, I know, the water will be nearby. But just go with it, because I have a plan."

She unhappily does what I say, know that she won't be able to make me change my stubborn mind.

We soon reach where I want us to be. Maisy growls down at the water as I glance up to see the approaching dragons through the stinging snow. I pat Maisy's neck to calm her.

"It's okay, girl. You will be fine, I promise," I say, trying to sooth her. "Now, keep traveling along the edge of the island. When we get to the entrance to the stables in the caves on the beach, fly in there."

This time, she doesn't object. Probably because that means shelter. And, ya know, loads of fish. We travel as fast as she can carry us - which is really fast - as the dragons reach Berk in an angry show of fire. I bend lower in the saddle to stop the stinging snow and to make us travel with less resistance, making us faster. Dammit, I need to make a flight mask, or even a suit of some sort. That would make these types of flights so much easier and less painful.

After a few minutes of flying, both of us squinting and growing more nervous by the second, the bottom entrance to the stables comes into view. My heart grows a bit happier, and I can feel Maisy pump even more strength into her flight muscles to get there even faster.

As the fight rages on above, we dive into the entrance, becoming to close to the water for Maisy's liking. But we made it, which is all that matters.

As soon as we land, a good fifty feet inside the rocky entrance, hop of Maisy and shake my body to rid of the melting snow. My hair is annoyingly frilly now, but I don't exactly care at the moment. Maisy roughly shakes, sending a spray everywhere. Her wings are a bit damp now, so we got in here just in time. As she showers me, I cover my face. I shove her a bit when she finishes, lovingly calling her a turd for doing that. She just chuckles a little in her dragonic way, shoving me a little with her head in response.

That is cut off, though, with more noise through the rocks. They rumble and vibrate from the fight above, muffled roars heard. The rocks will hold, but we are still nervous. Taking one last glance back at the entrance to the cave, I walk deeper into the cave and toward the stables that were made all the way down here when Maisy's is up at the top "floor." The feathery dragon follows at my side, not even thinking about going back out until the fight is over and the snow stops. Maisy may love to take on other dragons, but not when they are ten times her size. Or when the weather is terrible. So, gladly, this is a fight she wants no part of. Besides, there are piles of fish in here for her to chomp on. Eating them is way better than fighting.
Barbas said:
Becoming enraged after hearing Kira's taunt, Fafnir breathes a stream of fire at the anoyying dragon while crouching down so that is touching the ground just as the white fire is blocked by his scales. As Fafnir his preparing for another attack, he emits a loud roar at the smaller dragon. " Face me fool and I will kill you! I will feast on your heart!".
Kira looked at Fafnir saying "I'm the fool you challenge me then you run that's a disgrace to all dragons you sad excuse for one all you are is a greedy piece of shit!" He said as he stood up balling his hand into a fist as spikes started running down his spine for a fight as he got low to the ground.
Aqua said:
Kira looked at Fafnir saying "I'm the fool you challenge me then you run that's a disgrace to all dragons you sad excuse for one all you are is a greedy piece of shit!" He said as he stood up balling his hand into a fist as spikes started running down his spine for a fight as he got low to the ground.
Becoming annoyed by the smaller dragon , Fafnir breathes out a stream of fire in Kira's direction. While Fafnir is attacking Kira, he begins to slowly walk towards the annoying dragon with the intention of grabbing the pest with his massive claws.
Kira sees the fire and doges it that was a good thing about being a dragon that can walk like a human it was easy to move and fight so he dodges the fire and makes shards of ice shooting them at him they were bigger then the dragons head so they had to do some damage right.

Aqua said:
Kira sees the fire and doges it that was a good thing about being a dragon that can walk like a human it was easy to move and fight so he dodges the fire and makes shards of ice shooting them at him they were bigger then the dragons head so they had to do some damage right.
Seeing that Kira was attacking his with large pieces of ice, Fafnir breathes out a large stream of fire at the large pieces of ice before they could hit him. Once Fafnir dealt with the ice attack, he fires another stream of fire at Kira in an attempt to kill him.
"Actually..." he said looking outside the shop "I need one that's completely...metal." he had big plans, so far Sky was almost done with her part...he was not. "...A discussion for another time. As of now I need to make sure the two dragons don't destroy Berk" Skor walked out and immediately hopped onto Sky who took to the air
Barbas said:
Seeing that Kira was attacking his with large pieces of ice, Fafnir breathes out a large stream of fire at the large pieces of ice before they could hit him. Once Fafnir dealt with the ice attack, he fires another stream of fire at Kira in an attempt to kill him.
Kira sees the fire and doges again taking his tail and whipping it at Fafnir with incredible speed saying "your a fool you cannot be compared to me in speed nor intelligence you greedy bastard" he held at the dragon keeping his distance with every strike of the tail.
Aqua said:
Kira sees the fire and doges again taking his tail and whipping it at Fafnir with incredible speed saying "your a fool you cannot be compared to me in speed nor intelligence you greedy bastard" he held at the dragon keeping his distance with every strike of the tail.
Annoyed by the tail attack, Fafnir attempts to grab Kira's tail when he attacks with his teeth. " You will pay dearly for that insult, you pathetic worm."
Kira gets annoyed about fafnirs scales and hardens his own making his tail sharper and runs in close jumping on him again while still attacking him with his tail saying "how when you can't even catch me" he said snickering still trying to rip the scales off.

Barbas said:
Annoyed by the tail attack, Fafnir attempts to grab Kira's tail when he attacks with his teeth. " You will pay dearly for that insult, you pathetic worm."
(Apologies for the late reply) @crypsalis

Amik grunted as the air drastically cooled, making it considerably harder for the large reptile to continue. Even so, Amik had reached the Cove and leapt down into it, tumbling over as he hit the sand. He let out a quiet sound of pain as he stood, his the blood in his joints nearly frozen as he stiffly limped to the wall of the cove, shooting a weak charge at it to warm to stone. He leaned against it, trying to warm himself on the area he had just heated. He looked up to the human as she stood near the ledge, frost covering parts of his scales.
Yaffa closed the windows at the sight of the falling snow, trying to prevent the snow from getting mixed in with their work. She left one shutter open to filter out some of the heat and to let in a bit of a breeze. After securing the windows, she went over and pumped the bellow to heat up the fire. Weaving around Jabber, she bent down and scratched behind one of the spines before grabbing the blueprints for the shield that one of the villager's had dropped off. She eyed up the pattern before walking back over to the furnace.

As she slipped a large chunk of metal into the fire to heat it up she eyed the glass sword that Saga had set down near her workspace. "Nice craftsmanship. If you were to make a type of case for it then the sword would make a nice decorative piece." She turned back to her own workspace and pulled the metal out of the fire before pounding on it with a hammer. Working metal is a long process and as she dunked the semi formed shield into a bucket of cold water for the tenth time she eyed the blueprint again. She wiped the sweat from her eyes before shoving it back into the furnace again.

@Hel (Sort of, one line about your sword)
Saga smiled over at Yaffa, "Thanks. I was thinking something similar. The edges are really sharp, though. It's a sword, even if it is glass." Saga smiled. She looked a bit quizzical at Skor's request then sighed and nodded, mentally adding it to her to do list.

"Right, I'll get to work on that!" She called as he left.

@LucianGrey7971 @CasualDragon
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"But I can!" Sky roared as she shot a bolt of lightning between the two of them to get them to cease their fight.

"I have no idea what's going on but it needs to stop." Skor said, one of the advantages to living and fighting to live in the wilderness with dragons was that he had been able to pick up on the Dragon language, though it hurt his throat something awful.
Hel said:
Saga was still in the village working on her weapons when all of this occurred, however she was so preoccupied with focusing on glass sword she was making that she didn't even notice the chaos outside. Honestly wiley dragons were pretty common, and she just assumed that someone else would take care of it. She wasn't sure where her father- the real weapon smith who owned this forge- was, but she assumed whatever he was doing, it was important.
Leif himself was out traveling, on his way back to the village when he came across his sister, some baby dragons, and whoever had followed her.

"Hey there, Tor, cute kids, are they yours?" He asked, a bit jokingly.

Torunn looked at her brother and stuck out her tung, one of the dragons did the same and she giggled a little as the other two did it two. "No there not mine, there mom wasn't around when I found them and she hasn't been around them since I found them." She said as one crawled off her and walk around her then lag down and fall asleep.

Jinx said:
Torunn looked at her brother and stuck out her tung, one of the dragons did the same and she giggled a little as the other two did it two. "No there not mine, there mom wasn't around when I found them and she hasn't been around them since I found them." She said as one crawled off her and walk around her then lag down and fall asleep.
Leif smiled, and reached down to touch one of the little dragon's heads. "Well, be careful, an angry mother dragon is not who you want to be stuck dealing with, you know." Leif warned, halfheartedly. He knew his sister, dragons liked her and she liked them. The mother was more likely to thank her than be upset with her, in all truth.

Then there was a loud thud and Leif looked up towards the direction it came from. 'The village? Is everything okay?' He thought to himself before turning back to Toruun.

"It sounds like something's going on back at the village, is it anything to worry about, do you think?" He asked with a worried expression.

Torunn looked at her brother as she heard the thud, she had a worried expression as the baby dragons jumped away from her and hid. "I would think so." She said standing up and walking over to her brother.


^ @Hel ^
"Lets head back and see what we can do to stop it, shall we" Leif asked his sister. He, of course, left most of these things up to his father, as he had no dragon of his own, and was not really the sort to take one on alone. "Do you know where dad is?"

Torunn looks at her brother. "No I don't know where dad is, the last I saw him was in the village, before I stormed off...." She muttered the last part. She sighed a little as she put her moms necklace back on before she grabbed her brothers hand and walks off, pulling him as she went. "Come on old man we ain't got all day."

*sighs* @Hel )

He stood and followed her, groaning and limping after as though he honestly was an old man. He then straightened up and followed more quickly. Despite his play, he was worried about the village.

"What did you storm off for?" He asked, trying to keep his mind from imagining all sorts of worst-case scenarios.

Torunn let go of her brothers hand. "We'll, that rider that followed me, him and his dragon and a couple other dragons kind destroyed the storage room and some other buildings...." She said crossing her arms as she walked she felt as though her brother would not really care or think it was foolish to do that over a building or two, and people's homes being set on fire.

Abigail tucked the three logs under her arm, and sat down on the ledge of the cove. She slid down on her rear, coming to a rough stop on the end. Goosebumps formed on her skin, but she was somewhat accustomed to the cold. Berk was a place of crazy weather, after all. The human stumbled up, her legs slightly wobbling. She walked over to the dragon and dropped the logs between both of them, looking up at the dragon. "Uh... could you light a f-f-ire on these l-logs?" Abigail asked, uncertain if dragons even understood english. Her teeth started chattering, in an attempt to warm herself up from the movement.

((No problem, @Contented Calamity ))
Jinx said:
Torunn let go of her brothers hand. "We'll, that rider that followed me, him and his dragon and a couple other dragons kind destroyed the storage room and some other buildings...." She said crossing her arms as she walked she felt as though her brother would not really care or think it was foolish to do that over a building or two, and people's homes being set on fire.
"Oh... You know, you'd think people would know better than to romp around in the village. There is an entire island to roam around on, after all!" Leif said. "Loosing one or two buildings happens too frequently, but burning peoples homes down just shouldn't be allowable."
Torunn shoot her brother a smile. "You think dads ok?" She asked him looking at the ground. She always warrior about her dad and brother, but after hearing on what happened to the chief before hims dad. He got killed by his sons dragon!? She sighed not thinking of the old stories she was told.


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