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Fandom Dragons:The Riders of Berk (Still Accepting)

Should this Role Play have a plot to it?

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Abigail felt her breath going cold, her lungs aching. But she wouldn't stop, she couldn't. Abigail felt her throat closing up on her, making it extremely hard to breath. Abigail suddenly fell. She wouldn't stop falling. Abigail realized she fell off of the cliff. Her voice was lost in the wind, as she watched the water come at her quickly. Abigail shut her eyes, legitimately thinking her organs were rising into her chest. Everything was numb, and she felt her body slam into the cold water. Everything hurt, and Abigail was on her last straw. She was knocked out for a moment from the impact and loss of oxygen.
"Great! YOU can look after miss violent temper." he said to Leif before turning Sky around. "I'm going back to the village." When they reached the village, Skor immediately went back to trying to annoy Saga. He peaked his head in the door slowly just in case she had a finished weapon in her hands
Amik let out a roar as he followed her off the cliff, fully opening his wings about halfway down, catching himself right before the ocean. He glided across the surface of the water before clumsily turning mid-air, diving down quickly where he saw the girl sinking. He shot out a pulse of energy, using his inherited echo location to spot the human in the cloudy water. He used his tail to swim further down below the girl, his giant lung capacity and rapidly eaqualizing ears allowing him to dive to such depths. He then began to claw at the water in an attempt to swim up, slowly gaining altitude as he stretched his wings out, curving them towards his back as a sort of net to catch the sinking girl, legs pumping and tail swishing as he struggled to the surface.

As his nostrils broke the water he let out a cry, as if trying to talk to the girl. He kicked hard with his back legs to push up his rump, allowing the girl's weak body to slide from his wings and slump onto his back. He then attempted to swim towards the island, straining his cooling muscles to keep the girl's head above the water. He expelled water from his mouth, the leather pouch now clinging to his body as his scales pretty much stapled it into place. He panted after only swimming a few feet, lungs burning as he forced his legs to keep moving. After a few more seconds of pitiful struggling, Amik frantically flapped his wings, unable to fly as they kept smacking against the water, though gave him a boost to get closer to the island. He used his tail to push him the rest of the few feet to a rock pillar that led allthe way up to the ground he walked on, breathing unevenly.
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He would be curius and soon see the sword made out of Glass,he would look at it closer and would sniff it,his large Orange eyes fix in to the wepon seeing how the sun reflects from it like a Mirror,he would seem imprest actually a sword of glass? he has never seen that befor! he would look up at her and Give a few exited nods as he would sniff it again....he was far curius how she manage to make it uch form and not Break it or shatter it to Pices,he dint know how she did it but dint seem like it could be used in a Fight...maybe he dint know,but still the fact she made something out of a fragile material its dam incretible!,he would give it a lick but amidiatly chake his head...Nope was slightly hot he had to say but he would smile and nod....he aprove this was good!
Abigail slowly regained her senses. She tried to breathe, but water clogged up her nose, mouth, and ears. The human choked out the water, able to take in a few small gasps. Her skin stung, and she didn't want to open her eyes. But she realized that her body was bobbing, as if on something. The human opened her eyes, and it took her a few seconds to realize that she was on the back of the Dragon that was chasing her. It seemed out of breath, but alive. Abigail stumbled off of the dragon, wobbling to stand straight. But she gave up, and just sat down. Both of them were exhausted. A strained, tired expression lay on her face, as she looked around, then back at the dragon. Had it saved her from drowning? She just sat, and watched. She seemed to focus on his breathing patterns. Abigail' s throat was dry, a she stuck to tiny breaths. She coughed out more water, but eventually came to a conclusion that both of them were alive, and eventually regain a healthy position. Unless... The human felt a pang of realization hit her heart, and questioned the dragon's intentions.
Amik worked on getting his breathing back to normal, the occasional water spring dripping from the side of his open mouth. He turned his head to the girl, staring at her as she watched him. He rattled his scales to shake the water off, bringing up his anthropomorphic front foot to his jaw and pulling the bag from his tooth, setting it on the ground and nudging it towards the girl with his nose. Once it was within her reaching distance he flopped down on his side, breathing heavily as he was tired from the unwanted exersize. He kept his eyes on the human, blinking occasionally to keep bugs from getting in his eyes.
Aqua said:
Kira was pissed that this dragon had the audacity to challenge him and then not fight him, so Kira spreads his massive wings and starts to take flight roaring loudly bolting towards Fafnir in a pissed off mood usually Kira wasn't like this and was peacful to the village but Fafnir pissed him off and his flames on his back turned into spikes as he flew towards the village but sees he is gone and lands in the village looking in the direction that pathetic dragon went roaring to never come back.
(His roars sounds like godzillas)

I'm going to bed see ha tomorrow
After waiting for some time in the large cavern beneath the small island, Fafnir climbs through the cavern's entrance and begins to make his way to island known as berk with the intention of killing the small dragon that insulted him and fled. As Fafnir is flying towards the island, he unleases a loud roar to alert the island of his presence.
Barbas said:
After waiting for some time in the large cavern beneath the small island, Fafnir climbs through the cavern's entrance and begins to make his way to island known as berk with the intention of killing the small dragon that insulted him and fled. As Fafnir is flying towards the island, he unleases a loud roar to alert the island of his presence.
Kira heard the roar and came out of his cave slowly when he came out it looked like he grew somehow but that itself is a mystery, when Kira came out of the giant cavern he climbed to the top and was knocking down trees as he roared again warning the town he was going to have. Big fight and hide all the gold deep under ground sense this greed ass dragon was coming back.
Amik lifted his head at the first roar, expecting nothing of it. At the second battle call he heaved his body over his legs, slowly walking in the direction of the cove, snorting as a snowflake landed on one of his nostrils. He looked up slightly, seeing heavy pinkish-grey clouds gathering. He halted at the third sound, looking behind him to see if the girl was following him to a place he knew was safe from large dragons like those. He threw his head in a way that motioned her to follow and shook off the rest of the water, snow starting to fall at a greater pace, wind picking up and causing the tree branches to swish and creak.
Skor walked into the shop and sat down quietly, mainly to scare the crap out of her when she looked up, but also to watch her work. He liked watching Saga work, though he couldn't figure out if it was her ability at the forge or his feelings for her...probably both.
Abigail picked up the pouch carefully, dragon saliva covering it. She opened the bag, and berry juice was all that remained. The human looked back up at the dragon, blinking. "You chased me all the way here... to give me my pouch?" She asked, glancing back at her soaking container. Abigail couldn't help but let a comfortable smile grow on her lips, but that smile dissapeared as she heard the roar of a dragon. Abigail got up, dusting snow off of her sleeve as she headed towards the Dragon, gripping her pouch tightly.
"Hey, be careful with that!" Saga said, smiling. While the dragon sniffed and licked at the sword. She turned to the side and flourished it in front of her, making arcs in front of her when she saw the man walking in.

"Skor. Do you need something?" She asked, a bemused smile playing at her lips as she pointed the sword with sharp gold edges at him. It could cut, but the sword was too fragile for much to come of a fight with it.

@LucianGrey7971 @Yonsisac
"Hmmm...do I need anything....a spear would be nice." he said "and not to have swords pointed at me. That would be great." Skor didn't seem at all nervous with the sword being pointed at him. Sky poked her large head into the door and looked around
Amik continued forward, movement needing a great deal of effort as his blood flow slowed due to to the cold. He began to pick up his pace, the part of his tail that he could feel was starting to go numb. He felt his joints stiffen slowly and grunted from the slight pain radiating from them, walking stiffly towards his home. The cold wind blew harder, the freeze reaching the town of Berk. The black dragon sighed happily as he spotted the dip of the Cove in the distance. shooting a charge in front of him so the warmth would heat up his blood as he passed, though it dissipated quickly as the snow came down harder.

[Yay setting stuff~ It begins to lightly snow in Berk, a cold wind running through the town]
Jabber would look back and see Skor he would raise his head Bumbing agains the cealing,he Grunt slightly as he hit his head,dam cealings....he was thin and could fit anyway but wen it comes to height bad idea,he would move towards skor a Litle and look at him,he Tilted his head as his large Orange eyes look at him,he would smile and would crouch down,his back raised up touching the cealing as he would seem he whanted to be pet,he look at him and slowli Move his head towards him and look at him,he whanted to be pet by ALL the hands! and he like it anyway,as he waited for the pet he notice sky Blue head Peek in, "Meep!"He Bark out slightly,seem exited to see a Nother dragon

@Hel @LucianGrey7971
Aqua said:
Kira heard the roar and came out of his cave slowly when he came out it looked like he grew somehow but that itself is a mystery, when Kira came out of the giant cavern he climbed to the top and was knocking down trees as he roared again warning the town he was going to have. Big fight and hide all the gold deep under ground sense this greed ass dragon was coming back.
Upon arriving at the island, Fafnir begins to cicle around the village in the air while looking for the dragon known as Kira. As Fafnir is circleing the village, he unleashes another roar as he searches for the smaller dragon that insulted him.
Skor looked at Jabber before relenting and petting the Dragon on its head. Sk looked at the Dragon before moving back out of the shop
Barbas said:
Upon arriving at the island, Fafnir begins to cicle around the village in the air while looking for the dragon known as Kira. As Fafnir is circleing the village, he unleashes another roar as he searches for the smaller dragon that insulted him.
Looking up Kira's eyes tuned into slits as he took off into the air over the village and roared at the dragon saying "you dare come back to my island after insulting me you are a disgrace as he blew scorching white fire at it.
Abigail felt a sudden shiver travel down her spine, as the cold got to her. Still freezing cold from the water, the additional cold weather didn't make things any warmer. Abigail began rubbing her arm violently, looking around for any large fallen sticks. She spotted three, and quickly picked them up. (I must go for 45 minutes, but I'll be back.)
Jabber would Purr Being pet....all hands will be his ALL MUAHAHAHA!...Sorry..He smiled and would Nuzzle him befor parting off,Saga was some one who would not minde being Nuzzled alot and be ask to pet him but he was not sure of others so he better not be to kinde to them as might anoy them,he would smile and Meep again at Skor happy manor,Jabber would see sky get out of the shop...ok well Bye then!,jabber would Jawn Opening hi masive jaw befor laying on the ground,his Upper Body was on one side close to the exit wille his other half was on the other side of the shop were the forge is,he was LONG not that anoying,he knew he was long so if some one step on him is kinda his fault
Aqua said:
Looking up Kira's eyes tuned into slits as he took off into the air over the village and roared at the dragon saying "you dare come back to my island after insulting me you are a disgrace as he blew scorching white fire at it.
Becoming enraged after hearing Kira's taunt, Fafnir breathes a stream of fire at the anoyying dragon while crouching down so that is touching the ground just as the white fire is blocked by his scales. As Fafnir his preparing for another attack, he emits a loud roar at the smaller dragon. " Face me fool and I will kill you! I will feast on your heart!".
[QUOTE="Contented Calamity](I love how no one is noticing the dragon fight like 2 feet away from the town. Or the snow.)

(Lol especially when the dragons are fucking huge. xD )
(Yeah, there are plenty of dragon fights I imagine, so Saga ignores them.)

"A spear, hmm? Well, I did make one of those the other day, carved the handle myself and everything." She said proudly. She set the sword down near the forge until she could finish it later, then she moved to grab the spear she talked about from the back room. Once there, she grabbed it and headed back into the other room to see Jabber nuzzling Skor. "He likes you," She said with a smile, holding the spear out towards him parallel to the ground, palms open.

@LucianGrey7971 @Yonsisac

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