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Fandom Dragons:The Riders of Berk (Still Accepting)

Should this Role Play have a plot to it?

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Torunn watched her dad run out of the house and get his dragon and fly away. She ran out side and watched her dad leave, she sighed and ran back inside the house and to her room she searched through her book self and found what she was looking for and grabbed it.

She ran out of her room with a book three times the size of her head. She went out side and flipped through the pages and soon came to the pages of the dragons that she saw by the sheep. She read the pages and the the next dragons and read the pages.

She's looked up when she heard wood braking and a roar. She stood up and left her book where it was and ran over to the dragons. She looked at them, no fear in her eyes. 'what are they doing' she thought to her self as she watched one shoot a lightning bolt at the other ones head. "Hey!" She called to the dragons. "Not here your not! Get!" She yelled at them holding they would go, what she wasn't think is that the dragons could hurt her and she couldn't do a thing About it.

(Sorry cell asleep >.<)
Skor had no choice but to get Sky to pull back, dragons like this got very dangerous around their hordes and it was better to attack them when they were stealing and get them to retreat than to attack them where their treasure was. He then heard Torunn yelling...presumably at him and immediately sighed heavily. He had Sky land next to her. "What are you shouting about now?"
Abigail bit her lower lip, and let out a silent sight through her nose as she backed up into the house. The fire seemed to be dying down on the houses, and the situation was taken care of. But there were still dragons fighting outside. She had nothing to defend herself with at the moment, so she decided the best option was to hide. Abigail sat in her brother's room, staring at the wall hard.
Torunns face was burning red and her eyes burning with anger. She pointed to the storage room/ building and the burning homes. "That's what I'm yelling about!" She huffed crossing her arms, as of now she was beyond mad she was done. "I'm not gonna deal with all the dragon fights and destruction and... Everything!" She growled her eyes stared like daggers. She shook her head turned. "I'm done!" She yelled as she stormed off to the woods, all that was racing through her mind was everything. "Hopefully a dragon eats me!" She yelled to her self as held onto her mothers necklace.

(I didn't know how to type it >.<)
"Yeesh" he raised an eyebrow at her before looking at Sky who was looking back up at him with the same 'yeesh' expression.

"I know girl," he patted the top of Sky's head before sighing "we should probably go after her...if she IS eaten by a dragon, the chief whatshisface'll probably feed us to Alduin." They both shuttered a bit before Sky trudged after her
Amik waited for more than a few minutes in tense silence, tail tip flicking back and forth. He let out a sigh, standing on all fours and walking around the cove, sniffing the air above the water for fish. He snorted and pawed at the water before backing away and stomping around a bit, soon getting bored and climbing the wall of the Cove again. He glanced around at his surroundings, taking in a quick breath before letting out a small burp, the sudden activity after his meal upsetting his stomach. He shook out his head, tail swishing over the grass. He decided to walk a few meters away, letting out a low growl as he smelled a human female, halting as he scanned the area.
Torunn stopped and turned her head. "Don't follow me!" She yelled before walking again, she wished she had a dragon but didn't, not yet anyways. She took her hair out of the brad and let it lose, her light brown hair fell past get shoulders but stopped before her waist.

She took a breath as she reached the woods and she turned. "Leave me alone." She said, as she held her moms necklace in her hands.
Skor and exchanged a look before half heartedly following her. "No. Stop. We can't leave you alone. We must protect you. Please. Don't send us away." he said as monotoned and half heartedly as he possibly could and then immediately ducked in case she decided to throw something at him

Huffing and rolling his eyes Kiro pushed himself up and with Asta in tow began the walk to Berk and not toward the commotion. Probably another Dragon fight. He paused as the chief daughter suddenly appeared and stalked passed him along with a Dragon and rider. What's got her all red?
Amik lowered his head to the ground, attempting to sense any lifeforms near him other than his own. He flared his nostrils as he noticed two people and a dragon. He huffed, kneading his claws into the ground before turning his back to the oncoming company, trotting back off to the Cove. Once he reached the edge above the sacred area, he thumped his tail against the ground and leapt down, landing in the water and creating a small splash. He arched his back and stomped out of the pond, water dripping from his scales and making them gleam mysteriously in the light. He plopped himself down on the sand of the bank, whining out of boredom.
Torunn rolled her eyes and walked through the trees, she didn't like to be followed. She picked up the pace a little and made her way to a small stream that she often went to, there their where small dragons playing. The stopped and looked at torunn and they ran over to her. "Hey little guys." She chirped, all the anger she had was now gone, she sat down and the dragons all jumped on her. They where to small of dragons to have as a dragon when hey grew up, and they sat on her, one on her shoulder, on other on her head and the other in her lap. She looked at the followers and rolled her eyes. "You say a thing I will make sure my dads dragon eats you." She said a smile on her face.
Saga was still in the village working on her weapons when all of this occurred, however she was so preoccupied with focusing on glass sword she was making that she didn't even notice the chaos outside. Honestly wiley dragons were pretty common, and she just assumed that someone else would take care of it. She wasn't sure where her father- the real weapon smith who owned this forge- was, but she assumed whatever he was doing, it was important.

Leif himself was out traveling, on his way back to the village when he came across his sister, some baby dragons, and whoever had followed her.

"Hey there, Tor, cute kids, are they yours?" He asked, a bit jokingly.

Abigail tilted her head a bit, noticing the commotion died down. She let out a tired sigh, rubbing her hands together. Usually, she would go out and find ingredients for the bakery at this time. And she would do just that, even if there were hostile dragons prowling the area. There is always a hostile dragon prowling the area. Abigail stood up and walked out of her brother's room, closing the door behind her. She walked outside, seeing that most of the fire had been dealt with. The human turned, and entered the forest. She looked for landmarks she made, which either hinted a way back to the village or showed the way to a berry patch. Abigail relaxed, the sounds of birds and a nearby creek soothing her thoughts.
Amik snorted as a small Terrible Terror leaped into the Cove and started bouncing towards him. He breathed in, getting ready to shoot a charge at the little creature. He brought up his head to fire, hesitating for a moment before finding it wasn't worth all the energy. The Storm Fury exhaled toxic smelling smoke that dissapeared almost immediatley, setting his head back on the sand and letting the tiny dragon climb onto his muzzle and play around his horns. Amik grunted as it's tail repeatedly smacked his jaw, not enough to hurt but hard enough to be annoying. He stood slowly, stretching out his back before shaking out his body, the smaller reptile flinging off and hitting the ground on all four legs. It then scurried back to Amik, climbing up his leg and neck to rest on the top of his head.
Jabber was asleep in the forrest,he dint know what was happening because him being a Heavy sleeper,he gave out a Long yawn as she would Incoil Himself from the tree and would strech,his Back would raise up a he did sinking his claws in the ground yawing....seem he was now a cat or somthing,he shook his head as he would begin to walk back to the Village to go finde Saga his Rider,he knew she was at the Forge like always ofcourse,that Girl can never put down a Hammer....Unless she hits her finger maybe she would let it go,making his way he dint whant to disturbe her in her work,as he made it he would Dirrect himself towards the forge but as he did he notice some....oh dam...seem some dragon did some chaos here......better make sure saga is ok,his head would peek inside his large Orange eyes looking and saw saga....she was ok atleast,he gave aslightly high Peetch "Meep" sound to get her attention,as his head look inside the forge.

Saga turns to look at Jabber, and a smile lights up her face. Finishing up what she was working on, Saga says, "Come on in, Jabber." She sets down her project and turns to pet Jabber, reaching out to stroke his head like she knew he enjoyed.

"How have you been, buddy? Not getting into too much trouble, I hope?"

A soon as he heard to come in he raise his head in excitmen and would walk in,he was carfull do he dint whant to make anything fall,as he walk inside he would do so very easy,if it were a nother dragon wont be Posible as they are "Fat" like Jabber says...No offence...his Thin Body sleeps through the door,but he was carfully with hi long claws making sure not to hit anything,he look at her and would close his eyes and Lower his head once he feels her hand place on his head,Oh he did enjoy that alright,Giving out a soft Purr sound as he was pet and would hear her say if he was geting in Trouble....those Running over deers Count as something bad? he would open his large Oroange eyes and Chake his head as he has not done anything bad so far aside from eating a deer but that was nature taking its path,he would Nuzzle his head towards her Rubbing it agains her Belly as he Purrd he did enjoy being pet, "Meep!"Is all he did looking behinde her seeing the forge was on,she was Busy was she? well she always was and he always was curius of what she was doing each day or month and whanted to see what was this time.
Abigail began absent-mindedly walking to the cove. She had visited it a few times, and she wouldn't mind visiting it again. Abigail looked at the trees around here, and the animals that hid in the distance. She grabbed a few berries and fruits off of bushes here and there, putting them in the pouch attatched to her belt. She heard a noise when she got close to the cove, and paused. Abigail peeked over the edge, and scrambled back when seeing a dragon.
Amik bucked his head up and pranced in a circle, tail whipping back and forth as he didn't appreciate chauffeuring the Terrible Terror around on his crest. He snarled and ran at one of the walls shieling the cove, slamming his head into it, paralyzing the winged lizard. He rattled his scales and shot a powerful charge at it, killing it quickly. The Storm Fury trudged back to his sunny spot on the bank, curling and laying down, eyes narrowed as he watched for another Terrible Terror. He saw movement and lifted his head, scowling. "Bo hond, omvol." He snorted in the ancient dragon tongue, tail tip twitching like a cat's. He huffed and set his head back down, watching the spot.
Saga laughed, she was sure that Jabber had been into some kind of trouble, but it had clearly not been anything so bad that she should scold him for it. She smiled when he shoved his head towards her and laughed. She pet him, like he liked, then turned and asked him a question.

"Would you like to see my newest project?" She asked, moving to pick up the sword made of gold and glass. The golden trimmings were clearly not yet finished, but one could see what it was becoming. She brandished it in front of Jabber and let the glass catch the sunlight, making it sparkle and shine as it did. Her red eyes were filled with the excitement of showing a new weapon off- even if it was a useless one that would probably only serve as a ceremonial weapon for someone.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Glass-Sword.jpg.87a6fe26bfa091fe8fa2a582ad65c43a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Glass-Sword.jpg.87a6fe26bfa091fe8fa2a582ad65c43a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Abigail held her breath, and stayed out of sight for a few minutes. She heard the squeal of the small dragon, and guessed what happened. Abigail nearly looked over the edge again, seeing the large dragon. Get out of here, Abigail! She yelled at herself in her mind, but didn't listen to her thoughts. Abigail leaned over a tiny bit more, her pouch mushrooming from her belt because of a rock. The pouch slipped down the edge, falling into the cove. The berries spilled out of the pouch. Abigail scrambled back getting up, and quickly walked out of the area, trying to stay quiet.
Amik watched the pouch fall calmly, snarling and running at it as it hit the ground. He pounced on it, claws sinking through the leather as berries were squished, juice oozing from the bag. He gripped the pouch in his jaws, taking in the scent of a human. He prowled around the cove with the leather bag in his mouth, tail lashing back and forth, the tip making the sound of a whip cracking each time it hit the ground and changed direction. He growled and stared at the Cove wall, soon dashing towards it and climbing.

As soon as he scaled the wall, he spotted the girl who dropped her property onto his territory. He used his wings to keep him momentum going as he climbed over the edge, running towards her in one of his slower gaits. Though it was slow for him, it was quicker than any human could run. As he neared her, he sped up, berry juice drops flinging off of the bag here and there. He leapt at the human, waiting for his front appendages to strike her.
Abigail heard a twig crack, and turned around, eyes wide. As shown as she spotted the Dragon jumping at her, a scream left her lungs. She did as her instincts told her, and ducked to the side, behind a tree. Practically throwing herself behind the tree, Abigail scrambled up and ran straight forward. Her hair whipped in her face as she glanced over her shoulder, but quickly looked forward. She turned another sharp corner, her mind blank. Her legs seemed to wobble, but she still somehow maintained full speed sprinting, as fast as her body could go.
Amik sneered as he tumbled on the ground, missing the human by meer inches. He quickly turned and jogged after her, losing sight of the girl a few times before figuring out her path and catching up to the human. He kept his distance behind her, about two lengths back, as he knew they were headed straight for the edge of the island which included a 100m free fall and a chilly ice-water bath with no way to get up but the docks on the other side of the land mass. He crushed the pouch in his jaws as he sped up, now only a few feet away from her. He knew from the speed they were going, this girl wouldn't be able to stop or turn before the drop-off into the ocean. The Storm Fury began to unfold his wings, already feeling the air push back on his leathery appendages.

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