Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
Fola stares at the mop for a few moments, before picking it up with a scowl on his face. He walked right up to Sage, everything making sense in his current state. He swung the mop and broke it over his head, sighing as he did so, "THERE! Now I feel so much better...."



Jayn had been sitting at the guild, waiting for Roman, but then a door opened up...A very special door. She walked over to said door and pushed Ash, staring at Kinzel and Marlen, "AHA! I finally meet you, shitty room guy! As I said before, where is the art?! The cool shit?! You have nothing of value, there's nothing worth stealing! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

@Light @Lotusy
Sage grabbed the mop and used it to hit Fola across the room. " Asshole . " He muttered before walking away and dived into thenwater
GingerBread said:
(You're tearing me apart Lisa DizJay)
Colin started blushing at what Anna said "I-I d-don't w-want to accidently ch-chose something you'd be un-uncomfortable i-in" Colin was lying, he could tell what size Anna was easily due to his powers but wanted to avoid choosing something she would dislike. Colin started to wear down under Anna's begging "O-Okay I-I'll choose y-your clothes, b-but i-it's only f-fair if you c-choose m-mine"

Vance gritted his teeth as Jackie started twisting the dagger through his wrist bones but held on tight to the dagger "I thought I told you, I've gone against Lucifer. I've been through worse pain than you can inflict onto me" Vance hissed through his gritted teeth.

Vance brought his other hand up to grab the dagger before stabbing it into Jackie's left tit and then ripping it out forcibly. Vance then drove the dagger into her shoulder, near her neck and started twisting it while moving it deeper.
"You know, I could probably paralyze you from the neck down, doing something like this"
She somehow manages to bark a laugh, grinning at Vance wide enough that her eyes crinkle. Before his eyes, the knife starts to be broken down by the corruption trying to close up the wound, the blade rusting and disintegrating to almost half its original size. With Vance so close, she takes her knife and pierce just below his sternum, dangerously close to his heart, You know, I could probably stop your heart, doing something like this," She mocks, slowly cutting through the flesh closest to Vance's heart. The wounds where Vance had struck are coated in a black membrane, sealing them and preventing fatal hemorrhaging as they slowly but surely seal shut, and Jackie smiles, "I bet I can outlast you, honey."
CelticSol said:
She somehow manages to bark a laugh, grinning at Vance wide enough that her eyes crinkle. Before his eyes, the knife starts to be broken down by the corruption trying to close up the wound, the blade rusting and disintegrating to almost half its original size. With Vance so close, she takes her knife and pierce just below his sternum, dangerously close to his heart, You know, I could probably stop your heart, doing something like this," She mocks, slowly cutting through the flesh closest to Vance's heart. The wounds where Vance had struck are coated in a black membrane, sealing them and preventing fatal hemorrhaging as they slowly but surely seal shut, and Jackie smiles, "I bet I can outlast you, honey."
"Ohh, I get it now. That's why you haven't dropped like the sack of shit you are. You've been cheating, well if I knew that, Then I would've done this" Vance snapped his fingers and they both appeared in his darkness realm. Vance promptly teleported away from Jackie taking the dagger with him. He pulled it out of his chest and then cut off a large chunk of his shorts and placed it on his wound and used tendrils of darkness to secure it, using it like a makeshift bandage.

Vance snapped his fingers and had tendrils of darkness trip her up before four swords of darkness pinned her to the ground by her limbs.
"Now, Life support. You're trapped in here with me. I haven't taken your powers away, cause I don't want to kill you, but if you don't give up it will happen. Try to attack me, see what I do"
LokiofSP said:
Jayn had been sitting at the guild, waiting for Roman, but then a door opened up...A very special door. She walked over to said door and pushed Ash, staring at Kinzel and Marlen, "AHA! I finally meet you, shitty room guy! As I said before, where is the art?! The cool shit?! You have nothing of value, there's nothing worth stealing! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

@Light @Lotusy
Ash glares at Jayn. "Who the hell are you?"

Isabel was leaning on a tree, panting from training for hours. She didn't understand how but she was getting better at fighting. She ended up absorbing her weapons earlier and fell asleep to learn how to summon and manipulate things she absorbed. She had the blade of fate which she named Sunset after her middle name in her grasp. The being approaches her and swings at her with Thor's hammer since Isabel summoned that for him. Isabel back flips to dodge the swing and has Sunset disappear. She lands on her hands and pushes upwards, spawning her fanblade and throwing it as she lands right side up. The fanblade opens up and hits the being right in the armpit, knocking his hammer arm up in the air to leave him open. She runs towards him as her fanblade flies back to her and closes up. The being runs forward but ends up tripping since the left foot it was about to bring forward to step with was knocked back back by an arrow from her crossbow brace. Isabel runs behind the being as it falls and summons Sunset, stabbing it through its left shoulder, turning on the chainsaw of the blade to saw it off. "I did it!" Isabel cheered too soon, since the being picked itself and swings the hammer at her face. She turns off the chainsaw and raises Sunset to take the hit, only for the blade to be knocked back and hit her in the face. She stumbles back and holds her face, trying to stop the blood leaking out of her nose from getting on her clothes. Some blood that escapes her hand gets on to Sunset and the blade suddenly activates. The chains move but extremely slowly. The clock hands on it moves and the meter begins to rise. "What's going on?"

"The pieces are revealing themselves. You've mastered the blade through defeat and blood."

Isabel raises an eyebrow at this. "Okay....this all seriously seems rushes and coincidental. How come me losing all the time constitutes as winning to Sunset?"

The being shakes it's head and reattaches it's arm. It seems to melt together. "I wouldn't know....whenever the blade feels like you are ready to obtain its mastery it does so. It feels like it has. Though what I do know is that you cannot use its abilities without defeating me first."

The blade glows and changes form several times to reveal its pieces.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/56a3722233d4dfa8528b9371d3b4cb5b.jpg.68789ffa3f091ac6f1a57a71a703c8c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/56a3722233d4dfa8528b9371d3b4cb5b.jpg.68789ffa3f091ac6f1a57a71a703c8c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"We shall dedicate this entire week to strict training. You will train constantly and vigorously throughout the entire day until you pass out from needing sleep. In your dreams your entities will train you there. I must teach you about...Sunset and its capabilities...as well as its limits. On your guard." The being rushes towards Isabel to fight again.



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Jayn shakes her head, shushing Ash, "SH! You're not important to the situation at hand! All you need to know for now is that he..." She pointed at Marlen, "Is boring and no good for that girl! He doesn't have anything in this entire room besides some bark and cat nip, and not even the good kind!"

@Light @Lotusy
LokiofSP said:
Jayn shakes her head, shushing Ash, "SH! You're not important to the situation at hand! All you need to know for now is that he..." She pointed at Marlen, "Is boring and no good for that girl! He doesn't have anything in this entire room besides some bark and cat nip, and not even the good kind!"

@Light @Lotusy
( ! ) Ash rolls his eyes and stuff his hands into his pants to pull something out. "Just you watch, you'll learn to keep your mouth shut." Ash pulls out a gun and holds it to Jayn's head. "Alright you all know the drill and whatever. I just want Kinziel. I don't even want to shoot this girl honestly."

( @Lotusy @Embaga Elder )
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(!) Jayn smiled and pulled out her own gun, "Oh yay! I LOVE this game! Well, at least I do when people play fair, last time I played the guy cheated and didn't let me move...But it's much more fun this way! By the way, if you do somehow shoot me first, try to get it on the carpet, okay? I think the room could do better with a splash of red and brain matter!"

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  • Morpheus continued to run, tears shooting from his eyes. He followed after her, sobbing

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
DizjayDeathPride said:
You knew my intentions all along. Oh Colin! She pulled him closer, mashing their cheeks together This is the best date ever! Come on lets go!!
Colin smiled and walked into the store with Anna, Hoping the blush would fade from his face. Colin walked over to the woman's swimwear section and looked over all of them for a couple of seconds. I don't want to get Anna something that's uncomfortable, but I don't want her to think I want her to be in something really revealing Colin decided on one of them and reached out and grabbed it, holding it up for Anna to see "W-what d-do y-you th-think of th-this one?".

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Isabel has Julius heal her and clean up the blood that was spilled. She had learned how Sunset worked and the limitations were indeed pesky. "Alright....I'm going to sleep for the night." Isabel puts away the weapons and leans on a tree. She was having Julius and Carnage watch her just in case. In her dreams she was learning how to use her powers. She was also slightly stalking Fola by using a spell Julius taught her to watch him. "Fola....."
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus continued to run, tears shooting from his eyes. He followed after her, sobbing

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Luna turns around and laughs opening her arms for Morpheus to hug her. "There....It's alright you crybaby."
Light said:
"The beach? If you'd like to go then I don't mind. As long as you don't look at other girls and stay obedient. Then everything will be fine." Kinziel glances over to the belt. She turns her attention back to Malren and rolls her eyes. She leans in and pressed her lips upon his own, starting off softly only to add deep emotion afterwards.
LokiofSP said:
Fola stares at the mop for a few moments, before picking it up with a scowl on his face. He walked right up to Sage, everything making sense in his current state. He swung the mop and broke it over his head, sighing as he did so, "THERE! Now I feel so much better...."



Jayn had been sitting at the guild, waiting for Roman, but then a door opened up...A very special door. She walked over to said door and pushed Ash, staring at Kinzel and Marlen, "AHA! I finally meet you, shitty room guy! As I said before, where is the art?! The cool shit?! You have nothing of value, there's nothing worth stealing! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

@Light @Lotusy
Light said:
( ! ) Ash rolls his eyes and stuff his hands into his pants to pull something out. "Just you watch, you'll learn to keep your mouth shut." Ash pulls out a gun and holds it to Jayn's head. "Alright you all know the drill and whatever. I just want Kinziel. I don't even want to shoot this girl honestly."
( @Lotusy @Embaga Elder )
"Aw, c'mon Kinz. You know I'm really not a fan of the beatings." Malren slowly ran a hand through her hair, the looked back at her. "You know, I-" his words were cut off as she leaned in closer to him. "Oh god, no need to get so-mmphf!" His eyes slowly closed as he accepted the kiss, leaning into her before Jayn suddenly burst in. Immediately, he broke his contact with Kinziel, looking at the two new figures who entered in through the door. One of them was a weird-looking woman, and the other one was a boy who couldn't have been past 15. He watched slowly as guns started to be pulled, feeling the lion's hair running up his arm. With a low growl, four of Kinziel's signature turrets appeared around the room, pointed towards the two people about to spill blood on his carpet. "Excuse me. I don't know why you wanted to ruffle through my room, but the bark is actually from my birth tree. You know, the thing that kinda spit me out? Yea, that." The druid didn't mention the catnip, since it was his guilty pleasure. In fact, every night, Malren would consume a couple metric tons of the stuff in lion form. "Please don't kill each other. I'd hate to have to scrub blood off the carpet."
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus continued to run, tears shooting from his eyes. He followed after her, sobbing

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Theodore looked at him and snapped his fingers. A nuke appears in front of his face and goes off. Theodore made a ball of light to protect himself from the explosion.

DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus continued to run, tears shooting from his eyes. He followed after her, sobbing

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Reed patted his back. "Please don't destroy my home. I live here. I sleep here. Anyways sounds fun lead the way."

DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus continued to run, tears shooting from his eyes. He followed after her, sobbing

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
( ! )

Jessica used the darkness to attached to Decimus. She opened up her hand and made Decimus release Jessica. She could feel the Corrupted darkness in her body as pain flared through her body. She made Decimus create a knife of dark energy and stab it into his chest.

DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus continued to run, tears shooting from his eyes. He followed after her, sobbing

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Lilian frowned. "Well I do have a solution to your problem but sense you wanna have an attitude all the damn time then fine wallow in self pity."
Julius followed the rest of the guild to the beach and stretched out on a lounging chair. He was in red swimming trunks and thought about taking a nap. When he heard the fighting he paid no attention to it and continued with his relaxing. (Sorry for not being able to post but I'm back again)
Lotusy said:
"Aw, c'mon Kinz. You know I'm really not a fan of the beatings." Malren slowly ran a hand through her hair, the looked back at her. "You know, I-" his words were cut off as she leaned in closer to him. "Oh god, no need to get so-mmphf!" His eyes slowly closed as he accepted the kiss, leaning into her before Jayn suddenly burst in. Immediately, he broke his contact with Kinziel, looking at the two new figures who entered in through the door. One of them was a weird-looking woman, and the other one was a boy who couldn't have been past 15. He watched slowly as guns started to be pulled, feeling the lion's hair running up his arm. With a low growl, four of Kinziel's signature turrets appeared around the room, pointed towards the two people about to spill blood on his carpet. "Excuse me. I don't know why you wanted to ruffle through my room, but the bark is actually from my birth tree. You know, the thing that kinda spit me out? Yea, that." The druid didn't mention the catnip, since it was his guilty pleasure. In fact, every night, Malren would consume a couple metric tons of the stuff in lion form. "Please don't kill each other. I'd hate to have to scrub blood off the carpet."
LokiofSP said:
(!) Jayn smiled and pulled out her own gun, "Oh yay! I LOVE this game! Well, at least I do when people play fair, last time I played the guy cheated and didn't let me move...But it's much more fun this way! By the way, if you do somehow shoot me first, try to get it on the carpet, okay? I think the room could do better with a splash of red and brain matter!"

( @Embaga Elder )

Kinziel was furious at the fact that her time with Malren was interrupted. She immediately directs her anger towards Malren, picking up the belt. "Why haven't you gotten rid of them already?!" She hits Malren with the belt three times while Ash puts the gun away. Roman appears at this moment while Malren was getting beat. He was in a suit, giving Jayn a light bow. "I'm here to take you on the da-........" Roman gives Malren and Kinziel an odd look, turning to Jayn. "Why do you have a gun? Wait! Jayn what the hell are you doing? Are you....y'know...into watching this stuff?" Roman gestures to the beating of Malren.

Ash puts his hands up in a mock surrender and leaves, grabbing Zane on the way.

  • Morpheus ran into her arms, picking her up and spinning around You know I can't be alone! I'll die!! I need constant affection

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
"Ohh, I get it now. That's why you haven't dropped like the sack of shit you are. You've been cheating, well if I knew that, Then I would've done this" Vance snapped his fingers and they both appeared in his darkness realm. Vance promptly teleported away from Jackie taking the dagger with him. He pulled it out of his chest and then cut off a large chunk of his shorts and placed it on his wound and used tendrils of darkness to secure it, using it like a makeshift bandage.
Vance snapped his fingers and had tendrils of darkness trip her up before four swords of darkness pinned her to the ground by her limbs.
"Now, Life support. You're trapped in here with me. I haven't taken your powers away, cause I don't want to kill you, but if you don't give up it will happen. Try to attack me, see what I do"
"Normally, I'd probably throw that back in your face about how this was a sparring match, and you started going for kill shots, but you are right. I completely forgot to give you a heads up, so that's my bad," She looks up at Vance, not even seeming uncomfortable. Unbeaknowst to him, Sanctum had basically numbed her entire body while the tendrils were there. She ignores him snarling " Slaughter him, " in her ear, knowing that this was partially her fault for a) not letting him know the full extent of her powers, and b) making more guidelines. "So, you know the voice thing? Your 'Life Support' comment, while uninspired, is very true. Sanctum agreed not to take hold and kill you, or use my powers against my will to cause you serious bodily harm, but once you went for my stomach, he went against my will and started to seal up the wounds. Basically, Sanctum doesn't have to listen to me, and he didn't. I didn't intentionally cheat. My comment was more me being, like you said, a sack of shit. Not unlike your trash talk."

Raising an eyebrow, she continues, a bit wryly, "Even here, in your little realm or world or whatever this is, you probably couldn't kill me. My 'voice' would not take that sitting down."
Jayn turned around to face Roman, a disappointed look on her face, "ROMAN~! You messed it up! I was going to kill that guy and the room would look so much better! And also..." She turned back to Kinzel, "If you want to get the maximum amount of bang for your buck with your belt, flick the wrist, like this..." She unclasped her sword and allowed it to uncoil, taking a more whip like look. She whipped it right in front of Roman's face, a cracking sound echoing through the room, "See? It's a very sudden motion, it's gotta happen in an instant..."

She put the sword back and pointed at Kinzel, "You seem cool..." She pointed at Marlen, "And you WOULD seem cool, if you'd DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ROOM!" Jayn then let out a breath. Walking over to the large container of catnip and walking out with it, "Okay that's all I wanted, bye!"

@Lotusy @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus ran into her arms, picking her up and spinning around You know I can't be alone! I'll die!! I need constant affection

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
A ball of darkness consumed the explosion and obliterated it into nothing. Theodore stepped out of the ball of light. He popped his knuckles. "Ok have fun with this one." He summoned the Mecha Typhoeus and used it like a puppet. It attacked Morpheus relentlessly.

DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus ran into her arms, picking her up and spinning around You know I can't be alone! I'll die!! I need constant affection

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Reed followed him and appeared by his side. He looked around "Sooo how are we doing this? No survivors, survivors becomes slaves, or we kill the leader and win their loyalty?"

DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus ran into her arms, picking her up and spinning around You know I can't be alone! I'll die!! I need constant affection

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Jessica waited until the last moment and swapped their places. She stopped his movement and prevented him from using his powers to escape. The dagger and drills hit Decimus and bore into his chest. Jessica coughed up blood and Corrupted darkness. He intestines and vital organs were liquefied. "Good job..... you win." She fell onto her face and was slowly consumed by darkness. The orb went to Decimus and healed his body empowering him with the darkness embodiment.

DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus ran into her arms, picking her up and spinning around You know I can't be alone! I'll die!! I need constant affection

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
Lilian hugged him tight and kissed his forehead again like she would never be able to again. "I love you my son." She pinched his cheek and exploded into holy and demonic energy. The energy poured in through his mouth and eye filling him with what angelic powers she had and freeing his again. She left a note in his hand. "Love you always. -Mom"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Annalyse looked over to Colin and snickered a bit, forcing herself not to laugh. Colin sweetie do I look 56? I'm still very attractive. I mean if you don't like my... what do the proper kids say? Exaggerated features? If you don't like my exaggerated features then please do say so sweetie. She flashed him a quick smile and winked, going back to rummaging for him. Boy swim attire was so much easier. It was just hard to find one in his approximate boyish size that didn't look stupid and childish
(You know Colin would wear anything Anna asked him to, especially if she asked nicely or did what she did earlier, right? :P )

Colin felt bad when Anna implied the clothes he chose were for a 56 year old, but started blushing harder when Anna implied something about her 'exaggerated features' which he assumed were her breasts. Colin looked through the clothes and picked out another one that he hoped Anna would like. "Wh-what a-about th-this o-one?" Colin asked as he held it out for Anna to see.


CelticSol said:
"Normally, I'd probably throw that back in your face about how this was a sparring match, and you started going for kill shots, but you are right. I completely forgot to give you a heads up, so that's my bad," She looks up at Vance, not even seeming uncomfortable. Unbeknownst to him, Sanctum had basically numbed her entire body while the tendrils were there. She ignores him snarling " Slaughter him, " in her ear, knowing that this was partially her fault for a) not letting him know the full extent of her powers, and b) making more guidelines. "So, you know the voice thing? Your 'Life Support' comment, while uninspired, is very true. Sanctum agreed not to take hold and kill you, or use my powers against my will to cause you serious bodily harm, but once you went for my stomach, he went against my will and started to seal up the wounds. Basically, Sanctum doesn't have to listen to me, and he didn't. I didn't intentionally cheat. My comment was more me being, like you said, a sack of shit. Not unlike your trash talk."
Raising an eyebrow, she continues, a bit wryly, "Even here, in your little realm or world or whatever this is, you probably couldn't kill me. My 'voice' would not take that sitting down."
"You know what? I don't care, should've told me about this shit before we started. You start using powers, even if it's not done by you, I start using powers" Vance shrugged before glaring at Jackie "But. Don't underestimate me. I can kill you before you've had time to blink. But killing someone that quickly isn't that fun, you tend to miss the life slowly fading from their eyes. Which is the best part" Vance shrugged and snapped his fingers, removing the swords that were pinning Jackie to the floor. "I hope to christ that there is some way of healing myself. Because If I die in here, you will probably be stuck for a while. That isn't fun. Where was I?" Vance paused for a moment as he tried to get his train of thought back on track

"Oh yeah, I'm about to pass out from either exhaustion or blood loss. And I don't hate you enough to keep you here. but at the same time, I really hate sand. And if I got some of that in a wound, I'd have sand inside of me." Vance chuckled as he placed a hand onto his chest. He walked over to Jackie, offering her a hand up. "Anyway, fights over. I don't really care who won. Because it was actually kinda fun. But I digress"
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DizjayDeathPride said:

  • Morpheus ran into her arms, picking her up and spinning around You know I can't be alone! I'll die!! I need constant affection

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread
"Oh really now?" Luna laughs as she's spun around. "In all seriousness though Morpheus we need to talk."

Ash shrugs his shoulders taking the hit. "I don't know, in case something like that happened."

LokiofSP said:
Jayn turned around to face Roman, a disappointed look on her face, "ROMAN~! You messed it up! I was going to kill that guy and the room would look so much better! And also..." She turned back to Kinzel, "If you want to get the maximum amount of bang for your buck with your belt, flick the wrist, like this..." She unclasped her sword and allowed it to uncoil, taking a more whip like look. She whipped it right in front of Roman's face, a cracking sound echoing through the room, "See? It's a very sudden motion, it's gotta happen in an instant..."

She put the sword back and pointed at Kinzel, "You seem cool..." She pointed at Marlen, "And you WOULD seem cool, if you'd DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ROOM!" Jayn then let out a breath. Walking over to the large container of catnip and walking out with it, "Okay that's all I wanted, bye!"

@Lotusy @Light
( @Lotusy )

Roman sighs and leaves with Jayn. "So I thought about the date. So how do you feel about becoming the leader of monopoly gang for a day? See what its like to run a large reaper gang."

Kinziel actually tries what Jayn gave her advice for, hitting Malren with the flick of her wrist.

Isabel wakes up the next day in the supernatural realm and moves out the way of a punch. It seemed like the being wanted to start training as soon as she woke up. "No break?!" Isabel summons Thor's hammer for the being as it charges toward her. Isabel summons Sunset and starts up the timer, hissing at the limitation. Isabel parried the strike from the being and its hammer. Isabel extends her hand and blasts the being back with a telekinetic blast. She had charged up the timer enough for 9 seconds. She switches Sunset's form into the bow and fires an arrow at his leg, piercing through it. Sunset forcibly changes back to its blade form when 9 seconds was used up.

"Good....you are learning. Continue."
GingerBread said:
(You know Colin would wear anything Anna asked him to, especially if she asked nicely or did what she did earlier, right? :P )
Colin felt bad when Anna implied the clothes he chose were for a 56 year old, but started blushing harder when Anna implied something about her 'exaggerated features' which he assumed were her breasts. Colin looked through the clothes and picked out another one that he hoped Anna would like. "Wh-what a-about th-this o-one?" Colin asked as he held it out for Anna to see.


"You know what? I don't care, should've told me about this shit before we started. You start using powers, even if it's not done by you, I start using powers" Vance shrugged before glaring at Jackie "But. Don't underestimate me. I can kill you before you've had time to blink. But killing someone that quickly isn't that fun, you tend to miss the life slowly fading from their eyes. Which is the best part" Vance shrugged and snapped his fingers, removing the swords that were pinning Jackie to the floor. "I hope to christ that there is some way of healing myself. Because If I die in here, you will probably be stuck for a while. That isn't fun. Where was I?" Vance paused for a moment as he tried to get his train of thought back on track

"Oh yeah, I'm about to pass out from either exhaustion or blood loss. And I don't hate you enough to keep you here. but at the same time, I really hate sand. And if I got some of that in a wound, I'd have sand inside of me." Vance chuckled as he placed a hand onto his chest. He walked over to Jackie, offering her a hand up. "Anyway, fights over. I don't really care who won. Because it was actually kinda fun. But I digress"

She nods, smiling. She takes his hand, though she winces as she stands, some numbness fading in order for her to actually be able to move around. She keeps grip on Vance, her gaze questioning, "I have a way to heal you. It might work, it might note but it's better than dropping dead. It boils down to this; do you trust me enough to try this? I've only ever tried this once, with Isabel, but it worked wonders."
CelticSol said:
She nods, smiling. She takes his hand, though she winces as she stands, some numbness fading in order for her to actually be able to move around. She keeps grip on Vance, her gaze questioning, "I have a way to heal you. It might work, it might note but it's better than dropping dead. It boils down to this; do you trust me enough to try this? I've only ever tried this once, with Isabel, but it worked wonders."
"So it's either doing something that might not work, or getting sand in my wounds? Hard choice" Vance shrugged and smirked at Jackie. "Sure, I'll be the second test subject for this. Why the hell not. I've probably been a test subject for other things. And it's far better than getting sand in my wounds. And I could've sworn that I've already placed my trust in you, when we were looking for Layla"
GingerBread said:
"So it's either doing something that might not work, or getting sand in my wounds? Hard choice" Vance shrugged and smirked at Jackie. "Sure, I'll be the second test subject for this. Why the hell not. I've probably been a test subject for other things. And it's far better than getting sand in my wounds. And I could've sworn that I've already placed my trust in you, when we were looking for Layla"
She rolls her eyes, "So sweet, you trust me," She takes a Valley Girl accent, dramatically flipping her hair over her shoulder, "Now, we're, like, BFFs!" Laughing at herself, she covers his hand with her other hand, holding it between the two of them, then looks up at him for a brief moment, "By the way, because you agreed to this, you've relinquished all right to being pissed off at me for it," With that, she closes her eyes to focus, and her hands turn to ice, turning black as she slowly and carefully transfers a fragment of Sanctum into Vance. It feels like smoke in his veins, wisping through him like a cloud. There is a buzzing static in his mind, like a swarm of bees mixing with a ringing in his ears. By Jackie's concentration, she's obviously trying her hardest to keep Sanctum quiet to Vance. His wounds start to stitch themselves back together, slowly closing from the corruption in him. When the worst of his wounds are only bleeding as much as a paper cut, she draw the power back into her. Her eyes open as the last of it renters her fingertips, and she grins, very satisfied. "That was even better than last time. Isabel had to deal with Sanctum talking to her, so I'm glad that I managed to keep that from happening. I'm also glad he didn't kill you."

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