Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
Jayn didn't even hesitate to take the sword and shield from their cases and hold them. She got a feel for their weight, spun them around a bit, even had fake fights with them, but then she turned her head, and there was even MORE cool stuff to touch. She smiled as she turned around and around, taking it all in, "Not that I don't appreciate this but, why are you showing this to me of all people?"


Hearing Ryan move away, Fola closed his mouth and reached out for his sword. Using that to support his weight, he opened his eyes to once again see nothingness. It was in that moment that Fola knew there was nothing he could do...He'd told Colin that he was nothing more than a pawn, one that marched forward and hoped to not get killed. In this situation he was a pawn hoping to fight a queen, there was nothing he could do. Ryan was infinatly better, and always WOULD be better, and he would just have to accept that...

If he could bring himself to...There was still that dark part of him that forced him to keep going, who used his body to speak words that were not it's own. It opened his mouth to speak once more, "Dammit Ryan, why don't you fight me?! I'm not going to stop, yet you still back away as if you think I'll tire myself out..."

Ryan sighed and shook his head. "Because if I do you'll die. I don't want you to die. No that's a lie. I just don't want to be the one to kill you. It's morally wrong to kill the innocent. If you say you surrender I can heal you and we just move on?"
Dreamtique said:
Earl dusted off and fasten his pace to catch up with Alice.
Earl was half-blind in such a dark surrounding, it wast not surprising at all, as after all, they are deep down under the sea. He had to use the faint light coming from the fire on a mini shadow dragon's tail sitting calmly on his shoulder that he summoned to help him to navigate around better. The atmosphere around was feeling damp, the rancid smell in the atmosphere worsened when they enter the temple, although it may just be a side effect of his false impression on what would the temple looks and feels like. It was very quiet, absolute silence, their footsteps were the only thing that can be heard echoing around the vicinity, this place truly feels dead and isolated, it feels familiar to Earl.

Earl couldn't help it but to slow down occasionally and curiously ran his hand over a few symbol on the wall, admiring the great artwork while trying to read and understand them, despite knowing that his action was straight away pointless and the symbols were probably just for decorative purposes.

Upon reaching a gateway, Earl ran his eyes quickly over the guardian that was standing in their way. He replied to the guardian:

"Allow me. We are from Dragon's Roar, we came here to obtain the White Orb for a very important purpose. Mortal Realm had been in catastrophe and chaos due to the immense and uncontrollable energy of the Black Orb being unleash. Reassembling the power of the orbs now is our only hope, we are trying to bring peace and balance once again to the Mortal Realm. We need the White Orb." Earl looked at the guardian with a determined look, awaiting a response. @Lotusy
( @Lotusy )

"This isn't about we or others. This is about your purpose with the White Orb. Find your own purpose or turn back. Both of you must find your own purpose."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus shook his head. "No thank you. I can't sleep just yet. I must watch over you"
"A small nap wouldn't hurt, the temple defenses are up once again. Just try it... 5 minutes."

LokiofSP said:
Jayn didn't even hesitate to take the sword and shield from their cases and hold them. She got a feel for their weight, spun them around a bit, even had fake fights with them, but then she turned her head, and there was even MORE cool stuff to touch. She smiled as she turned around and around, taking it all in, "Not that I don't appreciate this but, why are you showing this to me of all people?"
The reaper just wanted to be honest with her, he couldn't lie anymore. "Look this may sound weird but it's the honest truth and so don't want to lie to you anymore. The reason why I've shown myself to you, followed you around, and showed you this is because I love you. I just....I saw you once as just a regular but interesting life form so I started to watch you for entertainment contrasting from the sad and boring reaper routine. Things went from one thing to another and I ended up falling in love with you...in a creepy way." The reaper scratches the left side of his hood. "I just....couldn't help but talk to you today. You looked so happy even though you were causing trouble as usual. Though me following you was out of line, please forgive me!" The reaper bows his head to her.
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Light said:
( @Lotusy )
"This isn't about we or others. This is about your purpose with the White Orb. Find your own purpose or turn back. Both of you must find your own purpose."

"A small nap wouldn't hurt, the temple defenses are up once again." Just try it... 5 minutes.

The reaper just wanted to be honest with her, he couldn't lie anymore. "Look this may sound weird but it's the honest truth and so don't want to lie to you anymore. The reason why I've shown myself to you, followed you around, and showed you this is because I love you. I just....I saw you once as just a regular but interesting life form so I started to watch you for entertainment contrasting from the sad and boring reaper routine. Things went from one thing to another and I ended up falling in love with you...in a creepy way." The reaper scratches the left side of his hood. "I just....couldn't help but talk to you today. You looked so happy even though you were causing trouble as usual. Though me following you was out of line, please forgive me!" The reaper bows his head to her.
Decimus shook his head to her sadly. "As much as i want to, I can't. 5 minutes will turn into who knows how long. I can't risk that"

LokiofSP said:

Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. With his other hand he shot the platform, blowing it up and letting Fola fall

Jayn blinked a few times and looked from left to right as if looking for cameras. She then nodded, "Hm...Yep...That's a thing...I've uh, never had to really deal with the whole 'crush' thing before so let me just...You're serious here? Okay just wanted to check...Well, I don't know what to say to that, kinda creepy though..."


Fola only realized he was falling about five seconds in. Not having sight usually does that to a person. It was when he was falling that he turned himself around, and hoped his stupid idea would work. He opened his mouth and spewed forth a long, concentrated blast of fire from his mouth, making his fall slow, then making himself stop, then making himself blast of to the sky, he kept on going for a few moments before he stopped breathing fire and began to blindly grab for a solid surface.

He grabbed onto the platform Ryan was on, but only just barley, and pulled himself up as he breathed heavily. He looked around as if expecting to see something, "Okay, number one) Dick move, two) what happened to not killing me? I mean, I've met a lot of assholes, but you a just a contradicting coward who won't even fight a blind man. Fucking pathetic."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus shook his head to her sadly. "As much as i want to, I can't. 5 minutes will turn into who knows how long. I can't risk that"
Alexandria sighs and nods her head. "Alright....I hope you're enjoying this place though... I do."

LokiofSP said:
Jayn blinked a few times and looked from left to right as if looking for cameras. She then nodded, "Hm...Yep...That's a thing...I've uh, never had to really deal with the whole 'crush' thing before so let me just...You're serious here? Okay just wanted to check...Well, I don't know what to say to that, kinda creepy though..."

"Y-you don't have to say anything. I just told you since you did ask about why I brought you here. I am serious though..."

( Working on his character sheet. )
"No I get that you told me that I just...Really I have no idea what to say." She nervously chuckled, "I mean, I don't even know your name, or anything about you for that matter. So I think for now we should just focus on becoming friends..." She attempted to playfully punch his shoulder, but due to the situation it was just kinda awkward, "Alright buddy? Pal? Compardre? Friend? Companion?"

Light said:
"This isn't about we or others. This is about your purpose with the White Orb. Find your own purpose or turn back. Both of you must find your own purpose."
The guardian's reply came to him as a shock, he instantly lowered his head. He looked reluctant to speak, acting uncomfortable.

"I...I..." He closes his eyes tightly, he was struggling internally. Droplets of sweats started to form on his forehead, he couldn't utter a word.

That was the question he kept questioning himself, again and again from the day he joined this guild, the day he entered this men's body.

Why do I even care? I am demon, why am I trying to protect humanity? Why do I even choose to live in this human...... Trying to protect Mortal Realm that is full of human, that I use to hate......I am not supposed to do that...am I still normal? Am I......I don't even know anymore......

He tighten his fist while his arms started to tremble, he knew that he couldn't escape anymore, he must face his true self...the side of him that he is trying to hide, trying to escape from, face to face, he must give himself an answer.

(Waiting for
@Lotusy 's post first)
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LokiofSP said:
"No I get that you told me that I just...Really I have no idea what to say." She nervously chuckled, "I mean, I don't even know your name, or anything about you for that matter. So I think for now we should just focus on becoming friends..." She attempted to playfully punch his shoulder, but due to the situation it was just kinda awkward, "Alright buddy? Pal? Compardre? Friend? Companion?"

"Oh! Shucks my n-name! Sorry..." The reaper clears his throat and has his scythe disappear in hopes of removing hostile tension. "My name's Roman Ferick. I'd love to be your friend!" Roman seemed extremely excited to have a real excuse to talk to her even if he was rejected.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson grabbed him and they both went out of the light realm and back into the castle. "Is Alice still here?" He said worried about Crimson.
( ! )

Cintheia appeared behind him and Cole fell asleep. She took his body to the nightmare realm where he woke up thinking it was a dream. He saw Cintheia standing a few feet away looking at him. (Pulling out the big guns)

Zedd was laying down waiting on Crimson who he caught the scent of when he exited the light realm. He ran towards the smell of Crimson and Jackson tackling Jackson down to the ground, growling into his face into he realizes that he's no longer under control, and starts licking him.


Cole wakes up and starts trying to get up. He looks around and everything seems off he looks in front of him seeing Cintheia. Who is that? He thought to himself. He pulls out a smoke, lights it and puts it in his mouth. Can I help you? Why am I here, I don't quite remember going to sleep.

@Light @Tazmodo
Ethan finished his dance by opening a trap door to the other side of the world, the reapers tap danced into the trap and fell to the other side of the world "That is the end of that." Ethan stretched his fingers out then walked back into the rioting, looking for more souls to reap.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn blinked a few times and looked from left to right as if looking for cameras. She then nodded, "Hm...Yep...That's a thing...I've uh, never had to really deal with the whole 'crush' thing before so let me just...You're serious here? Okay just wanted to check...Well, I don't know what to say to that, kinda creepy though..."


Fola only realized he was falling about five seconds in. Not having sight usually does that to a person. It was when he was falling that he turned himself around, and hoped his stupid idea would work. He opened his mouth and spewed forth a long, concentrated blast of fire from his mouth, making his fall slow, then making himself stop, then making himself blast of to the sky, he kept on going for a few moments before he stopped breathing fire and began to blindly grab for a solid surface.

He grabbed onto the platform Ryan was on, but only just barley, and pulled himself up as he breathed heavily. He looked around as if expecting to see something, "Okay, number one) Dick move, two) what happened to not killing me? I mean, I've met a lot of assholes, but you a just a contradicting coward who won't even fight a blind man. Fucking pathetic."

"One, I didn't try to kill you. I tried to let you fall. Two, don't be so emotional." He contemplated just pushing him off again but decided not. "Fola how about I keep crippling you? Then will you stop?"

Light said:
Alexandria sighs and nods her head. "Alright....I hope you're enjoying this place though... I do."
"Y-you don't have to say anything. I just told you since you did ask about why I brought you here. I am serious though..."

( Working on his character sheet. )
"I am. It's peaceful. Calm. Appropriate. Why is it so peaceful and calm?"
metalcity said:
Ethan finished his dance by opening a trap door to the other side of the world, the reapers tap danced into the trap and fell to the other side of the world "That is the end of that." Ethan stretched his fingers out then walked back into the rioting, looking for more souls to reap.
Ethan could feel a reaper and a non reaper female inside the vault of Grimmavus, a place a reaper shouldn't be in to begin with.

DizjayDeathPride said:
"I am. It's peaceful. Calm. Appropriate. Why is it so peaceful and calm?"
"It's calm because the orbs themselves could be peaceful....Though humanity just happens to make them cursed and hateful."

The reaper looks at Zedd as well. "I'm sorry but you failed...Alice is dead."
Light said:
"Oh...well that's how I feel when the orb is away from me....It's almost painful. I feel like something is different though in a strange way. Here." Alexandria extends her hands so Decimus can take the orb. "The peace here was great while it lasted."
( @LokiofSP Jayn? )

An Uno reaper appears before him and frowns. "She was captured and...killed."
Jackson pets Zedd and get ups. "Ha ha no seriously where's Alice and the kid?" He went into denial. His heart shattered.
Light said:
Ethan could feel a reaper and a non reaper female inside the vault of Grimmavus, a place a reaper shouldn't be in to begin with.
"It's calm because the orbs themselves could be peaceful....Though humanity just happens to make them cursed and hateful."

The reaper looks at Zedd as well. "I'm sorry but you failed...Alice is dead."
"Pardon my forwardness but if I am the only one in proximity to the orb, ever, how does humanity have an effect on the orb?"
Cintheia looks up. "No one remembers. And to answer your question I am Cintheia. And this is my realm. Trust me this is no dream." She turns into dust and is blow any. "Be prepared because if you die in a dream. You die in real life." Her voice boomed throughout the realm.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson pets Zedd and get ups. "Ha ha no seriously where's Alice and the kid?" He went into denial. His heart shattered.
"It's all true.... The castle is going through a state or mourning. We'd like for you to leave."

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Pardon my forwardness but if I am the only one in proximity to the orb, ever, how does humanity have an effect on the orb?"
"Because I'm connected to it and humanity has an effect on me."
Tazmodo said:
Jessica laughed. "I can't disclose that information. But I am curious about this stalker though." A chair of darkness formed and she sat on it.
( ! )

A pink beam shot at Julius and Cecilia walked into the clearing. "You were awfull loud."
( ! )

Julius dove and made his pistol of energy and shot the girl several times.
Light said:
"It's all true.... The castle is going through a state or mourning. We'd like for you to leave."
"Because I'm connected to it and humanity has an effect on me."
Jackson had one question left. "Who killed her?" After he got his answer he would leave.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson had one question left. "Who killed her?" After he got his answer he would leave.
"Roman...Roman Ferick... A rogue reaper whom is the leader of the Monopoly gang. He's trying to take over the Van Fen'rir family.... Alice refused and he used her as an example of what happens when he doesn't get what he wants. Last time I sensed him he was in New York."
Light said:
"It's all true.... The castle is going through a state or mourning. We'd like for you to leave."
"Because I'm connected to it and humanity has an effect on me."
The realization Decimus had had all three of the TDR Heads snapped up and sigh, smacking their foreheads and groaning. In unison they all said, "I'm so stupid"

Decimus extended his hands for Alexandria to take. "You know there is only one way to help relieve the pain you feel. You need to share the weight with someone else. Talk about it."
DizjayDeathPride said:
The realization Decimus had had all three of the TDR Heads snapped up and sigh, smacking their foreheads and groaning. In unison they all said, "I'm so stupid"
Decimus extended his hands for Alexandria to take. "You know there is only one way to help relieve the pain you feel. You need to share the weight with someone else. Talk about it."
Alexandria smiles and closes her eyes. "I do have someone for that. If you can help me find her it would be wonderful."
Light said:
( @DizjayDeathPride )
Reapers approach Richard in a state of panic. "You! You're a reaper right? We need you to revive Chess gang!"
Richard looked up from his desk and raised an eyebrow. "Chess... Gang? Why would I affiliate with a gang?"j

Light said:
Alexandria smiles and closes her eyes. "I do have someone for that. If you can help me find her it would be wonderful."
"Very well. Allow me to tell my leader and we'll go right away. Do you need any supplies?"
Light said:
"She can't exactly speak in a human language at the moment. The temple itself is not that bad."

Alice dives down into the water, diving deep into the trench. She seemed to be covering a lot of distance in short time. In time she made it to the bottom of the trench, surviving the heavy pressure with her body. She enters the bubble which pushes water away from the temple and exits dragon form, dropping Malren and Earl upon the floor in front of the temple. She begins to walk into the temple and the barrier goes down. There seemed to be carved in symbols along the walls as the temple's pathway seemed to go downward. The temperature was rising rapidly. A guardian stands before a gateway. "What is your purpose with the White Orb?"

This time Alina manages to make two useless hamsters without passing out. "I.....I did it!"
"Oh, ok. My bad, Carnage," Malren said, staying silent as Alice entered the temple, and marvelling at the symbols on the path along the temple. "Goodness," he muttered, stepping down from Alice's back. As he followed her into the temple, the temperature began to increase, until he reached a guardian asking for his purpose. "My purpose is to obtain and protect the orb. I have come bacause I've heard her story. I've seen what she was part of, I've seen her father's pain. Now I'm here to try and make things right for them."

Viktor sighed as Alina got overexcited with her summoning, but was happy for her nonetheless. He picked up one of the hamsters, inspecting it. "Make good job. Rest now. We train later."

GingerBread said:
"U-um, not a lot. I go for walk normally, g-get a bit of fresh air, you know?" Colin smiled at Boris before turning his attention towards the object on the table "S-so what's that? I-is it magic?"

"Maybe," Boris said, screwing on the side and letting out a satisfied sigh. "This machine here makes the drawing of magical energy. Is artificial converter." He gestured to the ground. "Below us is ley line, large mana pool. We tap into it to bring power to guild teleport system. Now follow me." The old man picked up the circle and limped off, carrying it off to a different room.

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