Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Ethan laughed "MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA but what you don't know is that" again for no reason music started to play, sucking the two into the musical with no escape.

"♫ I've got a fighting spirit

And it likes to show its self

when ever I kick asses like yours ♫"

Ethan started to tap dance again, once he finished tap dancing the other two started to tap dance.

"♫ So how about you leave?

so I don't have to be rude!"

The musical number continued with Roman and the Jayn.

@Light @LokiofSP (I really like this power xD and yes, you have two go along with it and you can not break out of it until Ethan ends the song xD hopefully no killy killy until the song finishes xD )
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"This one has a triangle on it." Arwyn said as they emerged from the tunnel to find another wall that was slightly different from the rest they had activated. "It must be the last one!"

Syrax looked at the symbols with a slow and lazy sweep of his gaze. "They contain all of the symbols we have passed by so far." he said. "If it follows the chronological order of symbols then we should activate them in the order of square, triangle, octagon, rectangle and circle"

Arwyn nodded her head in agreement to the wyvern's statement. "A sound plan. Alright, lets see what awaits us on the other side." With that she pushes the buttons in the order and waits for the hidden mechanism to do its work, her hand resting on the pommel of her sword.

metalcity said:
Ethan laughed "MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA but what you don't know is that" again for no reason music started to play, sucking the two into the musical with no escape.

"♫ I've got a fighting spirit

And it likes to show its self

when ever I kick asses like yours ♫"

Ethan started to tap dance again, once he finished tap dancing the other two started to tap dance.

"♫ So how about you leave?

so I don't have to be rude!"

The musical number continued with Roman and the Jayn.

@Light @LokiofSP (I really like this power xD and yes, you have two go along with it and you can not break out of it until Ethan ends the song xD hopefully no killy killy until the song finishes xD )
( I have my ways. )

Roman was dancing for a moment and completely forgot to focus on keeping his body solid. Once he becomes transparent like a real ghost or reaper would, he also was too busy go focus on allowing at least sound waves to hit him. Which snapped him out of the dance since the song was no longer hitting him. "Yep, I'm tired of this shit." Of course Roman couldn't hear himself say that and freezes the vaults sense of time once more. He allows himself to become physical again and drags the blade of his scythe across Ethan's chest. "Fuck this bullshit." He rips Ethan's soul out but doesn't obliterate it. Instead he traps it in a small vial and puts that vial on a necklace around his neck. He allows the vaults sense of time to continue without the music and stares at Jayn as she was no longer dancing, Ethan's body dropping basically dead behind him. "Well that was a thing! Now about that sword." Roman totally ignores the trapped Ethan in a vial.

( @LokiofSP )
(What? I didn't unwarch this thread by accident, you're crazy...)

After the whole inccident was settled, Jayn found herself breathing a bit harder. There was allot of things she needed to process, like the fact that there were two types of reapers, the amazing fact that they were in gangs named after board games, it was all so crazy! Oh and the reaper in love with her was a goat thing that just killed a clown, but whatever, came with the job. She stared at the vial, "Before we get into the sword, Pennywise is in that bottle, right?"

Juju said:
"This one has a triangle on it." Arwyn said as they emerged from the tunnel to find another wall that was slightly different from the rest they had activated. "It must be the last one!"
Syrax looked at the symbols with a slow and lazy sweep of his gaze. "They contain all of the symbols we have passed by so far." he said. "If it follows the chronological order of symbols then we should activate them in the order of square, triangle, octagon, rectangle and circle"

Arwyn nodded her head in agreement to the wyvern's statement. "A sound plan. Alright, lets see what awaits us on the other side." With that she pushes the buttons in the order and waits for the hidden mechanism to do its work, her hand resting on the pommel of her sword.

The door opens and the entire golden city starts to quake. Arwyn and Syrax are blasted with golden empowering light. Once it was over they could both feel amazing power within their system. Life was brought back to the city of gold. All the citizens were golden little gingerbread people.
LokiofSP said:
(What? I didn't unwarch this thread by accident, you're crazy...)
After the whole inccident was settled, Jayn found herself breathing a bit harder. There was allot of things she needed to process, like the fact that there were two types of reapers, the amazing fact that they were in gangs named after board games, it was all so crazy! Oh and the reaper in love with her was a goat thing that just killed a clown, but whatever, came with the job. She stared at the vial, "Before we get into the sword, Pennywise is in that bottle, right?"

( @metalcity )

Roman looks down at the vial and scratches the back of his head. "Uh....yeah. Sorry about that I just get a little violent sometimes." Roman crushes the vial and allows the soul to return to Ethan'a body. He opens a portal and lightly scoots his body into it, sending him back out. "Well not anymore." His clock eyes continue to tick away as his awkward composure betrays his hardened look. "I'm sorry about today though! This probably has been a really rough day for you and I'd understand if you don't want anything to do with it anymore. I'll take you home immediately if that's what you wish for."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard sighed and walked over to his window, crossing his arms behind his back. "You know what I've learned as Alpha Elite? When it comes to warfare?" He turned and faced them, a crack forming on the glass and ripping open to sea of black hoods. Billions of Reapers from Richard's dimension
"Complete annihilation. Reapers?" He raised his hand, billions of slashes in the group, converting them all. "Let's go squash some gang rebellion"
The reapers stare at his forces in awe. "We should annihilate the Connect Four gang!"
Light said:
( @metalcity )
Roman looks down at the vial and scratches the back of his head. "Uh....yeah. Sorry about that I just get a little violent sometimes." Roman crushes the vial and allows the soul to return to Ethan'a body. He opens a portal and lightly scoots his body into it, sending him back out. "Well not anymore." His clock eyes continue to tick away as his awkward composure betrays his hardened look. "I'm sorry about today though! This probably has been a really rough day for you and I'd understand if you don't want anything to do with it anymore. I'll take you home immediately if that's what you wish for."

The reapers stare at his forces in awe. "We should annihilate the Connect Four gang!"
Richard raised his hand and flicked forward, the hoard pouring out and flying into the sky making my a black cloud of Reapers. "BRING ME THEIR HEADS!" He yelled after them and turned to the old members of Chess.

"Like I said. Blood and Dark Kings"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard raised his hand and flicked forward, the hoard pouring out and flying into the sky making my a black cloud of Reapers. "BRING ME THEIR HEADS!" He yelled after them and turned to the old members of Chess.
"Like I said. Blood and Dark Kings"
All the chess reapers left behind merely stare at him in shock, some drop their scythes. A reaper in the back decides to speak up. "Jesus....."

Jayn shooks her head, an explosion of life and energy is seen in her eyes, "Are you kidding me?! This has been an amazing day! I almost gave this up for X-Files?" She pointed at the sword, "Now open up that case and enjoy the show!"



Fola blinks a few times as he slowly opens his eyes and yawns, greeting the world of complete dark. He holds his head as he remembers the past few minutes, he needed to get up and move, needed to say sorry to Morgana and Ryan, needed to figure out what was going on and most importantly, get the other orbs. He cupped his hands and called out, "Hey! Ryan, you there?! I'd like to be able to see now!"

Light said:
All the chess reapers left behind merely stare at him in shock, some drop their scythes. A reaper in the back decides to speak up. "Jesus....."
Richard chucked and sat back down. "I can see why you needed help. No battle strategy. Don't worry I've been leading armies for centuries. We will be fine"

LokiofSP said:

Jayn shooks her head, an explosion of life and energy is seen in her eyes, "Are you kidding me?! This has been an amazing day! I almost gave this up for X-Files?" She pointed at the sword, "Now open up that case and enjoy the show!"



Fola blinks a few times as he slowly opens his eyes and yawns, greeting the world of complete dark. He holds his head as he remembers the past few minutes, he needed to get up and move, needed to say sorry to Morgana and Ryan, needed to figure out what was going on and most importantly, get the other orbs. He cupped his hands and called out, "Hey! Ryan, you there?! I'd like to be able to see now!"


The light of the Realm healed his eyes and plopped him down in front of the guild
The two landed in the middle of one of the streets, confused as to where all of these gingerbread citizens had come from or how they were even living. In their immense gratitude the pastry beings began to swarm Arwyn in Syrax to try and touch them, as if it would bring good luck, and spoke words of praise in a language neither could understand. One of the more courageous ones began to climb onto Syrax's tail and would have met a gruesome end if not for Arwyn preventing the wyvern from swatting it into a nearby wall out of reflex. "I don't think they are harmful." Arwyn said while eyeing the horde of cookie people. "They are probably just thanking us, we did just save them from being gold statues for all of eternity."

Syrax glared at a group of the gingerbread people and unleashed a puff of smoke as a warning. 'I still don't like them... they are too uncanny. I don't trust those beady eyes." he said stubbornly.

Arwyn was about to make a comment about a dragon being scared of animated cookies when she noticed a strange sensation that suddenly overcame her. It was intoxicatingly powerful and she could feel it's energy just past the reach of her fingertips. She just had to grasp out for it.

"Hey, do you sense that too?" she asked Syrax

The wyvern looked away from the tide of gingerbread people and back to Arwyn. "I feel it too... but I can not explain what it is." he muttered lowly.

Light said:
"Roman...Roman Ferick... A rogue reaper whom is the leader of the Monopoly gang. He's trying to take over the Van Fen'rir family.... Alice refused and he used her as an example of what happens when he doesn't get what he wants. Last time I sensed him he was in New York."
Jackson nearly snapped. All the rage he had built up over the years was at its boiling point. He could smell the bullshit coming from this reaper. He used the guilds telepathy. "If Alice died we would feel it right?" He asked Alice strangely calm. He puck up Crimson's body and glared at the reaper. "I don't believe a word you say." He turned around and walked out holding Crimson. "Tell Emily I'll see her when I get back I have a present for her."
GingerBread said:
"Why what? Why I tried to kill you? Because I don't like people disturbing me, and I figure that if I kill enough people that do, most people won't want to even try"
Colin stood up and followed behind Boris "S-so, are you in charge o-of making sure the g-guild stuff works. D-do you do it by yourself?" Colin smiled at Boris. Though he felt like he was a bit redundant and that he was probably slowing things down, rather than helping.

Jessica laughed. "You aren't really the scary type and the more you do that to people I don't think they'll care. Maybe if you left a sign on your door saying to leave you alone they might or have you tried locking the door."
Tazmodo said:
Jessica laughed. "You aren't really the scary type and the more you do that to people I don't think they'll care. Maybe if you left a sign on your door saying to leave you alone they might or have you tried locking the door."
"Yeah I've tried. But teleporting people don't seem to try the door, or even so much as look at it. And trust me, I don't seem scary. But if I truly want someone dead. It will happen, whether by my hand or someone else's. They will die. But people don't seem to understand that, So I need to keep doing it until they do." Vance shrugged "And I may not inspire fear. But I can talk my way out of most situations. Which means I don't have to resort to violence often. Unless I want to. And lately I've had more of a bloodlust"

Fola took a deep breath of air and savored it for a few moments. He didn't know just how long this clarity he felt would last, so he had to act quickly while he could. The first thing he would have to do was apologize and figure out how to get some help. Morgana was, unfortunately, the best suited for this job. She already had such low expectations of him so his reputation couldn't be sullied like it could be if he went to Ashyln, he wouldn't get beaten to a pulp like he may with Alice, and he didn't know the other Van Fen'rir well enough to dump this on them.

He could have gone to somebody else in the guild, but everybody he knew was either an asshole (Vance and Sage), were currently emotional wrecks (Colin) or he just would feel sick facing (Morpheus/Ryan). He took in one last breath of the city's polluted air and didn't move, despite knowing he had to. Truth be told, he still felt shitty for the way he had thought of Morgana, he couldn't face her like this! At least...Not yet...

He took out his flask and downed the last of it, finally letting feeling it begin to affect him one sip in, and by the time the bottle was gone he had a buzz going, which was just what he needed. Capping the flask a red tint took his cheeks as he stretched out and cracked a rare smile, not a mean one either, a genuine smile that made him look as if he just loved everything! He yelled out, "Alright! To Morgana and away!" And began to run through the city, not realizing until about two miles in that he could teleport.

@Light (Enter drunk Fola)
Ryan and Decimus appeared in the Morpheus Realm, in front of Morpheus. Ryan looked around at the beautiful landscape that Morpheus had created and harboured his own. He never actually let them in here before since it was so populated with dangerous Morpheus'. But now that it's empty, he felt they could enter. The realm seemed to expand endlessly, hundreds of different environmemts as far as the eye could see. Ryan couldn't lie. He was actually impressed

The place they stood on, the top of a mountain overlooking a tiny village

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/4a31e150744d10dfe0906e072ace75f8.jpg.cba1029c5abc5a7d6417708c1d16c656.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/4a31e150744d10dfe0906e072ace75f8.jpg.cba1029c5abc5a7d6417708c1d16c656.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Morpheus smiled to his amazement and waved his hand. "Hush now my son. We have important business. OKAY!" He clapped his hands together, the cane floating up into the air. "I'm going to kill you. One at a time. Safely. I just need you to die so I can take your orb then bring you back! With teamwork. Whoever isnt dead? You make sure the other's soul doesnt vanish. Easy right? DECIMUS YOU'RE UP FIRST!"

He pointed the man and stopped his heart, waiting patiently for a few clicks. Soon, he felt the power of the Orb come over to him.

He twitched and looked to Ryan who pulled Decimus' soul back into his body.

Decimus gasped deeply for air, his lungs feeling like they had been deprived for hours. He huffed and clutched the ground under him, staring up. "I hate you."

"I want to get married too buddy but not in front of Ryan! Silly goose." He hunched over Decimus, cleansing his soul with his Divinity and helping him up. "Now... YOU!" He pointed to Ryan and repeated the process.

Once he transferred the Orbs to the single remaining Green Morpheus frolicking in the Realm, cutting its existence off from the others, the clones of Blue Morpheus fizzled away, becoming one single Blue Morpheus and molding with the Realm, guarding this single Green from anything

"Last step. Purity. Sure I can't deal with the corruption spread on the world already from the one orb buuuut since you two came straight here I can cleanse us of the three Orbs here and return without spreading our infections! The only one being out there currently is that nasty Black one. Alright Cane DO YOUR THING!"

The cane's eyes flashed blue and its mouth extended, sucking in all of the corruption that had spread within the realm, pulling it off of their very souls. And just as it filled and all of the effects were inside, Morpheus took them back to their room in the guild and the cane devoured itself and its stored corruption.

Morpheus tipped his hat and bowed. "And that's how The Dragon's Rawriors do it. Protecting the world from harm. Now.... What to do about that pesky Negativity spreading... Hmmm.... Okay you two go protect your girls. Ill make a plan."

Ryan sighed and shook his head. "You see how he casually kills us and then orders us around?"

"We're gonna rebel one day Morpheus. Mark our words."

The three laughed and sighed. Morpheus waved his hand and the two disappeared



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GingerBread said:
Colin was staring at the room in an Awe induced trance. He was only snapped out of it when Boris asked him a question "Y-yeah, this is really cool. S-so you do this all by yourself? Th-that's really cool" Colin reached his hand out to touch a part of the teleporter before sharply pulling his arm back, realizing he could mess something up "I-I think I might go. U-unless you n-need me to do something. B-but I doubt that, s-since you have all those microbot things"

"All by myself," Boris muttered wistfully. "Da." Satisfied with his handiwork, the tinkerer turned around, limping out of the room. "And it makes no problem! Sometimes, I appreciate company. Nanobots make good, but not make good talkers."
-Crimson and Zedd

Zedd walked along side of Jackson looking at Crimson then back straight ahead. @Tazmodo


Cole walked around the nightmare realm for god knows how long. He started to get bored, and restless. Hello anyone here?!?!? He yelled. Why the fuck am I in here?! @Tazmodo


Inaro was still knocked out from Cole hitting his pressure point. As he was knocked out, he dreamt about a bright hand touching his soul. The light washed away the corruption on his soul turning him back to normal. Then a female's voice went off. Wake up Naro, you have things to do. The voice sounded divine and relaxing. Inaro awoke feeling better then ever he hopped and barged into the guilds door. He started to roam around hoping to see his favorite 10 year old child. @Light
Lotusy said:
"All by myself," Boris muttered wistfully. "Da." Satisfied with his handiwork, the tinkerer turned around, limping out of the room. "And it makes no problem! Sometimes, I appreciate company. Nanobots make good, but not make good talkers."
Colin followed Boris out of the teleporter machine room "Y-yeah. I-I'll be going now though. I'll see you later maybe B-Boris. Have a nice rest of your day" Colin smiled at Boris before walking down the hallway to his room, feeling better than he was before.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn shooks her head, an explosion of life and energy is seen in her eyes, "Are you kidding me?! This has been an amazing day! I almost gave this up for X-Files?" She pointed at the sword, "Now open up that case and enjoy the show!"
Roman smiles at this and approaches the case, opening it wide for her to take. "Your sword." Roman felt confident in himself now that she knew about who he really was and she was still enjoying herself. "It's good to know that you weren't too freaked out about today."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard chucked and sat back down. "I can see why you needed help. No battle strategy. Don't worry I've been leading armies for centuries. We will be fine"
At that moment the Connect Four gang was completely wiped out.

Juju said:
The two landed in the middle of one of the streets, confused as to where all of these gingerbread citizens had come from or how they were even living. In their immense gratitude the pastry beings began to swarm Arwyn in Syrax to try and touch them, as if it would bring good luck, and spoke words of praise in a language neither could understand. One of the more courageous ones began to climb onto Syrax's tail and would have met a gruesome end if not for Arwyn preventing the wyvern from swatting it into a nearby wall out of reflex. "I don't think they are harmful." Arwyn said while eyeing the horde of cookie people. "They are probably just thanking us, we did just save them from being gold statues for all of eternity."
Syrax glared at a group of the gingerbread people and unleashed a puff of smoke as a warning. 'I still don't like them... they are too uncanny. I don't trust those beady eyes." he said stubbornly.

Arwyn was about to make a comment about a dragon being scared of animated cookies when she noticed a strange sensation that suddenly overcame her. It was intoxicatingly powerful and she could feel it's energy just past the reach of her fingertips. She just had to grasp out for it.

"Hey, do you sense that too?" she asked Syrax

The wyvern looked away from the tide of gingerbread people and back to Arwyn. "I feel it too... but I can not explain what it is." he muttered lowly.

Arwyn and Syrax now obtain the ability to manipulate gold and the golden city.

Gold Manipulation

LokiofSP said:
Fola took a deep breath of air and savored it for a few moments. He didn't know just how long this clarity he felt would last, so he had to act quickly while he could. The first thing he would have to do was apologize and figure out how to get some help. Morgana was, unfortunately, the best suited for this job. She already had such low expectations of him so his reputation couldn't be sullied like it could be if he went to Ashyln, he wouldn't get beaten to a pulp like he may with Alice, and he didn't know the other Van Fen'rir well enough to dump this on them.
He could have gone to somebody else in the guild, but everybody he knew was either an asshole (Vance and Sage), were currently emotional wrecks (Colin) or he just would feel sick facing (Morpheus/Ryan). He took in one last breath of the city's polluted air and didn't move, despite knowing he had to. Truth be told, he still felt shitty for the way he had thought of Morgana, he couldn't face her like this! At least...Not yet...

He took out his flask and downed the last of it, finally letting feeling it begin to affect him one sip in, and by the time the bottle was gone he had a buzz going, which was just what he needed. Capping the flask a red tint took his cheeks as he stretched out and cracked a rare smile, not a mean one either, a genuine smile that made him look as if he just loved everything! He yelled out, "Alright! To Morgana and away!" And began to run through the city, not realizing until about two miles in that he could teleport.

@Light (Enter drunk Fola)
Morgan was laying down on the ground, her back to the floor. She was staring up at the ceiling with a lost gaze.

The negativity was still all around the Earth and just infected him again. The 10 year old girl was sitting down on the steps.

Lotusy said:
"All by myself," Boris muttered wistfully. "Da." Satisfied with his handiwork, the tinkerer turned around, limping out of the room. "And it makes no problem! Sometimes, I appreciate company. Nanobots make good, but not make good talkers."
( I'm just gonna let Malren go. Actually I'm going to speed this up. )

The guardian opens the gate for Malren and it reveals a white portal. "Answer these questions and you may pass. Are you worthy of the orb? Are you willing to die for the orb? Are you going to protect Alice and the orb? Will you seek out the priestess? Are you prepared to unleash the orbs fury amongst men? Will you charge against the orb and it's ravaging elegance?" Alice had disappeared and if Malren answered the questions he would be sucked into the portal. On the other side he would face a sea of magma with a rock bridge leading to a shrine. Alice was inside the shrine holding the white orb in her palms.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b3ec605_download(1).jpg.584003e43a0ca0bbf1d4046a9f79bb09.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b3ec605_download(1).jpg.584003e43a0ca0bbf1d4046a9f79bb09.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Inaro felt his morality shifts from good neutral to evil neutral. Inaro looked at the girl and places his hands in his pocket. Hey buddy, how've you been, and you care to fall what exactly is going on around the world? He looks around the guild. I keep feeling myself become corrupted. What's going on? @Light

Before she even touched the sword, Jayn turned to Roman and gave him a hug, "Thanks for this, you're a really awesome guy for doing this. Seriously, this is one of the nicest and coolest things somebody has ever let me do..." She backed away and ruffled his hair with a smile, "Also, you don't look THAT scary. You pull of the threatening thing without going to far, looks nice..." She steps back and slowly and gently takes the sword from the case. She then spends a few moments simply holding it in awe, as if this was a dream she'd had all her life, one she thought would never come to be true...

Swinging it lightly a few times, Jayn swallowed a lump in her throat and slowly lifted the sword upwards, a bit of light caught it making her look heroic as fuck.



Fola didn't even hesitate to walk beside Morgana and lay down next to her, looking up at the cealing for a few moments before turning his head to her, "So, is there something I'm supposed to see here that I just can't see or...What?"

The young girls shrugs her shoulders in an uncaring fashion. "You all decided to tamper with my powers. Now you'll face the consequences."

LokiofSP said:
Before she even touched the sword, Jayn turned to Roman and gave him a hug, "Thanks for this, you're a really awesome guy for doing this. Seriously, this is one of the nicest and coolest things somebody has ever let me do..." She backed away and ruffled his hair with a smile, "Also, you don't look THAT scary. You pull of the threatening thing without going to far, looks nice..." She steps back and slowly and gently takes the sword from the case. She then spends a few moments simply holding it in awe, as if this was a dream she'd had all her life, one she thought would never come to be true...

Swinging it lightly a few times, Jayn swallowed a lump in her throat and slowly lifted the sword upwards, a bit of light caught it making her look heroic as fuck.

( @DizjayDeathPride )

Roman was stuck in place as if he altered his own sense of time. He could feel his soul burning to ash and fixing itself once more. He didn't even bother to fix his hair but it sucked that he didn't get the chance to hug her back. "Anytime....thanks." Roman suddenly gets the alert of a faction leader meeting. "I have to go...meaning you have to leave too. I can't leave you alone in here. Apparently one of the factions got completely wiped out and all other leaders have to attend. Of course the party can't start or stop without me. You want to attend, invites are in the air." Roman opens up a portal to her place and another portal to a large building within the Reaper Realm. The portal to the Elite reaper building would take them to the front entrance of the large meeting room. "Make your choice, if you follow me make sure to stay close. Can't have you stray and be mistaken for a lost soul, that would be bad." Roman steps into the portal that will take them to the reaper realm.

LokiofSP said:
Fola didn't even hesitate to walk beside Morgana and lay down next to her, looking up at the cealing for a few moments before turning his head to her, "So, is there something I'm supposed to see here that I just can't see or...What?"

Morgan shakes her head and continues to stare upwards. "Yeah kind of. Do you want to see it?"
Light said:
The young girls shrugs her shoulders in an uncaring fashion. "You all decided to tamper with my powers. Now you'll face the consequences."
( @DizjayDeathPride )

Roman was stuck in place as if he altered his own sense of time. He could feel his soul burning to ash and fixing itself once more. He didn't even bother to fix his hair but it sucked that he didn't get the chance to hug her back. "Anytime....thanks." Roman suddenly gets the alert of a faction leader meeting. "I have to go...meaning you have to leave too. I can't leave you alone in here. Apparently one of the factions got completely wiped out and all other leaders have to attend. Of course the party can't start or stop without me. You want to attend, invites are in the air." Roman opens up a portal to her place and another portal to a large building within the Reaper Realm. The portal to the Elite reaper building would take them to the front entrance of the large meeting room. "Make your choice, if you follow me make sure to stay close. Can't have you stray and be mistaken for a lost soul, that would be bad." Roman steps into the portal that will take them to the reaper realm.

Morgan shakes her head and continues to stare upwards. "Yeah kind of. Do you want to see it?"
Richard had already been sitting at the spot labeled Chess. He rapped his fingers on the table, looking at the now black and red bannister of connect four. Would he say he completely absorbed them? No. Would it come up in conversation? Perhaps

Richard sighed and leaned back, ready to go back to work on destroying the other leaders around him. He looked over to Uno and smiled, leaning back in his seat and sighing

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