Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

"Oh great! I'm not dead, now I can go home and finish X-Files like I PLANNED to..." She began to walk past the reaper, turning and having to him as she reached the end of the block, "So you when I did personal reaper!"



Fola raised a brow at the last question, who was the priestess? Morgana? If so he really had no choice but to save her, after all, he was garbage without her alive. But would he REALLY save her? With all the stuff going on in his mind, there was a chance he could fall to his desir-No. His role in the guild wasn't to worry about the future, he would be dealt with if he needed to be dealt with. Right now however, he was sure he would save someone if they needed saving. He nodded, "Yeah, I'll save the priestess. If that's what I need to do then I'll do it..."

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
Tazmodo said:
Jessica smiled. "That's cute honestly. I'm not stupid enough to throw all my weaknesses out there." Another Jessica formed behind him. "But you should really be more mindful who you talk to with such attitude. You know that you aren't the strongest in the guild in terms of darkness right? There is one better. Stronger. More qualified to be the next embodiment. He just isn't as loud mouthed and cocky. Do you want to know who?"
"Then where's the fun in that? What's the point of being powerful if you can't flaunt it? Personally if I had that much power. I wouldn't hesitate to shove it in people's faces. Which is the exact reason I don't want it" Vance leaned up against a nearby wall "And yeah, maybe whoever the next heir to your stupid little embodiment thing, is stronger in terms of raw power. But skill? I think I've got him or her. I don't discriminate. Outmatched" Vance smirked at Jessica "I mean I've got you with your tail between your legs. Won't tell me your weaknesses because you're scared of losing the upper hand. Meanwhile I fight people and If they've got half a brain cell they can figure out my weaknesses" Vance paused for a second "Oh. That's why you won't tell me your weaknesses. Cause you can't figure out mine. Such a shame" Vance gave Jessica a patronising look "But personally. I expected the embodiment of darkness to not be, well. How do I put this without hurting your feelings. A massive piece of shit, who's scared of a mere human. I mean come on! Me, a human, who could get killed by tripping over. And you're so scared. You won't tell me how to beat you. Because you know I can"
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Tazmodo said:
(He looks kind of constipated lol)
Jackson flew into the air making tornadoes appear. He fused them with fire. His arm grew back and Jackson absorbed light. The realm grew bright enough to block off all Crimson's senses. Chains of light wrapped around Crimson's arms, legs, and wings trapping him there. Jackson shot a beam of light into his heart. (How much rage did this guy stockpile)

Scott's feet grew back and he stood taking full force of the asteroid. He was crushed into the ground but still alive. "Heh you'll never kill me there are only two ways and neither are here. But you won you may leave." Cole was sent out of the realm.

The chaotic energy was filled with corruption. It tainted Inaro's mind and soul to have a unstoppable blood thirst for his companions. Only when they are kill by his hands will he gain control of himself again.
Crimson roars as light chains grabs his limbs and a blast of light is fired through his hurt. His head and wings drops as if he's died.

Inaro turned towards the guild and began floating into the air. He started to create clones as surrounding the guild from above. Using there TK the inaro's started lefting the guild hall up, but luckily Cole appeared right on time. He simply appeared behind Inaro and hits him in one of his pressure points on his neck knocking inaro out. The clones disappeared and the guild remains unharmed. @Tazmodo
Light said:
"Oh yes the temple is of much importance..." Carnage responds to Malren's question with a strange amount of interest.

Alice grunts in response for the pink lizard to continue. Alice begins to go up in altitude at a slow rate so she doesn't disturb her passengers.
Dreamtique said:
Confused by the source of the sound, Earl gave Malren a blank stare, hinting him to continue asking. @Lotusy
"Well, that's just fine and dandy. Though I'm sure we're not expecting a warm welcome," Malren muttered, his face hardening. When Earl stared at him, Malren stared back. "Of course I have to do all the talking," he grumbled. The druid turned around in his seat, facing Alice's dragon head. "So what's the temple like anyways?

GingerBread said:
"O-okay" Colin smiled at Boris though he still wanted to help him, but he wouldn't heal Boris against his will. What's a wrench? and how do I tell the difference between them Colin didn't want to feel useless so he grabbed a random tool, that had a handle with a metal rod sticking out of it that slanted at the end to form a rectangle like line. Colin gingerly handed the tool to Boris, hoping it was the right one.

"Спасибо, friend," Boris said, taking the wrench. "Oh, wait. Wrench is making wrong size." The tinkerer stood up, grabbing a different wrench and getting to work. By now, the object on the table began spinning, emitting purple rings of light. "Tell me, Colin. What do you do in your spare time?"

Light said:
The girl nods her head and focuses on her task. "Alright....." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. An imaginary friend was beginning to form before her.
Viktor nodded, staying silent as Alina started making a new imaginary friend. Since she needed to focus, there wasn't much he could do.
GingerBread said:
"Then where's the fun in that? What's the point of being powerful if you can't flaunt it? Personally if I had that much power. I wouldn't hesitate to shove it in people's faces. Which is the exact reason I don't want it" Vance leaned up against a nearby wall "And yeah, maybe whoever the next heir to your stupid little embodiment thing, is stronger in terms of raw power. But skill? I think I've got him or her. I don't discriminate. Outmatched" Vance smirked at Jessica "I mean I've got you with your tail between your legs. Won't tell me your weaknesses because you're scared of losing the upper hand. Meanwhile I fight people and If they've got half a brain cell they can figure out my weaknesses" Vance paused for a second "Oh. That's why you won't tell me your weaknesses. Cause you can't figure out mine. Such a shame" Vance gave Jessica a patronising look "But personally. I expected the embodiment of darkness to be, well. How do I put this without hurting your feelings. A massive piece of shit, who's scared of a mere human. I mean come on! Me, a human, who could get killed by tripping over. And you're so scared. You won't tell me how to beat you. Because you know I can"
Jessica didn't care. "You say what you want but you are nothing to this person. Just like you are nothing to me. You are a fly. I mean there's no skill in using the realm and negating people power. No skill no class no honor. Pitiful. Unworthy to hold the power of darkness. You will see me again." She dispersed into shadows.

Fire, Air, Earth, Water, and Darkness were sitting in a room together. "I don't see why we need to meet like this we already know who will replace us when we die." "We can also just pass it down and not worry about death." "Yeah you and Air are the only ones who would do that and that's because of love. And fire don't complain you know why we are here. We need to stop killing humanity like we were every time Air disappears." The elements continued discussing.
Tazmodo said:
Jessica didn't care. "You say what you want but you are nothing to this person. Just like you are nothing to me. You are a fly. I mean there's no skill in using the realm and negating people power. No skill no class no honor. Pitiful. Unworthy to hold the power of darkness. You will see me again." She dispersed into shadows.
Fire, Air, Earth, Water, and Darkness were sitting in a room together. "I don't see why we need to meet like this we already know who will replace us when we die." "We can also just pass it down and not worry about death." "Yeah you and Air are the only ones who would do that and that's because of love. And fire don't complain you know why we are here. We need to stop killing humanity like we were every time Air disappears." The elements continued discussing.
"God the embodiment of Darkness is a wimp. Kinda makes me want to replace my power. Who wants to have a power where a wimp like that is in charge of it. Though at this point I'm using it for storage and nothing else. I might end up moving my entire room into my darkness realm. I'd get a lot more privacy. Actually that sounds like a great Idea. I'mma do that...later though. Cause if I go to the guild, I'll get roped into something I really can't be arsed to be apart of" Vance shrugged as he went back to his darkness realm and laid back in his deck chair "But seriously, The only reason I'm still in the guild is power, all those people mean nothing to me, before it was Sage. Now I'm just waiting for someone to make me a better offer, I'll even take less insufferable people" Vance thought aloud, knowing he was alone in his little corner of the realm.

@Tazmodo (So much for a fight, eh?)

Lotusy said:
"Спасибо, friend," Boris said, taking the wrench. "Oh, wait. Wrench is making wrong size." The tinkerer stood up, grabbing a different wrench and getting to work. By now, the object on the table began spinning, emitting purple rings of light. "Tell me, Colin. What do you do in your spare time?"
"U-um, not a lot. I go for walk normally, g-get a bit of fresh air, you know?" Colin smiled at Boris before turning his attention towards the object on the table "S-so what's that? I-is it magic?"

Jackson lands ready to take the final blow when the illusion fades. He blinks several times and sees Crimson. His feral mind went back to normal and he could think straight again. Jackson knelt down to Crimson and let the light fade away he laid Crimson down. "Ok now for the weird part." Tears started rolling down his cheeks and falling onto Crimson and his wounds. It would take some time and a lot of tears but Jackson could heal him. Crimson's wounds were healing.

(Please don't attack. That's all I'm asking)
GingerBread said:
"God the embodiment of Darkness is a wimp. Kinda makes me want to replace my power. Who wants to have a power where a wimp like that is in charge of it. Though at this point I'm using it for storage and nothing else. I might end up moving my entire room into my darkness realm. I'd get a lot more privacy. Actually that sounds like a great Idea. I'mma do that...later though. Cause if I go to the guild, I'll get roped into something I really can't be arsed to be apart of" Vance shrugged as he went back to his darkness realm and laid back in his deck chair "But seriously, The only reason I'm still in the guild is power, all those people mean nothing to me, before it was Sage. Now I'm just waiting for someone to make me a better offer, I'll even take less insufferable people" Vance thought aloud, knowing he was alone in his little corner of the realm.

@Tazmodo (So much for a fight, eh?)

"U-um, not a lot. I go for walk normally, g-get a bit of fresh air, you know?" Colin smiled at Boris before turning his attention towards the object on the table "S-so what's that? I-is it magic?"

(Oh you wanted a fight. I can give you a fight. Sorry for the misunderstanding)

Vance was pulled out again and a note was stuck to his forehead. "I can't be bothered with wasting my time on you have fun with this one though." She left a shadow clone of herself with the same powers she has. The clone looks at him without saying a word.
Tazmodo said:
(Oh you wanted a fight. I can give you a fight. Sorry for the misunderstanding)
Vance was pulled out again and a note was stuck to his forehead. "I can't be bothered with wasting my time on you have fun with this one though." She left a shadow clone of herself with the same powers she has. The clone looks at him without saying a word.
"Really? You're too scared to risk your own life?" Vance crumpled up the note and dropped it onto the floor "God, Could I have not had a power with a less wimpy embodiment? That would've been nice. Real nice" Vance pulled his deck chair out of the darkness realm and pushed it ever so slightly into the shadows before sitting down on it "Whenever ever your clone is ready, go ahead. Until then I'll be chilling"

GingerBread said:
"Really? You're too scared to risk your own life?" Vance crumpled up the note and dropped it onto the floor "God, Could I have not had a power with a less wimpy embodiment? That would've been nice. Real nice" Vance pulled his deck chair out of the darkness realm and pushed it ever so slightly into the shadows before sitting down on it "Whenever ever your clone is ready, go ahead. Until then I'll be chilling"

The chair fades away back into the darkness realm. The clones roles it's eyes. It attacked at the speed of darkness. She made a knife of darkness and stabbed it into him. All of Vance's darkness powers won't work. "Don't tempt darkness. Darkness is patient but patience runs thin."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan flinched back, eyes wide. "Priestess? Sorry if I'm over thinking but I'm going to guess you don't mean Morgan, do you? Interesting... Id say I need to seek this priestess"
LokiofSP said:
Fola raised a brow at the last question, who was the priestess? Morgana? If so he really had no choice but to save her, after all, he was garbage without her alive. But would he REALLY save her? With all the stuff going on in his mind, there was a chance he could fall to his desir-No. His role in the guild wasn't to worry about the future, he would be dealt with if he needed to be dealt with. Right now however, he was sure he would save someone if they needed saving. He nodded, "Yeah, I'll save the priestess. If that's what I need to do then I'll do it..."

@Light @DizjayDeathPride
"Yes... If the world is in peril which will happen once the orbs are removed from the temple. You have the ability to seek out the priestess of these orbs. Though whether or not you'll do it is up to your own selfishness. I can't assure you'll be the one hunting her though." The guardian presses a button and disappears. The vertical wall they're standing on becomes right side up. A slab of rock appears before them. If they step on it it would travel forward to another platform that would turns things back to the correct right side up and would cause a rock that would be on a vertical wall because of it to fall and hit a platform far below them. This platforms button would cause a bridge in front of the button that caused everything to go back to appear. This bridge would slowly disappear as they crossed it but it did connect to the last gatekeeper.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus stared at it and shook his head. "Don't worry Alexandria. Ill protect you it will be fine." He teleported to the mountain last mountain he had before the center one.
"Are you prepared to face the Gold Orb and it's deadly glory?"

LokiofSP said:
"Oh great! I'm not dead, now I can go home and finish X-Files like I PLANNED to..." She began to walk past the reaper, turning and having to him as she reached the end of the block, "So you when I did personal reaper!"

The reaper disappears and floats after her. He becomes physical once he's side by side with her. "W-well... I can show you something amazing if you follow me to Rosedale, Queens. Have you ever heard of a vault that holds nearly every rare item in existence?" He knew showing her was breaking one of the personal rules the reapers had but as long as she didn't touch anything it would be okay.

Lotusy said:
"Well, that's just fine and dandy. Though I'm sure we're not expecting a warm welcome," Malren muttered, his face hardening. When Earl stared at him, Malren stared back. "Of course I have to do all the talking," he grumbled. The druid turned around in his seat, facing Alice's dragon head. "So what's the temple like anyways?
Dreamtique said:
Confused by the source of the sound, Earl gave Malren a blank stare, hinting him to continue asking. @Lotusy
"She can't exactly speak in a human language at the moment. The temple itself is not that bad."

Alice dives down into the water, diving deep into the trench. She seemed to be covering a lot of distance in short time. In time she made it to the bottom of the trench, surviving the heavy pressure with her body. She enters the bubble which pushes water away from the temple and exits dragon form, dropping Malren and Earl upon the floor in front of the temple. She begins to walk into the temple and the barrier goes down. There seemed to be carved in symbols along the walls as the temple's pathway seemed to go downward. The temperature was rising rapidly. A guardian stands before a gateway. "What is your purpose with the White Orb?"

Lotusy said:
Viktor nodded, staying silent as Alina started making a new imaginary friend. Since she needed to focus, there wasn't much he could do.

This time Alina manages to make two useless hamsters without passing out. "I.....I did it!"

Tazmodo said:
The chair fades away back into the darkness realm. The clones roles it's eyes. It attacked at the speed of darkness. She made a knife of darkness and stabbed it into him. All of Vance's darkness powers won't work. "Don't tempt darkness. Darkness is patient but patience runs thin."
"Oh It's one of those talky clones, aww springing out the big stuff for me? I'm disappointed, I prefer the mute ones. But hey, beggers can't be choosers can they?" Vance pulled out one of his daggers and stabbed the clone in the back of the neck while ripping the darkness knife out of his arm and kicking the clone back. Vance stepped into the shadows and went invisible and muffled himself. Vance attempted to teleport to behind the clone but found he couldn't "What was that about no honor in turning someone's powers off? Is someone a hypocrite who is actually afraid of my power? Ohh, what's that saying? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"

( ! ) Vance snuck around the clone, knowing it couldn't find where he was at all. When he got behind the clone he unsheathed his back up dagger and ran towards The clone, his natural speed already fast and it was boosted by the guild rank up. He was also muffled making impossible for the clone to tell where he was. Vance leaped onto the clone and stabbed the other dagger through the front of the clones throat, making the blade of it touch the other one. Vance then began moving both the blades in opposite directions, tring to decapitate The clone

GingerBread said:
"Oh It's one of those talky clones, aww springing out the big stuff for me? I'm disappointed, I prefer the mute ones. But hey, beggers can't be choosers can they?" Vance pulled out one of his daggers and stabbed the clone in the back of the neck while ripping the darkness knife out of his arm and kicking the clone back. Vance stepped into the shadows and went invisible and muffled himself. Vance attempted to teleport to behind the clone but found he couldn't "What was that about no honor in turning someone's powers off? Is someone a hypocrite who is actually afraid of my power? Ohh, what's that saying? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"
( ! ) Vance snuck around the clone, knowing it couldn't find where he was at all. When he got behind the clone he unsheathed his back up dagger and ran towards The clone, his natural speed already fast and it was boosted by the guild rank up. He was also muffled making impossible for the clone to tell where he was. Vance leaped onto the clone and stabbed the other dagger through the front of the clones throat, making the blade of it touch the other one. Vance then began moving both the blades in opposite directions, tring to decapitate The clone

( ! )

The clone could sense him in the shadows. "You seem to talk a lot. And darkness is a privilege of course you still use it just not in my presence." His speed was nothing and she could sense the shadow he left behind. "I see these are your true powers." Chains of darkness wrapped around his neck and slammed him into the ground. Spike shot into his limbs and pinned him to the ground. "Do you want to see the power of darkness or should I kill you now."
Light said:
"Yes... If the world is in peril which will happen once the orbs are removed from the temple. You have the ability to seek out the priestess of these orbs. Though whether or not you'll do it is up to your own selfishness. I can't assure you'll be the one hunting her though." The guardian presses a button and disappears. The vertical wall they're standing on becomes right side up. A slab of rock appears before them. If they step on it it would travel forward to another platform that would turns things back to the correct right side up and would cause a rock that would be on a vertical wall because of it to fall and hit a platform far below them. This platforms button would cause a bridge in front of the button that caused everything to go back to appear. This bridge would slowly disappear as they crossed it but it did connect to the last gatekeeper.
"Are you prepared to face the Gold Orb and it's deadly glory?"

The reaper disappears and floats after her. He becomes physical once he's side by side with her. "W-well... I can show you something amazing if you follow me to Rosedale, Queens. Have you ever heard of a vault that holds nearly every rare item in existence?" He knew showing her was breaking one of the personal rules the reapers had but as long as she didn't touch anything it would be okay.

"She can't exactly speak in a human language at the moment. The temple itself is not that bad."

Alice dives down into the water, diving deep into the trench. She seemed to be covering a lot of distance in short time. In time she made it to the bottom of the trench, surviving the heavy pressure with her body. She enters the bubble which pushes water away from the temple and exits dragon form, dropping Malren and Earl upon the floor in front of the temple. She begins to walk into the temple and the barrier goes down. There seemed to be carved in symbols along the walls as the temple's pathway seemed to go downward. The temperature was rising rapidly. A guardian stands before a gateway. "What is your purpose with the White Orb?"

This time Alina manages to make two useless hamsters without passing out. "I.....I did it!"
Ryan nodded and just followed along silently. It was almost over

Decimus nodded to the guardian. "I am ready"
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
The clone could sense him in the shadows. "You seem to talk a lot. And darkness is a privilege of course you still use it just not in my presence." His speed was nothing and she could sense the shadow he left behind. "I see these are your true powers." Chains of darkness wrapped around his neck and slammed him into the ground. Spike shot into his limbs and pinned him to the ground. "Do you want to see the power of darkness or should I kill you now."
"Oh I get what you're doing. An ironic death. You are aware that it puts you on the same level as me. No skill, no class, no honor. Pitiful. I believe those were your words. But you're lower than my level aren't you? Cause you didn't even do this yourself, you had a clone of yourself do it, so that you were in no danger. So, go ahead and kill me. I'll die knowing that even the darkness embodiment stoops so low as to use MY tactics. Which it called pitiful earlier." Vance smirked up at The clone, knowing that even if he was killed, he'd have the moral high ground. Which for an assassin is weird. "So. Before you kill me, let's review. You told me that taking away someone's power to beat them was dishonorable, classless, skilless and pitiful. So if you were fighting me yourself you would just be those things. But. You sent a clone to do it for you so that you had no risk of getting hurt. So, what does that make you? And even if you kill me, I can still let everyone know how much of a little bitch the darkness embodiment is. But even If I live I'll still do that"


Fola bit his lip as he held on best he could. Just one more question and he could get the orb and get out, but with every step he took he could still feel himself slipping. He just needed it to be enough...

@DizjayDeathPride @Light


Jayn paused in her tracks at the reaper's words. She turned around and shook her head as hard as she could, "Oh HELL yes! It would be so cool to see it all, not even to sell it but just to see it! I love cool looking things! Those were the sole driving factors to how I designed my weapons!"
GingerBread said:
"Oh I get what you're doing. An ironic death. You are aware that it puts you on the same level as me. No skill, no class, no honor. Pitiful. I believe those were your words. But you're lower than my level aren't you? Cause you didn't even do this yourself, you had a clone of yourself do it, so that you were in no danger. So, go ahead and kill me. I'll die knowing that even the darkness embodiment stoops so low as to use MY tactics. Which it called pitiful earlier." Vance smirked up at The clone, knowing that even if he was killed, he'd have the moral high ground. Which for an assassin is weird. "So. Before you kill me, let's review. You told me that taking away someone's power to beat them was dishonorable, classless, skilless and pitiful. So if you were fighting me yourself you would just be those things. But. You sent a clone to do it for you so that you had no risk of getting hurt. So, what does that make you? And even if you kill me, I can still let everyone know how much of a little bitch the darkness embodiment is. But even If I live I'll still do that"

The clone sighed. Vance just didn't seem to get it. "You know often times when trying to teach a child that something is wrong would be making them go through it. Like if they bite someone you bite them. The whole treat others how you want to be treated thing. But you don't learn. You are worse then children. Maybe you'll learn in the after life. But I guess you aren't wrong. There is no honor, pride, or class in darkness."

(I love mind games)
Tazmodo said:
The clone sighed. Vance just didn't seem to get it. "You know often times when trying to teach a child that something is wrong would be making them go through it. Like if they bite someone you bite them. The whole treat others how you want to be treated thing. But you don't learn. You are worse then children. Maybe you'll learn in the after life. But I guess you aren't wrong. There is no honor, pride, or class in darkness."
(I love mind games)
"You only do that sort of thing if you're bad at parenting. You don't bite children, that's fucking stupid. That inspires hate and they'll be more likely to do it while you're not looking. Therefore making things worse" Vance sighed and attempted to shrug but only ended up flexing his muscles slightly "But I got off topic there. Darkness is the absence of something, normally something that helps people. The light helps most people ward off their fear of the unknown by getting rid of the darkness. My way of using darkness, gets rid of people's powers, leaving them helpless" Vance took on a more serious expression and tone of voice "All darkness is, is an absence of something. That's all it will ever be. And if you're only just getting that. You're not fit to be the embodiment of it. To truly use something to it's maximum potential, you must first study it, gain an appreciation for it. But above all else, you must understand it. And I've been doing that my whole life, learning how to effectively use the shadows, even without my powers. And that's probably why I have the best skill with it, I understand it. So go ahead and kill me if it will make you feel better, I really rather not die. But right now I'm powerless to stop you, everything that gave me an advantage is absent.

@Tazmodo (I feel like i got a bit philosophical there :/ )
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GingerBread said:
"You only do that sort of thing if you're bad at parenting. You don't bite children, that's fucking stupid. That inspires hate and they'll be more likely to do it while you're not looking. Therefore making things worse" Vance sighed and attempted to shrug but only ended up flexing his muscles slightly "But I got off topic there. Darkness is the absence of something, normally something that helps people. The light helps most people ward off their fear of the unknown by getting rid of the darkness. My way of using darkness, gets rid of people's powers, leaving them helpless" Vance took on a more serious expression and tone of voice "All darkness is, is an absence of something. That's all it will ever be. And if you're only just getting that. You're not fit to be the embodiment of it. To truly use something to it's maximum potential, you must first study it, gain an appreciation for it. But above all else, you must understand it. And I've been doing that my whole life, learning how to effectively use the shadows, even without my powers. And that's probably why I have the best skill with it, I understand it. So go ahead and kill me if it will make you feel better, I really rather not die. But right now I'm powerless to stop you, everything that gave me an advantage is absence.

@Tazmodo (I feel like i got a bit philosophical there :/ )

Jessica grew a smile. "So you do have a meaning of darkness. That's good. Most people don't and that is why they will never be able to understand it and use it to it's maximum potential. I like you. But in a purely platonic way." She snapped her fingers and he was restored. "Also fighting me isn't a good choice darkness power do not effect me. You'd only be wasting your time. But I will bring you people to fight if you want this while organization thing is becoming boring anyway and the other elements are complaining." Vance has seemed to win Jessicas favor. Although he still wasn't next in line.
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Forgot the evil guy destroying guild )
"Fuck if I knew. Probably has something to do with the quality of living. The rich are always attacked it's terrible"
Julius nodded. "I agree completely. So should I go attack them ooor let the others handle it. I'm probably not going to get far in the fight though."
Tazmodo said:
Jessica grew a smile. "So you do have a meaning of darkness. That's good. Most people don't and that is why they will never be able to understand it and use it to it's maximum potential. I like you. But in a purely platonic way." She snapped her fingers and he was restored. "Also fighting me isn't a good choice darkness power do not effect me. You'd only be wasting your time. But I will bring you people to fight if you want, this whole organization thing is becoming boring anyway and the other elements are complaining." Vance has seemed to win Jessica's favor. Although he still wasn't next in line.
"It better be platonic, I'm good for relationships for a while. I already have a stalker, I don't need more" Vance stood up and dusted himself off "And if you want me to kill people, you better not complain about how I do it, or interfere. I'm an assassin by trade, I don't care how I get the job done, just so long as I do it. Though it's always good when something goes to plan" Vance picked up his dagger off of the floor and sheathed it "But I take it I'm still not next in line? If not I hope the person who is, is someone who spends a lot of time in the darkness and not someone who uses it just for fighting, that just shows a lack of appreciation for it and I will file a complaint. If I could be arsed to that is"


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GingerBread said:
"It better be platonic, I'm good for relationships for a while. I already have a stalker, I don't need more" Vance stood up and dusted himself off "And if you want me to kill people, you better not complain about how I do it, or interfere. I'm an assassin by trade, I don't care how I get the job done, just so long as I do it. Though it's always good when something goes to plan" Vance picked up his dagger off of the floor and sheathed it "But I take it I'm still not next in line? If not I hope the person who is, is someone who spends a lot of time in the darkness and not someone who uses it for fighting, that just shows a lack of appreciation for it and I will file a complaint. If I could be arsed to that is"
Jessica laughed. "I can't disclose that information. But I am curious about this stalker though." A chair of darkness formed and she sat on it.

[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius nodded. "I agree completely. So should I go attack them ooor let the others handle it. I'm probably not going to get far in the fight though."

( ! )

A pink beam shot at Julius and Cecilia walked into the clearing. "You were awfull loud."
Tazmodo said:
Jessica laughed. "I can't disclose that information. But I am curious about this stalker though." A chair of darkness formed and she sat on it.
"I don't believe I asked you to tell me. I was merely warning you against making a bad decision if you had made one" Vance smirked and leaned up against the wall "Grimm is my stalker. And well I don't think he's in love with me, but he does stalk me. Says he's been there my entire life. Which is concerning for someone who managed to avoid all the world powers tracking him down. I'm good at going into hiding" Vance shrugged "But. When you dragged me out of my realm you said you had something to talk to me about. Now I doubt it was as petty as what we just had a life or death discussion about. But I've been proved wrong in the past"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus nodded to the guardian. "I am ready"
The mountain collapses like all the others. It drags down the center point of the portal like a ship would drag things down as it sinks. Once Decimus hits flat land, the portal was dipped down with him, touching his head. The portal flicks back upward like a pulled rubber band and launches him inside of it, sending him to a peaceful boat. It was small enough for one person only and had two oars. The sunlight was golden and warm the the addition of water so peaceful it looked like a mirror of shinning brilliance. The shrine was pretty far away a but one could enjoy the silent but gentle aura of the journey. The oars hitting the water would be serene as well. This peace could make someone wonder if the orbs are truthfully as mal filled as they seem. Alexandria stands inside the shrine, her orb no longer in its erratic state.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/gold-energy-ball.jpg.454758c807e9184c6179e1135c87a28c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/gold-energy-ball.jpg.454758c807e9184c6179e1135c87a28c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan nodded and just followed along silently. It was almost over
LokiofSP said:
Fola bit his lip as he held on best he could. Just one more question and he could get the orb and get out, but with every step he took he could still feel himself slipping. He just needed it to be enough...
Once they reach the other side the guardian clears throat. "There are two and there can only be one holder of the orb. The orb will be unobtainable and erratic until there is a decided user. This duel must occur inside shrine room before the orb. Are you prepared to brave the Purple Orb's divine presence?"

LokiofSP said:
Jayn paused in her tracks at the reaper's words. She turned around and shook her head as hard as she could, "Oh HELL yes! It would be so cool to see it all, not even to sell it but just to see it! I love cool looking things! Those were the sole driving factors to how I designed my weapons!"
"A-alright." The reaper swings his scythe and cuts open a rift for both himself and Jayn to enter. All others wouldn't even be able to see, sense, or enter the rift. The rift closes behind them and Jayn could see books on things that have existed or still do exist. Weapons from legends and other things. If there was a rare item... It was here. "Try not to touch anything."



  • gold-energy-ball.jpg
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Fola nodded as fast he could, "Alright, I'm ready to go whenever..." He turned to Ryan and extended a hand and hid behind a fake smile, "May be best man win, whoever's destined to do better, does better ya know?"

@Light @DizjayDeathPride


Jayn looked around with wide eyes and held her hands behind her back in attempts to prevent herself from touching anything.

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