Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
LokiofSP said:
Somewhere in Jamaica, Queens (New York City)
The girl swiftly walked through the dark streets, attempting to get home so she could feel safe. Her cat ears were hidden safely under her hood and her til was stuffed in her pants (Rather uncomfortable to be honest). She was nearly there when the sound of music nearby filled her eyes, it sounded faint and strained, like it was playing from headphones on max volume. Even more odd was that it was coming from somewhere above her...She pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed 9 and 1, keeping it on just in case she needed to call somebody she began to walk a bit quicker.

Then she heard the shuffle of clothing, it was clear by now she was being followed. She didn't bother to call the police as she was sure she'd be able to deal with a common rapist or thug, she wasn't some damn victim, she was a fighter, she was a-

Wait, was that the sound of a gun being loaded?

Before she knew it, a bullet landed where she had been a second ago, she heard a curse as somebody reloaded. Dropping the act, she ran as fast she could, her hood flew off, revealing her ears but she didn't care, she was being hunted! She could die here! She could actually di-

A sharp and white hot pain his her leg as she tripped, finding herself unable to run or walk anymore. She looked down to realize a bullet had hit her, and with her mind still spinning she backed up against a wall, preventing escape even if she somehow could walk. A figure emerged from the fog, the girl felt true fear for a moment and begged and pleaded, "Dear god please...Do-don't kill me please...I-I DON'T WANT TO DI-"

She was cut off by a slap to the face as the girl in front of her removed her earbuds and looked at the girl with a smile, "Yes, I totally came here to kill you, that's why I shot your leg as opposed to your head. I'm a sick psycho who gets their kicks from killing girls with cat ears, I would stop but the unfortunate truth it...THIS IS MY FETISH!"

The girl (Not the psycho) screamed and closed her eyes, awaiting a death that never came. Instead she opened her eyes once more to fins the psycho squinting as she held scissors up to the cat girl's hair and snipped it. She examined the hair in the moonlight and nodded in acceptance, she placed the hair in a plastic bag and put it away. She then pulled out a medkit and began to stitch up the girl's leg.

The cat girl blinked in confusion, the psycho spoke as if expecting a question,
"Neko hair is going for allot in the market these days, wanted to ask for it but you wouldn't stay still...I may have overreacted a bit...I was very startled..." She backed away and looked at the wound with a rub of the chin, "Hm...Not to shabby..." She pulled a jar of a thick looking liquid from the medkit and gave it to the cat girl, "Here ya go! This should help with the pain and healing!"

The catgirl raised a brow as she clutched the liquid, the pyscho began to walk away as she spoke, "Don't worry! it's not poison....I think.... I do keep them in the same cabinet..." She barley stifled a laugh as she watched the cat girl's internal debate play out on her face as she looked at the bottle...

~ 2 Hours Later ~

Jayn hit the street with a umph as she hit the ground. The owner of the Black Market Magical Store yelled a few choice words at her. She stood up and dusted herself off, "I thought you WANTED extra exposure for your shop! I mean, sure I told only the people that you owe money to about where you live and work, but still!" The man slammed the door on her as she simply shook her head and began to walk away, "Man, what a jerk..." She pulled out a large bag of money, "I don't even feel bad about taking everything in his cash register now..."

That was when the door flew open and the man began to chase after her while yelling. Jayn smiled and put in her earbuds, turning on a song a friend had made for her years ago, she began to run as she yelled back at the man, "IT WAS JUST A PRANK, BRO!"

Fola made this for her in this universe BTW...


A reaper was following Jayn as he usually does....he has always followed her. "When will she stop causing trouble? It makes it hard for me to cast her into heaven when she dies. Speaking of which...." The reaper stares at her and calculates how and when she'll die. "Sad.... I wish it wouldn't have to be that way. Maybe today's the day I should....nah...no way." This reaper took it upon himself to be the one to personally reap her soul himself since the day he's laid eyes on her. He's followed her everywhere like the best lovestruck stalker she never knew. He does respect her privacy of course. "No... I should introduce myself today. Right now actually!" The reaper becomes physical so Jayn can see him. He stayed in his reaper form though, the stereotypical hoodie and scythe since he didn't want to reveal what he looked like in human perspectives.

Vance was relaxing in his darkness realm, having given up saving Ashlyn because no one in the guild knew what privacy meant and were treating his room like a public place I'm sure everything will be fine and what are they going to do if I don't get involved? At this point I'm pretty much untouchable by anyone in the guild and most people outside it
Jayn stopped dead in her tracks as some dude with a scythe and hood appeared before her, "Oh wow! Cool weapon dude! Are you one of those reaper guys? Because if so I'd like your scythe, I was told once that it's like, the most expensive item on the market! I could retire early..."

@Light (I'm a tad scared now, I feel you're gonna do everything in your power to make Jayn meet a gruesome end ;- ;)
GingerBread said:
Vance was relaxing in his darkness realm, having given up saving Ashlyn because no one in the guild knew what privacy meant and were treating his room like a public place I'm sure everything will be fine and what are they going to do if I don't get involved? At this point I'm pretty much untouchable by anyone in the guild and most people outside it
Vance was taken out of the darkness realm by Jessica. She was sitting in a chair with her legs crossed looking at Vance. "Hey I need to talk to you."
Tazmodo said:
Vance was taken out of the darkness realm by Jessica. She was sitting in a chair with her legs crossed looking at Vance. "Hey I need to talk to you."
I'm never allowed to just relax am I? Vance crossed his arms and glared at Jessica "You've got three seconds, after that I kill you"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Various different trees and green animals, natural and otherwise, started to ruffle. They could feel happiness through the guild symbol but couldn't necessarily focus enough to know what it was
They all wanted to get connected to the being but just couldn't keep their conscious straight enough to focus. So they all just appeared in the realm through the symbol, rooting their selves to it's reality, becoming more and more coordinated as they gathered together, but couldn't quite figure out how to maintain their hidden exterior anymore, so they just stayed fully green.

In the field with Sage, a blue deer walked over
Sage was crouching and drinking some water until he felt a presence behind him. He turned around quickly and stood up before looking at the deer with raised eyebrow. " Hello there , is there any reason you are blue? " He asked before giggling and reaching a hand out to pet the deer. Diana was just as happy as Sage and was flying around happily.
GingerBread said:
I'm never allowed to just relax am I? Vance crossed his arms and glared at Jessica "You've got three seconds, after that I kill you"
Jessica stared at him blankly and waited 3 seconds.
Arwyn had noted the triangle symbols she had passed on her way to the newest wall and considered it whenever she came to the newest puzzle wall. "Odd, there isn't even a triangle symbol to activate." she said whilst looking at the four symbols.

Syrax moved his head closer to the symbols and looked at them. "Maybe it is for later on down the road?" he said while flicking his tail towards the wall. "For now try a new combination."

This time the dragonknight pressed on the rectangle button first and ended with the octagon. "Alright, lets see what this does." she said after she had finished and took a step backwards.

djinnamon said:
Sage was crouching and drinking some water until he felt a presence behind him. He turned around quickly and stood up before looking at the deer with raised eyebrow. " Hello there , is there any reason you are blue? " He asked before giggling and reaching a hand out to pet the deer. Diana was just as happy as Sage and was flying around happily.

The deer galloped and tapped the group, a rock rising up and molding into a clone of Morpheus, its attire completely forest green. "I'm terribly sorry. I've come to ask you a question I just couldn't form it correctly. Nevertheless my name is Morpheus. Green affiliated. As you can see" the clone gave a bow and and raised up, his expression serious but far from stern.

"Why are you so happy? I can feel it. Why?"
Tazmodo said:
Jessica stared at him blankly and waited 3 seconds.
"So you want to die? Is that why you came to me" Vance shrugged and unsheathed his dagger "Eh, whatever. That's fine with me. I still get to kill you" ( ! ) Vance rushed forwards using the speed of darkness and stabbed Jessica just below the heart as he began to slowly move the blade upwards into her heart.

GingerBread said:
"N-no. I-I've only ever worked in retail" Colin smiled at Boris as he stood up. Colin noticed that Boris was limping "A-are you alright? I-I noticed you're limping, w-would you like me to heal your leg?" Colin asked, wanting to repay Boris for the food.
At Colin's suggestion, Boris looked wistfully down at his metal legs. "Nyet. Thank you, but refuse." He limped over to his workshop, pulling open the thick door as he did. "Make knowing, Colin. Some wounds just aren't meant to heal." He sat down at a workbench, indicating for Colin to do the same. "It is made part of lifestyle. Cannot remove." As he talked, the tinkerer scooped up some spare parts, beginning to assemble a glowing purple-and-gray circle. "Make passing of 6-centimeter wrench, da?"

Light said:
"Alina Francus." The girl looks up from her food for a moment to address his question and continues to eat once more.
"Nah... No need to transform." Alice erupts in carnage magic and closes her eyes as her skin becomes particles of the magic. Her body completely turns into the magic and joins the rapidly forming tornado of carnage magic. Moments after two glowing eyes stare down at Malren and Earl. An extremely weak roar was released from the being inside the tornado which still had enough force to blow the tornado apart. Alice couldn't roar at full volume since her enhanced roar would destroy things. Alice spread her wings in a proud fashion revealing her dragon form. Harmless carnage magic sweeps both Malren and Earl off of their feet into Alice's shadowy body. The carnage and shadow-like substance opens up and holds them inside of her. Alice takes flight and rapidly begins to cover the distance to the Mariana trench.

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"Good of know." Viktor grabbed the book as Alina ate, thumbing through the pages. "When finish, make create of another friend." His finger landed on page 273, a page discussing mana conservation. "And when cast, remember to keep breath steady. If stray away from task, mana make gone."

Malren stood calmly as Alice transformed, marveling at the sheer glory of the beast she became. "Bravo," he muttered, staying still as she swept him up with carnage magic. "Now what? I have a feeling the temple is special, otherwise we would have gotten all the orbs by now."
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GingerBread said:
"So you want to die? Is that why you came to me" Vance shrugged and unsheathed his dagger "Eh, whatever. That's fine with me. I still get to kill you" ( ! ) Vance rushed forwards using the speed of darkness and stabbed Jessica just below the heart as he began to slowly move the blade upwards into her heart.

Jessica make a poof sound. It was only a shadow clone. The real Jessica was laughing in the chair that was behind him. "Man you should have seen the look on your face. Anyways something like that wouldn't kill me."
Lotusy said:
At Colin's suggestion, Boris looked wistfully down at his metal legs. "Nyet. Thank you, but refuse." He limped over to his workshop, pulling open the thick door as he did. "Make knowing, Colin. Some wounds just aren't meant to heal." He sat down at a workbench, indicating for Colin to do the same. "It is made part of lifestyle. Cannot remove." As he talked, the tinkerer scooped up some spare parts, beginning to assemble a glowing purple-and-gray circle. "Make passing of 6-centimeter wrench, da?"
"O-okay" Colin smiled at Boris though he still wanted to help him, but he wouldn't heal Boris against his will. What's a wrench? and how do I tell the difference between them Colin didn't want to feel useless so he grabbed a random tool, that had a handle with a metal rod sticking out of it that slanted at the end to form a rectangle like line. Colin gingerly handed the tool to Boris, hoping it was the right one.


Tazmodo said:
Jessica make a poof sound. It was only a shadow clone. The real Jessica was laughing in the chair that was behind him. "Man you should have seen the look on your face. Anyways something like that wouldn't kill me."
"And, Prey tell, what would kill someone like you. Cause I'm thinking decapitation, cause that kills most things. But it's a messy business if you don't have the right tools. And all I have is a dagger. You ever tried to cut someone's head off with a dagger? I have, well I tried. Point is. It didn't go well. So would you like to tell me your prefered method of dying, so it's less hassle for the both of us" Vance gave Jessica a cheshire grin as he held up his dagger, as if to illustrate his point

LokiofSP said:
Jayn stopped dead in her tracks as some dude with a scythe and hood appeared before her, "Oh wow! Cool weapon dude! Are you one of those reaper guys? Because if so I'd like your scythe, I was told once that it's like, the most expensive item on the market! I could retire early..."

@Light (I'm a tad scared now, I feel you're gonna do everything in your power to make Jayn meet a gruesome end ;- ;)
( He won't. He's here to protect her. Play your cards right and he might break laws for her. )

The reaper stares at his flaming scythe and back down to Jayn. "Well.... I don't know... it's a scythe that can kill anything it cuts except for a select few things. Those things are God, Death, Grimmavus, and Lucifer. It might not be safe..." He floats before her in his reaper form, blazing. "I can make you a different scythe though."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/40d3f5b40090394c7826be65affd91ee.jpg.edc44c9356d98ce8258127337ae2e70c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104580" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/40d3f5b40090394c7826be65affd91ee.jpg.edc44c9356d98ce8258127337ae2e70c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Juju said:
Arwyn had noted the triangle symbols she had passed on her way to the newest wall and considered it whenever she came to the newest puzzle wall. "Odd, there isn't even a triangle symbol to activate." she said whilst looking at the four symbols.
Syrax moved his head closer to the symbols and looked at them. "Maybe it is for later on down the road?" he said while flicking his tail towards the wall. "For now try a new combination."

This time the dragonknight pressed on the rectangle button first and ended with the octagon. "Alright, lets see what this does." she said after she had finished and took a step backwards.

The same phenomenon occurs except the tunnel is filled with octagon symbols.

DizjayDeathPride said:
A pink little lizard fizzled and morphed onto Alice's back, scurrying along her, Reparations like a dome around him.
"Miss Oh miss. Let me ask you a very quick question. How would you like to make the opportunity of a lifetime"
Dreamtique said:
Beautiful, majestic. Simple yet precise enough to express Earl's feeling on the great scene playing in front of him. It was breathtaking. Earl let his body slowly drifted away along with the energy pulse.
Actual travelling? Thinking about that almost brought tears of joy to his eyes.

Lotusy said:
Malren stood calmly as Alice transformed, marveling at the sheer glory of the beast she became. "Bravo," he muttered, staying still as she swept him up with carnage magic. "Now what? I have a feeling the temple is special, otherwise we would have gotten all the orbs by now."
"Oh yes the temple is of much importance..." Carnage responds to Malren's question with a strange amount of interest.

Alice grunts in response for the pink lizard to continue. Alice begins to go up in altitude at a slow rate so she doesn't disturb her passengers.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan stepped along, hands in his pockets, his eyes closed. Playing in his mind was one of his favorite scores. He walked along at just the right pace so that once he reach the guardian the song had ended moments before he first spoke.



LokiofSP said:
Moving with a bit less grace than Ryan, Fola eventually made it to the Guardian. He listened to the question, and just for a moment, he was in a better state of mind...
'God, for this cause...For them would I really? I mean, I don't know them that well when I REALLY think about it. But...Losing them would hurt allot of people... Fuck me I need to grow a pair one of these days. Just not today...'

"Yeah, of course I would! Why would you even question that?"


The guardian nods its head and disappears. A bridge of stone slabs appear and halfway over the floating rock bridge was another line of floating slabs leading to a button. If they pressed this button then they would make the area flip upside down again. There was a rock in an alter on the platform of the opposite end of the bridge. There was also a button on a platform floating upside down above it. If they hit the button that's halfway across this bridge then flipping the realm would cause the rock to fall on the button. Doing that will cause the realm to flip sideways which would cause the rock to roll off that platform to another platforms button. That platform was like a vertical wall to the platform holding the original rock position and button. Which is why they need to flip the realm upside down to hit that button which would cause it to lean to the side to hit that vertical platforms button, the true intention to make the guardian appear there.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus nodded in return and teleported to the mountain that had been on his right. He turned and looked to the rising mountain. Great. Sigh I need to hurry before she dies. He hurried over to the guardian

"Do you care for her or the orb? Which will you choose over the other?"

Lotusy said:
"Good of know." Viktor grabbed the book as Alina ate, thumbing through the pages. "When finish, make create of another friend." His finger landed on page 273, a page discussing mana conservation. "And when cast, remember to keep breath steady. If stray away from task, mana make gone."

The girl nods her head and focuses on her task. "Alright....." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. An imaginary friend was beginning to form before her.



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Light said:
"Oh yes the temple is of much importance..." Carnage responds to Malren's question with a strange amount of interest.
Confused by the source of the sound, Earl gave Malren a blank stare, hinting him to continue asking. @Lotusy
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Light said:
( He won't. He's here to protect her. Play your cards right and he might break laws for her. )
The reaper stares at his flaming scythe and back down to Jayn. "Well.... I don't know... it's a scythe that can kill anything it cuts except for a select few things. Those things are God, Death, Grimmavus, and Lucifer. It might not be safe..." He floats before her in his reaper form, blazing. "I can make you a different scythe though."

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The same phenomenon occurs except the tunnel is filled with octagon symbols.

"Oh yes the temple is of much importance..." Carnage responds to Malren's question with a strange amount of interest.

Alice grunts in response for the pink lizard to continue. Alice begins to go up in altitude at a slow rate so she doesn't disturb her passengers.

The guardian nods its head and disappears. A bridge of stone slabs appear and halfway over the floating rock bridge was another line of floating slabs leading to a button. If they pressed this button then they would make the area flip upside down again. There was a rock in an alter on the platform of the opposite end of the bridge. There was also a button on a platform floating upside down above it. If they hit the button that's halfway across this bridge then flipping the realm would cause the rock to fall on the button. Doing that will cause the realm to flip sideways which would cause the rock to roll off that platform to another platforms button. That platform was like a vertical wall to the platform holding the original rock position and button. Which is why they need to flip the realm upside down to hit that button which would cause it to lean to the side to hit that vertical platforms button, the true intention to make the guardian appear there.

"Do you care for her or the orb? Which will you choose over the other?"

The girl nods her head and focuses on her task. "Alright....." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. An imaginary friend was beginning to form before her.

Ryan looked around at the intricate puzzle sequence, pressing each button and moving without regard. "Just imagine the time it must have taken to build this. This is.... Fascinating"

He walked to the guardian and bowed

"Her. But from what I hear, the orb controls her. That makes it priority. Why allow her enemies be able to manipulate her? Thus, the best way to protect her is to make the orb priority
GingerBread said:
"O-okay" Colin smiled at Boris though he still wanted to help him, but he wouldn't heal Boris against his will. What's a wrench? and how do I tell the difference between them Colin didn't want to feel useless so he grabbed a random tool, that had a handle with a metal rod sticking out of it that slanted at the end to form a rectangle like line. Colin gingerly handed the tool to Boris, hoping it was the right one.


"And, Prey tell, what would kill someone like you. Cause I'm thinking decapitation, cause that kills most things. But it's a messy business if you don't have the right tools. And all I have is a dagger. You ever tried to cut someone's head off with a dagger? I have, well I tried. Point is. It didn't go well. So would you like to tell me your prefered method of dying, so it's less hassle for the both of us" Vance gave Jessica a cheshire grin as he held up his dagger, as if to illustrate his point

Jessica laughed. "No that wouldn't work either. I am darkness and I control all darkness. Just like the other elements. But you are different. You aren't natural. Your powers are artificial. It's a shame. Anyways we are you hiding from the conflict?"
Tazmodo said:
Jessica laughed. "No that wouldn't work either. I am darkness and I control all darkness. Just like the other elements. But you are different. You aren't natural. Your powers are artificial. It's a shame. Anyways we are you hiding from the conflict?"
"No. I don't care what you are, you could be God for all I care. Everything and anything can die and will die. It's the rules of life. No one exists outside these rules. Everyone can die. Even those who like to think they're immortals" Vance smirked and created a chair of darkness to sit down on "And I wasn't 'hiding away' from the conflict. I was relaxing, which you interrupted by the way. And you still haven't given me a reason why you did that. And so what if My powers aren't natural, I can still use them better than most people who have them. Because there's one key difference between me and the rest of the world." Vance leant forwards slightly in his chair "I have a functioning brain"

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Tazmodo said:
Jessica laughed. "No that wouldn't work either. I am darkness and I control all darkness. Just like the other elements. But you are different. You aren't natural. Your powers are artificial. It's a shame. Anyways we are you hiding from the conflict?"
GingerBread said:
"No. I don't care what you are, you could be God for all I care. Everything and anything can die and will die. It's the rules of life. No one exists outside these rules. Everyone can die. Even those who like to think they're immortals" Vance smirked and created a chair of darkness to sit down on "And I wasn't 'hiding away' from the conflict. I was relaxing, which you interrupted by the way. And you still haven't given me a reason why you did that. And so what if My powers aren't natural, I can still use them better than most people who have them. Because there's one key difference between me and the rest of the world." Vance leant forwards slightly in his chair "I have a functioning brain"
Grimmavus was watching them with an amused smile. "Oh... so he knows. Smart boy. How will you retaliate? After all.... You are the element my younger sister governs." Grimmavus was talking to himself as he watched.

Jayn let out a disappointed sigh, "Aw...No I'm fine, I don't want a scythe anymore, you just crushed all my hopes and dreams in one swoop." She looked down for a few moments as she contemplated what to do with her life before looking back up, "Oh, so why did you appear before me? Am I dead? Did I trip on a rock or something? Because that's a really shitty way for me to go out after all the crap I've been through..."



Fola simply allowed Ryan to do the puzzles, he was busy trying to figure out what the hell was happening with his head. He leaned his head to the left and punched the side of it as if he was attempting to shake all the bad thoughts he was having out. He took deep breaths in and out, he was sure he didn't actually want to do any of the things he was getting ideas to do, he'd attempted rape and murder (Not his proudest moments) and he didn't even have the balls to go through with it. So for him to just want to do it so suddenly was...Odd...

He stopped in front of the Guardian and took deep breaths as he felt his mind begin to fog over, feeling himself slowly begin to fall back into that mindset...

GingerBread said:
"No. I don't care what you are, you could be God for all I care. Everything and anything can die and will die. It's the rules of life. No one exists outside these rules. Everyone can die. Even those who like to think they're immortals" Vance smirked and created a chair of darkness to sit down on "And I wasn't 'hiding away' from the conflict. I was relaxing, which you interrupted by the way. And you still haven't given me a reason why you did that. And so what if My powers aren't natural, I can still use them better than most people who have them. Because there's one key difference between me and the rest of the world." Vance leant forwards slightly in his chair "I have a functioning brain"
Jessica looked at the chair and it disappeared making him fall on his but. "I'm not saying I can't die. I'm only saying that silly daggers like those won't hurt me. Anyways your relaxation is just laziness. Aren't you always saying that the guild would be screwdriver without you. Or is that all talk. Like normal." She was enjoying teasing him.
Light said:
Grimmavus was watching them with an amused smile. "Oh... so he knows. Smart boy. How will you retaliate? After all.... You are the element my younger sister governs." Grimmavus was talking to himself as he watched.
(Did I do good :D )

Tazmodo said:
Jessica looked at the chair and it disappeared making him fall on his but. "I'm not saying I can't die. I'm only saying that silly daggers like those won't hurt me. Anyways your relaxation is just laziness. Aren't you always saying that the guild would be screwdriver without you. Or is that all talk. Like normal." She was enjoying teasing him.
"Yeah, right now it is all talk. Because every time I try to walk away to test my theory, I get dragged back into the action. But I'm not saying I'm the most powerful, by no means. But I tend to have less fuck ups than the rest of the guild members" Vance stood up and dusted himself off. "But I know you're all talk. You say I can't hurt you, But you haven't told me how to. That right there, makes me think you're afraid of me actually being able to kill you. And all fear takes to grow is a few well placed seeds. And this time I didn't even have to sow them. You did it for me, didn't you?" Vance smirked condescendingly at Jessica.

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GingerBread said:
(Did I do good :D )
"Yeah, right now it is all talk. Because every time I try to walk away to test my theory, I get dragged back into the action. But I'm not saying I'm the most powerful, by no means. But I tend to have less fuck ups than the rest of the guild members" Vance stood up and dusted himself off. "But I know you're all talk. You say I can't hurt you, But you haven't told me how to. That right there, makes me think you're afraid of me actually being able to kill you. And all fear takes to grow is a few well placed seeds. And this time I didn't even have to sow them. You did it for me, didn't you?" Vance smirked condescendingly at Jessica.

Jessica smiled. "That's cute honestly. I'm not stupid enough to throw all my weaknesses out there." Another Jessica formed behind him. "But you should really be more mindful who you talk to with such attitude. You know that you aren't the strongest in the guild in terms of darkness right? There is one better. Stronger. More qualified to be the next embodiment. He just isn't as loud mouthed and cocky. Do you want to know who?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked around at the intricate puzzle sequence, pressing each button and moving without regard. "Just imagine the time it must have taken to build this. This is.... Fascinating"
He walked to the guardian and bowed
LokiofSP said:
Fola simply allowed Ryan to do the puzzles, he was busy trying to figure out what the hell was happening with his head. He leaned his head to the left and punched the side of it as if he was attempting to shake all the bad thoughts he was having out. He took deep breaths in and out, he was sure he didn't actually want to do any of the things he was getting ideas to do, he'd attempted rape and murder (Not his proudest moments) and he didn't even have the balls to go through with it. So for him to just want to do it so suddenly was...Odd...

He stopped in front of the Guardian and took deep breaths as he felt his mind begin to fog over, feeling himself slowly begin to fall back into that mindset...

The guardian nods its head to Ryan in respect. "I am the last guardian before the final gatekeeper. Will you seek out the priestess in peril or will you let your selfishness overcome you?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Her. But from what I hear, the orb controls her. That makes it priority. Why allow her enemies be able to manipulate her? Thus, the best way to protect her is to make the orb priority
The guardian nods its head and the mountain does the same action as the others. The beacons of light were slowly forming a large portal in the sky. The center mountain was climbing higher.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn let out a disappointed sigh, "Aw...No I'm fine, I don't want a scythe anymore, you just crushed all my hopes and dreams in one swoop." She looked down for a few moments as she contemplated what to do with her life before looking back up, "Oh, so why did you appear before me? Am I dead? Did I trip on a rock or something? Because that's a really shitty way for me to go out after all the crap I've been through..."
"Um... is there something wrong with my scythe?" The reaper was frowning underneath his hood. He had one chance and he blew it. "N-no you're not dead. I'm just your...personal reaper. Some reapers get assigned to certain people. I decided to show myself though because you've grabbed enough of my curiosity to converse with you." By the way he talks this reaper was obviously nerdy and could be taken as weak due to his body posture. He wasn't a seasoned fighter by the looks of it. Though what he lacked in intimidation he had in looks in determination. "So.... where are you going?" The reaper knew but it was always polite to ask.

GingerBread said:
(Did I do good :D )
"Yeah, right now it is all talk. Because every time I try to walk away to test my theory, I get dragged back into the action. But I'm not saying I'm the most powerful, by no means. But I tend to have less fuck ups than the rest of the guild members" Vance stood up and dusted himself off. "But I know you're all talk. You say I can't hurt you, But you haven't told me how to. That right there, makes me think you're afraid of me actually being able to kill you. And all fear takes to grow is a few well placed seeds. And this time I didn't even have to sow them. You did it for me, didn't you?" Vance smirked condescendingly at Jessica.

Tazmodo said:
Jessica looked at the chair and it disappeared making him fall on his but. "I'm not saying I can't die. I'm only saying that silly daggers like those won't hurt me. Anyways your relaxation is just laziness. Aren't you always saying that the guild would be screwdriver without you. Or is that all talk. Like normal." She was enjoying teasing him.
"Hm...Jessica you must shoot down his advances immediately. Lead him astray from his mental track. He can't find out about your weakness. Jessica stop talking, whether or not the darkness embodiment is labeled is not up to you to reveal." It seemed like Grimmavus had no official side. Grimmavus could only hope Jessica wouldn't do it since he couldn't directly tell her.
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Light said:
The guardian nods its head to Ryan in respect. "I am the last guardian before the final gatekeeper. Will you seek out the priestess in peril or will you let your selfishness overcome you?"
The guardian nods its head and the mountain does the same action as the others. The beacons of light were slowly forming a large portal in the sky. The center mountain was climbing higher.

"Um... is there something wrong with my scythe?" The reaper was frowning underneath his hood. He had one chance and he blew it. "N-no you're not dead. I'm just your...personal reaper. Some reapers get assigned to certain people. I decided to show myself though because you've grabbed enough of my curiosity to converse with you." By the way he talks this reaper was obviously nerdy and could be taken as weak due to his body posture. He wasn't a seasoned fighter by the looks of it. Though what he lacked in intimidation he had in looks in determination. "So.... where are you going?" The reaper knew but it was always polite to ask.

"Hm...Jessica you must shoot down his advances immediately. Lead him astray from his mental track. He can't find out about your weakness. Jessica stop talking, whether or not the darkness embodiment is labeled is not up to you to reveal." It seemed like Grimmavus had no official side. Grimmavus could only hope Jessica wouldn't do it since he couldn't directly tell her.
Ryan flinched back, eyes wide. "Priestess? Sorry if I'm over thinking but I'm going to guess you don't mean Morgan, do you? Interesting... Id say I need to seek this priestess"

Decimus stared at it and shook his head. "Don't worry Alexandria. Ill protect you it will be fine." He teleported to the mountain last mountain he had before the center one.

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