Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Vance smiled when Sage kissed him before taking on a more serious expression "You know Lucy said he's going to be at the last hell portal, That means you're staying the hell away, Cause i'm pretty sure he has a grudge against us" Vance said, wanting to make sure Sage would be relatively safe

Sage didn't know what to do , he wanted to kill Lucifer but he didn't want to anger Vance. He squirmed in Vance's lap as he thought over his options, and honestly he didn't have that many.

"Stop moving about" Vance hissed as Sage squirmed in his lap "Why are you squirming anyways? is it because i don't want you to fight Lucy? Because you just passed out while fighting some monsters that i wiped the floor with in a couple of minutes" Vance said as he wrapped his arms around Sage in a sort of hug to try to stop him moving "But if you really want to go, then i won't stop you. But if you die, I will find a way to bring you back to life so i can kill you myself"

Vance enjoyed the kiss, happily smiling afterwards "I'd better see you soon" Vance threatened as he watched Sage walked through the portal. Vance close his eyes and drifted off into a light sleep, still alert enough in case anything or anyone tried to attack him

@djinnamon @Light @DizjayDeathPride (I forget who else is at the guild)
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(Update I'm a reply first Read others second soooo if it was already handled just ignore me c: )

The second Knight faded away as the woman stood there. "Is that so?" He pointed to him saying come here

LokiofSP said:
Fola dropped it all. He put a hand on the girl's shoulder and tried best he could to act as if he was treating anybody else. He stopped putting forced feeling in his eyes, allowing himself to look as tired as he was. He forced himself to not panic, to just be caught in this one moment. He shrugged at the girl's comments, of course he was surprised at her comments, but she was a kid...All kids could change.
All of them.

"Hey...Little mi-...Kid, look at me. So you did some messed up crap, so what? Look at me, I've lied, cheated, swindled and even killed in hope to find something to do with my life...But look at me, still here, still trying to help you and make up for the bad things I've done. You're so young, you've done bad things but you got your whole life to make up for it...So come on..." He smiled slightly, "Let's get you home, okay?"
LokiofSP said:
The little girl looked up at him with true terror and shook her head violently. "No no I'll never go back! NO!" She pulled away and tried to curl deeper into the wall. She hated Hell. She hated being a Knight. She just wanted to die

Tazmodo said:
Juliette scratched her head. "I'm pretty useless." She reached in and pulled out a trumpet. "I picked something I know is annoying and I know the band was annoying in high school. What now?"
Reed put his hand on his chest. He granted himself a random power and luckily it was a demon slaying power. He extend his hand and divine energy formed into a ball. He shot it up at the demons full blast.

Derek turned his arm into a demon slaying blade and cut the demons.
Ryan chuckled and against himself let out a laugh that turned almost hysterical. All of the stress had gotten to him and he just cracked for a moment. Wiping the tears he calmed himself down and looked at her. "Jesus that was funny. Whew. Anyways, just play it. Flow your sound powers into it and play. The more accurate the sound power is to the instrument, the more powerful it is. For example, the trumpet. Using that for sleep inducement CAN work but does that look wise? No. The trumpet is more... Force. Constructs. Maybe death if need be. Make sense?"

(!) The quantity of Demons was far beyond his slaying power. The Demons filled into his mouth, possessing him and forcing him to move. They had no real beef with him. The remaining demons poured onto the symbol and ripped open the Gate of Hell. The first one to step out was the only Knight killed (seriously guys step it up). He cracked his fingers and in a flash was gone.

The Gate closed and this symbol went back to glowing

LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed, "Then tell me what you want...I'll do whatever you want..."

The girl sniffled and looked over to him. "Anything?" Her voice appeared innocent but there was still a natural tone of malevolence

djinnamon said:
(Sage teleported to Lucifer)

(See my point. Post first read second
xD also, you sure that's wise?)

Luci, or at least what appeared to be Luci, was sitting on top of the Empire State. The real Luci had long since left with Ashlyn. But why not leave a clone lying around for who knows what? Probably terrorizing." Luci laid back on the ground and sighed. He spoke with a sort of rich elegance that screamed 'serial killer' "Hello again Sage"
Sage flew up to Lucia and a Luring smile came on his face. "Hi Lucifer. " He said as his attractiveness went sky high. He could already feel the lustful stares from humans and demons alike.

DizjayDeathPride said:
The girl sniffled and looked over to him. "Anything?" Her voice appeared innocent but there was still a natural tone of malevolence
(See my point. Post first read second
xD also, you sure that's wise?)

Luci, or at least what appeared to be Luci, was sitting on top of the Empire State. The real Luci had long since left with Ashlyn. But why not leave a clone lying around for who knows what? Probably terrorizing." Luci laid back on the ground and sighed. He spoke with a sort of rich elegance that screamed 'serial killer' "Hello again Sage"
LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed and put a hand over his heart, "On my honor, I will do anything you ask, so long as it is in my power..."

The little girl smiled and wiped her eyes, "let's get ice cream! Can Mr Stuffy have some too?" He extended the stuffed animal, hiding behind it in case he said no

djinnamon said:
Sage flew up to Lucia and a Luring smile came on his face. "Hi Lucifer. " He said as his attractiveness went sky high. He could already feel the lustful stares from humans and demons alike.

"Really? Reeeally?" Lucifer just laughed and shook his head. "You really must not know who I am! Helloooooo. Practically the creator of sin and temptation. Garden of Eden? Apple? Adam and Eve? Jeez you mortals need to brush up on your history. But I'll play along." He looked at Sage, his jaw dropped. Slowly, his bit his lip, using his own lust and desire control on Sage, slowly dragging his tongue across his own upper lip, and winked, sealing it.

"That's how it's done. Any questions?"
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Sage's eye twitched. " I'm gonna kill your pass. " He yelled before teleporting in front Lucifer and licking him into the portal that formed behind the demon. Once the two arrived in Sage's realm Sage glared.

DizjayDeathPride said:
The little girl smiled and wiped her eyes, "let's get ice cream! Can Mr Stuffy have some too?" He extended the stuffed animal, hiding behind it in case he said no
"Really? Reeeally?" Lucifer just laughed and shook his head. "You really must not know who I am! Helloooooo. Practically the creator of sin and temptation. Garden of Eden? Apple? Adam and Eve? Jeez you mortals need to brush up on your history. But I'll play along." He looked at Sage, his jaw dropped. Slowly, his bit his lip, using his own lust and desire control on Sage, slowly dragging his tongue across his own upper lip, and winked, sealing it.

"That's how it's done. Any questions?"
djinnamon said:
Sage's eye twitched. " I'm gonna kill your pass. " He yelled before teleporting in front Lucifer and licking him into the portal that formed behind the demon. Once the two arrived in Sage's realm Sage glared.
Luci fake screamed and flicked his hands. "Noooo don't hurt me. Pleeeeease. Ill do anything. Aaaaanything. Nooooooooooo" The saecasm was so thick you could practically taste it.

Lucifer walked around, looking the place up and down. "So that's how this place works. Not all that fancy. Any nit wit could waltz in here. Guessing that's how you got here?" Lucifer covered his mouth, eyes wide, smiling. He flicked his eyebrows up and down and pointed. "Buuuuuurn!!! No but seriously. Increase security in here this is atrocious."
Yeah that's so he said as he starts to walk in a circle around the girl dragging his sword on the ground, and drink a bottle of beer. As he walked he splits himself into three. Therefore one clone was at his beginning starting position, another was to the left of the girl, and the last one was directly behind her, while the real Inaro was to the right of her. Each clone had all attributes of the real Inaro. While Inaro was equipped with his sword, the clone in front of the girl was equipped with its Bio-metal metallic claws, the clone to the left was equipped with the collapsible sword in its pistol mode, and the clone behind her was equipped with two Bio-metal blades. The real Inaro drops the glass bottle, when the Inaro's hear the first glass fiber break signaling the start of the battle they all began attacking. Pistol Inaro fired towards the girl know that hits allies will be unarmed. While blade Inaro, claw Inaro,and the real Inaro dashed towards the girl in a blur leaving a trail of smoke. The melee armed Inaro's attacked the girl in sync with one another. @DizjayDeathPride
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Sage smirked and snapped his finger , holy chains appeared and bonded Lucifer. " I don't need security big guy , I have absolute control here that includes control over your bitch ass. " Sage said with a smirk as the chains pulled Lucifer different directions at once. He then summoned a holy dagger and trailed the blade around Lucifer's private area.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Luci fake screamed and flicked his hands. "Noooo don't hurt me. Pleeeeease. Ill do anything. Aaaaanything. Nooooooooooo" The saecasm was so thick you could practically taste it.
Lucifer walked around, looking the place up and down. "So that's how this place works. Not all that fancy. Any nit wit could waltz in here. Guessing that's how you got here?" Lucifer covered his mouth, eyes wide, smiling. He flicked his eyebrows up and down and pointed. "Buuuuuurn!!! No but seriously. Increase security in here this is atrocious."
The dragonflame met the knight's hellfire in a brilliant flash of color as the two hues battled against the other like the ocean's waves against the stalwart shore. Even the shadows sprung to life beneath this flickering dance and raked their long fingers across the charred husks of what were once buildings.

It had been too long since the wyvern had dueled with another dragon, but he supposed this was the closest thing to it. The only difference was that this demon would snap easily under his jaws.

Step by step, Syrax pushed against the unholy inferno using his own dragonfire as a means to drive it back against the woman. As soon as he got within range he endured the demon's flames long enough to swing his tail at the knight to either knock her over or fling her towards the nearby wall like a ragdoll.

(So I assume we need to kill all of the knights to close the portals, right?)

The Knight watched him, looking at each clone that was made. And soon a smirk cracked on her face. "This is going to be fun"

She, too, took the sound of the bottle breaking as the signal to fight and with her speed, bicycle kicked the clone with claws, kicking him into the air, Hellfire engulfing him as she flipped back and landed. "Next?"

djinnamon said:
Sage smirked and snapped his finger , holy chains appeared and bonded Lucifer. " I don't need security big guy , I have absolute control here that includes control over your bitch ass. " Sage said with a smirk as the chains pulled Lucifer different directions at once. He then summoned a holy dagger and trailed the blade around Lucifer's private area.

Lucifer winced and laughed demonically. "Ooooo buddy this stings." Struggling, but effectively, he stared into Sage's eyes as he pulled against the chains, pulling the realm in on itself, trying to rip the chains out. "Is that all you got?!" He yelled once more and ripped his arms down, pulling either the chains out of the realm or the boundaries of the realm to him with the chains. Either or really.

Lucifer looked up at Sage, smirking happily, unwrapping the chains. "Next?"

Juju said:
The dragonflame met the knight's hellfire in a brilliant flash of color as the two hues battled against the other like the ocean's waves against the stalwart shore. Even the shadows sprung to life beneath this flickering dance and raked their long fingers across the charred husks of what were once buildings.
It had been too long since the wyvern had dueled with another dragon, but he supposed this was the closest thing to it. The only difference was that this demon would snap easily under his jaws.

Step by step, Syrax pushed against the unholy inferno using his own dragonfire as a means to drive it back against the woman. As soon as he got within range he endured the demon's flames long enough to swing his tail at the knight to either knock her over or fling her towards the nearby wall like a ragdoll.

(So I assume we need to kill all of the knights to close the portals, right?)


(Yes sirrr. Only 7 Knights and 6 symbols remain c: including yours)

The woman tumbled a bit then flicked off the ground, sliding in the dirt. She looked up to him and snapped, a spark between her fingers as a ring of Hellfire grew around Syrax. "I don't fancy killing you. But I will if I must. This is your last warning. Leave"

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Vance woke up and slowly got to his feet, He started to look around to see if anyone was at the Guild or even if Sage was there Guess I didn't sleep all the way through the fighting Vance sighed before remembering he ranked up I Might as well use these, instead of just hoarding them. Once Vance had picked what he wanted to spend his upgrade points on, He teleported to a random unclosed hell portal, ready to fight another Knight.

GingerBread said:
Vance woke up and slowly got to his feet, He started to look around to see if anyone was at the Guild or even if Sage was there Guess I didn't sleep all the way through the fighting Vance sighed before remembering he ranked up I Might as well use these, instead of just hoarding them. Once Vance had picked what he wanted to spend his upgrade points on, He teleported to a random unclosed hell portal, ready to fight another Knight.

Vance appeared at the one with Derek and Jasmine. The two were being ravaged by hoards upon hoards of demons. However the Gate guardian Knight was no where around
Sage growled and stabbed the dagger into Lucifer's heart before more appeared and stabbed Lucifer in his head , neck and crotch. Sage huffed as he watched the demon die. Sage suddenly felt tears well up and backed away from the corpse , he instantly ejected Lucifer from his realm and ran into his castle. He collapsed in front of the statue of his parents.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Vance appeared at the one with Derek and Jasmine. The two were being ravaged by hoards upon hoards of demons. However the Gate guardian Knight was no where around
Vance just looked around amidst the chaos and saw Jasmine, and Derek? Vance just shrugged "You guys look like you could use a little help. but anyway you know where the 'knight' is, I need to hurry up and kill them so i can move on, it should only take a minute"

@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
djinnamon said:
Sage growled and stabbed the dagger into Lucifer's heart before more appeared and stabbed Lucifer in his head , neck and crotch. Sage huffed as he watched the demon die. Sage suddenly felt tears well up and backed away from the corpse , he instantly ejected Lucifer from his realm and ran into his castle. He collapsed in front of the statue of his parents.
Luci laid there, pretending to be dead. When Sage seemed to be calm he placed his hand on Sage's shoulder, freezing him there, and stared at the statue. "Never let anyone into your realm who can rip dimensions open. Remember that. Now what do we have here hmm?" He looked closely at the statue. Then back to Sage. "Are these your... Parents? Ill make sure they feel the utmost worst of Hell. I pwomise." The Angel laughed as he disappeared in flames, letting Sage go of the spell

GingerBread said:
Vance just looked around amidst the chaos and saw Jasmine, and Derek? Vance just shrugged "You guys look like you could use a little help. but anyway you know where the 'knight' is, I need to hurry up and kill them so i can move on, it should only take a minute"
@Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride
(I just only had 7 pictures (in hindsight these maaaay have been drawn to be sins idfk) so like there are only 6 symbols left but don't worry. Here's a heart <3)

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