Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
( @shadowz1995 @Lotusy @djinnamon )
The girl with black hair sends Ares after the girl with white hair, giving her the challenged she oh so wanted. Dionysus and Hera were sent after Ashlyn and the shy girl with dark ginger hair afterwards. Ashlyn merely puts up both her immortality and Divine Power Negation field and and the girl with white hair has carnage magic erupt around them. This red magic seems to devour anything it touches, leaving nothing behind. Ashlyn and the shy girl didn't seem to like what happened to the two Olympians even though they were fake but they couldn't so much about it. The girl with white hair starts to go head to head with Ares in hand to hand combat, which ended swiftly due to that fact that she kept pounding him with carnage magic with each blow within the field. The large snake exhales a purple aura, raw witch mana. It passes over the girl with white hair and devours her magical energy, as well as her physical. Making her drop to the floor, breathing hard. She seemed tired as if she hasn't slept for days and because of this magic her fatigue has finally caught up with her. That's when the collar on her neck injects an enhanced form of adrenaline to keep her awake and force her to rise again.

The witch mana travels towards Ashlyn and her companion, only to be pushed back by her defensive field. After she does this, black electricity rampages throughout her body. She had overstepped her bodies limit of fields and had no real energy other than the adrenaline to work off of. Ashlyn drops to the ground, and begins to pass out along with the girl with White hair even though she was recently pumped with adrenaline. The shy girl looks at the competition and then her fallen comrades. She decides to join them and just lays down. The girl with white hair ends up throwing up Since her body was attempting to expel all the things these scientists have been putting into her. They might have seemed pumped earlier but now, the extended pain and lack of care for their bodies have caught up with them. They couldn't fight very well at all and the only two who could was the girl with black hair and the girl with dark ginger hair. The girl with black hair always finished her tasks swiftly, which is why she was able to rest more than the others who took weeks to finally comply and succeed. The girl with the dark ginger hair was in the same position as the other. "U-Um... if you don't mind... I can handle this." Ashlyn merely nods at her suggestion since she was too busy seeing things, as she surprisingly was in between the plane of consciousness and unconsciousness.

The girl with dark ginger hair closes her eyes and opens them once more, revealing white eyes.

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She gains the ability to process things at a high speed and watches the lightning bolt, beam of searing water, darkness, fire, light, lunar energy, vines, a spear, and Hermes himself coming towards her. Three angelic wings sprout out her back on her right side and three demonic wings sprout out on the left. She moves towards the spear a even higher speeds than the projectiles coming at her using twilight and grabs it. She throws it in the direction Hermes is going towards and flies into the air, landing on him to cause him to slam into the ground. She steps off and throws him up to have the spear perfectly hit him in the chest through his side. Going through his right arm, right lung, heart, left lung, and left arm. She holds both the spearhead and the opposite end that's sticking out of his body and pushes him away using her foot, breaking the pieces off to send him into the lightning bolt. She rushes towards Aphrodite and trips her, though while she falls forward the girl jabs the wooden end of the spear into her spine, nailing her down into the ground. She steps on the stub to make sure Aphrodite doesn't pick herself up and sets her aflame with hellfire. The dark ginger haired girl looks Hephaustus the god of blacksmithing and fire directly in the eyes as he burns Aphrodite, his wife, with flames and a broken weapon. Several halo's appear around him and erupt in light, creating a pillar of light which acts as a form of smiting. Once she was done with Aphrodite, she has a halo form above her head in the form of white flames. She flies into the air with the broken piece of the spear and has it float inside of a halo. It spins like an arrow on a board game and points towards Demeter. The moment it does, the spear is sent through her neck. The young girl has light glow on the tips of her angelic wings and darkness develop on the tips of her demonic wings while an orb of twilight began to form above her halo. The dark orbs fire a beam through Poseidons leg and touches the ground behind him, forming a vortex of darkness that drains all the negativity in the area and all those whom at close. She does the same with the light, having it go through Athena's chest and form a vortex of light that pushed outwards. Apollo and Artemis where being pushed up into the air by the pool of light but were pulled by the dark vortex, ripping them in half due to the force. The 11 year old has even more halo's appear around her and speed towards Poseidon and Athena to slice through them as they're pulled and pushed. She turns to Zeus and raises her hands, having the orb of twilight around her float to him and envelop him. It starts to pull him apart and crush him for what seems like forever. That was until the shadows from around them pulled the orb into an unknown world, crushing it all. The girl lands and walks over to the snake, passing by the choking Demeter. She merely glances at her as light fires out of her eyes to pierce her brain while large spikes of darkness burst upwards to shred her apart. She made the darkness act like a thick haze throughout the arena to his herself. Things were going good until her nullification collar activated and cut off all her powers. She couldn't hear her but the girl with black hair had forfeited since watching her progress, as interesting as it was, isn't worth her life. After this, all the separating Dragon's Roar members are sent back to the guild with the water situation. The walls of water were rising around the guild.

( That's how Vance can utilize darkness. )
(I'm confused what happened there?)
Tazmodo said:
(I'm confused what happened there?)
( You teleported to the guild when I took you all into a memory scape. You're out of it now. Kind of your fault for not paying attention to what's truthfully going on in the scene when you teleport to a character. )
Light said:
( @shadowz1995 @Lotusy @djinnamon )
The girl with black hair sends Ares after the girl with white hair, giving her the challenged she oh so wanted. Dionysus and Hera were sent after Ashlyn and the shy girl with dark ginger hair afterwards. Ashlyn merely puts up both her immortality and Divine Power Negation field and and the girl with white hair has carnage magic erupt around them. This red magic seems to devour anything it touches, leaving nothing behind. Ashlyn and the shy girl didn't seem to like what happened to the two Olympians even though they were fake but they couldn't so much about it. The girl with white hair starts to go head to head with Ares in hand to hand combat, which ended swiftly due to that fact that she kept pounding him with carnage magic with each blow within the field. The large snake exhales a purple aura, raw witch mana. It passes over the girl with white hair and devours her magical energy, as well as her physical. Making her drop to the floor, breathing hard. She seemed tired as if she hasn't slept for days and because of this magic her fatigue has finally caught up with her. That's when the collar on her neck injects an enhanced form of adrenaline to keep her awake and force her to rise again.

The witch mana travels towards Ashlyn and her companion, only to be pushed back by her defensive field. After she does this, black electricity rampages throughout her body. She had overstepped her bodies limit of fields and had no real energy other than the adrenaline to work off of. Ashlyn drops to the ground, and begins to pass out along with the girl with White hair even though she was recently pumped with adrenaline. The shy girl looks at the competition and then her fallen comrades. She decides to join them and just lays down. The girl with white hair ends up throwing up Since her body was attempting to expel all the things these scientists have been putting into her. They might have seemed pumped earlier but now, the extended pain and lack of care for their bodies have caught up with them. They couldn't fight very well at all and the only two who could was the girl with black hair and the girl with dark ginger hair. The girl with black hair always finished her tasks swiftly, which is why she was able to rest more than the others who took weeks to finally comply and succeed. The girl with the dark ginger hair was in the same position as the other. "U-Um... if you don't mind... I can handle this." Ashlyn merely nods at her suggestion since she was too busy seeing things, as she surprisingly was in between the plane of consciousness and unconsciousness.

The girl with dark ginger hair closes her eyes and opens them once more, revealing white eyes.

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She gains the ability to process things at a high speed and watches the lightning bolt, beam of searing water, darkness, fire, light, lunar energy, vines, a spear, and Hermes himself coming towards her. Three angelic wings sprout out her back on her right side and three demonic wings sprout out on the left. She moves towards the spear a even higher speeds than the projectiles coming at her using twilight and grabs it. She throws it in the direction Hermes is going towards and flies into the air, landing on him to cause him to slam into the ground. She steps off and throws him up to have the spear perfectly hit him in the chest through his side. Going through his right arm, right lung, heart, left lung, and left arm. She holds both the spearhead and the opposite end that's sticking out of his body and pushes him away using her foot, breaking the pieces off to send him into the lightning bolt. She rushes towards Aphrodite and trips her, though while she falls forward the girl jabs the wooden end of the spear into her spine, nailing her down into the ground. She steps on the stub to make sure Aphrodite doesn't pick herself up and sets her aflame with hellfire. The dark ginger haired girl looks Hephaustus the god of blacksmithing and fire directly in the eyes as he burns Aphrodite, his wife, with flames and a broken weapon. Several halo's appear around him and erupt in light, creating a pillar of light which acts as a form of smiting. Once she was done with Aphrodite, she has a halo form above her head in the form of white flames. She flies into the air with the broken piece of the spear and has it float inside of a halo. It spins like an arrow on a board game and points towards Demeter. The moment it does, the spear is sent through her neck. The young girl has light glow on the tips of her angelic wings and darkness develop on the tips of her demonic wings while an orb of twilight began to form above her halo. The dark orbs fire a beam through Poseidons leg and touches the ground behind him, forming a vortex of darkness that drains all the negativity in the area and all those whom at close. She does the same with the light, having it go through Athena's chest and form a vortex of light that pushed outwards. Apollo and Artemis where being pushed up into the air by the pool of light but were pulled by the dark vortex, ripping them in half due to the force. The 11 year old has even more halo's appear around her and speed towards Poseidon and Athena to slice through them as they're pulled and pushed. She turns to Zeus and raises her hands, having the orb of twilight around her float to him and envelop him. It starts to pull him apart and crush him for what seems like forever. That was until the shadows from around them pulled the orb into an unknown world, crushing it all. The girl lands and walks over to the snake, passing by the choking Demeter. She merely glances at her as light fires out of her eyes to pierce her brain while large spikes of darkness burst upwards to shred her apart. She made the darkness act like a thick haze throughout the arena to his herself. Things were going good until her nullification collar activated and cut off all her powers. She couldn't hear her but the girl with black hair had forfeited since watching her progress, as interesting as it was, isn't worth her life. After this, all the separating Dragon's Roar members are sent back to the guild with the water situation. The walls of water were rising around the guild.

( That's how Vance can utilize darkness. )
(I already know how Vance can utilize darkness, but i wasn't sure if i should use all of it and make him OP :/ )

"Yep, officially outdone by little girls" Vance said as he found himself outside the guild with the water level rising around it "Well lets see how i can save these useless people, i could try to blast a massive pit in the bottom of the ocean with my darkness, it's probably dark as hell down there" Vance thought aloud before closing his eyes and focusing on controlling the shadow at the bottom of the ocean Willing all of it to create tendrils with shovel and pickaxe tips that would keep digging at the ocean floor in an attempt to offset the water level rising. Vance had commanded the tendrils to continue digging without his constant supervision of it so he could focus on the beasts attacking the guild "You really shouldn't have attacked this place" (!) Vance said as he used nearby shadows to shoot massive beams at each of the attacking monsters, Vance did his best to ignore the soul draining sensation over using his powers like this was giving him as he continued the torrent of massive beams of pure darkness at the monsters, Aiming to kill.

@Light @djinnamon (I'm going to go sleep)
Bestowed Ability

Sleep Inducement - Puts one to sleep.

How to cast: One hand is required. Index and middle finger must close Zalgo's seeing eye and once this is done (the eye can re-open) whatever he touches with those two fingers will be put to rest. To end the slumber, he must use the same hand and fingers to lift their eyelids.


Deconstruction of Organic Matter



Memory Erasure

His head felt peculiarly warm, but as a finger was about to touch his forehead, the warmth had withdrawn and the brown flesh went cold once more--in the end, he dismissed it as nothing important. Before the raised finger returned to its side, it traced the scar that trailed down his right eye.

'I seem to always forget that this mark is a part of me.'

Zalgo shut his vision before inhaling the bitter cold air and exhaling it through his nose. He should not allow himself to dwell on a past-time--it wasn't the right place nor a suitable moment to do so. The Deity had to quit dawdling alone up on the peak of Mount. Everest, whereas he should be focusing on the situation that this Lucifer had placed him in. Instead of immediately leaving his current surroundings, he pondered what location he would venture off to; preferably a place that has an environment that is a contrast to the harsh winters of Mount. Everest--Tropical and has sunlight beating down on you.

A decision was made within his mind and he was set on heading to the destination until Olivianna's corpse drifted into his thoughts, bringing along a slither of troubling feelings. The Deity turned his head to the direction of where they had...fallen, but did not dare to look down.

'Perhaps...I should return her body to where she usually slumbers, it would be doing her some kindness--'

Zalgo suddenly lowered his gaze to the blanket of snow covering the entire ground.

'No. The mountain can serve a better burial than I ever could.'

And he left it at that. Even if a fragment of melancholy could worm its way into his current mood, it would be quickly overpowered by dread.

He raised his head so it would face forward, the setting blood-red sun was only peeking at him now from the horizon. His pale blue orb became half-lidded as he tried to imagine the surroundings of where he had wanted to go--he'd been there before, so there would be no bit-by-bit teleportation to do.

However, his recapturing moment was brashly interrupted by the piercing roars of the heavens and a blinding strike of light descending before him. Gasping, Zalgo stumbled backwards and away from the area that the light had landed upon. Luckily, he regained his balance before he could've fallen like the other had--the winds were finally being merciful, but it instead of raging winds it was roaring thunder.

Standing in the wake from where the light had struck the snow and charred it, was a large winged-being. Zalgo's pale blue orb soaked in the sight eagerly, fascinated and speechless at their appearance; they seemed mechanical and god-like to the curious.

" Magnificent...! "


Every hair on his body was straightening up as electricity crackled in the air. His broken eye twitched, though not as subtle as before. A crooked frown gradually slipped into his lips, as a few droplets of sweat formed on the sides of his head.

'No...it can not be. Is this--are they one of the numerous demons that this Lucifer had spoke of? Oh, no. No...'

Suddenly, the temperature on top of Mount Everest began to feel less cold and more heated and dangerous.

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Austria said:
Bestowed Ability
Sleep Inducement - Puts one to sleep.

How to cast: One hand is required. Index and middle finger must close Zalgo's seeing eye and once this is done (the eye can re-open) whatever he touches with those two fingers will be put to rest. To end the slumber, he must use the same hand and fingers to lift their eyelids.


Deconstruction of Organic Matter



Memory Erasure

His head felt peculiarly warm, but as a finger was about to touch his forehead, the warmth had withdrawn and the brown flesh went cold once more--in the end, he dismissed it as nothing important. Before the raised finger returned to its side, it traced the scar that trailed down his right eye.

'I seem to always forget that this mark is a part of me.'

Zalgo shut his vision before inhaling the bitter cold air and exhaling it through his nose. He should not allow himself to dwell on a past-time--it wasn't the right place nor a suitable moment to do so. The Deity had to quit dawdling alone up on the peak of Mount. Everest, whereas he should be focusing on the situation that this Lucifer had placed him in. Instead of immediately leaving his current surroundings, he pondered what location he would venture off to; preferably a place that has an environment that is a contrast to the harsh winters of Mount. Everest--Tropical and has sunlight beating down on you.

A decision was made within his mind and he was set on heading to the destination until Olivianna's corpse drifted into his thoughts, bringing along a slither of troubling feelings. The Deity turned his head to the direction of where they had...fallen, but did not dare to look down.

'Perhaps...I should return her body to where she usually slumbers, it would be doing her some kindness--'

Zalgo suddenly lowered his gaze to the blanket of snow covering the entire ground.

'No. The mountain can serve a better burial than I ever could.'

And he left it at that. Even if a fragment of melancholy could worm its way into his current mood, it would be quickly overpowered by dread.

He raised his head so it would face forward, the setting blood-red sun was only peeking at him now from the horizon. His pale blue orb became half-lidded as he tried to imagine the surroundings of where he had wanted to go--he'd been there before, so there would be no bit-by-bit teleportation to do.

However, his recapturing moment was brashly interrupted by the piercing roars of the heavens and a blinding strike of light descending before him. Gasping, Zalgo stumbled backwards and away from the area that the light had landed upon. Luckily, he regained his balance before he could've fallen like the other had--the winds were finally being merciful, but it instead of raging winds it was roaring thunder.

Standing in the wake from where the light had struck the snow and charred it, was a large winged-being. Zalgo's pale blue orb soaked in the sight eagerly, fascinated and speechless at their appearance; they seemed mechanical and god-like to the curious.

" Magnificent...! "


Every hair on his body was straightening up as electricity crackled in the air. His broken eye twitched, though not as subtle as before. A crooked frown gradually slipped into his lips, as a few droplets of sweat formed on the sides of his head.

'No...it can not be. Is this--are they one of the numerous demons that this Lucifer had spoke of? Oh, no. No...'

Suddenly, the temperature on top of Mount Everest began to feel less cold and more heated and dangerous.

The Zeus raises its hand and causes a fury of lightning bolts to strike the mountain, causes destruction upon one of the world's treasures. The winds become furious and the sky blacks out with clouds. A strange sound occurs and suddenly an electric pulse bursts from the Zeus.

GingerBread said:
(I already know how Vance can utilize darkness, but i wasn't sure if i should use all of it and make him OP :/ )
"Yep, officially outdone by little girls" Vance said as he found himself outside the guild with the water level rising around it "Well lets see how i can save these useless people, i could try to blast a massive pit in the bottom of the ocean with my darkness, it's probably dark as hell down there" Vance thought aloud before closing his eyes and focusing on controlling the shadow at the bottom of the ocean Willing all of it to create tendrils with shovel and pickaxe tips that would keep digging at the ocean floor in an attempt to offset the water level rising. Vance had commanded the tendrils to continue digging without his constant supervision of it so he could focus on the beasts attacking the guild "You really shouldn't have attacked this place" (!) Vance said as he used nearby shadows to shoot massive beams at each of the attacking monsters, Vance did his best to ignore the soul draining sensation over using his powers like this was giving him as he continued the torrent of massive beams of pure darkness at the monsters, Aiming to kill.

@Light @djinnamon (I'm going to go sleep)
The wall of water drops and all beings end up being killed by this attack but the Poseidon which used it's escape mode, disappearing from wherever it came. Vance ends up ranking up to Mu.
Light said:
The cat ends up climbing to the peak of Mount Everest and jumps off to join Olivianna and the pegasus's dead bodies.
(Well I wouldn't give up just yet......)

"Hey you! Stop!" He was almost out of his breath but he kept chasing the cat.

His breath almost stopped when he saw the cat jumped down the cliff that suddenly. He was able to summon a shadow creature with wings to try to catch the cat, the shadow creature brought the cat up from the cliff and stood beside the cliff, holding the cat tightly in its arm, almost strangling it.

As Earl caught up, he stood in front of the shadow creature and stared at the cat in its arm, making a puzzled and confused look. He decided to take a look down the cliff just to see why the cat jump down just like that. As he took a quick peek down the cliff, his heart almost stopped,

sweats started to drip down from his forehead, while he asked with a trembling voice:"Why...How..." He had a strange feeling, an aching sensation, what he believed as...sadness......

He summoned another shadow creature and flew down straight down the cliff to Sloth's corpse, he landed beside the corpses.

He walks nearer and knelt down beside the corpse. He lowered his head, and let the howling cold wind slowly beat on his lonely body, while his cape swaying in the wind. "Sleep tight......." Earl took down his cape and covered the corpses while he sat beside it and stayed silent.

But a struck of lighting pulled Earl's attention away, the change in the weather and destruction were certainly not hard to notice. He flew up to the cliff again and looked around, he spotted someone else not far away. He glared at the cat in the shadow creature's hand. He lowered his body and moved his face closer to the "suffocating" cat, "If you ever try to kill yourself again, I will kill you......" He said before he ran over to there to investigate. @Light @Austria
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Dreamtique said:
(Well I wouldn't give up just yet......)
"Hey you! Stop!" He was almost out of his breath but he kept chasing the cat.

His breath almost stopped when he saw the cat jumped down the cliff that suddenly. He was able to summon a shadow creature with wings to try to catch the cat, the shadow creature brought the cat up from the cliff and stood beside the cliff, holding the cat tightly in its arm, almost strangling it.

As Earl caught up, he stood in front of the shadow creature and stared at the cat in its arm, making a puzzled and confused look. He decided to take a look down the cliff just to see why the cat jump down just like that. As he took a quick peek down the cliff, his heart almost stopped,

sweats started to drip down from his forehead, while he asked with a trembling voice:"Why...How..." He had a strange feeling, an aching sensation, what he believed as...sadness......

He summoned another shadow creature and flew down straight down the cliff to Sloth's corpse, he landed beside the corpses.

He walks nearer and knelt down beside the corpse. He lowered his head, and let the howling cold wind slowly beat on his lonely body, while his cape swaying in the wind. "Sleep tight......." Earl took down his cape and covered the corpses while he sat beside it and stayed silent.

But a struck of lighting pulled Earl's attention away, the change in the weather and destruction were certainly not hard to notice. He flew up to the cliff again and looked around, he spotted someone else not far away. He glared at the cat in the shadow creature's hand. He lowered his body and moved his face closer to the "suffocating" cat, "If you ever try to kill yourself again, I will kill you......" He said before he ran over to there to investigate. @Light @Austria
The cat didn't understand Earl's completely contradicting words and just bites it's tongue to bleed out. The cat begins to claw its body, bleeding out even further. Mere seconds from death.
Just like that, the heavens darkened and thunder was rumbling, as the winged oddity raised its hand. Multiple lightning bolts came raining down on Mount Everest's top, deafening his ears with each zap; Zalgo's physical body had already begun deconstructing into pieces at the first few lightning strikes, and once the process was finished the spot he once stood on was struck and the snow became black as the skies.

The situation was rising rapidly and the Deity had to exert a lot of effort on keeping up with the destruction that the beast was causing. Before his gaze, Mount. Everest's peak was being obliterated by bursts of electricity. Yet this was only the beginning--Zalgo heard a whirring noise coming from them and a strange wave was emitted, it continued outwards and made contact with his pixelated pieces.

All it did was split the cubes away from each other, though they stayed bunched up in groups of four.

'Such power...it shocks me to my core.'

Half of the Deity rallied on the urge to flee from such a monster, but the other half had a burning sensation flare up, persuading him to stay and end the existence of it. After all if it remained rampaging, the great mountain would eventually crumble after those many years of standing tall and majestic.

If Zalgo had a face at the moment, his visage would show a look of determination with a touch of fear, uneasiness and...self-doubt.

'I am not a fighter, I choose to observe. Yet this situation is calling for drastic measures...'

One of the groups of the four gathered cubes manifested into a bandaged hand. His line of sight was directly on the demon and the formed hand made a 'grabbing' action towards them. Straight after that the hand clenched itself tightly, and an invisible force began to crush his adversary. The crushing process went far too slow for his liking, and to him it didn't seem like it was doing any decent damage, so he opened his hand to release its hold of them--only to then make a downwards movement. This caused the oddity to crash into the blackened snow and onto the rock floor of the ruined peak.

'My...my ability of telekinesis has apparently weakened. Perhaps it's due to its lack of frequent use...'

@Light @Dreamtique
Austria said:
Just like that, the heavens darkened and thunder was rumbling, as the winged oddity raised its hand. Multiple lightning bolts came raining down on Mount Everest's top, deafening his ears with each zap; Zalgo's physical body had already begun deconstructing into pieces at the first few lightning strikes, and once the process was finished the spot he once stood on was struck and the snow became black as the skies.
The situation was rising rapidly and the Deity had to exert a lot of effort on keeping up with the destruction that the beast was causing. Before his gaze, Mount. Everest's peak was being obliterated by bursts of electricity. Yet this was only the beginning--Zalgo heard a whirring noise coming from them and a strange wave was emitted, it continued outwards and made contact with his pixelated pieces.

All it did was split the cubes away from each other, though they stayed bunched up in groups of four.

'Such power...it shocks me to my core.'

Half of the Deity rallied on the urge to flee from such a monster, but the other half had a burning sensation flare up, persuading him to stay and end the existence of it. After all if it remained rampaging, the great mountain would eventually crumble after those many years of standing tall and majestic.

If Zalgo had a face at the moment, his visage would show a look of determination with a touch of fear, uneasiness and...self-doubt.

'I am not a fighter, I choose to observe. Yet this situation is calling for drastic measures...'

One of the groups of the four gathered cubes manifested into a bandaged hand. His line of sight was directly on the demon and the formed hand made a 'grabbing' action towards them. Straight after that the hand clenched itself tightly, and an invisible force began to crush his adversary. The crushing process went far too slow for his liking, and to him it didn't seem like it was doing any decent damage, so he opened his hand to release its hold of them--only to then make a downwards movement. This caused the oddity to crash into the blackened snow and onto the rock floor of the ruined peak.

'My...my ability of telekinesis has apparently weakened. Perhaps it's due to its lack of frequent use...'

@Light @Dreamtique
The Zeus raises itself into the air once more and reveals both hands to Zalgo. It didn't like the damage it had just received. The left hand pushes out the sound and force of thunder towards Zalgo while the other ejects lightning. It hits the mostly constructed body and hits the small deconstructed parts, spreading from one to the other like connect the dots. A lightning bolt strikes the Zeus, charging it up. One light out of five on its chest illuminate.
Earl looks back while he is running away, seeing what the cat is doing, he instantly runs back to it, he holds the cat tight in his arm and pushes it onto the snowy ground. He takes out bandages from his waist bag and tries to stop the bleeding. The pure white snow slowly turns into crimson red, while Earl's despair grows. Finally, tears started to drip down from his eyes onto the cat's faces while he tries to look straight into the cat's eye. He shouted at the cat with a hoarse voice:" You! You! Don't you dare die on me! You are the only thing she left...She...Olivianna, the one that can understand me, a weirdo just like me. It's almost funny how happy I was, how it lighted up my heart when I found a weirdo just like me......your master, she is the first one...and now, she left me.... I don't even know why, and I can't even try make her stay! But now I can, I will try anything to stop you, I wouldn't let go this time, I wouldn't let you die just like that. Don't die... don't die..... I don't want to lose you! I want you to stay with me!!! Don't you understand!?"

The sky was completely black and the wind blows furiously, mercilessly, howling chaotically, just like how Earl is feeling. Tears started to flow down his eyes, for the first time, he feels so helpless, from how hard he tries to stop a cat from dying, in fact, from how much he don't want it to die. @Light

"This is just how you always are right? XXX . You always want to save someone, or even do something that is ridiculous or straight up dumb in others people's eyes, despite how weak you are, you will do anything, ANYTHING, for someone you...love......even if it means giving up your life... taking away all my sins, my curse...AND BECOME A DEMON." A strange voice starts to ring in Earl's head.
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Light said:
The wall of water drops and all beings end up being killed by this attack but the Poseidon which used it's escape mode, disappearing from wherever it came. Vance ends up ranking up to Mu.
(I kill like 4 monsters and only Rank up once ;_; You weren't kidding about these higher levels being harder to get xD )

Vance stopped the torrent of attacks as he saw all the beings die apart from the one that go away, Vance was confused for a second when it still felt like he was using his powers before he remembered all the tendrils he made. He quickly got rid of the tendrils and began feeling the effects of overusing his powers like that.

his power had taken a toll on Vance, he started to feel more tired. He felt like his legs were about to collapse from under him. Vance leant against the Guild's outer wall and spotted some other members "You guys could've at least helped a little" Vance said as he slid down the wall, needing to take it easy for a while Why the hell did i bring myself half to death to save this place? I hate near all of the people in it. But it is the only place where i don't have to sleep with one eye open Vance thought shrugging at his reasoning I ranked up didn't I? I'll choose what upgrades after this whole thing is over Vance slowly closed his eyes, planning to take a quick nap before jumping back into the action.

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As if his ears were already enduring enough of the noise that thunder bellowed, it became an unbelievably strong wave of force that was pushed from a hand of the re-risen winged monstrosity. His pieces were scattered upon impact of the soundwave, creating more groups than four--then came the lightning.

Streaks of white-violet shot out from the other hand and electrocuted the cubes and the only physical manifestation of him. The pieces themselves felt no harm amd only bounced around in reaction, yet his hand acted differently. Pain wracked its entire form as the immense heat from the electricity charred and blackened the flesh, including the bandages wrapped tightly around his palm.

Zalgo's response to his ruined limb was distorted scream that abruptly turned into barely audible whimpering. A new burning sensation ignited itself, and it wasn't the same one that he had. The hand deconstructed into even smaller cubes and hid behind the bigger ones.

'I canno--I cannot...'

His sight was temporarily blinded by another bolt of electricity, but it wasn't directed at him and for that he was grateful. However relief was disposed of when he noticed a single sphere on the winged oddity's chest light up. Confusion, apprehension, adrenaline and pain was coursing through every cube.

The Deity needed to improvise on his next attack, and fast; his gaze fell upon the terrain that refused to be beaten down, and an idea emerged. But with it came risks, and probably will end up hurting him more than it would the enemy if he strained himself. It would require both of his hands to manifest

If he had teeth at the moment, they would be chewing on his lips.

'I cannot...give up!! If this beast's existence remains in the Mortal Realm, it will eventually cause far more destruction than what it's displaying currently...!'

Two groups of gathered cubes constructed his bandaged hands, one was badly injured and the other was healthy and unscathed. Their fingers were aimed at the mountain's top rock floor, before they flipped themselves so their palms were facing the darkened heavens. They shook and quivered, as the outstretched fingers slowly begun to retract to their palms due to their attempt on tearing the surface of the peak.

Nothing really happened during the first struggle, all it did was make the terrain shudder and slightly quake.

Yet Zalgo persisted.

@Light @Dreamtique
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GingerBread said:
(I kill like 4 monsters and only Rank up once ;_; You weren't kidding about these higher levels being harder to get xD )
Vance stopped the torrent of attacks as he saw all the beings die apart from the one that go away, Vance was confused for a second when it still felt like he was using his powers before he remembered all the tendrils he made. He quickly got rid of the tendrils and began feeling the effects of overusing his powers like that.

his power had taken a toll on Vance, he started to feel more tired. He felt like his legs were about to collapse from under him. Vance leant against the Guild's outer wall and spotted some other members "You guys could've at least helped a little" Vance said as he slid down the wall, needing to take it easy for a while Why the hell did i bring myself half to death to save this place? I hate near all of the people in it. But it is the only place where i don't have to sleep with one eye open Vance thought shrugging at his reasoning I ranked up didn't I? maybe i should make it so it doesn't put as much strain on me to use my powers Once vance had applied his upgrades he closed his eyes, planning to take a quick nap before jumping back into the action.

Sage was up during the memory but when it passed he collapsed again. Finally his snapped open up and shoot up before looking around , making his hair move wildly. He then saw Vance and ran over to him. " Vance . " he whispered a placed a hand on the man's cheek and smiled before standing up. He looked around again , this less panicked.

@GingerBread @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage was up during the memory but when it passed he collapsed again. Finally his snapped open up and shoot up before looking around , making his hair move wildly. He then saw Vance and ran over to him. " Vance . " he whispered a placed a hand on the man's cheek and smiled before standing up. He looked around again , this less panicked.
@GingerBread @Light
Vances eyes shot open when he felt something touch his face "Who the-" Vance looked around and saw Sage "Oh, it's you and you're not dead, good" Vance was doing his best to sound uninterested.

Sage rolled his eyes but crouched next to Vance again. " Are you ok and what happened while I was unconscious? " He asked with a raised eyebrow. He may have saw the memory but nothing else.

"Why the hell do you care if i'm alright?" Vance growled, still slightly mad at Sage "And all those monsters that attacked, yeah i killed them all and saved this guild, By Myself. Only one of them got away, the giant robot looking thing"

Sage glared. " How many times must I say I love you until it manages to get in your thick skull. " Sage growled out before his eyes widened. " Whoa...... cool. " he mumbled as he looked at Vance in shock.

"Wipe that look off your face, it's not that shocking" Vance glared at Sage, assuming Sage thought he was weak or something "And i already know you love me, you can't go a minute without telling me that. Yet you still did something that you either knew or should've known would piss me off, So excuse me for not liking you at the moment"

Sage hugged and folded his arms. " Well excuse me for being surprised that you could beat monsters that broken down my dome so easily. " he mumbled , his pride was hurt a little. Sage looked down and tears began to well up when he heard Vance say he didn't like him.

"Well you were using ice against things that i'm pretty sure had power over water, that's never a good plan" Vance replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly. He glared at Sage when he noticed Sage was looking like he was about to cry "If you start crying I'm going to kick your arse, Now come sit down here next to me and grovel at my feet, and then I'll forgive you" Vance said as he gently patted the ground next to him "I don't think i can be angry at you anymore anyways" Vance mumbled as he turned his gaze away from Sage and looked over the sea that the monsters were in.

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"Fine don't grovel" Vance replied, not sounding like he cared. Vance wrapped an arm around Sage "You sure you don't want to sit in my lap?" He asked mockingly. "But you're going to have to make up for what you did, though i'm sure you can use your 'talents' to do that, can't you" Vance said as he smiled provocatively at Sage.

"I found it really difficult to stay mad at you, you know that? And you constantly getting into trouble didn't make it any easier" Vance said as he began idly playing with Sage's hair.


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