Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Lotusy said:
Sergio nodded to her response. "No, no, that's not the case. In fact, it's good to know if my new employers have... this much power. Casualties mean nothing." What the hell am I saying? He thought to himself. This doesn't sound like me. I am a protector, not- He shook his head and followed Violet into one of the portals. No matter. I have been employed. As he appeared on the other side, he shot the two guards equally curious glances before setting his eyes on the wonder before him. Everything seemed to be black, from the mountains to the trees, like a landscape doused completely in ink. The sight was majestic, and it gave Sergio a sense of vertigo as the view rustled in a wind he could not feel. He only raises an eyebrow curiously as both girls took his hand, and he followed the again, this time into the stronghold.
Sergio nodded as Viola left him, but quickly noticed something else. Mostly, the fact that everyone, including two people who walked up to him, were simply staring. He heard something Violet said about not seeing a human, and upon closer inspection, not all seemed human. All probably were not human, the humanoid ones using a disguise. These are powerful people, his mind said. They radiate it. As he followed Violet into the room, he became surprised when she threw off the dress, showing a bodysuit underneath. He gave her a questioning look, but she simply threw on more clothes and changed into an adult right before his eyes. He noticed the look that she gave him, wondering why he was surprised, and he just shrugged. "Of course I'm ready."
(God damn, Miss a day, and ya miss 8 pages. Jesus)

She smiles, "It's good you're eager," She tucks some of her hair behind her ears, dark eyes on him, "I'm what this organization calls 'Upper Rung'. With this, I am given exclusive privileges because of my high rank; I can recruit members, act as a type of commanding officer in combat situations, and I can request private audiences with the Master. I only take orders from Him, but you will take orders from Upper Rung's and the Master, blah, blah, blah," She waves her hand dismissively, rolling her eyes, "I'm required to explain all that because some people get frustrated that I get to do things that they can't, and they get angry when I bark out orders they're supposed to listen to. Anyway, each member is required to have a mark somewhere on their body - where it's put is entirely your choice - that will identify you as one of us, and will keep the barriers from incinerating you if you enter a base without another member, and will help other members know you're an ally."

She holds out her hand to Sergio, "Choose where you'd like your identifier, and I'll place is on you."
Sage shook his head. " No , lets stay here. " he said as he smiled at Vance before placing his head on the man's shoulder and looking out at the ocean.

djinnamon said:
Sage shook his head. " No , lets stay here. " he said as he smiled at Vance before placing his head on the man's shoulder and looking out at the ocean.
"You're the most annoying person i've ever met, you know that?" Vance wrapped his arm around Sage's waist "But you're the only person who has gotten close to me" Vance didn't sound annoyed or angry but instead content and happy.

Sage smiles up at him. " And you are the first person I have ever been in love with. " he said happily before looking out at the ocean. He wished he could stay in this moment forever.

(The baby making will come soon ! )

Vance smiled and started idly running his fingers through Sage's hair "So why did you join this Lizard cult?" Vance asked, trying to make small talk.

Sage shrugged. " I was bored and I like helping people so I joined. " he said as he looked up at Vance. " What about you , why did you join. " he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm. That's pretty interesting." Sergio listened to Violet's minuature lesson on the new group's hierarchy. "I'm always one to follow orders, or instructions. I don't think you'd need to bother with me." He pulled up the sleeve on his right arm, presenting it to her like one would give their arm for a shot. "Alrighty then, Miss 'Upper Rung', I'll take the mark here." While he waited for her to work whatever magic was necessary, he tried to break the ice with a question. "So... these Dragons, your enemies. What are they like?"

"I was asked to join to complete a Job" Vance said as he looked out at the sea "The job was to 'rescue' greed from you guys, In case you cared"

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"I was going to kill you all to make it easier." Vance continued as he looked up at the stars enjoying the peacefulness. After a couple of seconds of silence Vance spoke again "So, how much longer do you want to stay here?"

Lotusy said:
"Wait... WHAT?!" Malren clutched at his head, the information sending him reeling. "No way. H-how could this happen to me? I'm only ten!" He looked over to Kinziel with a sheepish look. "Er, I mean, ten in tree years. I'm pretty sure I'm over eighteen in human years..." Malren started to go into panic mode. My god, I'm a father? How does this work? When did this happen? She said I didn't remember and augh! Calm down, Malren. He looked up at Kinziel, realizing that he was starting to look like a fool. "I mean, th-that's great, Kinziel! How did you know, though?"

(I think I'll have Malren as super naïve and clueless or something. :P )
"I got the symptoms and I had the medic Ryan check things out for me." Kinziel seemed nervous about the situation. "Thats how I know.... so..."

The being scratches it's head and wonders if it should even fight the drunken man who should be asleep. It begins to store sunlight.

Juju said:
Arwyn watched as a crow lazily glided over the wreckage before landing on a twisted metal beam with a throaty croak. "Oh its you." Arwyn said to Grim in a slightly amused tone. She tilted her head when she thought she detected a hint of excitement when he asked about her progress.
"Things turned out better than I had expected. " she answered. "I was able to save most of the survivors from their wounds and many that were healed decided to join in the search for the others who might still be trapped under the wreckage." she explained while looking at the forms of distant people sifting through the collapsed building.

Squeals of glee erupted suddenly as Syrax lifted up his tail slowly while a couple of children clung on to it like hairless apes. Arwyn smiled and added. "The survivors have gained a moment of peace for now. Although I do not know how long it will last..."

"Alright that's good for now. Let me know when you're done and you're ready for another task. I sent a man named Earl somewhere and I realized that he'll need help."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus looked around and thought a moment. "I don't really care either way. I truly don't." Looking at all of his past thoughts. In all moments of crisis. "I protect. If I no longer feel obligated to protect either, ever, and I find a new obligation, be it Dragon's Roar to protect then I shall." He simply shrugged. "Theres nothing more I can say about that."

(Not the blast. But from where it came.)
"Hhmmm.... do you or do you not care for the downfall of others around you?" It shifts to an image of Decimus and Legion's suffering as well as Dragon's Roar.

The same process starts up again and the being has the pods glow. It seemed like it was unaffected by his attack.

Dreamtique said:
Earl stares at the women a gives her a bland reply: "I am always ready." .
Though to be honest, he has no idea what he had signed up for.

He then locks his attention on the nicely decorated door while fastening his pace.
Sam reaches out to the door and a metallic snake head locks its jaws on her hand. She turns the snake head doorknob locked on her hand and twists it, pushing the door open. Only to reveal the back of a chrome snakes head, it seemed like it was a rolling chair that allowed you to sit inside of a snakes mouth. Whoever was sitting in it didn't turn to them at all. "Oh it's Sam, what's up? I just got word from a d-. Oh it's Earl, about time he's showed up."
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Light said:
"I got the symptoms and I had the medic Ryan check things out for me." Kinziel seemed nervous about the situation. "Thats how I know.... so..."
The being scratches it's head and wonders if it should even fight the drunken man who should be asleep. It begins to store sunlight.

"Alright that's good for now. Let me know when you're done and you're ready for another task. I sent a man named Earl somewhere and I realized that he'll need help."

"Hhmmm.... do you or do you not care for the downfall of others around you?" It shifts to an image of Decimus and Legion's suffering as well as Dragon's Roar.

The same process starts up again and the being has the pods glow. It seemed like it was unaffected by his attack.

Sam reaches out to the door and a metallic snake head locks its jaws on her hand. She turns the snake head doorknob locked on her hand and twists it, pushing the door open. Only to reveal the back of a chrome snakes head, it seemed like it was a rolling chair that allowed you to sit inside of a snakes mouth. Whoever was sitting in it didn't turn to them at all. "Oh it's Sam, what's up? I just got word from a d-. Oh it's Earl, it'd about time he's showed up."
Decimus thought for a moment. Staring to each of their eyes. Thinking of all he had done with each and every one. Then looked ahead. Could he truly be okay with letting them die? Decimus turned back and shrugged. "I want to protect them. I don't really have anything else to care about. What's power when you're all alone"

Ryan nodded and flashed back. Scanning the area. Ready to dodge
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Light said:
"I got the symptoms and I had the medic Ryan check things out for me." Kinziel seemed nervous about the situation. "Thats how I know.... so..."
"But... this is all happening so fast... and I don't remember, and... oh, god, what are we gonna name the baby?" Malren started to panick, throwing scared looks at Kinziel. "Well, you were right. I wasn't prepared. Is there anything I can do for you now?"
Sage smirked. " What do you mean by 'sleep'? " he asked as he pulled off his pants and shirt before crawling onto the bed. He knew he meant normal sleep but he decided to be suggestive for the fun of it.

Lotusy said:
"But... this is all happening so fast... and I don't remember, and... oh, god, what are we gonna name the baby?" Malren started to panick, throwing scared looks at Kinziel. "Well, you were right. I wasn't prepared. Is there anything I can do for you now?"
"I don't know what the name of the baby will be, I may not look like it but I've been thrown off guard as well." Kinziel approaches Malren and gently runs his arm. "What I need... What we need." She gestures to her stomach. "Is for you to be a father."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus thought for a moment. Staring to each of their eyes. Thinking of all he had done with each and every one. Then looked ahead. Could he truly be okay with letting them die? Decimus turned back and shrugged. "I want to protect them. I don't really have anything else to care about. What's power when you're all alone"

Ryan nodded and flashed back. Scanning the area. Ready to dodge
The scene shifts to the happiest moment in his life. "How do you feel about this?"

The beings just float around in the air, aimlessly.
"By sleep i mean, go unconscious for a number of hours" Vance replied as he started taking off his shirt "What else did you think i meant? You're not much good at anything else" Vance taunted as he started taking off his pants.

Light said:
"I don't know what the name of the baby will be, I may not look like it but I've been thrown off guard as well." Kinziel approaches Malren and gently runs his arm. "What I need... What we need." She gestures to her stomach. "Is for you to be a father."
"Say what?" Malren looked at Kinziel with shock. His dreams and nightmares had both come true in one night. Oh gosh. Does that mean... she likes me back? Malren started to hyperventilate. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. This is so weird! He looked back to Kinziel. "This is great news! We could get a house, a kitchen, drapes, a minivan too!" The druid became overwhelmed with a fatherly pride. "If it's a girl, I can beat up her boyfriends, and... oh gosh. This isn't a joke, or anything, right? Like, that last part was super embarrassing."
"It was only so you wouldn't feel bad" Vance replied as he climbed under the covers and laid next to Sage "At least you're half decent at kissing. You don't have much else going for you" Vance teased as a smirk appeared on his face

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