Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"I know" Vance replied as he gave Sage a cocky smirk "Do you reckon Ashlyn will give us something to kill, Sorry fight, so we can rank up? Or just have something to do" Vance asked, wanting to kill something for no particular reason. "Or we could have a rematch" Vance suggested, giving Sage a cocky smile as he did.

Light said:
"No it's not retrieving the girl. It's getting an item she made specifically for you. Basically your picking up a gift for you."
"A gift? For me? Still... I don't understand how is it important, what is that "something" you mean, and who is that girl you keep mentioning? " Earl is filled with confusion, as the mission pops out to him too sudden.
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Vance grabbed Sage's hand "If you wanted to explore this body, you should've done it while you were in it" Vance half mocked half scolded, all while giving Sage a cocky smile "What bet do you want to make? You've already got me as your slave"

Sage pouts slightly but soon smiles. He thought for a second. "Ok let me see , if I lose I become your slave and if you lose I don't become your slave. " he said with a cocky smile.

"Are you that eager to become my slave?" Vance asked, his usual cocky confidence returning "But this deal doesn't seem fair to me, you'd get nothing if you won, even though it's still going to happen. Surely you want something"

"If you win, You can have whatever you want from me" Vance replied, curious to see what Sage would want "I mean you're not going to win, so it doesn't matter anyway, but at least choose something so you will want to win"

"Fine, let's go fight then" Vance said before running his hand down the side of Sage's face "I'll do my best not to damage that pretty face of yours"

Sage smirked and grabbed Vance's hand before teleporting with him to the training room. He walked to the other side of the room and got into fighting stance. " Lets go. " he said

Vance reached into a nearby shadow and pulled out a pitch black dagger that was similar to his normal one "Whenever you're ready" Vance replied as he span the dagger between his fingers.

Vance saw Sage charging towards him and waited to see what his move would be, Vance got kicked once before grabbing Sage's leg and throwing him towards a wall.

Sage let out a groan as he hit the wall and fell to the ground. He got up and glared before shooting several shards of ice at Vance and followed it up with a large arc of fire.

Vance used tendrils of darkness to wipe out the shards of ice but didn't have enough time to get rid of the fire, Vance tried to dodge the fire but ended up getting hit anyway and knock back a bit, rolling on the floor to extinguish the fire on his clothes. The fire had burned a hole right in the middle of his shirt "You have fire? why didn't i know this" Vance pouted before stepping into the darkness and launching a barrage of Shards of shadow at Sage

Sage dodges and deflected the shards. " I have many powers. " he said before produced a large ball of fire that sent light all over the room , destroying the shadows.

The fire didn't destroy all the shadows but there were a lot less now "Well that just isn't fair, But if you're going to do something like that" Vance said using the 2 or 3 remaining shadows to extinguish the fire, causing the shadows to return "I told you i'm better, but looks like i'll have to step up my game" Vance said as he sent tendrils of darkness to grab Sage's arms and legs before sending another barrage of Shards of shadow at him.

Vance had the tendrils gently set Sage on the floor as soon as he saw him get stabbed. Vance rushed over to sage "You okay?" Vance asked, not even caring that he won.

Vance dematerialized all the shadow shards "So what happened if i won? I stayed as your slave didn't I?" Vance said, giving Sage a small smile and a wink. Vance didn't really care what he actually got for winning, just wanting to make Sage happy.

Dreamtique said:
"A gift? For me? Still... I don't understand how is it important, what is that "something" you mean, and who is that girl you keep mentioning? " Earl is filled with confusion, as the mission pops out to him too sudden.
"Yes since she's experimenting on demon levels I choose you as the perfect candidate for this test! I can't tell names for now! Do you want the mission if not? If so then I can find another demon."
"Fun" Vance said as Sage said that he had a slave now. Vance wrapped his arms around Sage as he stumbled "Would you like me to carry you?" Vance asked jokingly.


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