Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage pouted but nodded and walked out of there room to go to the kitchen. Once he arrived he made a few sandwiches and walked back to the room and sat on the bed. " Ok I made sandwiches, eat all you like. " he said as he began eating.

Vance so lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice Sage leave the room, Vance was only broken out of his thoughts when Sage spoke saying he made sandwiches "Thanks" Vance replied absentmindedly as he picked up a sandwich and started taking small bites out of it I've never almost become attracted to someone i was faking being attracted to....... It's just because he's in my body, yeah Vance thought, not wanting to accept the fact that he might actually like Sage

Sage looked Vance. " What are you thinking about? " he asked feeling unsettled. He had sneaking suspicion that Vance“s thoughts include him in a non positive way. He was slowly putting up his defences.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" Vance replied as he finished his sandwich and sat down on the bed, facing away from Sage Why don't i just tell him that i hate his guts and just be done with it, it would most likely break his heart and then i wouldn't have to see him again. Wait, Why don't i just kill him, why did i come up with a solution that left him alive? Vance thought, annoyed and confused why he didn't just think of killing him first.

Dreamtique said:
"Important task? Tell me more about it." Earl starts to show interest.
"I'd like for you to come to my castle and retrieve something for a being like you from a certain girl. Sam should lead you to the room once I send you to the castle. I had this item be designed for you but it's required that the user picks it up themself." Grimm opens a portal up which leads to a vastly large castle, right at the front cathedral doors. "Whenever you're ready."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus gently floated up with her. "That's... perfect! Awww we're going to be together forever!" The man poofed back into a cat and rested on her shoulder

Decimus sighed and began. "The most traumatic experience in my remembered life is... A weird vision than a dream. See we had a fourth for quite some time. Damian. But he's long gone now. In this "vision" Damian killed us all. So... Easily. So nonchalantly. What shook me was how helpless he made Morpheus appear. Morpheus is not the easiest man to kill. But that never happened. Damian left."

Ryan tsked and quickly shot an arrow at one of the pods to see what it would do
Luna shrugs her shoulders at Morpheus's statement and she's taken back to where she came in a flash. It seems like it would require Morpheus to focus on her next time he summons her at all times.

"Alright... and who exactly was this Damian figure to you personally?" The images change to the most memorable encounter Decimus can think of with Damian.

The arrow is sucked into the same place and the next three glow with the same result on the other side.

Lotusy said:
Malren looked at her in surprise. "I won't want to hear it? Kinziel, you should know better than to say that! I'll listen, I swear-" He noticed how she was touching her stomach, shocked. No way... Is that what I think it is? How did it happen so fast? He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm ready for anything you could tell me."
Kinziel was holding her stomach due to her growing anxiety but Malren didn't know that. "Malren I've been meaning to tell you and it's been developing inside me with each second. You need to know now what affect you've truthfully had on my body." She was talking about guilt building up inside her. With the affects on her body she meant the fight.

Juju said:
Arwyn and Syrax were greeted by two guards with the word "SWAT" emblazoned on the front of their coats. The most peculiar sight was what they were holding; each carried a strange metal object with a hollow tube at the front end, which was currently aimed at her and the wyvern beside her. "Stay back!" one of them yelled in a commanding voice that was somewhat tainted by a fearful voice crack, "Don't move or we will shoot!" Peering behind the two guards, Arwyn could see the cowering forms of the injured people inside of the tent along with the healers dressed in brightly colored uniforms.
"It is alright, we are here to help." Arwyn said in an attempt of calming down the guards. To empathize this she held out her hands as if pushing at the empty air and gestured to the two men to calm down.

Without warning Arwyn's hand glowed and a soft haze formed around the guards and enveloped them in a foggy mist. Moments later they dropped their guns and sagged down in exhaustion onto the ground and promptly began sleeping. A scream came from inside the tent.

"By the dawn..." Arwyn muttered as she looked down at her hand. "That is the same thing that Sloth used on us during the battle..." she trailed off as she looked up at the terrified people in the tent. When she moved towards them and tried to convince them that she didn't kill them it only resulted in a couple of the younger ones sobbing uncontrollably. How can we show them we are not trying to murder them? She thought as she looked at the pale faces looking at her. In the corner of the makeshift tent she finally spotted some people who were not cowering. In fact they couldn't because they were too injured to move or were unconscious.

Moving over to one of them, she knelt down beside a bed and looked at the broken form of a man who looked to be in his 30's. She could see the blood soaked bandages covering his mangled limbs and his thighbone was showing through the burned mess that was his leg. Stood beside him was a soot covered girl who was probably younger than 7. She looked up at Arwyn with wide eyes.

"Is this your father?" Arwyn asked in the gentlest voice she was capable of. The child flinched at the voice as if she had been struck and nodded her head while fresh tears washed lines down her blackened face. Sighing, Arwyn removed her helmet and let the child see her face, "You are scared...Is this any better?" she asked, although she knew it probably didn't help that much, the dragonknight did have an old scar across her face after all. The child only stood as stiff as a post and continued to cry silently. Poor thing.

Lifting Dawn's Heart to the father's wounds, Arwyn muttered some words under her breath and paid no mind to the distressed shouts and crying coming from the crowd inside of the tent. Golden light poured from the artifact onto the injured man until it coated over his entire body and filled the tent with a rich glow. Then as suddenly as it began the light faded and the burns and open gashes were replaced with smooth skin. The tent was dead silent when Arwyn got back to her feet and looked at the speechless crowd. "Im here to help." Arwyn said and broke the silence. There was not a sound from the survivors or the healers in their bright uniforms.

Do they not want my help?
Arwyn thought despairingly.

It was only then that the little girl squealed in joy. "Daddy! You're okay!" Everyone looked in disbelief as the man who had once been on death's doorstep sat up and began hugging the small child.
Arwyn slowly received a mental notification. Grimm was trying to make contact with her.

( @GingerBread @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder )

djinnamon said:
Sage pouted but nodded and walked out of there room to go to the kitchen. Once he arrived he made a few sandwiches and walked back to the room and sat on the bed. " Ok I made sandwiches, eat all you like. " he said as he began eating.
Inaro can feel himself rank up to Nu. Jackson can feel himself move up to Phi.

Sage and Vance were moved back into their original bodies with their powers.
Sage felt himself return to his body and jumped off the bed. "Yes I have my body back. " he said as played with his hair. He then turned to Vance and smiled. "Well isn't this great. " he said with fake happiness. He was already getting ready to fight.

Vance felt himself return to his own body "Yeah" Vance replied halfheartedly as he stood up "There's just one thing i need to do" Vance said as he began walking towards Sage.

Light said:
"I'd like for you to come to my castle and retrieve something for a being like you from a certain girl. Sam should lead you to the room once I send you to the castle. I had this item be designed for you but it's required that the user picks it up themself." Grimm opens a portal up which leads to a vastly large castle, right at the front cathedral doors. "Whenever you're ready."
"Wait. You mean retrieving a girl? How is it so important? " He crosses his arms.
Light said:
"I'd like for you to come to my castle and retrieve something for a being like you from a certain girl. Sam should lead you to the room once I send you to the castle. I had this item be designed for you but it's required that the user picks it up themself." Grimm opens a portal up which leads to a vastly large castle, right at the front cathedral doors. "Whenever you're ready."
Luna shrugs her shoulders at Morpheus's statement and she's taken back to where she came in a flash. It seems like it would require Morpheus to focus on her next time he summons her at all times.

"Alright... and who exactly was this Damian figure to you personally?" The images change to the most memorable encounter Decimus can think of with Damian.

The arrow is sucked into the same place and the next three glow with the same result on the other side.

Kinziel was holding her stomach due to her growing anxiety but Malren didn't know that. "Malren I've been meaning to tell you and it's been developing inside me with each second. You need to know now what affect you've truthfully had on my body." She was talking about guilt building up inside her. With the affects on her body she meant the fight.

Arwyn slowly received a mental notification. Grimm was trying to make contact with her.

( @GingerBread @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder )

Inaro can feel himself rank up to Nu. Jackson can feel himself move up to Phi.

Sage and Vance were moved back into their original bodies with their powers.
Morpheus fell to the ground gently after she disappeared. It hurt but he felt... Slightly content with his growth with her. The cat purred as it walked back to the clone with Jasmine and Derek

The scene shifted to Decimus and Damian training. "A friend of ours. I would say I related more to him than the other two." Decimus shrugged. "He's also the oldest. I probably looked up to him at one point." The scene shifted to when Damian left. Morpheus yelling. Ryan trying to negotiate. And Decimus off to the side. The memory of Decimus told them to let him go. To not hols him somewhere he doesn't want to be.

Decimus stared at this a moment before speaking. "I don't regret letting go him leave. He's done a lot while he's been gone. Founder and CEO of a biological and chemical warfare weapons tech company. Id say I admire his strength in leaving." Decimus inhaled once and closed his eyes "anything else?"

"Something tells me this is a bad idea." Ryan pulled the string and fired another arrow at the last set. "Lets see what you do little orbs"
djinnamon said:
Sage gave a convincing fake smile that his sadness and anger. He meet Vance halfway and looked up at him. " What is it Vance. " he asked
"Something i feel like i need to do" Vance replied as he looked Sage directly in the eyes "I'm sorry in advance for what might happen after..... I guess" Vance walked closer to Sage closing the gap completely, and wrapping his arms around Sage's torso and looking him directly in the eyes before kissing him.

Sage kissed back as he silently summoned two ice shards behind Vance. He placed a hand on Vance's cheek with care , he was tempted to push him on the bed but restrained himself.

djinnamon said:
Sage kissed back as he silently summoned two ice shards behind Vance. He placed a hand on Vance's cheek with care , he was tempted to push him on the bed but restrained himself.
Vance pulled out of the kiss before unwrapping his arms from Sage I'm not sure if i should feel relieved or upset, it didn't feel like the kiss before, maybe it was me, maybe it was him Vance thought as he looked in Sage's eyes again before starting to walk out of the room.

Sage let the shards disappear.' His intentions changed suddenly.' he thought before turned and chased after Vance. " Where are you going. " he asked but he was still on guard.

"To my room... to think about what i'm going to do next" Vance didn't even look at Sage "Sorry to just kiss and leave, but i needed to check if i still loved you or not and" Vance stopped walking and looked at Sage "The kiss didn't feel the same as all the other times, so I guess i was right"

Sage instantly stopped and looked down. "Oh , ok I see. " he said before turned around and went back to his room. He plopped down on his bed and placed his hands on his face. He felt ready to cry but the tears wouldn't come , he guessed what just happened had not completely set in. He curled up into a ball.

Vance felt bad when he saw Sage just walk away hardly giving a reaction Maybe he didn't love me back, is this how he felt? I guess it is. I should go apologise, now that i know how he feels Vance thought as he turned around and walked to Sage's room and gently rapped on the door "Sage?" Vance said as he opened the door and walked into to see Sage curled up into a ball. Vance walked over to the bed and sat next to Sage before gently pulling him into his lap "Sage. I think.......I think i might be in love with you Sage but i'm not sure, the kiss didn't feel like it did before and I" Vance paused for second to take a deep breath "I was sure that meant that i didn't actually love you. But now i'm rethinking that"

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Sage looked up at him. " Really. "he asked weakly as he began to sit up slowly on Vance's lap. He felt a little better now but he was scared it might be a lie. He looked Vance right in the eyes intensely to see if he was lying.

Sage nodded and smiled. " Yes I do. " he said and hugged Vance. He was really starting to believe him , he let out a almost purr like noise as Vance ran his hand through Sage's hair. He looked at him and leaned for a kiss.

Dreamtique said:
"Wait. You mean retrieving a girl? How is it so important? " He crosses his arms.
"No it's not retrieving the girl. It's getting an item she made specifically for you. Basically your picking up a gift for you."

DizjayDeathPride said:
The scene shifted to Decimus and Damian training. "A friend of ours. I would say I related more to him than the other two." Decimus shrugged. "He's also the oldest. I probably looked up to him at one point." The scene shifted to when Damian left. Morpheus yelling. Ryan trying to negotiate. And Decimus off to the side. The memory of Decimus told them to let him go. To not hols him somewhere he doesn't want to be.
Decimus stared at this a moment before speaking. "I don't regret letting go him leave. He's done a lot while he's been gone. Founder and CEO of a biological and chemical warfare weapons tech company. Id say I admire his strength in leaving." Decimus inhaled once and closed his eyes "anything else?"

"Something tells me this is a bad idea." Ryan pulled the string and fired another arrow at the last set. "Lets see what you do little orbs"
The vision changes to Decimus in Dragon's Roar. "What are your intentions?"

All the orbs glow and 16 more burst out. Each just as powerful and annoying. The first one turns yellow and begins to attack. It fires stored power in its mouth at Ryan.

Embaga Elder]As Inaro walked around he felt himself receiving yet another rank up. [B]Hmm if this keeps up I'll be at beta in no time. [/B] [/QUOTE] Another being rises up not too far away from Inaro. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/rift__life_collosus_by_akiman-d3jb8bt.jpg.9b55cb949ca4750bcd91e498e58a399e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/rift__life_collosus_by_akiman-d3jb8bt.jpg.9b55cb949ca4750bcd91e498e58a399e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [URL="/monthly_2016_01/rift__life_collosus_by_akiman-d3jb8bt.jpg.9b55cb949ca4750bcd91e498e58a399e.jpg said:


  • rift__life_collosus_by_akiman-d3jb8bt.jpg
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"Good" Vance smiled as Sage let out a purr like noise "You're The only person who has been able to get me to show any emotion" Vance said before kissing Sage, running his hands through his hair as he did.


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