Information is Power
RJ looked at the Reaper and didn't bother with an injection. This thing was way out of his power range and Clark's shield would break from its strength. The only option was to run to the other. He grabbed Clark and any one else who was in the room and started running to the other. Clark made sire the other left when RJ shot the grappling hook from his gauntlet at the scythe to grab. When it latched on he pulled it from Suria's grip and to him he quick threw the scythe the other way as a distraction and ran after the others. He threw some explosives at the ceiling causin some of it to crash down and block off the path between the group and the reaper all he could hope for was that it spared them some time. He caught up to Clark as he was catching up to Demetia.
"What the fuck was that?" Clark said as he ran next to Demetia. "If you has something to harm him why did you just abandon us. I get he could kill you but singling yourself out especially now that he knows your the only threat will get you killed. There's no way you can out run it so stop being so fucking stubborn and stick with the group. Otherwise you will die and then us afterwards." He took a breathe and looked at her. "At least think before you blow off people's heads please and do you know where we are?"
"What the fuck was that?" Clark said as he ran next to Demetia. "If you has something to harm him why did you just abandon us. I get he could kill you but singling yourself out especially now that he knows your the only threat will get you killed. There's no way you can out run it so stop being so fucking stubborn and stick with the group. Otherwise you will die and then us afterwards." He took a breathe and looked at her. "At least think before you blow off people's heads please and do you know where we are?"