Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Vance watched as the Pyramid overloaded with power before floating into Isabel. "Hey guys, do me a favour. Next time this crap happens. Do not get me involved. I couldn't care less about the world. If I want to be involved, I'll get involved" Vance sighed as he started leaving the torture realm and going over to Luna.



Colin turned around and gave Wade a thumbs up, telling him that he could play with the kids. Colin then offered his hand for the woman to shake. "I-I'm Colin, Nice to meet you" Colin smiled down at the woman. He started to feel kinda awkward just standing around the woman he didn't even really know. 'It's fine; It's not like she's going to attack or shout at me. Besides this is so Wade can have some fun and all I have to do is talk to someone, it's not that difficult' Colin mentally reassured himself.

GingerBread said:
"What's an ass-sass-in?" Maya giggled at the wierd word, wondering what it could possibly be. Maya then snapped out of her thoughts as she remembered why she was here. "Are you really in charge of the entire world? That's so cool! You must be one of the coolest people ever!" Maya commented once again momentarily forgetting her goal. "Can you help me give cookies to everyone in the world so that they can all become cool?!" Maya smiled eagerly up at Obama for a couple of seconds, before remembering that they'd need cookies if they wanted to give cookies to people. "Cookies are the coolest!" Maya threw her arms up into the air and in an instant an avalanche of boxes of cookies flooded through the doors into the office while even more came down from the celing, until the entire room was filled with boxes thin mints and more importantly chocolate chip cookies.

Obama could only stare at Maya as she began to speak about giving cookies to everyone in the world. "Well, um, miss, I don't think that would be possible. The economy really couldn't-" At that point, he was cut off by the sudden deluge of cookies pouring into the room. "Holy crap, um, Thin Mints!" was all he could force out before he went under the tide of cookies.

Five minutes later, one of Obama's hands broke the surface of the cookie sea, clawing his way to the surface. "Man. These are, um, enough to build Donald's wall," he commented, before sliding down to the bottom of the pile where Maya was. "Well, um, miss, I guess we can give cookies to the whole world now!" The president pressed a button on his watch and brought it up to his mouth. "I need a bomber here, stat. We're going to to hit ISIS with cookies," he whispered, before pressing the button again. In mere seconds, a plane made a hasty landing on the White House lawn. "Well, miss? Are you, um, ready to "share" these cookies with the world?"

Light said:
The pyramid easily overflows the rift with energy, causing it to burst and collapse. The being pulling the strings behind the rift had nowhere else to go and was backed into a corner. With whatever strength it had left, the being seals itself and it's power away from outer access in an attempt to protect itself and accumulate power overtime in a seperate realm. As the last two pyramids float inside of Isabel, the being loses its grip on reality and shifts into its slumber. All that was left now was to pay the governor of Egypt a visit to claim their reward.
Isabel had a home to get too, a place she hasn't been to since this entire rift incident started. She didn't have time for some prize, but it was nice having a last hurrah with this outstanding group of people though."I'll be going home now. I have kids to get to...call me if you need me. I-I think that might work, I'm not too sure anymore." Isabel tries to use her power to access the Anti-God Zone. She didn't know if it would work since she lacked the power of teleportation but surprisingly it did. Isabel ends up in her house in the Anti-God Zone, her bubble of food beside her as well. "Hhhhhmmm....time to find my kids. Temperance! Azriel! Can you show me where my ki-" before Isabel could finish the sentence she was mentally sent updated on their current locations. It seemed like Azriel and Temperance were focusing on watching the children out of the many jobs they have to handle. "Thank you."

With this new information, Isabel begins her walk to the library to find Hakeem, Red, Blue, and Emily. She arrives there in time, only to see them all studying in the library with the Jäqren. "Are you all busy? I hope I'm not disturbing you." Isabel gives them a big smile she couldn't hide and gathers them all in a hug. "W-wait...am I disturbing you? I'm sorry." Isabel began to shy away from her own kids at that thought. In some moments she could still be shy. After this she would have to find a way to get to the White House to pick Maya up. She didn't know how she'd be able to reach that building though. Isabel also didn't know if Obama would even want her in there but she'd do it to see Maya again, that's for sure.

( @Embaga Elder )
August and Inaro goes their separate ways after exiting the portal. Once Cole walks through he steps into a void portal leading him to the office of the President of Egypt. He had his hands in his pocket with a smoke in his mouth. Hello President, I'll like to discuss about the future of Dragon Roar and our reward. @Light

Isabel's arrival couldn't have made Hakeem feel anymore happier. Once he heard the voice of his mom, he snapped his head towards her tearing up at the sight of her. Hakeem threw the books to the side and rushed towards her hugging her tight. Mama where have you been? We've missed you so much. He spoke crying in his mom's arms, causing a disturbance in the library. He looks back at the books and all the ones related to the cipher language were sucked into a portal. Who cares. Let's go home and have some fun. Well once we find my annoying sister. He sounded as if he didn't want to get Maya. @Light

Tazmodo said:
Derek was teleported to the Amazon forest so he could properly mourn Jasmine's death.
GingerBread said:
Vance watched as the Pyramid overloaded with power before floating into Isabel. "Hey guys, do me a favour. Next time this crap happens. Do not get me involved. I couldn't care less about the world. If I want to be involved, I'll get involved" Vance sighed as he started leaving the torture realm and going over to Luna.

Luna had stepped through the portal left behind and ended up in the Amazon forest with Derek. "Hello...Derek was it? I'd like to say a couple things to you and pay my respects to your sister. If you don't mind that is..."

Above them in the air Azriel and Temperance came landing in the Amazon, approaching them at a slow pace. "We would like to do the same." Both Azriel and Temperance bow and finally stand in front of the group. "Your sisters sacrifice helped keep Isabella and the other realms safe. Something I highly cherish her for." Temperance decides it's her turn to speak up next. "Your sister did save the lives of others. You two were close so we're also here for you. To help you along and possibly hang out if you'd like."

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked around. "God this realm sucks. Like come on this is an absolute hell hole. I understand why though." He teleported to Adrianna by using a teleport symbol he put on her. "Hey Adrianna I'm back from killing all those things. What's going on here?" @Light

Adrianna was still standing in the abandoned city road since she didn't have any powers to instantly jump somewhere. "The alarms have stopped but people are too afraid to come outside. Maybe before we go back to your place we can convince them that everything is fine."

GingerBread said:
Colin turned around and gave Wade a thumbs up, telling him that he could play with the kids. Colin then offered his hand for the woman to shake. "I-I'm Colin, Nice to meet you" Colin smiled down at the woman. He started to feel kinda awkward just standing around the woman he didn't even really know. 'It's fine; It's not like she's going to attack or shout at me. Besides this is so Wade can have some fun and all I have to do is talk to someone, it's not that difficult' Colin mentally reassured himself.


The kids began to teach Wade about the game of tag. Once Wade got the basics of it they began to play. Wade and the kids seemed to be having a laugh at his clumsy way of chasing after the other kids. He kept tumbling and fumbling mid run. Wade himself found it much more amusing that the other kids whom were laughing like their lives depended on it.

Reyla watches his hand until a familiar voice in her head barks at her to shake it. She snaps out of the trance she seemed to be in and takes Colin's hand in her own. "Reyla...Reyla Swinco." Reyla takes note of the fun her children are having with Wade. She simply knows that they'd be doing this for a while so starting up conversation could be nice. "What's your occupation and why are you here of all places?"


Sofia ended up with him since she was dragged along in this wild adventure and didn't know how to get back. She didn't have the power of realm to realm travel anyways. "It would be nice if I could get back but that's on you whenever you're done."

The leader of Egypt simply nods his head and waves his hand. "Continue with your discussion."

"I've been um...through a lot. I know Hakeem I know." Isabel holds him and rubs his back, picking him up with her right arm and picking Emily up with her left. Red and Blue sat on her shoulders. "Emily thinks Hakeem is a crybaby!"

Isabel purses her lips and looks at Emily. "You don't say that about your brother Emily. Everyone can cry, it's okay. Say you're sorry." After receiving a scolding Emily does in fact apologize for what she said. "Now I need to think on how we can get to your sister....wait. Tink! I think Tink can help me." Without explaining who or what Tink is, Isabel makes her way out the library. She was heading towards the steam factory.

( @Inheritance )

Grimm appears in the tower of the Pit-Lord once more to check up on Xeron. "Ssssoooo how are you?" He was in the form of a balloon.
"That's a pretty interesting form there my friend. Why do you take the form of a child's play thing?" He said without looking up. He had mastered most of the new spells abs abilities, and was finalizing his new Vorpal Sword
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Light said:

Luna had stepped through the portal left behind and ended up in the Amazon forest with Derek. "Hello...Derek was it? I'd like to say a couple things to you and pay my respects to your sister. If you don't mind that is..."

Above them in the air Azriel and Temperance came landing in the Amazon, approaching them at a slow pace. "We would like to do the same." Both Azriel and Temperance bow and finally stand in front of the group. "Your sisters sacrifice helped keep Isabella and the other realms safe. Something I highly cherish her for." Temperance decides it's her turn to speak up next. "Your sister did save the lives of others. You two were close so we're also here for you. To help you along and possibly hang out if you'd like."

Adrianna was still standing in the abandoned city road since she didn't have any powers to instantly jump somewhere. "The alarms have stopped but people are too afraid to come outside. Maybe before we go back to your place we can convince them that everything is fine."

The kids began to teach Wade about the game of tag. Once Wade got the basics of it they began to play. Wade and the kids seemed to be having a laugh at his clumsy way of chasing after the other kids. He kept tumbling and fumbling mid run. Wade himself found it much more amusing that the other kids whom were laughing like their lives depended on it.

Reyla watches his hand until a familiar voice in her head barks at her to shake it. She snaps out of the trance she seemed to be in and takes Colin's hand in her own. "Reyla...Reyla Swinco." Reyla takes note of the fun her children are having with Wade. She simply knows that they'd be doing this for a while so starting up conversation could be nice. "What's your occupation and why are you here of all places?"

Sofia ended up with him since she was dragged along in this wild adventure and didn't know how to get back. She didn't have the power of realm to realm travel anyways. "It would be nice if I could get back but that's on you whenever you're done."

The leader of Egypt simply nods his head and waves his hand. "Continue with your discussion."

"I've been um...through a lot. I know Hakeem I know." Isabel holds him and rubs his back, picking him up with her right arm and picking Emily up with her left. Red and Blue sat on her shoulders. "Emily thinks Hakeem is a crybaby!"

Isabel purses her lips and looks at Emily. "You don't say that about your brother Emily. Everyone can cry, it's okay. Say you're sorry." After receiving a scolding Emily does in fact apologize for what she said. "Now I need to think on how we can get to your sister....wait. Tink! I think Tink can help me." Without explaining who or what Tink is, Isabel makes her way out the library. She was heading towards the steam factory.

( @Inheritance )

Grimm appears in the tower of the Pit-Lord once more to check up on Xeron. "Ssssoooo how are you?" He was in the form of a balloon.
Derek smiled. "Thank you. I deeply appreciate this. But this isn't my home anymore. Without Jasmine it isn't the same. So I need a new place to stay do you guys have any locations in mind?" He was still clearly sad but tried his best to hide it in front of others.

Reed hugged her. "I'm glad you're safe." He let go after realizing it might have freaked her out. "I'm sorry for that I just couldn't help it. My biggest concern was that something would happen to you." He teleported them to Reed co. the shoe company. "Sherman is really good at this kind of thing. Plus that expensive shop I bought. Anyways it's not like I need a job I can be the world's greatest art the if or whatever....... that sounds fun actually." He teleported and reappeared a moment after with the Mona Lisa. He was dressed like a thief ski mask and everything. "So what do we need to do?"
Inheritance said:
"That's a pretty interesting form there my friend. Why do you take the form of a child's play thing?" He said without looking up. He had mastered most of the new spells abs abilities, and was finalizing his new Vorpal Sword
Grimm turns into 4 baby sea turtles. They seemed to share the same mind and one finished off sentences for the other. The little sea turtles began to drag themselves towards Xeron. "It's something I play with when I'm bored so why not? It's ffuuuun."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/96d92fe6ef95cd7d689e5d8e8522ac9f.jpg.f24b22111f6a1922d81c5d88007de7d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/96d92fe6ef95cd7d689e5d8e8522ac9f.jpg.f24b22111f6a1922d81c5d88007de7d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The third turtle begins to nibble on the speaking turtles berry shell. "Ah! No! Xeron, save me from myself!"

Tazmodo said:
Derek smiled. "Thank you. I deeply appreciate this. But this isn't my home anymore. Without Jasmine it isn't the same. So I need a new place to stay do you guys have any locations in mind?" He was still clearly sad but tried his best to hide it in front of others.
Reed hugged her. "I'm glad you're safe." He let go after realizing it might have freaked her out. "I'm sorry for that I just couldn't help it. My biggest concern was that something would happen to you." He teleported them to Reed co. the shoe company. "Sherman is really good at this kind of thing. Plus that expensive shop I bought. Anyways it's not like I need a job I can be the world's greatest art the if or whatever....... that sounds fun actually." He teleported and reappeared a moment after with the Mona Lisa. He was dressed like a thief ski mask and everything. "So what do we need to do?"
Luna thinks of the options she has at hand. Some may be a bit hard to adjust to but it's livable. "Olympus....the deity realm. The Lunar plane."

Temperance puts her finger to her chin and hums, her deep blue eyes gaze upwards as she mentally scratches her brain for answers. "How about the Celestial Realm? Realm of Neutrality? What about the Creativity Realm!"

Temperance was about to jump up and down with more suggestions but Azriel holds her shirt, keeping her from doing so. "You know...since the three of us are giving thanks. We can pool our power together and I can make a new realm for him to live in. Would you like that?"

"It's fine, that's an understandable reason." Adrianna was about to strike up a nice and calm conversation about his plans and other things but his current attire and the painting is his hand caught her off gaurd. Her jaw drops and she flinches back. "Did you steal that?!"



  • 96d92fe6ef95cd7d689e5d8e8522ac9f.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 30

Vance watched as Luna and Isabel's tow world destroying helpers began to comfort derek. "What is it with god damn pity partys for everyone. Someone died, big fucking deal. It's not like that could've happened in the guild or anything" Vance muttered to himself, shaking his head before deciding to pitch in his own suggestion. "I could kill you. Then you won't have to worry about living alone. Hell maybe you'll end up in the same place as that bitch"

@Light @Tazmodo


Colin watched Wade as he starting running after the kids and falling afterwards, wanting to make sure he wasn't getting hurt at all. Once he was sure that Wade was fine Colin turned to Face Reyla again. "N-Nice to meet you" He smiled at her as he lowered himself to the ground and sat down. "I-I don't really have a job. I-I did train to become a doctor, I-I just didn't become one because of some stuff that happened. I-I'm here because.." Colin thought for a second about what he should tell Reyla, he couldn't just tell her he was kidnapped and about all the stuff that happened "I-I was just g-going on a small trip with W-Wade"



Maya's eyes lit up with joy as she saw the plane and heard Obama say that he was going to help her share the cookies with everyone in the world "Yeah! Come on!" Maya started running off quickly towards the plane, carrying as many boxes of cookies as she could. When she realised Obama was a bit behind she turned around. "Hurry up! You're so slow, everyone needs cookies now!"

Light said:
Grimm turns into 4 baby sea turtles. They seemed to share the same mind and one finished off sentences for the other. The little sea turtles began to drag themselves towards Xeron. "It's something I play with when I'm bored so why not? It's ffuuuun."
View attachment 300244

The third turtle begins to nibble on the speaking turtles berry shell. "Ah! No! Xeron, save me from myself!"

Luna thinks of the options she has at hand. Some may be a bit hard to adjust to but it's livable. "Olympus....the deity realm. The Lunar plane."

Temperance puts her finger to her chin and hums, her deep blue eyes gaze upwards as she mentally scratches her brain for answers. "How about the Celestial Realm? Realm of Neutrality? What about the Creativity Realm!"

Temperance was about to jump up and down with more suggestions but Azriel holds her shirt, keeping her from doing so. "You know...since the three of us are giving thanks. We can pool our power together and I can make a new realm for him to live in. Would you like that?"

"It's fine, that's an understandable reason." Adrianna was about to strike up a nice and calm conversation about his plans and other things but his current attire and the painting is his hand caught her off gaurd. Her jaw drops and she flinches back. "Did you steal that?!"
Derek thought of all their suggestions. "Olympus and the deity realm would be fun but in not a god nor a deity so they'd probably kick me out. But I don't know I've always been on Earth. It's my home. But you right this place has grown old. I really would appreciate the effort it would take to make a realm but that's ok. What's in the Celestial realm?" He was truly thankful for all of them.

Reed had an oh shit what do I do face. "Well no not stolen just borrowed and I promise I'll give it back. I forgot you don't like illegal stuff. He took one last look and teleported it back to its proper place. "There we go now for the clothes." He took off the their outfit and he clothes were under them. "Anyways back to buisness."
GingerBread said:
Vance watched as Luna and Isabel's tow world destroying helpers began to comfort derek. "What is it with god damn pity partys for everyone. Someone died, big fucking deal. It's not like that could've happened in the guild or anything" Vance muttered to himself, shaking his head before deciding to pitch in his own suggestion. "I could kill you. Then you won't have to worry about living alone. Hell maybe you'll end up in the same place as that bitch"

@Light @Tazmodo


Colin watched Wade as he starting running after the kids and falling afterwards, wanting to make sure he wasn't getting hurt at all. Once he was sure that Wade was fine Colin turned to Face Reyla again. "N-Nice to meet you" He smiled at her as he lowered himself to the ground and sat down. "I-I don't really have a job. I-I did train to become a doctor, I-I just didn't become one because of some stuff that happened. I-I'm here because.." Colin thought for a second about what he should tell Reyla, he couldn't just tell her he was kidnapped and about all the stuff that happened "I-I was just g-going on a small trip with W-Wade"



Maya's eyes lit up with joy as she saw the plane and heard Obama say that he was going to help her share the cookies with everyone in the world "Yeah! Come on!" Maya started running off quickly towards the plane, carrying as many boxes of cookies as she could. When she realised Obama was a bit behind she turned around. "Hurry up! You're so slow, everyone needs cookies now!"

Derek turned to Vance. "I get you're that hard ass asshole who's not supposed to like anyone but you wouldn't understand. Your the type of person that no one would give a shit croaked. You have no bonds to be cut. No feelings to hurt. Your alone in the world and your only way out of it was to kill Apolo. But maybe in time you'll understand what a bond is like and how it feels to have that same bond torn out of you. And when it does there will be no one there for and you will be forced to wallow in pity all alone. You have Luna now I get that but it's to early and you to are just starting out. Give it time and you will see how it feels."
Now Xeron looked up with an eyebrow raised. "I'll be frank I'm not sure what to do here. Should I kill it? Seperate you...4? Hey where is Isabel and friends?" @Light
Barack Obama

"H-hold on," Obama wheezed as Maya sprinted on ahead, clutching to the side of the wall like his life depended on it. "We need... to wait for, um, Joe." At that very moment, the smell of oil pervaded the area, and Joe Biden, still oiled-up from their earlier double-suplex came rushing out of the White House garden, huffing and panting just like Obama. He gave the president a weak-willed wink before raising his hand for a fistbump, which Obama gladly obliged to.

In that instant, both men were enveloped in an American flag, and when it dropped, they were oil-free, energized, and full of freedom. "Alright. Let's go now," the president said confidently, as he and Joe jogged back up to Maya. He waved, and Joe winked to the pilot, who opened the door to the cramped loading area. Joe hopped into Obama's arms as the president carried him bridal-style into the cockpit, then motioned for Maya to follow him. "Are you ready for this? When we get there, I'm going to need you to give all of my, um, 'friends' down there some cookies. And, um, when I mean cookies, I mean make it rain cookies, got it?"


"Seriously? I don't have anyone to care about so I'm just bitter and uncaring to everyone else? Oh alright"
Vance spun on his heel to face Luna. "Hey Luna, apparently our marriage is a sham because I don't really care. I guess we have to get a divorce now... Oh wait! I do actually love you. Well this fully trained psychiatrist couldn't possibly be wrong, could he?" Vance put his hand to his chin in thought. "I think, and don't quote me on this. But I think he's full of crap"

Vance turned around to face derek again as his lips curved into a small smirk.
"It's true, you're full of crap. It's not just because I don't care that I'm being mean. It's because I absolutely hate you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't've stayed in the guild past day one and I'd probably be better off. The only good thing that came out of it was me meeting Luna. But as I see it, you were the reason I had to stay. Because you tried to spy on me when I was trying to help the sins destroy the guild." Vance shrugged, snapping his fingers and having a bench of darkness appear behind him before sitting down on it. "So, regardless of whether I have no attachment to anyone, which I do anyway. Why should I care if you or that other girl died? I hate you both"

@Light @Tazmodo


Maya skipped into the plane after Obama, staring at awe at all the buttons in the cockpit. "Yeah" She replied to Obama absentmindedly, hardly paying any attention to what he was saying. "There's so many buttons. I want to push them all!" Maya smiled as she moved more into the cockpit, moving towards the buttons, aiming to press every single last one of them.

GingerBread said:

"Seriously? I don't have anyone to care about so I'm just bitter and uncaring to everyone else? Oh alright"
Vance spun on his heel to face Luna. "Hey Luna, apparently our marriage is a sham because I don't really care. I guess we have to get a divorce now... Oh wait! I do actually love you. Well this fully trained psychiatrist couldn't possibly be wrong, could he?" Vance put his hand to his chin in thought. "I think, and don't quote me on this. But I think he's full of crap"

Vance turned around to face derek again as his lips curved into a small smirk.
"It's true, you're full of crap. It's not just because I don't care that I'm being mean. It's because I absolutely hate you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't've stayed in the guild past day one and I'd probably be better off. The only good thing that came out of it was me meeting Luna. But as I see it, you were the reason I had to stay. Because you tried to spy on me when I was trying to help the sins destroy the guild." Vance shrugged, snapping his fingers and having a bench of darkness appear behind him before sitting down on it. "So, regardless of whether I have no attachment to anyone, which I do anyway. Why should I care if you or that other girl died? I hate you both"

@Light @Tazmodo


Maya skipped into the plane after Obama, staring at awe at all the buttons in the cockpit. "Yeah" She replied to Obama absentmindedly, hardly paying any attention to what he was saying. "There's so many buttons. I want to push them all!" Maya smiled as she moved more into the cockpit, moving towards the buttons, aiming to press every single last one of them.

Derek shrugged. "I'm not saying you should care. I'm just saying that when something happens to the ones you love who will be there when you fall. But imma let you stay how you are because I don't care. Just don't go killing yourself that would be to funny."
GingerBread said:
Colin watched Wade as he starting running after the kids and falling afterwards, wanting to make sure he wasn't getting hurt at all. Once he was sure that Wade was fine Colin turned to Face Reyla again. "N-Nice to meet you" He smiled at her as he lowered himself to the ground and sat down. "I-I don't really have a job. I-I did train to become a doctor, I-I just didn't become one because of some stuff that happened. I-I'm here because.." Colin thought for a second about what he should tell Reyla, he couldn't just tell her he was kidnapped and about all the stuff that happened "I-I was just g-going on a small trip with W-Wade"

"A doctor?" Reyla's body posture seemed to shift at the sound of that, becoming much more thankful for the distance they have both physically and personally. "That sounds very professional. If you don't mind, what's the stuff that happened?"

Tazmodo said:
Derek thought of all their suggestions. "Olympus and the deity realm would be fun but in not a god nor a deity so they'd probably kick me out. But I don't know I've always been on Earth. It's my home. But you right this place has grown old. I really would appreciate the effort it would take to make a realm but that's ok. What's in the Celestial realm?" He was truly thankful for all of them.
Tazmodo said:
Derek shrugged. "I'm not saying you should care. I'm just saying that when something happens to the ones you love who will be there when you fall. But imma let you stay how you are because I don't care. Just don't go killing yourself that would be to funny."
GingerBread said:

"Seriously? I don't have anyone to care about so I'm just bitter and uncaring to everyone else? Oh alright"
Vance spun on his heel to face Luna. "Hey Luna, apparently our marriage is a sham because I don't really care. I guess we have to get a divorce now... Oh wait! I do actually love you. Well this fully trained psychiatrist couldn't possibly be wrong, could he?" Vance put his hand to his chin in thought. "I think, and don't quote me on this. But I think he's full of crap"

Vance turned around to face derek again as his lips curved into a small smirk.
"It's true, you're full of crap. It's not just because I don't care that I'm being mean. It's because I absolutely hate you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't've stayed in the guild past day one and I'd probably be better off. The only good thing that came out of it was me meeting Luna. But as I see it, you were the reason I had to stay. Because you tried to spy on me when I was trying to help the sins destroy the guild." Vance shrugged, snapping his fingers and having a bench of darkness appear behind him before sitting down on it. "So, regardless of whether I have no attachment to anyone, which I do anyway. Why should I care if you or that other girl died? I hate you both"

@Light @Tazmodo
Both Luna and Temperance didn't like where this was going. Neither of them could support what Derek and Vance were saying. Azriel on the other hang simply decides on what Luna and Temperance are doing. In the end, the three of them walk away to let Derek and Vance settle their differences, they wanted absolutely nothing to do with this.

Inheritance said:
Now Xeron looked up with an eyebrow raised. "I'll be frank I'm not sure what to do here. Should I kill it? Seperate you...4? Hey where is Isabel and friends?" @Light
"Just seperate me from me!" Grimm screams as the other turtles begin to attack. "Isabel is in a personal realm of hers. I can't access it due to security which I find odd. I don't know when she'll be leaving. I'll let you know the moment she steps out the realm. Why though?"

Tazmodo said:
Reed had an oh shit what do I do face. "Well no not stolen just borrowed and I promise I'll give it back. I forgot you don't like illegal stuff. He took one last look and teleported it back to its proper place. "There we go now for the clothes." He took off the their outfit and he clothes were under them. "Anyways back to buisness."
"It's still stealing Reed! You need to stop doing that, it's bad." Adrianna approaches him with an aggressive scowl. "Promise me you'll never steal again."
"No reason" he growled. He continued to carve runes in his sword, then layer it with new Dragonsteel, then carve, then layer. "You're going to have to handle that I'm sorry I'm busy. But I'm unsure with what to do with myself after I master the knowledge in here.
Light said:
"A doctor?" Reyla's body posture seemed to shift at the sound of that, becoming much more thankful for the distance they have both physically and personally. "That sounds very professional. If you don't mind, what's the stuff that happened?"
Both Luna and Temperance didn't like where this was going. Neither of them could support what Derek and Vance were saying. Azriel on the other hang simply decides on what Luna and Temperance are doing. In the end, the three of them walk away to let Derek and Vance settle their differences, they wanted absolutely nothing to do with this.

"Just seperate me from me!" Grimm screams as the other turtles begin to attack. "Isabel is in a personal realm of hers. I can't access it due to security which I find odd. I don't know when she'll be leaving. I'll let you know the moment she steps out the realm. Why though?"

"It's still stealing Reed! You need to stop doing that, it's bad." Adrianna approaches him with an aggressive scowl. "Promise me you'll never steal again."
Reed tried his vest to stay serious. "Ok I understand. I promise no more stealing. Thank you for stopping me." He smiled to try and lighten the mood. "So what do we do now?"

Vance chuckled as Derek said he shouldn't kill himself because it would be too funny and that he'd have no one there for him if Luna died. "Oh really? You don't care? You don't seem to care about much do you? Hell who's actually here for you? My wife because she's nice and Isabel's imaginary friends. You say that I'd have no one to help me if Luna, but who's to say I even would want someone to help me? But even if I do, then I have damn sight more people than you do, don't I? Hell they've all left now, so really, who the hell do you have?"



"Y-Yeah, Um" Colin tried to think about how to tell her he was too much of a wimp to actually become a doctor even though he spent years of his life training to become one only to wimp out at the last moment. "W-Well I didn't actually really become a d-doctor. I-I have all the qualifications to become one, but I-I was too s-scared to become one; I-I couldn't cope with the idea of not being able to h-help someone"

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Light said:

Luna had stepped through the portal left behind and ended up in the Amazon forest with Derek. "Hello...Derek was it? I'd like to say a couple things to you and pay my respects to your sister. If you don't mind that is..."

Above them in the air Azriel and Temperance came landing in the Amazon, approaching them at a slow pace. "We would like to do the same." Both Azriel and Temperance bow and finally stand in front of the group. "Your sisters sacrifice helped keep Isabella and the other realms safe. Something I highly cherish her for." Temperance decides it's her turn to speak up next. "Your sister did save the lives of others. You two were close so we're also here for you. To help you along and possibly hang out if you'd like."

Adrianna was still standing in the abandoned city road since she didn't have any powers to instantly jump somewhere. "The alarms have stopped but people are too afraid to come outside. Maybe before we go back to your place we can convince them that everything is fine."

The kids began to teach Wade about the game of tag. Once Wade got the basics of it they began to play. Wade and the kids seemed to be having a laugh at his clumsy way of chasing after the other kids. He kept tumbling and fumbling mid run. Wade himself found it much more amusing that the other kids whom were laughing like their lives depended on it.

Reyla watches his hand until a familiar voice in her head barks at her to shake it. She snaps out of the trance she seemed to be in and takes Colin's hand in her own. "Reyla...Reyla Swinco." Reyla takes note of the fun her children are having with Wade. She simply knows that they'd be doing this for a while so starting up conversation could be nice. "What's your occupation and why are you here of all places?"

Sofia ended up with him since she was dragged along in this wild adventure and didn't know how to get back. She didn't have the power of realm to realm travel anyways. "It would be nice if I could get back but that's on you whenever you're done."

The leader of Egypt simply nods his head and waves his hand. "Continue with your discussion."

"I've been um...through a lot. I know Hakeem I know." Isabel holds him and rubs his back, picking him up with her right arm and picking Emily up with her left. Red and Blue sat on her shoulders. "Emily thinks Hakeem is a crybaby!"

Isabel purses her lips and looks at Emily. "You don't say that about your brother Emily. Everyone can cry, it's okay. Say you're sorry." After receiving a scolding Emily does in fact apologize for what she said. "Now I need to think on how we can get to your sister....wait. Tink! I think Tink can help me." Without explaining who or what Tink is, Isabel makes her way out the library. She was heading towards the steam factory.

( @Inheritance )

Grimm appears in the tower of the Pit-Lord once more to check up on Xeron. "Ssssoooo how are you?" He was in the form of a balloon.


Cole turned towards Sofia once he heard her voice. He smiled at her. Hey Sofia, I can send you back home now, it's no bother. He waves his hand and a void portal opens up. He started to turn back towards the l leader of Egypt, but he had second thoughts. Actually, if you don't mind, I'll like to walk with you there. Is that okay?? He asked as he walked towards the portal standing off to the side of it, leaving a purple void energy clone in his place. They can discuss politics, while we can go hangout. He said with a smile.

Cole's Clone

First off Dragon Roar and its members gets full pardons all around from whatever type of issues you and the rest of the world have against us. Second, Dragon Roar can fully reform without any extra strings attached. Third and finally, the reward please.
when he finished he sat down in a chair. I do hope this can go real smoothly, without any extra debat.


Hakeem wasn't phased by Emily's crybaby insult, because he was happy that his mother was back and she saved him from all that studying. When she mentioned about finding a way to get his sister, hakeem wondered why she didn't ask him. Did she forget about his abilities or did she really never knew. Mama who's Tink and what can he do?? Is he some kind of robot??
Inheritance said:
"No reason" he growled. He continued to carve runes in his sword, then layer it with new Dragonsteel, then carve, then layer. "You're going to have to handle that I'm sorry I'm busy. But I'm unsure with what to do with myself after I master the knowledge in here.
All the Grimm turtles devoured one another until there was only one left. "Get a job! We can work at a fast food market or something. It'll be great! We can also try to make you the strongest pitlord. You can fight other pit lords to earn that title."

Tazmodo said:
Reed tried his vest to stay serious. "Ok I understand. I promise no more stealing. Thank you for stopping me." He smiled to try and lighten the mood. "So what do we do now?"
Adrianna slowly allows her expression to ease up. "Good...now that we have nothing to do. I'd like to go home and mourn my siblings. If you wouldn't mind. It would mean a lot to me Reed."

GingerBread said:
"Y-Yeah, Um" Colin tried to think about how to tell her he was too much of a wimp to actually become a doctor even though he spent years of his life training to become one only to wimp out at the last moment. "W-Well I didn't actually really become a d-doctor. I-I have all the qualifications to become one, but I-I was too s-scared to become one; I-I couldn't cope with the idea of not being able to h-help someone"

"Why's that? Many doctors are not only okay with it but do it anyways." Reyla slightly scowls at the ground when she says this.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]


Cole turned towards Sofia once he heard her voice. He smiled at her. Hey Sofia, I can send you back home now, it's no bother. He waves his hand and a void portal opens up. He started to turn back towards the l leader of Egypt, but he had second thoughts. Actually, if you don't mind, I'll like to walk with you there. Is that okay?? He asked as he walked towards the portal standing off to the side of it, leaving a purple void energy clone in his place. They can discuss politics, while we can go hangout. He said with a smile.

Cole's Clone

First off Dragon Roar and its members gets full pardons all around from whatever type of issues you and the rest of the world have against us. Second, Dragon Roar can fully reform without any extra strings attached. Third and finally, the reward please.
when he finished he sat down in a chair. I do hope this can go real smoothly, without any extra debat.


Hakeem wasn't phased by Emily's crybaby insult, because he was happy that his mother was back and she saved him from all that studying. When she mentioned about finding a way to get his sister, hakeem wondered why she didn't ask him. Did she forget about his abilities or did she really never knew. Mama who's Tink and what can he do?? Is he some kind of robot??

Sofia didn't know how to take this but if he was offering her a way home then she could at least do this much. "Alright...I can hang out with you. Only for a little bit though." She didn't think he'd be a fun person to hang out with which is why she limited the time.

"The first request I can do. The second request I cannot even if I wanted to, I don't have that power. Third...." The leader slides a key towards Cole. "Go to the Himalayas and the key should guide you from there."

"Yeah he's kind of like a robot. A very helpful robot actually! He can help us with certian types of information as well as inventions. If you have an idea, he can make it reality!"
"The second one sounds interesting...not in the way you said but...suppose we make a tournament for the strongest in the land? I scoured the legends-no way found to defeat Isabel. Any way to imprison her? She's too powerful it throws my plans out of whack. Because I know what I wish to do now..." He grinned, and held his completed blade up. "The people of this world have scorned me...not caring about this human side of mine. Ok, that's fine. Perhaps they like the devil side. They must like devils. So let's open the gates to hell!" @Light
Light said:
All the Grimm turtles devoured one another until there was only one left. "Get a job! We can work at a fast food market or something. It'll be great! We can also try to make you the strongest pitlord. You can fight other pit lords to earn that title."
Adrianna slowly allows her expression to ease up. "Good...now that we have nothing to do. I'd like to go home and mourn my siblings. If you wouldn't mind. It would mean a lot to me Reed."

"Why's that? Many doctors are not only okay with it but do it anyways." Reyla slightly scowls at the ground when she says this.

Sofia didn't know how to take this but if he was offering her a way home then she could at least do this much. "Alright...I can hang out with you. Only for a little bit though." She didn't think he'd be a fun person to hang out with which is why she limited the time.

"The first request I can do. The second request I cannot even if I wanted to, I don't have that power. Third...." The leader slides a key towards Cole. "Go to the Himalayas and the key should guide you from there."

"Yeah he's kind of like a robot. A very helpful robot actually! He can help us with certian types of information as well as inventions. If you have an idea, he can make it reality!"
Reed nodded and teleported them to her castle. "Do you want me to leave?"

GingerBread said:
Vance chuckled as Derek said he shouldn't kill himself because it would be too funny and that he'd have no one there for him if Luna died. "Oh really? You don't care? You don't seem to care about much do you? Hell who's actually here for you? My wife because she's nice and Isabel's imaginary friends. You say that I'd have no one to help me if Luna, but who's to say I even would want someone to help me? But even if I do, then I have damn sight more people than you do, don't I? Hell they've all left now, so really, who the hell do you have?"



"Y-Yeah, Um" Colin tried to think about how to tell her he was too much of a wimp to actually become a doctor even though he spent years of his life training to become one only to wimp out at the last moment. "W-Well I didn't actually really become a d-doctor. I-I have all the qualifications to become one, but I-I was too s-scared to become one; I-I couldn't cope with the idea of not being able to h-help someone"

Derek smiled. "I had friends who were already there for me and just now those 3 who were there for me. I may not need them now but I'm glad they were there. I just hope one day you'll be able to have to same treatment. And I think I better stop wasting time." He walks away and out of the forest.

"Yeah, I'm sure they were. But Imaginary friends don't count. Ooh and you hope I'll have the same treatment someday? What have someone I care about die? Or have people their to comfort me when that happens? Because either way that's stupid. Why do you assume I need someone to help me through that? I've never needed anyone to help me with something in my life, and I don't plan on changing that" Vance sighed and shook his head as Derek walked off. He snapped his fingers and went into his darkness realm.



Colin was slightly shocked by what Reyla said. "Wh-What? D-Doctors are okay with not helping people? And they sometimes don't?" He didn't want to call Reyla a liar, but he also didn't believe that many of the doctors would be okay with not being able to help people, let alone not actually try. "I-I don't think most Doctors are like that. There might be one or two, b-but most of the doctors I've met have been nice. I-I think you just met one of the bad ones and I-I'm sorry for that"

GingerBread said:
"Yeah, I'm sure they were. But Imaginary friends don't count. Ooh and you hope I'll have the same treatment someday? What have someone I care about die? Or have people their to comfort me when that happens? Because either way that's stupid. Why do you assume I need someone to help me through that? I've never needed anyone to help me with something in my life, and I don't plan on changing that" Vance sighed and shook his head as Derek walked off. He snapped his fingers and went into his darkness realm.



Colin was slightly shocked by what Reyla said. "Wh-What? D-Doctors are okay with not helping people? And they sometimes don't?" He didn't want to call Reyla a liar, but he also didn't believe that many of the doctors would be okay with not being able to help people, let alone not actually try. "I-I don't think most Doctors are like that. There might be one or two, b-but most of the doctors I've met have been nice. I-I think you just met one of the bad ones and I-I'm sorry for that"

Derek turned into Theodore and opened a portal. He jumped through and ended up next to Theodore and Athena.

Theodore looked at himself for a moment Athena. "It's ok it's a friend of mine." He turned to Derek. "Allright you had you fun go back to normal."

Derek turned into himself and laughed. "You should have seen her face. Anyways what are you two up to?" He had a mischievous smile.

Athena punched his shoulder. "I was just talking with Theo. And don't get the wrong Idea we're just friends." She looked back to Theodore. "Anyways you need a job the whole time thing effected your entire body and you know it. So stop being childish and act your age."

Theodore sighed. "Fine I will. Acting 12 was getting bored anyway. But what exactly do you suggest I do? It's not like I have a diploma or college degree."

Derek laughed. "Dude just make one. You had enough money to fund your own college anyways." He suddenly smiled. "Ok I know. Just build a college. You're smart enough well you can be but you're smart enough to. Just read a lot. Or." He turned into an early form of Morphues before he got beefed up to much. He touched Theodore's forehead and transfered knowledge using the telepathy. He tapped into the smartest mind alive and poured info into his head. In an insane The knew almost everything there was to know about education. "There you go you just cheated the system but it's cool."

Theodorefelt the knowledge and laughed. "Perfect now I just he gotta go show off. Build a name for myself and make something out of this. Thank you."

Athena had no idea what just happened but it looked like a headache. "Ok we'll then let go. I told you imma leech and your stuck with me now." She smiled them looked to Derek. "Thank you."

Derek turned back and was breathing heavily. It was the hardest thing he had ever done. "Well I'm going to sleep for a few days because that shit was stressful." He fell asleep right on Theodore's couch.

Athena poked him with a stick. "Hey! That's my couch I sleep there." It was useless. "God damn it. I'll just use the guest room then." She walked off to the room and plopped down in bed.

Theodore walked out. "Alright time to go win some game shows. I wonder if wheel of fortune is talking people."
(not sure whats happening again...)

Abigail walked around a local town, confused by all the stuff that happened to her. She shook her head "I really don't care." She sighed as she tried to look for someone to talk to, try and lighten her bordem.

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