Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"Wait, You killed Helios? Oh, Never mind you killed Apollo." Kai said, gulping down the food offered by Hekate. "I know him as the god of music, truth and healing. But I myself worship Nyx, The primordial embodiment of Night." He then asked for more of Hekate's special homemade food.

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder

Vance looked over at Kai with an unamused look. "Who the fuck are you? Why are you talking to me? Why are you involving yourself in my business? Fuck off" Vance shook his head and leaned back on his chair once again. "So Do you just enjoy the smell of shit? Because you have your nose so far up everyones arse" He smirked to himself as he lightly chuckled. "But seriously kid, Piss off. No one gives a fuck about how much you know about Greek mythology. No one cares which one you worship either. No one even knows who you are. Unlike me; If you went out and asked people who I am, I almost guarantee that nine out of ten people will know who I am and that zero out of ten will know you, unless you just ask people you know. So once again, shut the fuck up kid."

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder
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GingerBread said:

"I'm not saying I want to refer to you as my mother, I was asking you what you'd prefer me to call you, in a joking manner."
Vance shrugged and looked down over at Isabel. "Honestly, I try to stay away from all this.." He moved his hand in a sweeping motion across everything that was going on."..Shit. Things were a lot simpler back in my day, when all I had to do was stab some random guy. I keep getting dragged back into all this crazy shit. It's just so dull at this point. I mean I've already killed the God of the goddamn sun" Vance shrugged and sat back down on his Lawn chair made of darkness, leaning back and looking up at the sky of the realm. "I should just retire, Live out the rest of my days away from every one of these chucklefucks"

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder
GingerBread said:
Vance looked over at Kai with an unamused look. "Who the fuck are you? Why are you talking to me? Why are you involving yourself in my business? Fuck off" Vance shook his head and leaned back on his chair once again. "So Do you just enjoy the smell of shit? Because you have your nose so far up everyones arse" He smirked to himself as he lightly chuckled. "But seriously kid, Piss off. No one gives a fuck about how much you know about Greek mythology. No one cares which one you worship either. No one even knows who you are. Unlike me; If you went out and asked people who I am, I almost guarantee that nine out of ten people will know who I am and that zero out of ten will know you, unless you just ask people you know. So once again, shut the fuck up kid."

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder
Hekate looks at Kai leaving and frowns at Vance. "Why did you bully him? You two are allies so you should be nice. He was only trying to put his piece into the conversation."

Vance rolled his eyes and sighed"Because I absolutely hate other people. If I don't know someone, I don't want them to talk to them at all. Besides, I don't have any allies besides Luna. Everyone else could die and I wouldn't care." He sat up and looked over at Hekate. "Is that a problem, Mother?"

GingerBread said:
Vance rolled his eyes and sighed"Because I absolutely hate other people. If I don't know someone, I don't want them to talk to them at all. Besides, I don't have any allies besides Luna. Everyone else could die and I wouldn't care." He sat up and looked over at Hekate. "Is that a problem, Mother?"

Hekate gives Vance a simple glance and shakes her head. "No...it's not a problem. My forces are going to handle the other pyramid. Once you're all finished eating I suggest you handle the last in the Torture Realm." She opens a portal to the realm and walks into another opened by a separate deity.

Vance looked over at the portal and then over at Luna. "So, do we go now? Do I have to go? Cause I'm not really sure how to get out of this realm. But at the same time, I couldn't really care less about all this stuff. It's really boring, though I am doing nothing" He shrugged and sat back in his chair. "So I Leave the choice up to you"

@Light @Embaga Elder


When everyone else left to help save the world or whatever it is they were doing, Colin decided to start making his way home; He didn't want to risk dying and leaving Wade with no one to look after him or even worse hurt or kill him. Colin had decided to go to a shop and get some marshmallows.

He sat down a bench in a nearby park, trying to ignore the couple of odd looks he was getting when people saw him feeding marshmallows to a small amphibian that was sat on his lap; He smiled down at Wade as he fed him marshmallows. Colin was mostly doing this so that he could get more used to going out and about with Wade.



Maya woke up from her sleep and started munching on some cookies in her room. She started to get bored of that though and wanted to do something fun. "I should give everyone in the world cookies, then everyone can be cool! No one will be mean then!" Maya nodded at her great idea and thought about where the leader of the world was, after a while she figured it out. A smile grew on her face as she teleported there.

Maya appeared inside the president's office in the whitehouse. She looked around for a couple of seconds and then noticed the man sitting at the desk.
"Are you in charge of the world?" Maya asked as she skipped over towards the front of the desk, smiling up at the man.

@Lotusy (Mind if I drop in on Obama?)
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During the whole ordeal Theodore was laying down. "So much destruction..."

Athena laid down next to him. "Good job it was fun to watch. I'll probably be useless in the next upcoming fights but I'll be here for support."

Theodore smiled and waited until they got to th next area.

Jackson and Derek had grabbed some food before they disappeared. Derek walked over to Isabel and crouched down. "Hey I got you some food. But you'll have to come out of your hair. Unless you don't mind me finding my way through." Jackson ate his bread with Reed and Julliette.

Reed looked at the group. "Are you guys ready to go to the next place? I'm getting bored."
GingerBread said:
Vance looked over at the portal and then over at Luna. "So, do we go now? Do I have to go? Cause I'm not really sure how to get out of this realm. But at the same time, I couldn't really care less about all this stuff. It's really boring, though I am doing nothing" He shrugged and sat back in his chair. "So I Leave the choice up to you"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Tazmodo said:
During the whole ordeal Theodore was laying down. "So much destruction..."
Athena laid down next to him. "Good job it was fun to watch. I'll probably be useless in the next upcoming fights but I'll be here for support."

Theodore smiled and waited until they got to th next area.

Jackson and Derek had grabbed some food before they disappeared. Derek walked over to Isabel and crouched down. "Hey I got you some food. But you'll have to come out of your hair. Unless you don't mind me finding my way through." Jackson ate his bread with Reed and Julliette.

Reed looked at the group. "Are you guys ready to go to the next place? I'm getting bored."
"I honestly think we should go now but..." Luna gestures to the group eating and relaxing. "I think we should give them a few more minutes. Besides, I need time to think about mother. Excuse me." Luna begins to take her steps away to think on her lonesome.

Isabel pokes her head out of the hair fortress. She looks up at the food and then up into Jackson's eyes, giving him the look a dog would when they're sweetly asking for food or attention. Isabel ducks back into her hair fortress and it begins to scoot away slowly. Isabel was now in a shy mood.
GingerBread said:

When everyone else left to help save the world or whatever it is they were doing, Colin decided to start making his way home; He didn't want to risk dying and leaving Wade with no one to look after him or even worse hurt or kill him. Colin had decided to go to a shop and get some marshmallows.

He sat down a bench in a nearby park, trying to ignore the couple of odd looks he was getting when people saw him feeding marshmallows to a small amphibian that was sat on his lap; He smiled down at Wade as he fed him marshmallows. Colin was mostly doing this so that he could get more used to going out and about with Wade.

Wade sneezes and a small raincloud appears over Colin's head. Wade tosses and turns in Colin's lap afterwards, taking interest in the kids playing tag in the distance. It seemed like Wade wanted to play too.
GingerBread said:

Maya woke up from her sleep and started munching on some cookies in her room. She started to get bored of that though and wanted to do something fun. "I should give everyone in the world cookies, then everyone can be cool! No one will be mean then!" Maya nodded at her great idea and thought about where the leader of the world was, after a while she figured it out. A smile grew on her face as she teleported there.

Maya appeared inside the president's office in the whitehouse. She looked around for a couple of seconds and then noticed the man sitting at the desk.
"Are you in charge of the world?" Maya asked as she skipped over towards the front of the desk, smiling up at the man.

@Lotusy (Mind if I drop in on Obama?)
President Obama sat gloomily in the Oval Office, fawning over a picture of Vladimir Putin. "Baby come back," he whispered, stroking the photo as a tear ran down his cheek. "It's just not the same without you." Before he could do any more (creepy) acts of lamentation, though, a little girl popped into existence right in front of him. "Oh my." He quickly stuffed the picture into his desk drawer, before staring curiously down at the girl. Strange. Did I have a meeting scheduled today?

Deciding to finally answer Maya's question, Obama cleared his throat. "Yes, erm... well, I am the leader of, um, the free world. Free as in, um, liberty, mind you, not cheap." The president fiddled with his watch, staring out his window now. "So, um, what are you in here for? Usually the kids I meet with are scientists or bomb-clock makers. Or, um, girl scouts or assassins." He swiveled his chair to look back at Maya. "You aren't, um, one of the latter, are you?"


Vance raised an eyebrow as Luna said she needed to think about her mother. As she stepped away, Vance followed after her. "Would you like me to talk to? Or would you prefer I just left you to your thoughts?" He smiled warmly at Luna. "I'm always here if you need to talk, it's not like I do much else anyway, But I won't hold it against you if you don't want to. Wouldn't do well to get rid of one of the only people I enjoy spending time with, would it?"



Colin frowned as the raincloud appeared over his head. He shuffled away from it as he looked over at the children playing tag as Wade expressed some sort of interest in playing along with them. 'Should I just let Wade go and ask himself or should I go and ask for him. Would I seem creepy? Would someone think I was a paedophile?! No, they wouldn't, right?'

Colin shook the thoughts from his head and placed Wade down as he stood up and started walking over to the children that were playing tag.
"H-Hello. W-Would you mind if W-Wade here" Colin motioned towards Wade as he smiled down at the children. "Joined in with your g-game?"



"What's an ass-sass-in?" Maya giggled at the wierd word, wondering what it could possibly be. Maya then snapped out of her thoughts as she remembered why she was here. "Are you really in charge of the entire world? That's so cool! You must be one of the coolest people ever!" Maya commented once again momentarily forgetting her goal. "Can you help me give cookies to everyone in the world so that they can all become cool?!" Maya smiled eagerly up at Obama for a couple of seconds, before remembering that they'd need cookies if they wanted to give cookies to people. "Cookies are the coolest!" Maya threw her arms up into the air and in an instant an avalanche of boxes of cookies flooded through the doors into the office while even more came down from the celing, until the entire room was filled with boxes thin mints and more importantly chocolate chip cookies.

GingerBread said:
Vance raised an eyebrow as Luna said she needed to think about her mother. As she stepped away, Vance followed after her. "Would you like me to talk to? Or would you prefer I just left you to your thoughts?" He smiled warmly at Luna. "I'm always here if you need to talk, it's not like I do much else anyway, But I won't hold it against you if you don't want to. Wouldn't do well to get rid of one of the only people I enjoy spending time with, would it?"



Colin frowned as the raincloud appeared over his head. He shuffled away from it as he looked over at the children playing tag as Wade expressed some sort of interest in playing along with them. 'Should I just let Wade go and ask himself or should I go and ask for him. Would I seem creepy? Would someone think I was a paedophile?! No, they wouldn't, right?'

Colin shook the thoughts from his head and placed Wade down as he stood up and started walking over to the children that were playing tag.
"H-Hello. W-Would you mind if W-Wade here" Colin motioned towards Wade as he smiled down at the children. "Joined in with your g-game?"

"Just give me some time to think on my own. By the time I'm done they should be ready...if not we can talk. Thank you Vance." Luna turns around and kisses him on the cheek. Luna turns back around and walks past the watching spirits, contemplating her current situation.

The kids shake their heads, not minding at all. "You have to talk to our mom though! She doesn't like us playing with others if she doesn't know their parents. She's over there!" The eldest boy around the age of 9 points in the direction of a woman sitting not too far away on a picnic blanket. There were 3 kids playing here, including the boy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2925f070983e0bd0fbd18a0ce65fb257.jpg.53234efc103065e7afcc58b5e4fb0452.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2925f070983e0bd0fbd18a0ce65fb257.jpg.53234efc103065e7afcc58b5e4fb0452.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Light said:
"I honestly think we should go now but..." Luna gestures to the group eating and relaxing. "I think we should give them a few more minutes. Besides, I need time to think about mother. Excuse me." Luna begins to take her steps away to think on her lonesome.
Isabel pokes her head out of the hair fortress. She looks up at the food and then up into Jackson's eyes, giving him the look a dog would when they're sweetly asking for food or attention. Isabel ducks back into her hair fortress and it begins to scoot away slowly. Isabel was now in a shy mood.
Jackson saw the face he was given by Isabel. He walked away from the other and walked over to Derek to get the food he was trying to give to Isabel. "I'll try then." He walked over to Isabel and crouched down. "Hey Isabel I have some food for you. If you come out I can feed you. Well I mean give you the food." He held it out while he watched her hair fortress and waited for her to come out.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson saw the face he was given by Isabel. He walked away from the other and walked over to Derek to get the food he was trying to give to Isabel. "I'll try then." He walked over to Isabel and crouched down. "Hey Isabel I have some food for you. If you come out I can feed you. Well I mean give you the food." He held it out while he watched her hair fortress and waited for her to come out.
Isabel stops and pokes her head out of the hair fortress. She looks around for the food that was mentioned, obviously hungry. "I don't want to hold you all up when, we could be handling the pyramid. Are you sure?"
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Light said:
Isabel stops and pokes her head out of the hair fortress. She looks around for the food that was mentioned, obviously hungry. "I don't want to hold you all up when, we could be handling the pyramid. Are you sure?"
Jackson smiles. "Don't worry we have time and you must be starving. Go ahead and eat." He held it closer to her knowing that she must be dieing to eat.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson smiles. "Don't worry we have time and you must be starving. Go ahead and eat." He held it closer to her knowing that she must be dieing to eat.
Isabel smiles at Jackson and then looks down at the food. "Thank you." Isabel begins to eat happily, finding the taste quite nice. "Would you like some?"
Light said:
Isabel smiles at Jackson and then looks down at the food. "Thank you." Isabel begins to eat happily, finding the taste quite nice. "Would you like some?"
Jackson looked at the food and then her. She seemed so happy eating it. He was surprised when she offered some to him. He shrugged his shoulders. "Sure why not." He smiled as he took the portion she offered. He took a bite and laughed. "I haven't had a nice meal like this in ages. It's really peaceful."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked at the food and then her. She seemed so happy eating it. He was surprised when she offered some to him. He shrugged his shoulders. "Sure why not." He smiled as he took the portion she offered. He took a bite and laughed. "I haven't had a nice meal like this in ages. It's really peaceful."
"Me neither!" Isabel puts on her black barrette, causing her hair to shrink down to a normal size. She stays sitting on the ground, smiling lightly. "I should save this for my kids..." Isabel gazes at the portal not too far away from them. Just one more of them and this nightmare would be over.
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Light said:
"Me neither!" Isabel puts on her black barrette, causing her hair to shrink down to a normal size. She stays sitting on the ground, smiling lightly. "I should save this for my kids..." Isabel gazes at the portal not too far away from them. Just one more of them and this nightmare would be over.
Jackson sighed and gave her his portion. "Here this way you can eat and so can they. I haven'tseen them in a while. Red and Blue probably still don't like me. And Emely never warmed up to me." He thought for a moment. "Wait you don't have any other kids I dont know about who hate me right? It's kind of a trend going on."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson sighed and gave her his portion. "Here this way you can eat and so can they. I haven'tseen them in a while. Red and Blue probably still don't like me. And Emely never warmed up to me." He thought for a moment. "Wait you don't have any other kids I dont know about who hate me right? It's kind of a trend going on."
( @Embaga Elder @metalcity @MTchaos1134 @GingerBread )

"Hakeem and Maya but I don't know if they hate you." Isabel has an ectoplasmic bubble form around the food to preserve it. "I'm going in first so if you're ready follow me." Isabel steps through the portal which takes her to the Torture Realm. Reapers could be seen torturing people and fighting against the rift. Isabel notices a reaper taking a syringe to the white of someone's eye and injecting battery acid while another reaper cut their stomach open to push spiders and metallic centipedes inside of them. The centipede ended up finding its way up the victims throat and looks at Isabel. The centipede goes back to its job afterwards. Isabel turns her head away and shuts her eyes, trying to forget what she saw.

Isabella opens her eyes and notices the pyramid, putting as much power as she can into it once she does. The reapers notice this and the effect it's having on the rift. In 10 seconds a high number of reapers were doing the same. Isabel could only hope that this would be enough.
Light said:
( @Embaga Elder @metalcity @MTchaos1134 @GingerBread )
"Hakeem and Maya but I don't know if they hate you." Isabel has an ectoplasmic bubble form around the food to preserve it. "I'm going in first so if you're ready follow me." Isabel steps through the portal which takes her to the Torture Realm. Reapers could be seen torturing people and fighting against the rift. Isabel notices a reaper taking a syringe to the white of someone's eye and injecting battery acid while another reaper cut their stomach open to push spiders and metallic centipedes inside of them. The centipede ended up finding its way up the victims throat and looks at Isabel. The centipede goes back to its job afterwards. Isabel turns her head away and shuts her eyes, trying to forget what she saw.

Isabella opens her eyes and notices the pyramid, putting as much power as she can into it once she does. The reapers notice this and the effect it's having on the rift. In 10 seconds a high number of reapers were doing the same. Isabel could only hope that this would be enough.
Jackson followed her along with Reed, Derek, Theodore, Athena and Julliette. They all started powering energy into the pyramid like it was a regular thing.

Jackson looked around the realm. He didn't seem bothered by the torture. "Hey how long do you think this one will take?"

Julliette focused only on the pyramid but couldn't do anything. "I don't know but I don't want to look I can hear it. All of it."

Athena couldn't do anything as well but enjoyed watching the torture.

Reed was laying on the floor. "Why does only two people of my squad attack in ways to effect this thing?"

Theodore was blasting it with two different elemental powers and could only focus on that. He just wanted it to be done with.
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Vance smiled over at Luna, choosing not to say anything else. When he saw Isabel go into the portal he shrugged and went through too. As he saw everyone fighting another triangle, he decided he should probably help with at least one.
"You know, this looks borderline insane, just fighting triangles to get them to go into a woman's body. Are we sure I'm not going to wake up in a padded room after this?" Vance chuckled as he sent shards, beams and tendrils of darkness to attack the triangle.

@Light @Tazmodo


Colin smiled down at the kids before turning around to make sure Wade was still alright. Once he did that he started walking over to the kid's mother.
"E-Excuse me; Hello. I-I was wondering if my child; Wade was able to play with your kids. They said he could but said I-I had to ask you first"

Tazmodo said:
Jackson followed her along with Reed, Derek, Theodore, Athena and Julliette. They all started powering energy into the pyramid like it was a regular thing.
Jackson looked around the realm. He didn't seem bothered by the torture. "Hey how long do you think this one will take?"

Julliette focused only on the pyramid but couldn't do anything. "I don't know but I don't want to look I can hear it. All of it."

Athena couldn't do anything as well but enjoyed watching the torture.

Reed was laying on the floor. "Why does only two people of my squad attack in ways to effect this thing?"

Theodore was blasting it with two different elemental powers and could only focus on that. He just wanted it to be done with.
GingerBread said:

Vance smiled over at Luna, choosing not to say anything else. When he saw Isabel go into the portal he shrugged and went through too. As he saw everyone fighting another triangle, he decided he should probably help with at least one.
"You know, this looks borderline insane, just fighting triangles to get them to go into a woman's body. Are we sure I'm not going to wake up in a padded room after this?" Vance chuckled as he sent shards, beams and tendrils of darkness to attack the triangle.

@Light @Tazmodo
The pyramid easily overflows the rift with energy, causing it to burst and collapse. The being pulling the strings behind the rift had nowhere else to go and was backed into a corner. With whatever strength it had left, the being seals itself and it's power away from outer access in an attempt to protect itself and accumulate power overtime in a seperate realm. As the last two pyramids float inside of Isabel, the being loses its grip on reality and shifts into its slumber. All that was left now was to pay the governor of Egypt a visit to claim their reward.

Isabel had a home to get too, a place she hasn't been to since this entire rift incident started. She didn't have time for some prize, but it was nice having a last hurrah with this outstanding group of people though."I'll be going home now. I have kids to get to...call me if you need me. I-I think that might work, I'm not too sure anymore." Isabel tries to use her power to access the Anti-God Zone. She didn't know if it would work since she lacked the power of teleportation but surprisingly it did. Isabel ends up in her house in the Anti-God Zone, her bubble of food beside her as well. "Hhhhhmmm....time to find my kids. Temperance! Azriel! Can you show me where my ki-" before Isabel could finish the sentence she was mentally sent updated on their current locations. It seemed like Azriel and Temperance were focusing on watching the children out of the many jobs they have to handle. "Thank you."

With this new information, Isabel begins her walk to the library to find Hakeem, Red, Blue, and Emily. She arrives there in time, only to see them all studying in the library with the Jäqren. "Are you all busy? I hope I'm not disturbing you." Isabel gives them a big smile she couldn't hide and gathers them all in a hug. "W-wait...am I disturbing you? I'm sorry." Isabel began to shy away from her own kids at that thought. In some moments she could still be shy. After this she would have to find a way to get to the White House to pick Maya up. She didn't know how she'd be able to reach that building though. Isabel also didn't know if Obama would even want her in there but she'd do it to see Maya again, that's for sure.

( @Embaga Elder )

GingerBread said:

Colin smiled down at the kids before turning around to make sure Wade was still alright. Once he did that he started walking over to the kid's mother.
"E-Excuse me; Hello. I-I was wondering if my child; Wade was able to play with your kids. They said he could but said I-I had to ask you first"

"Yes that's fine. Who are you? I hope you don't mind me asking." The woman looked up at him with previously sad eyes. They were now serious since this was a strange man and the situation was about her kids. Anything could go wrong here but she had to give him a chance, that doesn't mean she would shake him down for things.
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Light said:
The pyramid easily overflows the rift with energy, causing it to burst and collapse. The being pulling the strings behind the rift had nowhere else to go and was backed into a corner. With whatever strength it had left, the being seals itself and it's power away from outer access in an attempt to protect itself and accumulate power overtime in a seperate realm. As the last two pyramids float inside of Isabel, the being loses its grip on reality and shifts into its slumber. All that was left now was to pay the governor of Egypt a visit to claim their reward.
Isabel had a home to get too, a place she hasn't been to since this entire rift incident started. She didn't have time for some prize, but it was nice having a last hurrah with this outstanding group of people though."I'll be going home now. I have kids to get to...call me if you need me. I-I think that might work, I'm not too sure anymore." Isabel tries to use her power to access the Anti-God Zone. She didn't know if it would work since she lacked the power of teleportation but surprisingly it did. Isabel ends up in her house in the Anti-God Zone, her bubble of food beside her as well. "Hhhhhmmm....time to find my kids. Temperance! Azriel! Can you show me where my ki-" before Isabel could finish the sentence she was mentally sent updated on their current locations. It seemed like Azriel and Temperance were focusing on watching the children out of the many jobs they have to handle. "Thank you."

With this new information, Isabel begins her walk to the library to find Hakeem, Red, Blue, and Emily. She arrives there in time, only to see them all studying in the library with the Jäqren. "Are you all busy? I hope I'm not disturbing you." Isabel gives them a big smile she couldn't hide and gathers them all in a hug. "W-wait...am I disturbing you? I'm sorry." Isabel began to shy away from her own kids at that thought. In some moments she could still be shy. After this she would have to find a way to get to the White House to pick Maya up. She didn't know how she'd be able to reach that building though. Isabel also didn't know if Obama would even want her in there but she'd do it to see Maya again, that's for sure.

( @Embaga Elder )

"Yes that's fine. Who are you? I hope you don't mind me asking." The woman looked up at him with previously sad eyes. They were now serious since this was a strange man and the situation was about her kids. Anything could go wrong here but she had to give him a chance, that doesn't mean she would shake him down for things.
Reed teleported Julliette back to her far after thanking her for her help.

Theodore created a portal to go home where ever that was he said good bye to everyone and Athena followed him through. The two then walked around looking for a place to live. They had become friends and had no else to do.

Jackson went through the poral as well but went the opposite direction of the two. He was officially done with those people. Well except for his friends of course. He went to Utah so he could explore and find somewhere to live.

Derek was teleported to the Amazon forest so he could properly mourn Jasmine's death.

Reed looked around. "God this realm sucks. Like come on this is an absolute hell hole. I understand why though." He teleported to Adrianna by using a teleport symbol he put on her. "Hey Adrianna I'm back from killing all those things. What's going on here?" @Light

The portal Theodore left was still open for the others it would close in ten minutes.

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