Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
August and Cole heard the screeches and took that as a sign to run faster. August ran and ran when the cabin came into his sight. Cole finally saw the portal, carrying weapons he had retreived from the raccoons. They both continued running into they were safe inside the cabin.

Inaro smiled upon seeing the gas stove. Yes!! Please work please work. He repeated as he tried turning on the stove. @Light
GingerBread said:

Vance was awestruck at what Luna had just done.
"Okay, so that's another thing I have to fear from you now" He muttered to himself as he shook his head, refocusing on surviving and getting back to the cabin. He grabbed Luna's hand and started running towards the Cabin. "We should get back to the crybab- The name I gave him doesn't really seem to fit anymore. Anyway, we should get back to Colin, He can keep the Wendigos out, I think he's the only one who can. So, yeah"



"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired out after everything th-that's happened today, you know?" Colin chuckled slightly and smiled up at Isabel as he thought about taking a small nap. "I-I'm not much use right now anyway. I-I need to be charged to do anything useful, so y-yeah"

( @MTchaos1134 @The Imperial Flame @LokiofSP )

Luna nods her head and hears screeches in the far distance. "Yeah it's best we do. We could possibly look into these triangles later." Luna pulls Vance into the cabin, getting in after August and Cole. Luna stops immediately after entering, her breath hitching at what she sees. There was the group standing with Gluttony at the base of the stairs that led upstairs. Though that wasn't why she was standing still. It was the bird like Wendigo hanging from the ceiling like a bat with its eyes closed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e04f1fcfbe10dcb8519d6d9ae756b509.jpg.cf4ac5fecdae4a5c8f198c874a833014.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e04f1fcfbe10dcb8519d6d9ae756b509.jpg.cf4ac5fecdae4a5c8f198c874a833014.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The bird like Wendigo was facing the group with Gluttony even though it's eyes were still closed.

Isabel smiles and shakes her head. "I'm feeling better now so I don't think you have to worry about charging. Are you feeling alright?"

Instead of gas coming out of the stove....nothing comes out. It seemed like there was a broken piece inside of it.



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Light said:
( @MTchaos1134 @The Imperial Flame @LokiofSP )
Luna nods her head and hears screeches in the far distance. "Yeah it's best we do. We could possibly look into these triangles later." Luna pulls Vance into the cabin, getting in after August and Cole. Luna stops immediately after entering, her breath hitching at what she sees. There was the group standing with Gluttony at the base of the stairs that led upstairs. Though that wasn't why she was standing still. It was the bird like Wendigo hanging from the ceiling like a bat with its eyes closed.

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The bird like Wendigo was facing the group with Gluttony even though it's eyes were still closed.

Isabel smiles and shakes her head. "I'm feeling better now so I don't think you have to worry about charging. Are you feeling alright?"

Instead of gas coming out of the stove....nothing comes out. It seemed like there was a broken piece inside of it.
Raz looks at Luna and was about to say something to her but stops, he has seen enough horror movies to probably know what's going on. He turns around and faces the wendigo, before backing up slowly, making their way into the kitchen, so they could look for a knife.
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz looks at Luna and was about to say something to her but stops, he has seen enough horror movies to probably know what's going on. He turns around and faces the wendigo, before backing up slowly, making their way into the kitchen, so they could look for a knife.
The bird swiftly turns it's head to Raz. It opens its beak to reveal a long tongue but still refrains from opening it's eyes. It seemed to be movement triggered for now.

Vance looked up at the bird and watched as it 'looked' towards Raz when he moved. 'Okay, Interesting. It can apparently sense movement, which means that we either need someone to run off and die so we don't. Or we need a really good distraction. After that though, we all need to get into Isabel's room with Colin so that we'll be safe' Vance mentally nodded to himself as he thought of a plan. He moved ever so slightly towards Luna so that he could speak quietly. "Luna, if I charge you. Do you reckon you could use your chains to create a distraction? By smashing a window or having them go off into the distance, dragging something or anything like that?"

@Light @LokiofSP @MTchaos1134 @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder


"Y-Yeah, but you could suddenly get worse or something could attack us or anything l-like that. S-So y-you know" Colin shrugged and sat up, pushing himself up against the wall behind him. "B-But I'm fine. I-I just hope everyone else is. I-I also hope we can find a way out of here"

Inaro turns to the group that just entered. To his surprise August, Luna, and Vance all had triangles in their hands. But the happy feeling soon shifted to suspense when he noticed the bird like wendigo on the ceiling. He realized its motion triggered. He turns towards Vance and whispers. Vance I can move without being sensed, so we can take the safe why out and I can carry you all up stairs. Then we can perform a ritual that'll change the portal downstairs taking us to the rifts core. All we need is five of those triangles and a person. We want to try it with a wendigo first so we don't have to sacrifice anyone. Does that sound like a good plan?? @Light @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @GingerBread @The Imperial Flame
Light said:
The bird swiftly turns it's head to Raz. It opens its beak to reveal a long tongue but still refrains from opening it's eyes. It seemed to be movement triggered for now.
GingerBread said:
Vance looked up at the bird and watched as it 'looked' towards Raz when he moved. 'Okay, Interesting. It can apparently sense movement, which means that we either need someone to run off and die so we don't. Or we need a really good distraction. After that though, we all need to get into Isabel's room with Colin so that we'll be safe' Vance mentally nodded to himself as he thought of a plan. He moved ever so slightly towards Luna so that he could speak quietly. "Luna, if I charge you. Do you reckon you could use your chains to create a distraction? By smashing a window or having them go off into the distance, dragging something or anything like that?"

@Light @LokiofSP @MTchaos1134 @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder


"Y-Yeah, but you could suddenly get worse or something could attack us or anything l-like that. S-So y-you know" Colin shrugged and sat up, pushing himself up against the wall behind him. "B-But I'm fine. I-I just hope everyone else is. I-I also hope we can find a way out of here"

Râz stops, not moving anymore, and whispers to the rest."Inaro your plan is somthing I can follow, just make sure I don't die." He said, start no at the wendigo.
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GingerBread said:
Vance looked up at the bird and watched as it 'looked' towards Raz when he moved. 'Okay, Interesting. It can apparently sense movement, which means that we either need someone to run off and die so we don't. Or we need a really good distraction. After that though, we all need to get into Isabel's room with Colin so that we'll be safe' Vance mentally nodded to himself as he thought of a plan. He moved ever so slightly towards Luna so that he could speak quietly. "Luna, if I charge you. Do you reckon you could use your chains to create a distraction? By smashing a window or having them go off into the distance, dragging something or anything like that?"

@Light @LokiofSP @MTchaos1134 @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder


"Y-Yeah, but you could suddenly get worse or something could attack us or anything l-like that. S-So y-you know" Colin shrugged and sat up, pushing himself up against the wall behind him. "B-But I'm fine. I-I just hope everyone else is. I-I also hope we can find a way out of here"

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at Adrianna. "It's up to you I guess. I'm not going anywhere without you. So you decide." @Light (idk who else is the I think @Embaga Elder though)
MTchaos1134 said:
Râz stops, not moving anymore, and whispers to the rest."Inaro your plan is somthing I can follow, just make sure I don't die." He said, start no at the wendigo.
( I forgot that was Inaro's power. Crap, ya got me Embaga. )

Luna was about to respond to Vance but she overheard Inaro since she was literally standing right next to him. She takes a small breath and prepares her voice for a small whisper. "I think we should go with his plan." She nods her head to Inaro.

Adrianna frowns due to the fact that she knew she couldn't trust this deal. She had no other choice though. "Fine...let's do it."

The voice goes quiet, both Reed and Adrianna could feel an X burn onto their chest and stay there. "It is done...your second chance at life shall come soon."

"What do you mean something could attack us?" Isabel had no knowledge on the Wendigo being here since she was always in the room.

"I'd rather not be carried around by you, I'll take my chances walking away, thank you very much. But regardless of how we get out of this, we shouldn't sacrifice a wendigo; How are we even meant to kill it in the first place, because we can't even kill this one right now. So if we can kill them easily enough that we can sacrifice them, what's the point of even sacrificing them?"
Vance shook his head and sighed slightly. "We should go to the bedroom down the hall, it has Colin in it, he can put a forcefield that can stop the Wendigos from getting in"

@Light @Embaga Elder


"W-Well there are Wendigos or something out there according to o-other people. B-But they could be saying that to freak me out. So I-I wouldn't worry about it too much" Colin Smiled up at Isabel and shrugged.

Light said:
( I forgot that was Inaro's power. Crap, ya got me Embaga. )
Luna was about to respond to Vance but she overheard Inaro since she was literally standing right next to him. She takes a small breath and prepares her voice for a small whisper. "I think we should go with his plan." She nods her head to Inaro.

Adrianna frowns due to the fact that she knew she couldn't trust this deal. She had no other choice though. "Fine...let's do it."

The voice goes quiet, both Reed and Adrianna could feel an X burn onto their chest and stay there. "It is done...your second chance at life shall come soon."

"What do you mean something could attack us?" Isabel had no knowledge on the Wendigo being here since she was always in the room.
Reed looked at Adrianna. "This is probably going to bite us in the ass." He looked at the X. "This better not be permanent."
GingerBread said:

"I'd rather not be carried around by you, I'll take my chances walking away, thank you very much. But regardless of how we get out of this, we shouldn't sacrifice a wendigo; How are we even meant to kill it in the first place, because we can't even kill this one right now. So if we can kill them easily enough that we can sacrifice them, what's the point of even sacrificing them?"
Vance shook his head and sighed slightly. "We should go to the bedroom down the hall, it has Colin in it, he can put a forcefield that can stop the Wendigos from getting in"

@Light @Embaga Elder


"W-Well there are Wendigos or something out there according to o-other people. B-But they could be saying that to freak me out. So I-I wouldn't worry about it too much" Colin Smiled up at Isabel and shrugged.

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at Adrianna. "This is probably going to bite us in the ass." He looked at the X. "This better not be permanent."
"All we'll be doing is trapping ourselves in here again. He just said that we need these triangles that we collected. Sure the Wendigo part may be true but that doesn't mean we should leave them. We just need to help out as well. It seems like our powers were given to us and work with one another's for a reason. Besides...I have an offensive power so I can't just walk off on them when they're trying to solve this mystery Vance." Luna notices how the Wendigo still didn't move after Raz did and takes a deep breath. "I won't force you to follow me though." She takes the triangles he's collected from his hands. "I'm going with them though." She turns to Inaro, full anger in her eyes. "I swear if a shred of your information is wrong I'm killing you myself. Take me to this room you mentioned." Luna has chains wrap around the Wendigo. "Now."

"Wendigo? Should we go outside and check things out? They could need help...even though I'm not so sure if I could." Isabel seemed to tap her fingers on the pillow as if waiting for his opinion on the matter. If there were Wendigo, then the others could be in danger. A sudden flash of anxiety hit Isabel as she thought about Fola being in danger. She physically shook her head at that thought and accidentally mumbled out loud. "Why should I care about him?"

"I fear for the worst....Reed. Why did you say you'd wait for my opinion? It's your life choice, not mine."

( @GingerBread )

The gingerbread men frown and shake their heads. They raise their spears and waddle towards Maya.

"I don't think they're going to help us. They're here to keep the cookies locked away. Maya, what should we do?" There seemed to be a icing cannon to the left on the ground. Temperance pretends like she totally didn't have it appear there.
Light said:
"All we'll be doing is trapping ourselves in here again. He just said that we need these triangles that we collected. Sure the Wendigo part may be true but that doesn't mean we should leave them. We just need to help out as well. It seems like our powers were given to us and work with one another's for a reason. Besides...I have an offensive power so I can't just walk off on them when they're trying to solve this mystery Vance." Luna notices how the Wendigo still didn't move after Raz did and takes a deep breath. "I won't force you to follow me though." She takes the triangles he's collected from his hands. "I'm going with them though." She turns to Inaro, full anger in her eyes. "I swear if a shred of your information is wrong I'm killing you myself. Take me to this room you mentioned." Luna has chains wrap around the Wendigo. "Now."
"Wendigo? Should we go outside and check things out? They could need help...even though I'm not so sure if I could." Isabel seemed to tap her fingers on the pillow as if waiting for his opinion on the matter. If there were Wendigo, then the others could be in danger. A sudden flash of anxiety hit Isabel as she thought about Fola being in danger. She physically shook her head at that thought and accidentally mumbled out loud. "Why should I care about him?"

"I fear for the worst....Reed. Why did you say you'd wait for my opinion? It's your life choice, not mine."

( @GingerBread )

The gingerbread men frown and shake their heads. They raise their spears and waddle towards Maya.

"I don't think they're going to help us. They're here to keep the cookies locked away. Maya, what should we do?" There seemed to be a icing cannon to the left on the ground. Temperance pretends like she totally didn't have it appear there.
Reed walked up to her. "Honestly? Without you life sucks. My life was terrible until I met you. I don't care about any power or that shit. But if I come back and it's not with you then there was no point in coming back."
Abigail followed Vance's party of wiry souls, they kept bickering which frustrated her but she could not be bothered to say anything due to the fact of she would be able to live longer possibly if she stayed on every ones good side. She would just roll her eyes everything they would be a smart-arse to each other.

@GingerBread @Light @Embaga Elder (not sure if Abigail died yet or not, couldn't find it if she did)

Vance rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'll go grab the Medic, I'll meet you upstairs with him. Don't die, We're not married yet so I wouldn't be able to collect the life insurance." Vance smirked at Luna before turning to Inaro. "If Luna gets even slightly hurt, I'm blaming it all on you and you'll be the one being sacrificed. Got it? Good" He then turned around and jogging off down the hallway towards the room with Colin and Isabel, when he got in there he would explain the situation to them both.

@Light @Embaga Elder @GingerBread


"I-If they need our help I'm sure they'd a-ask. Th-they did know that it was night soon and that the Wendigos come out at night. S-So I'm sure they're fine"
Colin smiled reassuringly at Isabel but frowned when she mumbled to herself. "C-Care about who Isabel?"



"Why don't you want people to be cool and have cookies?! It's mean!" Maya frowned and looked around for something to defeat the mean GingerBread men. She smiled as she saw the Icing cannon before running over to it and shooting Icing towards the GingerBread men.

Tazmodo said:
Reed walked up to her. "Honestly? Without you life sucks. My life was terrible until I met you. I don't care about any power or that shit. But if I come back and it's not with you then there was no point in coming back."
metalcity said:
Abigail followed Vance's party of wiry souls, they kept bickering which frustrated her but she could not be bothered to say anything due to the fact of she would be able to live longer possibly if she stayed on every ones good side. She would just roll her eyes everything they would be a smart-arse to each other.
@GingerBread @Light @Embaga Elder (not sure if Abigail died yet or not, couldn't find it if she did)
GingerBread said:

Vance rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'll go grab the Medic, I'll meet you upstairs with him. Don't die, We're not married yet so I wouldn't be able to collect the life insurance." Vance smirked at Luna before turning to Inaro. "If Luna gets even slightly hurt, I'm blaming it all on you and you'll be the one being sacrificed. Got it? Good" He then turned around and jogging off down the hallway towards the room with Colin and Isabel, when he got in there he would explain the situation to them both.

@Light @Embaga Elder @GingerBread


"I-If they need our help I'm sure they'd a-ask. Th-they did know that it was night soon and that the Wendigos come out at night. S-So I'm sure they're fine"
Colin smiled reassuringly at Isabel but frowned when she mumbled to herself. "C-Care about who Isabel?"



"Why don't you want people to be cool and have cookies?! It's mean!" Maya frowned and looked around for something to defeat the mean GingerBread men. She smiled as she saw the Icing cannon before running over to it and shooting Icing towards the GingerBread men.

Adrianna backs away from Reed, she didn't like where this was going since she didn't understand his feelings towards her. "Um...Reed. Please rephrase your words, they sound more intimate than friendly. Which wasn't your intention....right?"

Gluttony sneaks off upstairs while he wouldn't be noticed. Luna races upstairs as well since the Wendigo was chained up.

Isabel was about to avoid Colin's question but Vance came in and began to explain the situation. "Colin...I need to get out of bed. I can handle that rift core."

Once Maya fired icing at the gingerbread men, they fell backward. They were stuck on the floor due to the icing. "You saved us Maya! Now how do we get the cookies out of the vault?"
Light said:
Adrianna backs away from Reed, she didn't like where this was going since she didn't understand his feelings towards her. "Um...Reed. Please rephrase your words, they sound more intimate than friendly. Which wasn't your intention....right?"
Gluttony sneaks off upstairs while he wouldn't be noticed. Luna races upstairs as well since the Wendigo was chained up.

Isabel was about to avoid Colin's question but Vance came in and began to explain the situation. "Colin...I need to get out of bed. I can handle that rift core."

Once Maya fired icing at the gingerbread men, they fell backward. They were stuck on the floor due to the icing. "You saved us Maya! Now how do we get the cookies out of the vault?"
Reed scratched his head. "No I guess not. I'm just glad your my friend is all. It gets lonely out there." He said clearly not telling the truth. He knew it was a bad idea and just fell to lay down. "I guess we just wait. Wake me up when we come back." He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
Vance And Colin

"O-Okay then, well lets go then" Colin smiled at Isabel and offered her his hand to help her out of the bed. "I-I'm not against helping people anyway. E-Especially if they're in danger"

"Come on, we need to get going. I mean we're not really on a time limit, but I will kill you if we take too long. So you know" Vance motioned towards the door. "But I'm going to go now, meet everyone upstairs. Oh and, here's a free charge" He snapped his fingers and charged up Colin and then charged up Isabel.

@Light @GingerBread


"I know!" Maya walked up to the Vault door. "Open sesame!" She threw her arms out in front of her and wiggled her fingers. When the vault door didn't open, she frowned and let her arms drop to her side. Maya thought for a moment before her face lit up with a smile. She jumped up and landed with her right foot only just behind her left foot and threw her arms out in front of her and wiggled her fingers again. "Open Sesame!"

Vance if you leave and Luna gets hurt it'll be your fault since you couldn't suck up your pride and take the safe route allowing me to carry you upstairs. He activated his powers and walks closer. But it doesn't matter. He grabs Raz placing her over his left shoulder and Jayn on his right. Everyone else please refrain from dying. He said before running up the stair. While August and Cole run up the stairs in front of him.

Crimson turned towards Adriana and Reed. Y'all two have fun in the land of the living. I'm not taking the offer. I can't bring myself to do it. He sits down on the ground and lays back. Plus I feel like I'm not actually dead anyway.

@Tazmodo @Light @LokiofSP @GingerBread @MTchaos1134
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Derek was upstairs with Jasmine. He was still on the map tracking everyone. He couldn't see threats but he could see the reactions the people had. He knew something was wrong but he wasn't going to leave Jasmine due to her perfect bait power. Athena was also there. Derek had tracked her down and taken her here after seeing where the group was going. He saw Inaro. "More Wendigo's. If so Athena has sword and shield manipulation if it'll help."

Athena stood up. "I'm ready if you need me."
Tazmodo said:
Reed scratched his head. "No I guess not. I'm just glad your my friend is all. It gets lonely out there." He said clearly not telling the truth. He knew it was a bad idea and just fell to lay down. "I guess we just wait. Wake me up when we come back." He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
GingerBread said:
Vance And Colin
"O-Okay then, well lets go then" Colin smiled at Isabel and offered her his hand to help her out of the bed. "I-I'm not against helping people anyway. E-Especially if they're in danger"

"Come on, we need to get going. I mean we're not really on a time, but I will kill you if we take too long. So you know" Vance motioned towards the door. "But I'm going to go now, meet everyone upstairs. Oh and, here's a free charge" He snapped his fingers and charged up Colin and then charged up Isabel.

@Light @GingerBread


"I know!" Maya walked up to the Vault door. "Open sesame!" She threw her arms out in front of her and wiggled her fingers. When the vault door didn't open, she frowned and let her arms drop to her side. Maya thought for a moment before her face lit up with a smile. She jumped up and landed with her right foot only just behind her left foot and threw her arms out in front of her and wiggled her fingers again. "Open Sesame!"

MTchaos1134 said:
Râz thinks for a moment."What do you think is going haen after all this? Are we just going to go back to whatever we were doing, and just not really talk to eachother? Or do you think we can all form a new group?"
Tazmodo said:
Derek was upstairs with Jasmine. He was still on the map tracking everyone. He couldn't see threats but he could see the reactions the people had. He knew something was wrong but he wasn't going to leave Jasmine due to her perfect bait power. Athena was also there. Derek had tracked her down and taken her here after seeing where the group was going. He saw Inaro. "More Wendigo's. If so Athena has sword and shield manipulation if it'll help."
Athena stood up. "I'm ready if you need me."
Adrianna turns to Crimson, and obvious frown on her face. "Is there anything you'd like me to do for you? Deliver a message?"

"Um...I still can't walk very well so can one of you carry me on your back?" Isabel felt bad for asking but it was the only way she could get out of this room.

Luna had set down 5 triangles on the large circular symbol on the ground. All they needed was someone who would sacrifice their life for the others to stand there. Luna turns to Raz once he speaks and looks around at the group of people around them. "You know what...you're right. I haven't been in the guilds affairs much but do any of you know who the previous guild leader of Dragon's Roar was? If so then this group could be reformed. Also a side note.. we still need a sacrifice."

( @GingerBread )

Temperance tilted her head and squinted. That's when the idea hit her and made her mouth the word oh. The next time Maya says open sesame the lock would break. Maya would be able to pull the vault door open.
Light said:
Adrianna turns to Crimson, and obvious frown on her face. "Is there anything you'd like me to do for you? Deliver a message?"
"Um...I still can't walk very well so can one of you carry me on your back?" Isabel felt bad for asking but it was the only way she could get out of this room.

Luna had set down 5 triangles on the large circular symbol on the ground. All they needed was someone who would sacrifice their life for the others to stand there. Luna turns to Raz once he speaks and looks around at the group of people around them. "You know what...you're right. I haven't been in the guilds affairs much but do any of you know who the previous guild leader of Dragon's Roar was? If so then this group could be reformed. Also a side note.. we still need a sacrifice."

( @GingerBread )

Temperance tilted her head and squinted. That's when the idea hit her and made her mouth the word oh. The next time Maya says open sesame the lock would break. Maya would be able to pull the vault door open.
"I think it was Isabel, and we should try that bird wendigo before one of us sacrifice ourselves." He said facing Luna, he might sacrifice himself if no one else was willing.
Vance and Colin

Vance was just about to walk out the room when he heard what Isabel said. He rolled his eyes and walked over towards Isabel before picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder. "If I die because I'm carrying you, I won't be happy" Vance then turned to Colin. "Follow behind me, if there's a wendigo then create a forcefield. Got it?" Vance turned to the door and began walking to where everyone else was.

Colin was about to offer to Carry Isabel, but Vance had already started carrying Isabel before he could. When Vance told him to stick behind him and create a forcefield if any wendigos were near, he nodded.
"O-Okay, I can do that" Colin smiled at Isabel and Vance as he followed behind them to where everyone else was.



Maya frowned when it didn't work and screeched her arms as far out in front of her as she could, still wiggling her fingers. "Come onnn! I said Open Sesame!" Maya let her head droop towards the ground, but when she heard a loud click her head shot up. She ran over ot the vault with a smile on her face as she began pulling the door open.

MTchaos1134 said:
"I think it was Isabel, and we should try that bird wendigo before one of us sacrifice ourselves." He said facing Luna, he might sacrifice himself if no one else was willing.
GingerBread said:
Vance and Colin
Vance was just about to walk out the room when he heard what Isabel said. He rolled his eyes and walked over towards Isabel before picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder. "If I die because I'm carrying you, I won't be happy" Vance then turned to Colin. "Follow behind me, if there's a wendigo then create a forcefield. Got it?" Vance turned to the door and began walking to where everyone else was.

Colin was about to offer to Carry Isabel, but Vance had already started carrying Isabel before he could. When Vance told him to stick behind him and create a forcefield if any wendigos were near, he nodded.
"O-Okay, I can do that" Colin smiled at Isabel and Vance as he followed behind them to where everyone else was.



Maya frowned when it didn't work and screeched her arms as far out in front of her as she could, still wiggling her fingers. "Come onnn! I said Open Sesame!" Maya let her head droop towards the ground, but when she heard a loud click her head shot up. She ran over ot the vault with a smile on her face as she began pulling the door open.

"Yes but how would we get a Wendigo up here? What makes you think sacrificing a Wendigo would work? Have you thought about it not working? We'd have to deal with it afterwards if it didn't."

The Wendigo seemed to be surrounding the house at this moment. The bird like Wendigo had finally opened its eyes at this moment as well.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/d446de287c6a30714de8af90448f3c5b.jpg.89b6bee077093e2d089f279770995fb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/d446de287c6a30714de8af90448f3c5b.jpg.89b6bee077093e2d089f279770995fb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/565d278246397f82cc302cd7f7edd0ea.jpg.c2852df3fca78c3746278e5ed3626cc9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/565d278246397f82cc302cd7f7edd0ea.jpg.c2852df3fca78c3746278e5ed3626cc9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/6ee98bb369ad9b38996235576112e2ab.jpg.c150493fcc3893f55d383ddf7f9a31bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/6ee98bb369ad9b38996235576112e2ab.jpg.c150493fcc3893f55d383ddf7f9a31bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/07a7af342c6b8ad58425d55f0e2e1b80.jpg.2af9abf52e682b8fe7dc1d68007481dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/07a7af342c6b8ad58425d55f0e2e1b80.jpg.2af9abf52e682b8fe7dc1d68007481dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e04f1fcfbe10dcb8519d6d9ae756b509.jpg.173eada89d2abd0b05b88985dfb52a91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e04f1fcfbe10dcb8519d6d9ae756b509.jpg.173eada89d2abd0b05b88985dfb52a91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/c89356d49d8be448420a07a201358440.jpg.5f58e955822650701a03aeba9a9d7525.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/c89356d49d8be448420a07a201358440.jpg.5f58e955822650701a03aeba9a9d7525.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

All 8 Wendigo had arrived and we're ready to kill, they screech and begin to burst into the cabin.

( @GingerBread )

Once Maya opens the vault, billions of cookies burst out and overtake them. Temperance catches Maya as they burst out the castle riding on a large wave of cookies. The cookies run down the mountian and flood the town as everyone cheers happily.



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